Top 22 Apps Similar to Guitar Chord譜 簡譜易

BangTabs - guitar tab service 1.0.1
Vapeam Inc.
BANGTABS is the world's most numeroustabsAPPand totally free charge of guitar tab service, nowavailableacrossthe whole world. With BANGTABS, you can learn,practice andplayyour favorite songs at anytime and anywhere.BANGTABS has bring to you the following features:- With bringing OVER 1,000,000 community tabsforguitarplayers- Amazing user-friendly interface and awesome sound quality- Use tabs as backing tracks to play along withyourfavoritesongs- Change the song's tempo to practice at a comfortable speed- Adding your favorite tabs even offline- Simplicity and beautifully rendered interactivetablatures,withselectable tracks.- Totally free charge for fully interactive guitar tabs- And many more features expecting your discoveryBANGTABS was born for all of those guitar playerswhohavepassions and love in music. And also we're always eagertoimproveyour experience in BANGTABS! If you have any bug reportsorfeaturerequests, please feel free to contact usat[[email protected]]and every single of your feedbacks willbeseriously taken.
MeeComposer 3.3
MeeComposer is a musical composition app to compose withnumberedmusical notations. Its Intuitive user interface enablesmusicbeginners to get started easily, finishing pitch input,beatdecision, chord edition, to image file output all at once. Comeandjoin the group of playing music starting from this app!MeeComposerPro can generate chords through computational melodyanalysis onmusical notes. Please do not miss it!
Note Trainer 6.0
Note tutor teaches you to read notes, sight-reading, learning notes
Guitarians | 結他Chord譜 1.4.0
Guitarians official mobile app ✓ automatic turn Key, turnCAPO✓Chord table ✓ Favorites function -Bookmark ✓ score list-Playlist✓ song video
陶笛图形简谱 1.0.3
快乐123(发音:快乐 DOREMI)是制作陶笛图形简谱的网站(网址。陶笛非常容易入门,几乎5分钟就可以用6孔陶笛吹会《祝你生日快乐》。快乐123给大家提供了陶笛图形简谱,对于刚入门,甚至不懂乐理的业余音乐爱好者很有帮助,对着图形谱练习几首自己喜爱的曲谱,陶笛吹奏方法和乐感都自然地GET。快乐123的谱子可以完美地在iPad、Mac、PC、Android、iPhone等设备上全屏展示。收录的谱子有100多首经典曲谱,如:天空之城故乡的原风景丽泉乡念故乡红河谷送别友谊地久天长月亮代表我的心美丽的神话星月神话义勇军进行曲祝你生日快乐……Happy 123(pronounce:Happy DO RE MI) is to produce a graphical notationOcarina website(URL: is very easy to get started, you can use almost 5 minutes6hole Ocarina will blow, "Happy Birthday to You."Happy 123 everyone Ocarina provides a graphical notation forjustgetting started,Not even know music theory amateur music lovers helpful, facingthefirst of several graphical spectrum practice their favoritemusicscores,Ocarina playing methods and musicality are naturally GET.Happy music score 123 perfectly in iPad, the Mac, PC,Android,iPhone and other equipment in full screen display.Included music score more than 100 classic scores, such as:Castle in the SkyHome of the original landscapeLai Spring TownshipRead HometownRed River Valleyfarewellfriendship all way longthe moon represents my heartA beautiful mythXingyue mythAnthemHappy Birthday......
