Top 20 Apps Similar to My Poultry Manager - Farm app

Feed Calculator for livestock 1.9.0
Make livestock feed recipes for broiler, layer, catfish&tialpia
My Cattle Manager - Farm app 2.0.7
Bivatec Ltd
A powerful app for livestock farming. Track cattle, events, milkandrevenue.
Farming Solution 2.0.20
The information a farmer needs to progress towards better farming!
FeedMix 1.1.2
FeedMix is an app funded through the World Poultry Foundationthatprovides the estimated nutritional content of a feedformulationsupplied by the user. It comes pre-populated with anIngredientsLibrary that is based on the average analytical valuesfor eachfeedstuff. There is natural variation in nutritionalcontent basedon season or on different growing and harvestingconditions for anyparticular ingredient being used, but the valueswill yield areasonable indication of nutritional value. Once theuser inputshow much of each ingredient they are mixing into the MyDietscreen, feedback is also provided on how well the givenformulationmeets the key nutritional needs of the bird-type beingfed.
My Piggery Manager - Farm app 1.6.0
Bivatec Ltd
Manage your piggery farm with the simplified and detailedrecordsand reports.
fieldmargin 8.6.0
Save time and keep better farm records: maps, work &livestockin your pocket
BigFarmNet poultry 4.9.7438
Big Dutchman
Efficient tool to improve productivity in the Farming industry
DairyComp GO - Dairy Management Software 1.0.13
With DairyComp GO you can manage, track and perform allthetasksrelated to the production, reproduction and health ofanimalsontime; keeping all the information in one place.Trackingthereproductive states of the cows and the milk productionwillbemuch simpler and more intuitive, which will allow youtooptimizetimes and project farm production. DairyComp GO willhelpyou inthe analysis of data and the generation of reports so youcanmakedecisions based on historical information on theperformanceofyour animals. All these developed with the support andknowledgeofVAS, a company with more than 35 years of experienceinthedevelopment and monitoring of implementing bestpracticesforcattle management using software for family farms.DairyComp GOiscurrently available on the following languages: -English -Spanish- Portuguese - Swahili - Tamil (Sri Lanka) -Sinhalese
Flockstar Lite 1.7.3
Backyard chicken egg tracker
Galpón - Poultry inventory 0.0.21
Inventory management of a poultry batch for farms, does notrequiredata
VacApp - Livestock management
Manage your livestock: beef or dairy cattle, horse, goat and sheep
Farmdok 3.5.842
The mobile app for professional farm management!
FarmLogs 5.0.3
FarmLogs is a farm management app used by thousands ofgrowerstokeep digital farm records, monitor field and cropconditions,andanalyze their farm’s financial performance in orderto lowercostsand increase profitability. FarmLogs helps you: - Mapfieldsandautomatically provide directions to their location -Receivealertswhen it rains on your fields, see field-level rainfallandheatunit accumulation and compare the amounts to prior seasonsandthe10-year average - Automatically track all your field workinoneplace to keep your records organized, secure, andaccessiblefromany mobile device or desktop - Log gps-taggedscouting noteswithphotos - View in-season satellite images in NDVI,true colorandcolor infrared layers so you can identify yieldthreats andfocusscouting efforts on areas showing signs of stress -Makedecisionson the go with a complete view of your currentgrainmarketingposition - Identify local markets and find where youcanget thebest price for your crop - See each soil type areaandelevationfeatures in your fields Making better managementdecisionshasnever been easier. Download the app today to create afreeaccount!*Please note that continued use of GPS running inthebackgroundcan decrease battery life.* Questions or Concerns?Pleasefeel freeto visit our support page below or [email protected] Support: Service:
Sowing Calendar - Gardening 2.7.5
GVK Software
A Sow/Harvest guide that will help you with yourgardeningthroughout the year!
Crop Calculators 1.53
Calculate grain yields, maturity rates, and silagepriceadjustments.
