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福尔摩斯全集(簡繁體) 1.1
系统支持背景、字体大小、字体颜色设置,支持自动打开上一次阅读画面。本书收录了福尔摩斯全集的简繁体:《冒险史》《四签名》《回忆录》《失去的世界》《巴斯克维尔的猎犬》《归来记》《恐怖谷》《新探案》《最后的致意》《福尔摩斯东方探案》《福尔摩斯探案续集》《血字的研究》歇洛克•福尔摩斯(SherlockHolmes,又译作夏洛克•福尔摩斯),是一个虚构的侦探人物,是由19世纪末的英国侦探小说家阿瑟•柯南•道尔所塑造的一个才华横溢的侦探形象。福尔摩斯自己称自己是一名“咨询侦探”,也就是说当其他私人或官方侦探遇到困难时常常向他求救。大部分故事都集中讲述一些比较困难、需要福尔摩斯出门调查的案子。福尔摩斯善于通过观察与演绎法来解决问题。柯南•道尔是从自己见习于爱丁堡皇家医院时一名善于观察的老师的身上获得灵感,创造了福尔摩斯这一人物的。系統支援背景、字體大小、字體顏色設置,支援自動打開上一次閱讀畫面。本書收錄了福爾摩斯全集的簡繁體:《冒險史》《四簽名》《回憶錄》《失去的世界》《巴斯克維爾的獵犬》《歸來記》《恐怖穀》《新探案》《最後的致意》《福爾摩斯東方探案》《福爾摩斯探案續集》《血字的研究》歇洛克•福爾摩斯(SherlockHolmes,又譯作夏洛克•福爾摩斯),是一個虛構的偵探人物,是由19世紀末的英國偵探小說家亞瑟•柯南•道爾所塑造的一個才華橫溢的偵探形象。福爾摩斯自己稱自己是一名“諮詢偵探”,也就是說當其他私人或官方偵探遇到困難時常常向他求救。大部分故事都集中講述一些比較困難、需要福爾摩斯出門調查的案子。福爾摩斯善於通過觀察與演繹法來解決問題。柯南•道爾是從自己見習於愛丁堡皇家醫院時一名善於觀察的老師的身上獲得靈感,創造了福爾摩斯這一人物的。The systemsupportsbackground, font size, font color settings, supportforautomatically opens the last read screen.  This book contains the complete works of JaneHolmesEnglish:  "Adventure History"  "The Sign of Four"  "Memoirs"  "Lost World"  "The Hound of the Baskervilles"  "Comeback"  "Uncanny Valley"  "The new Holmes"  "Last tribute"  "Sherlock Holmes Orient"  "Sherlock Holmes sequel."  "A Study in Scarlet."  • Sherlock Holmes (Sherlock Holmes, also translated•Sherlock Holmes), is a fictional detective character, by thelate19th century British detective novelist Arthur • • ConanDoyleshaped by a brilliant detective image. Holmes himself said hewas a"consulting detective", that is, when other private orofficialdetectives often encounter difficulties to him for help.Moststories focus on some of the more difficult, requiring Holmesoutinvestigation case. Holmes good through observation anddeductionto solve the problem. • Conan Doyle from his novitiate atEdinburghRoyal Infirmary when an observant teacher who was inspiredtocreate the character of Sherlock Holmes.  System supports background, font size, fontcolorsettings, support automatically open the last readscreen.  This book contains the complete works of JaneHolmesEnglish:  "Adventure History"  "The Sign of Four"  "Memoirs"  "Lost World"  "The Hound of the Baskervilles"  "Comeback"  "Uncanny Valley"  "The new Holmes"  "Last tribute"  "Sherlock Holmes Orient"  "Sherlock Holmes sequel."  "A Study in Scarlet."  • Sherlock Holmes (Sherlock Holmes, also translated•Sherlock Holmes), is a fictional detective character, by thelate19th century British detective novelist Arthur • • ConanDoyleshaped by a brilliant detective image. Holmes himself said hewas a"consulting detective", that is, when other private orofficialdetectives often encounter difficulties to him for help.Moststories focus on some of the more difficult, requiring Holmesoutinvestigation case. Holmes good through observation anddeductionto solve the problem. • Conan Doyle from his novitiate atEdinburghRoyal Infirmary when an observant teacher who was inspiredtocreate the character of Sherlock Holmes.
Adventures of Sherlock Holmes 1.0
The Adventures of Sherlock Holmesisacollection of twelve short stories by Arthur ConanDoyle,featuringhis fictional detective Sherlock Holmes. The storiesarenot inchronological order, and the only characters common toalltwelveare Holmes and Dr. Watson. As with all but four oftheSherlockHolmes stories, those contained within The AdventuresofSherlockHolmes are told by a first-person narrative from thepointof viewof Dr. Watson. In general the stories in The AdventuresofSherlockHolmes identify, and try to correct, socialinjustices.Holmes isportrayed as offering a new, fairer senseofjustice.
Sherlock Holmes Books 1.1
Join Sherlock Holmes and Dr. John Watson's adventuresin19th-century London
Adventures of Sherlock Holmes 1.3
This is a collection of twelve stories about Mr. Sherlock Holmes.
Adventures of Sherlock Holmes 1.0
The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes is a collection oftwelvestoriesby Arthur Conan Doyle, featuring his famousdetectiveSherlockHolmes.These are the first of the Sherlock Holmesshortstories,originally published as single stories in theStrandMagazine fromJuly 1891 to June 1892. The book was publishedinEngland on 14October 1892 by George Newnes Ltd and in a USEditionon 15 Octoberby Harper. The initial combined print run was14,500copies.The 12 stories in this collection are:"A Scandal in Bohemia""The Adventure of the Red-Headed League""A Case of Identity""The Boscombe Valley Mystery""The Five Orange Pips""The Man with the Twisted Lip""The Adventure of the Blue Carbuncle""The Adventure of the Speckled Band""The Adventure of the Engineer's Thumb""The Adventure of the Noble Bachelor""The Adventure of the Beryl Coronet""The Adventure of the Copper Beeches"