有谱么 - 吉他, 尤克里里的随身谱 3.19a
还在手机上看图片格式的谱子?字体太小?缩放不方便?看看别的小伙伴们都在用什么吧!有谱么助您跟图片谱说再见。功能一览:- 每天更新的谱友分享社区,数千首谱子等您收藏- 自适应的曲谱排版,避免图片谱字体小、缩放带来的各种不便- 简单好用的网页版编辑器助您分分钟出谱 ( 无需注册,微博登录自动同步曲谱- 曲谱缓存,无网络照样读谱- 内置和弦图功能,让小白也能读谱- 曲谱转调显示,把握自己的KEY- 支持打印、下载谱子,更支持微信、朋友圈、微博分享怎么样,准备好整理您的个人乐谱珍藏了么?新瓶装旧酒,行动起来将您的乐谱活页夹电子化,变成漂亮规范的谱子,然后下载到手机日夜为伴,长相厮守。手中有谱,心中才有谱。让有谱么成为您随身的乐谱书!网址: http://yoopu.me博客:邮箱: [email protected]微博:微信公众号:yoopumeMobile music scorealsoviewed image format? Font is too small? Zoom convenient? Lookatwhat other small partners are using it! There spectrum it helpsyouwith the picture Spectrum say goodbye.Features at a glance:- Updated daily spectrum Friends sharing community, and sothousandsof your favorite music score first- Adaptive scores typesetting, avoid small font imagespectrum,various zoom inconvenience- Simple and easy Web version editor to help you every minute ofthespectrum ( No registration, Weibo login automaticallysynchronizedscores- Scores cache, no network can still read music- Built-in polyphonic FIG function, so white can read music- Transpose scores show, seize their own KEY- Support for printing, downloading music score, more supportformicro-letters, circle of friends, WeiboHow, ready to organize your personal sheet music collectionofit? New wine in old bottles, act your score Binderelectronic,become pretty standard music score, and then downloadedto thephone day and night, as partners, to stay together.Hands of a spectrum, hearts have spectrum. Let spectrum ofwhathas become your portable music books!Website: http://yoopu.meBlog: [email protected]: public number: yoopume
行動歌譜(大約在冬季),讓你隨時可以唱歌或彈奏樂器。 1.0
此一行動歌譜App使用時,會自動將歌譜慢慢帶過行動裝置的螢幕,可手動調整速度、暫停、往前往後搜尋,也可以放大或縮小歌譜以適應不同解析度的行動裝置,可選擇單次播放或重複播放。最具創意的是此App活用了每部行動裝置都內備的加速感測器功能,當行動裝置傾斜時會改變歌譜移動的速度,因此如果將行動裝置附著於手臂上或樂器上,就可現場機動微調歌譜移動的速度,以配合演唱者或演奏者的速度。無論您在任何場合,如夜晚、光線不良場所、狹窄位置、野外、風景區、臨時的客社交場合,都不會讓你因沒有歌譜無法發揮天賦而洩氣.此一行動歌譜App發揮了行動App的精髓,『一鍵搞定』,每首歌譜都是單一的App,沒有繁瑣複雜傷人腦筋耗人時間的搜集、剪裁、設定、儲存等鳥事,只要將喜歡的歌曲的歌譜App搜集好,就萬事OK了!行動歌譜App使用說明1 在手機上從play商店下載免費”行動歌譜”App至手機上,每首歌譜都是單獨一個App。2 將手機平放在桌上,開啟行動歌譜App,App畫面上會顯示一排按鈕。3 按開始鈕 ,歌譜即會從右至左開始移動,再按停止鈕 即可完全停止。4 按暫停鈕 可暫停移動,按繼續鈕 會繼續移動。5 按縮小放大鈕 可改變字體大小,字體以小為佳,因為可以看到較長的歌譜。6 按單次重複鈕 ,可單次或重複播放歌譜,通常設定為單次。7.按加快鈕 能讓速度加快,按減慢鈕 能讓速度減慢,左邊有顯示移動速度的數字 。8.歌譜暫停時,按往後 、往前鈕 可讓靜止歌譜往後或往前移動。9.歌譜暫停時,有的歌譜APP會有一個3秒延遲繼續鈕 (有些較舊的APP則無)。設定適當的歌譜移動速度1. 將手機平放於桌上,在手機上開啟想彈奏的行動歌譜APP。2. 按放大、縮小鈕設定好喜歡的字體(小字體為佳)。3. 按開始鈕,以吉他彈奏,按加快或減慢鈕,以調節歌譜移動速度,移動速度顯示於左上方 。4. 調至適當速度後,即可將手機夾持於移調手機夾上,移調夾依調性夾於吉他上(C調時夾於吉他上弦枕上,不可夾到吉他弦)。5. 於自然適當的姿勢握持住吉他(吉他琴頭須有上下搖動的餘裕)。6. 按下無控鈕 (會變傾控鈕 ),吉他靜止不要動2秒鐘,手機會自動設定好傾斜控制機制。7. 吉他彈奏時,琴部下搖歌譜速度會加快,上搖時速度會減慢,以此方法控制歌譜移動與彈奏速度配合。8.歌譜APP不使用時,只要按手機上之返回鍵,就會將設定的速度及字體大小保存於檔案內,下次使用時不必再設定(如有更改欲保存時,結束時也需按返回鍵,如不保存則按HOME鍵,便不會更改)。購買移調手機夾的客戶,如在行動歌譜App找不到歌譜,可將一首喜愛的吉他和弦簡譜圖檔Email至[email protected],我將免費製作歌譜App並置於play商店免費讓大家下載。(僅限一首)
Guitar Tabs X 4.55
Guitar Tabs X
Professional guitar tabs editor. Save as PDF or MIDI. Guitartabs,bass, ukulele
91譜 0.9.1
19-Chords 流行曲和弦譜 1.2
Busking和自彈自唱必備的和弦譜App,為提供過千份廣東歌的和弦譜。為你全面對準和弦與歌詞,不用擔心對位看不懂的問題。可以輕鬆放大縮小內容,方便不同大小的行動裝置使用。定期更新內容,緊貼樂壇,讓你隨時隨地彈自己想彈的歌。清晰的分類及介面讓你尋譜過程更快、更有系統。主要功能如下:- 提供簡單而準確的和弦譜,讓你從此不用比較網上各種版本的和弦譜。- 免費的求譜服務,我們用最快的時間,回應你對不同歌曲的需求。- 「我的最愛」功能,讓你珍藏自己喜歡的歌,一按就找到。我們將逐步升級及更新功能。如有任何意見及技術支援,我們很樂意聆聽和解答,歡迎留言給我們。Busking chords andsingthenecessary spectrum App, to provide more than a thousandcopiesofGuangdong song chord sheet.You fully aligned with chords and lyrics, do not worry aboutbitsdonot understand the question.Content can easily zoom, easy to use mobile devicesofdifferentsizes.Regularly updated content, close to the music, let youplaywhereverthey want to play the song.Classification and clear interface allows you to findthespectrumprocess faster and more systematic.The main functions are as follows:- Provides simple and accurate chord spectrum, so that youdonotcompare the Internet from various versions of thechordsheet.