Top 16 Games Similar to Superflavor

Windsurfing Training 1.00
With this application you will learnhowtoimprove your fitness and how to execute the mostcomplexboardstricks in freeride, wave boards, freestyle boards,slalomboardsand racing longboards..This application includes:- Windsurfing basics with the main information you needtostartpracticing this water sport.- Windsurfing tricks for beginners, with easy exercisestostartcontrolling your sail.- Intermediate and advanced tips for controlled flyingandjumpingand also board grabs tricks to execute the most famousrearhandgrabs as well as front hand grabs.- A selection of the best videos with the most popularmomentsinwindsurfingThis application is part of a group of sports trainingappssuchas football, tennis, paddle tennis,basketball,paddleboarding,martial arts, kung fu, judo, home gym,cricket,cycling,golf, scuba diving, kitesurfing, surfing andboxing.Download nowthis windsurfing training free app on yourmobile ortablet deviceto be a pro windsurfer.
Windsurf calculator 4.4.1
The exact calculation of the sail , boardandfin for amateur and professional riders.Modes of operation :Amateur - professional .Slalom - freeride .Wave - flat.It takes into account the entire spectrum of the wind !Added :Weather Forecast by location (current and five days ) .Analysis of weather .Warning favorable or extreme conditions for windsurfing .Now you will never miss the wind, "Windsurfing manager" monitorstheweather forecast and always warn you about a suitable wind whatyouspecify!Tested!New:Added full weather forecast on Google Map with storagehistory5:00Now notification 2 Spot (location + Google Map)Added map with surf stations equipped with webcam
Windsurfing Lessons 1.00
Do you like summer sports? Would you liketolearn how to windsurfing in an easy and entertaining way? Wouldyoulike to improve your technique and become aprofessionalwindsurfer? With the app Windsurfing Lessons, you willlearneverything you need to learn how to windsurfing and to improveyourtechnique, with videos that will help you to correct yourbodyposition while you practice this sport. And all of thisforfree!
Windsurfing Calculator 1.2.1
Viktor 3a
Windsurfing & Kitesurfing Equipment Calculator
Windsurf Buddy v1.4.1
The digital buddy for all windsurfers, for all windsurfingsessions.
WakeTips 3.0
David Ngiam
Get offline tips, videos & photos for wakeboarders,wakeskaters& wakesurfers!
GPSLogIt 1.0
M. Fuchs
The GPSLogIt-app records Dopplerspeeds fromtheGPS-chipsets that are implemented in all recent smartphones, sothespeed accuracy is far better than from positional data.ForGPS-record record purposes it is not suited, however, forfunrankings (GPS-SpeedSurfing) it is way better than e.g.positionaldata from standard units.The recorded SBP-files can be processed as well as other SBP-orSBN-datafiles from the smartphone or an SD-card-adapter andposteddirectly from the smartphone to GPS-SpeedSurfing (GP3S)orprocessed by GPSResults. The default saved file-format is SBPthatcan be processed by GPSResults and uploaded to GP3S, however,forother purposes GPX-format is possible as well.For the last run categories (2s, 10s, 250m, 500m, 1NM) thespeedhas first to raise above the Min. speed (red line in thegraphics,selected units apply) and then drop below that speed toproduce avalue. The settings are saved and read before the nextstart of theapp. The line graphics on the start screen displayse.g. the last10min of valid points per default. The displayedtime-range can beadjusted in the Settings together with otherparameters...Speech output of the actual speed and the achieved speed oftheselected category is possible in english, german or french.Another highlight is the online-transmission of the last runofthe selected category (e.g. 500m) that can be usedforlive-rankings.Google Earth overlay of the recorded tracks and transmissionofthe results to GPSSpeedSurfing (an account is required)isimplemented.IMPORTANT: When using the App on the water, please make surethatyou use a waterproof bag for your smartphone and that no keysor thetouchscreen are accidentially operated that could prevent orstopthe App from recording data!The software is provided without any warranty, expressedorimplied, including without limitation warranties ofmerchantabilityor fitness for a particular purpose. In no caseshall the programauthor be liable for any loss of profits or anyother commercialdamage, including special, incidental,consequential or otherdamages occasioned by use of thissoftware.
