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DEWA: The Social Verse App 2.4
ATTENTION Gmail users, please check your SPAM folder fortheactivation URL to activate your Dewa account. DEWA standsforDynamic Ecosystem of the World Alliance and is founded byFairySuryana back in the year 1995 in New York, USA. Dewa is usedto bea nations based search engine and now it's the world's firstsocialverse app and a big data that not only blockchain-ready butalsodecentralized and democratic. The platform reflects reallifeaspects and real-world global activities from every nation suchastravelling, social networking, preserving culture &traditions,buying & selling, political rallies, culinary aswell asbeliefs. Dewa is a new game-changing idea and an excitingnew trendon social networking. Just like an online forum, Dewaconsists ofadmins & moderators. We call them presidents,governor, mayor,minister, ambassador & other govermentofficials. Dewamoderated by men and women from different nationswho chose to bethe government or parliament and got elected by themembers orcitizen of Dewa on the election day. It's adecentralizedmoderation. Dewa is the next generation of socialnetwork of thepeople, by the people and for the people and a truedemocraticdecentralized social platform based on nations. It's sodynamic andfull with lots of passions or ambitions. It is unique,fun and canbe educational and if it grows as expected it can be aglobal hitthen become the new web as we know it.