- Free spectrum demand service, we use the fastest time,respondtoyour demand for different songs.- "My Favorites" feature lets you store your favoritesongs,oneclick to find.We will gradually upgrades and updates.If you have any advice and technical support, we will behappytolisten and answer, please leave a message to us.
Musical Note Pad Free 1.1.2
Jot down a song in standard musical notation and save it asMIDIfile.
Guitar Pro 1.7.4
Arobas Music
View, play and write sheet music & tablature
大作曲家(專業版) MeeComposer Pro 2.8.1
大作曲家(專業版) MeeComposerPro是一款編寫簡譜與自動推算產生和弦的作曲App,是您寫歌與作曲的最佳幫手。直覺化的操作介面,即使是音樂初學者也可以輕鬆上手,從輸入音高、決定節拍、編輯和弦、到輸出成簡譜圖檔一次搞定。就從這個 App 開始一起加入玩音樂的行列吧!!
Guitar Chords Free 1.07
The chord finder - the simplest application to find andlistenguitar chords.
Guitar Lessons for beginner 2.9.11
Manomaya SA
Guitar Lessons for beginner (Coach Guitar):Learn to play guitar with your Android device (Samsung, Nokia,SonyXperia, HTC etc.). This easy to use guitar app for androidwillshow you how to play popular songs without music theory.The app shows you a video of the song played by a guitarist,bothhands are filmed in High Definition and a virtual guitar neckisshown at the same time. On the guitar neck you will seecoloreddots that represents your finger, the only thing you haverto do isto reproduce the motion displayed on the screen, you'll beplayingfull songs in no time !The black fretboard represents your guitar. The coloreddotsrepresent your fingers. The dots will show you where to putyourfingers and which strings to strum.GUITAR LESSONS for beginner included in this version(CoachGuitar)** Basics For Beginners 1** Highway To Hell (Riff) - AC/DCGUITAR LESSONS for beginner Library (Coach Guitar)- "Back in Black" by AC/DC- "No Woman No Cry" by Bob Marley- "Tears in Heaven" by Eric Clapton- "Sweet Home Alabama" by Lynyrd Skynyrd- "Dust in The Wind" by Kansas- "Hotel California" by Eagles- "Nothing Else Matter" by Metallica- "Yesterday" by Beatles- "Knockin' On Heavens Door" by Gun's N' Roses- Blues guitar lessons for beginners- Rock guitar lessons for beginners- Folk guitar lessons for beginners- etc...FEATURES included in Coach Guitar for Android Devices* No music theory* Learn to play popular songs* Videos lessons (HD)* Animated color-coded Fretboard* Slow motion and Loop* Step-by-Step approach by professionals* Left-Handed or Right-Handed views* Backing track with voice* Structure and chords diagramReviews :« Superb App - Great Guitar Lessons forbeginnerapp! »« Great app - This is an awesome little app to helpbeginnersand intermediate player learn there favoritesongs »« Great app. Easy to learn - Clear instructions.Goodsound »« Beginners get this app! - I have never touched aguitarbefore getting this app, learnt my first song in less than aweek!Definitely for beginners . »« Huge - Simply the best way to learnGuitarLessons! »Languages in Guitar lessons for beginner (Coach Guitar) :English,Spanish, French, German, Italian, Brazilian/Portuguese,Japanese,Korean, Chinese, RussianWeb : http://www.coachguitar.comTwitter :| : available for iOS:
Tab Pro 4.0.3