Windsurf calculator (Pro) 4.3.9
The exact calculation of the sail , boardandfin for amateur and professional riders.Modes of operation :Amateur - professional .Slalom - freeride .Wave - flat.It takes into account the entire spectrum of the wind !Added :Weather Forecast by location (current and five days ) .Analysis of weather .Warning favorable or extreme conditions for windsurfing .Now you will never miss the wind, "Windsurfing manager" monitorstheweather forecast and always warn you about a suitable wind whatyouspecify!Tested!New:Added full weather forecast on Google Map with storagehistory5:00Now notification 2 Spot (location + Google Map)Added map with surf stations equipped with webcam
Cable Parks
Your guideline through the Wakeboard and Waterski cablesandresorts!
Paddle Boarding 1.00
Paddle Boarding is the app with lotsofpaddleboarding exercises with a complete program that containsallthe basic and advanced lessons to practice SUP. TodayPaddleBoarding has become into a versatile sport that can bepracticed byanyone.This app is designed for the new and theexperiencedpaddlers to stand up paddleboarding in the ocean orlakes. Maximizeyour fun and safety on the water with our paddleboarding tips.With this application you will learn how to improveyour fitnesswhile you practice SUP exercises.This application includes:- Exercises of all kinds: technical, physical and specific.Learnhow to paddling in flatwater environments.- Paddle Boarding tips, to make sure you are prepared withrightknowledge, equipment and support to keep you afloat withvariouspaddling environments.- SUP videos to enjoy the most amazing moments ofpaddleboarding.- Standup paddleboard Fitness and Yoga exercises that areavariation of stand up paddle surfing (SUP), combined with yogaandother fitness exercises to teach you to breathe and move onthewater.Download now this Paddle Boarding training free app onyourmobile or tablet device.
SUP Places - Stand Up Paddle 1.3.3
SUP Places - Stand Up Paddle is anappdesignedfor this sport lovers. With it you may find placestopractice theSUP, and you also may register your ownpracticelocation.
Board Designer 1.9
Through 'Board Designer' you can design your owncustomskateboarddecks, longboard, surfboard, snowboard, wakeboardorskimboard!.Choose your favourite style and model, selectabackground color,insert pictures or strokes and add textswithdifferent fonts.Youcan save your custom design and share itwithyour friends.Customize your dreamed board and surfeverywhere!.Imagine yourperfect deck design and create it using'BoardDesigner'. Save andshare designs of your customskateboarding,longboard, surf, snow,wake and skimming decks. Theapp allows youselect between severalstyles and models, loaddifferents photosfrom your local galleryinto the custom boarddesign, add logos,design both top and bottomdeck sides, insert textin severaltypefaces and colors, set trucksand wheels colors,interact betweendifferent layers, setbackground colors, paint withyour finger overthe design and saveand share your custom models Nowis very easyand funny design yourcustom skateboards, longboards,surfboards,snowboards, wakeboardsor skimboards! sk8, sK8!