Livestocked 221.33.0
Manage your herd, drive profit with Livestocked! Livestockedisabetter way to manage your livestock business online.Withabusiness first approach to livestock record keepingandfarmmanagement we understand you would prefer be in the paddockandnotin front of the computer. Our intuitive mobile interfacesallowyouto manage your herd, record pasture inputs andusage,createinvoices, record expenses, track input inventory suchasfeed,chemicals, fertilizers, semen & embryo, all from yourdeskorout in the paddock! Enjoy multi-species andmulti-breedherdmanagement through our mixed enterprise solution.Manage yourherd,flock, cattle, sheep, goats, pigs, alpacas &Llamasthrough oneeasy to use app.
Farmable: Farm Management App 3.0.0
Whether you manage orchards, vineyards or grow berries ornuts,preparation for precision agriculture has to start byreinventinghow you gather, organize and use your data. An everincreasingvolume of data and information is being generated on thefarm, andyou need a clear structure for managing high volumes offarm datawhich traditionally gets spread across multiple softwaresystems,paper processes or never documented at all. Making an extraeffortin automating documentation practices can save farmmanagerscountless hours previously spent agonizing over reports,andfeeling more control over the work being completed eachday.Ultimately, improving efficiency of your farm. With Farmableyouget a new way of managing your farm’s data: 1. Free Mobile App2.Unlimited Hectares 3. Unlimited Team Members 4. UnlimitedDataEntries 5. No Software Installation 6. Modular Pricing VALUEFORGROWERS 1. Save time on documentation 2. Improve efficiencyinfield operations 3. Freedom from paper and spreadsheets4.Automated documentation for audits and compliance 5.Simplifiedcommunication across your team 6. Total control over yourorchardHOW TO USE FARMABLE 1. Map your fields to start trackingactivitiesper field using the easy drawing feature in the app tobuild yourfield maps. 2. Start planning, delegating and recordingjobs in thefield, such as spraying, fertilizing, fertigating,pruning, etc.from your mobile phone. 3. Monitor all your jobs usingyour phone'sGPS tracking, so you are in total control of your fieldoperationsfrom wherever you are. 4. Log and track your harvest perfield toanalyse productivity trends. 5. Take and organize notes perfieldso you never lose a note again. 6. Easily collaborate andmanageyour farm team by sharing jobs and notes in real time in theApp.7. Seamlessly view your data across devices using our App andWebPortal. 8. Analyse performance and export reports using theWebPortal. Start simple and organize your data with Farmable.FEATUREDESCRIPTION Fields are the digital model of your farm. Youcaneasily map your fields using the in-app drawing function onyoursmartphone. Enter details for each field to start collectingdataand information on the field level and specifically for eachcropor variety. Add more details such as plant date andheight,distance between plants and rows, rootstock of your plantsandsupplier. Jobs are designed to help you easily plan anddocumenttasks and activities in your day-to-day operations. Choosefrom arange of standard jobs, including spraying,fertilization,fertigation, multi-location tasks and pest anddisease scouting.Add your own custom jobs for tasks such aspruning, thinning andmowing. Spraying and fertilization jobsinclude a tank mixcalculator that assists you in calculating themix of water andchemical products for your crop treatments. Whenplanning anddelegating a job with Farmable all details aresummarized in a tasksheet, including a map of the fields, tank mix(water and productvolume), equipment to be used, completion dateand other comments.Notes help you remember field-specificobservations such as brokenfences, trees to be replaced or firstsigns of growth. Add a noteto any field, write a quick comment ofyour observation, tag itwith a GPS-location and attach a photo. Bycreating labels for yournotes, you can organize notes in categoriesfor future reference.Notes can be easily shared between farmmanagers, co-workers, andadvisors. Harvest is an easy way to recordharvest entries duringand after each picking round. Monitor harvestresults and yield perfield as harvest progresses. Over time, youwill be able to compareyields year-over-year and observe long-termtrends in your plants'productivity.
Count My Eggs 1.12
Track your home farm egg production, expenses, income and poultry.
Fertilizer mixer 1.31.1
Fertilizer mixing caculator