Learn, practice and play your favoritesongson guitar anytime, anywhere.Get instant access to 250,000 interactive tabs withplaybackand multiple instrument tracks. View favorite tabs andcreateplaylists even offline. Get free daily catalog updates withlatestmusic releases.Tab Pro allows you to:► Hear how the song is supposed to sound while learning it► Learn how to play every instrument part of the song (guitar,bass,drums etc)► Use tablatures as backing tracks to play along withyourfavorite songs► Follow chord progressions and view chords and notes onvirtualfretboard► Change the song's tempo to practice at acomfortablespeed► Access tabs on computer, phone or tablet► Sync your subscription and favorite tabs across devicesandplatforms using single accountWe strive for excellence and we're always eager to improve yourTabPro experience! Please do not post bug reports or featurerequestsin a Google Play review. Let us help you in person -contactdevelopment team [email protected] andyour feedback will beheard.New: Editors' collectionCollections of hand selected songs edited and fine tunedtoperfection from professional guitarists for guitarists. Songsfromcollections chosen specifically for particular moments suchasgetting the party started or camping out in nature so youalwayshave the perfect playlist ready at hand. Or focus onguitartechniques with professionally picked songs. With newcollectionsreleased every Friday, endless possibilities for momentsareavailable for you.
Songsterr Guitar Tabs & Chords 5.14.6
800,000 guitar, bass, and drum tabs & chords withinteractiveplayer
钢琴谱大全2.3 4.3
一款集找钢琴谱、识谱、互动、交流于一体的钢琴学习平台,也是目前最方便最美观的五线谱浏览器。内含数万首精选钢琴谱,不管你是喜欢弹古典,还是弹流行,都能一键找到你喜欢的乐谱,并与众多网友和专家进行学习和交流,迅速提升钢琴演奏水平。由蛐蛐钢琴网(开发。1. 含目前网络上几乎所有的钢琴谱,上万首乐谱一键播放2. 一键发布,您可以将自己的乐谱轻松发布到网络与所有人共享3. 网络收藏功能,从任何一台联网的电脑都可以打开自己的收藏4. 高质量五线谱显示,可缩放,杜绝锯齿5. 虚拟琴键模拟演奏,带按键和指法提示6. 支持绝大部分演奏记号和标记7. 方便的播放控制,可任意定位、逐音符、逐小节、逐段落播放8. 任意设置AB重复,以达到精练局部段落的作用9. 任意移调,可以在12个音阶中任意移调,特别适合那些只会弹C调(全部白键)的朋友10. 音轨设置,可单独设置音轨的颜色和音量
Guitar Chords and Lyrics
Jellynote Guitar Chords is the easiest waytofind chords and lyrics for your favorite songs.With Jellynote chords and lyrics, you have a direct accesstothousands of songs with video covers.Easy learning: we are making music learning fun &inspiringthanks to the helping tools we developed.★ User-Friendly features:• Huge catalogue from the most classic songs to the latesthits!Free daily updates• Chords Diagram for each song• Advanced Search Engine• Filter by genre: Rock / Metal / Pop / Folk / Electronic / Soul/Hip-Hop / Reggae / Jazz / Soundtrack / Classical• Filter by Artists• Offline access to your songbooks and your favorite songs• Synchronize your favorite songs with yourjellynote.comaccount• History to find very easily what you have already played• Share with your friends your chords & lyrics★ Chords & Lyrics features• Great Tuner• Chords Library to find any chord and see how you can playit• You have for each song the different chord charts withfingerspositions• Auto-scroll to scroll automatically the chords & lyricsthespeed you want• Transpose Chords to sing in your own vocal range• Cover videos from YouTube★ About Jellynote :Jellynote is a 3 years startup aiming to make music learningandplaying easier. We are developing tools to create the verybestexperience for users from beginners to experts.We are also extremely attentive to our user satisfaction feelfreeto contact our support whenever you find a bug or haveaquestion!♪ NOW, JOIN US ! ♪★ Contacts :Site Web : https://www.Jellynote.comFacebook : : @JellynoteInstagram : @Jellynote
Chord Guitar Full Offline 10.10.20230501
Guitar chords and lyrics complete collections fullofflineapplication
GuitarTapp PRO - Tabs & Chords 2.9.9
8:45 Tools
Visit if you have UI size problems in theapp!
MalayOLGA - Guitar Chords 1.0
#1 source for guitar tabs and chords of Malaysian music.