Trouve Ton Spot Windsurf Kite 1.94
INFO !!>Il y a un bug, et je n'arrive plus a déposer la nouvelleversionsur le store. En attendant que je trouve la solution, voicile liende la nouvelle version. Désolé. LE bon spot de Windsurf et de kitesurf !Cette version Premium regroupe les conditions météo en directetle Forecast couplé avec un guide des spots :-Terminé de passer 3 heures sur 15 sites différents pourtrouverle vent en temps réel, la marée et la houle. Terminé degalérer àtrouver le bon spot et de rater la session. Pour vousaider, vouspouvez retrouver sur vos mobiles le premier guideinteractif desspots en France : TrouveTonSpot (TTS) !En fonction de votre niveau, vos préférences, du vent en tempsréel,la marée en temps réel et de la houle en temps réel, TTSvousconseille les spots qui fonctionnent au moment où voussouhaiteznaviguer !TTS vous informe des dangers des spots et toutes les astucespournaviguer safe.TTS sur mobile est également le meilleur moyen pour vous guiderversles spots que vous ne connaissez pas.-Trouve ton Spot Premium c'est également un Forecast inédit :Où va-t-on ce Week-End ?Saint Malo ou Quiberon ?Basse Normandie ou Haute Normandie ?L’Ile de Ré ou l’Ile d’Oléron ?Tu fais du Windsurf ou du Kitesuf, et tu ne sais pas oùallernaviguer ce week-end.....Trouve Ton Spot lance le premier classement des spots enfonctionde la météo (force du vent), de l’orientation du vent etde lamarée.Ce service unique prédit le nombre d’heures de navigation duspotpour la période choisie !!Tous les spots du littoral Français sont couverts àl'exceptionde la Corse (cela va venir).Voici la liste des zones couvertes :06 - Alpes-Maritimes, 11 - Aude, 13 - Bouches-Du-Rhône, 14-Calvados, 17 - Charente-Maritime, 22 - Côtes d'Armor (Ouest), 22-Côtes d'Armor (Est), 29 - Finistère (Nord), 29 - Finistère(Sud),30 - Gard, 33 - Gironde, 33 - Arcachon - APCKITE, 34 -Hérault, 35- Ille et vilaine, 44 - Loire Atlantique, 50 - Manche(Ouest), 50 -Manche (Est), 56 - Morbihan, 59 - Nord, 62 -Pas-De-Calais (Sud),62 - Pas-De-Calais (Nord), 66 -Pyrénées-Orientales, 76 - SeineMaritime, 80 - Somme, 83 - Var, 85 -VendéeBon ride avec TTS. Enjoy :)INFO !!> There is a bug, and I can not file more has the new versiononthe store. Until I found the solution, here is the link to thenewversion. Sorry. THE good spot windsurfing and kitesurfing!The Premium version includes the live weather conditions andtheForecast spots coupled with a guide:-Finished To spend three hours on 15 different sites to findthewind in real time, tide and swell. Finished galérer find therightspot and miss the session. To help, you can find on yourmobilefirst interactive guide spots in France: TrouveTonSpot(TTS)!Depending on your level, preferences, real-time wind, real-timetideand waves in real time, TTS recommend the spots that work whenyouwant to navigate!TTS informs you of the dangers of spots and all the trickstonavigate safe.Mobile TTS is also the best way to guide you to the spots you donotknow.Spot -Finds your Premium is also an unpublished Forecast:Where are we going this weekend?Saint Malo or Quiberon?Lower Normandy and Upper Normandy?The Ile de Ré or Ile d'Oleron?You do windsurfing or Kitesuf, and you do not know where tosailthis weekend .....Find Your Spot launches the first rankings spots depending ontheweather (wind force), direction of the wind and the tide.This unique service predicts the number of spot navigation hoursforthe selected period !!All spots of the French coast are covered with the exceptionofCorsica (it will come).Here is the list of areas covered:06 - Alpes-Maritimes 11 - Aude 13 - Bouches-Du-Rhone, 14 -Calvados17 - Charente Maritime 22 - Finistère (West) 22 - Côtesd'Armor(East) 29 - Finistère (North), 29 - Finistère (South), 30 -Gard,33 - Gironde 33 - Arcachon - APCKITE, 34 - Hérault 35 - IlleetVilaine 44 - Loire Atlantique 50 - Manche (West) 50 -Channel(East), 56 - Morbihan 59 - North 62 - Pas-de-Calais (South),62 -Pas-de-Calais (Nord), 66 - Pyrénées-Orientales, 76 - SeineMaritime80 - Somme, 83 - Var, 85 - VendéeGood ride with TTS. Enjoy :)
Windsurf Diary 1.0
Devsys Ltd
Keep a diary of your windsurfing sessions
Tricktionary 3.0.0
Highest Level Tricktionary Windsurf Coaching
Tipsy Bull - Bar Exchange 2.0.1
Aurus Mobile
The much awaited Bar Exchange is now live in Bengaluru!