Top 8 Apps Similar to Trustable by Bluebox

Avira Vulnerability Checker 1.2
Avira Vulnerability Checker will testyourdevice for the “OneClassToRuleThemAll” CVE-2015-3825 –AndroidSerialization Vulnerability.
Trust Manager by Bluebox 1.0
Trust Manager by Bluebox allows users tomanagethe roots of trust (certificate authorities, or CAs)installed ontheir Android devices. For more information about theroots of truston your device: application can be used on rooted or non-rooted devices:- Devices with root access/SuperSu can manage (disabled/enable)thecertificate authorities directly from the application- Devices without root access can still examine the certificatesontheir device and view the certificate authorities and whichgroupsthose CAs are placed inNOTE: If your device does not have root access you can stillmanagethe CAs on your device, but you will need to disable/enableeachone manually via Settings -> Security -> TrustedCredentialsand then click each cert and use the "Disable"/"Enable"button thatappears for each CA.
Bluebox Security Scanner 2.6
July 2014: Now includes scanning for FakeIDvulnerability!The Bluebox Security Scanner will scan your devicetodetermine:- If your system is vulnerable or patched to any of the "Fake ID"or"Master Key" security flaws affecting most Android devices- If your system settings allow 'Untrusted Sources'applicationinstalls- If any installed application on your device is tryingtomaliciously take advantage of any of the 'Master Key'securityflaws
Further details of the Android "Fake ID" and "Master Key"securityflaws are available at:- addressing a vulnerability requires three steps:1) Google produces a generic code fix2) Android phone manufacturers then incorporate that fix intoafirmware update for various phones3) Carriers then distribute the final update, which ensuresyourphone is safeAs regards Fake ID, Google has provided the generic code fixtothe phone manufacturers who are working with the carrierstodistribute the updates. This scanner will help track whenthatfinally happens. Alternatively, contact customer support atyourphone manufacturer or carrier a realtime update.
BlueBox 4.4.0
ControlPoint is a business specialising in asset integrityandhasdeveloped a portfolio of technology-led products tofacilitatethecapture, transfer and storage of different types ofdata fromsite(including electrofusion) The BlueBox app allows forthetransferof electrofusion and buttfusion joint data and worksinconjunctionwith the BlueBox itself; a device that is fitted toafusioncontrol box. Using Bluetooth connectivity, the BlueBoxwillbepaired with the device through the use of theBlueBoxapp.Operators are guided through the user-friendly processon boththecontrol box display screen and the app. To provideanaccuratepicture of the joint installation quality that isbeingproduced,the BlueBox system is closely integrated with thecontrolbox,meaning that each weld cycle has to be instigated bythecapture ofat least one photo. Through the BlueBox app and theGPRSconnectionon the device, all data is instantly sent totheJointManagerwebsite; a secure and easily accessible onlinestoragefacility.Using this integrated, ‘real time’ systemallowsindustrycontractors to make well-informed judgements ontheirjointinstallations prior to the point that they are buried.
Stop Procrastination
This app is a self-hypnosis audio programtohelp you overcome the urge to procrastinate. Andrew Johnson isaClinical Hypnotherapist based in Ayrshire on the West CoastofScotland. His best selling range of Self Help CDs programshavehelped thousands regain control over addictions and badhabitualbehaviour.
Subliminal Messages Lite 2.3.29
Unlock the power of your subconscious with our subliminalmessagesapp!
Mind Control 1.0
Sevin Sixes
A subliminal message is a signal ormessagedesigned to pass below the normal limits of what yousee.Huge companies and the government are obsessed withsubliminalmessages. Studies have been done to find out this is apowerfulsource for mind control.Take control of your own brain. Send your brain messages overandover again. This will give you the ability to receive what youarelooking for. It will help you on your journey. This is similartothe book call "the secret".if you keep telling yourself youaregoing to do something. It will be done. If you keeptellingyourself you are going to lose weight. Then you will loseweight.Send your brain those signals. Then watch the results.
Subliminal Stimuli 1.0
How it will work & whats its Impact !!Under setting You can set time in current day , as when youwantto see the sequence of message blinking on the screen. you cansetthe frequency and duration of both text message as well as imagetomotivate you as well as promote your mind to .The application will be running in the background and from timetotime it will show up a short subliminal message with a highimpacton your mind. You may notice it or not but your mindwill.Be patient, it will need some time to transform your mind, soitwill keep your life healthy. Do not lose faith, stay positiveandgo for better life!Features:- Write any set of text message or motivational message- Post pictures , motivational, friends to remember them- Set frequency which define the time gap of the messagewillappear- Duration which define how much time it will displaying onthescreen- works anywhere - in apps, games, etc.- colored boxes fit every mood and situation- tested with psychologists- results in less than 2 months of only using your phone- works across all phones and tablets- you can change message duration- you can change font sizeClient testimonial"I love this. This application remind me that I do not wanttoeat what I used to. I feel much better!" --- VijaySubliminal stimuli ( Source Wikepedia (c) )Subliminal stimuli literally contrary to supraliminal stimulior"above threshold", are any sensory stimuli below anindividual'sthreshold for conscious perception.EffectivenessThe effectiveness in subliminal messaging has been demonstratedtoprime individual responses and stimulate mild emotionalactivity.Applications, however, often base themselves on thepersuasivenessof the message. Importantly, research on actionpriming has shownthat subliminal stimuli can trigger only thoseactions that oneplans to perform anyway: an action can be triggeredsubliminallyonly if the person already has the specific intentionto performthis specific action.The following sections have moreinformationon specific studies in which the effectiveness ofsubliminalstimuli are investigated.Method Category1)Objective threshold2)Subjective threshold3)Direct and Indirect measures