Top 13 Apps Similar to Birthday Card design ideas

DIY Greeting Card Ideas 1.0
DIY greeting card ideasFree download hundreds images of greeting card design ideasHere is the application helping you to create your owngreetingcard ideas.If you are looking to give a meaningful and lovely present toanindividual you fancy, a greeting card will be the perfectthought.You are going to have a great selection from which to pick,andthere is a theme for each and every single man or woman injustabout all scenarios. You'll recognize your sibling's birthday,anuncle's retirement, or any other specific occasion with agreetingcard.No matter how old you happen to be, you may be going to investina greeting card many times for a selection of conditions.Whywouldn't you? Giving greeting cards are the very best methodoftelling a person how significantly others meant to aindividual,and it's a system that all customers can employ.Countless men and women have recently become fans ofpurchasingcharge cards that have nothing within. You might discoversuchgreeting charge greeting card ideas in a variety ofseveralpatterns and colours. But, they will be totally blankinside. Thisis so you'll write exactly what you want to say to therecipientwithin the card. These greeting cards are exceptionallymeaningful,and a great deal of people really enjoy acquiring thesechargecards far more than any other form.Still, no matter whether you write the message, or ahumoroussaying is already written for you, people young and oldhavedifferent preferences for the kind of card they prefer to get.Assuch, you have to take these differences into account as youlookfor a card for an individual you enjoy. Immediately after all,whenall is said and done, the recipient could be the particularpersonwho will keep the card near them for a lifetime. So, getgoing andacquire greeting cards for everyone you love for anyscenario!
Greeting Card Ideas 2.1
Dress up a simple birthday card, Valentine card, andanotherwiththese adorable and easy handmade tips. Then Makeapersonalizedcard for any occasion. Whatever the occasion, givingahandmadecard, or adding a handmade gift tag, makes it thatlittlebit morespecial. Discover how to make simple yet strikingdesignsforimportant dates all year round with our free card makingguide.Inthis application, you can find a lot of ideas aboutgreetingcard.As you know that every people in your life is amazing,so yousouldgive them the special and amazing greeting card too.Bydownloadingthis application, you can find new ideas to makespecialgreetingcards. Do you want to know more about greeting cardideas?See allof our easy cardmaking ideas and Create thesesimpleone-of-a-kindcards for the special people in your life.
Birthday Cards 1.0
When you are planning on celebrating afriendorfamily members birthday it is important that you find thebestgiftpossible. There are a lot of good options when it comestogivinggifts to family and friends. Some people may choose togiveticketsto a show, while others will search for an expensivegift.All ofthese gift options are great and will help signifyyourappreciationfor this person. However, there is one option thathasalways been aclassy gift option that will stand the test oftime,the birthdaycard.There are a multitude of card categories from Auntiestokids,cousins to pets. Whatever you want it is available toyououtthere. Whether niche or mainstream it is cateredfor.Themainstream gifts and presents are usually from thehighstreetstores. But the niche and a wider selection of giftsyou'llfindonline. Type in the right keywords (Birthday cardsonline)andyou'll locate the product you have searched for.Card OptionsWith a birthday card you will be able to show your friendsorfamilymembers just how much you truly care about them. Therearemanystores that focus on just birthday cards were you canponderandview which one to select at you leisure. Also with theinternethascome another option. Birthday cards online, from cardstoresande-cards. E-cards are a digital card sent to computers,tabletsandmobile phones. There are many sites offering a varietyofe-cardsand you'll find they are so easy to use. There aremanyoptions ofsites from free online greeting card sitesandmembership sites andmuch more, so the choice is yours.Bypurchasing your cards onlineyou can even use theirsuggestedmessages if you're stuck on theright birthday line towrite.It is not hard to create birthday cards and to make iteasierforyou, we have collected awesome homemade Birthday cardideas youcaneasily create at home.1. Birthday cake candlesStick a row of inexpensive and colourful cake candles –evenusedones of different lengths – to the front of a basic brownpieceofcard for a cool, minimalist birthday design.2. Balloon messageInflate a balloon and have a friend or family member pinchtheairhole so it stays inflated while you write a message onitwithpermanent marker. Now let it deflate and stick it to thefrontofthe card with a few other simple birthday decorations.3. 3D bunting cardsCut some small triangles out of patterned paper to looklikebunting.Decorate the front of the card with them, or sticksomealong alength of string attached inside so for 3D buntingwhichhangs whenthe card is open.So are you interested in making birthday cards? Learn andgetmorestunning and amazing ideas from this application ofBirthdayCards.Download this application and you can even see manypicturesofbirthday cards which can give you inspirations!Enjoy!
DIY Card Ideas 1.0
DIY Card Ideas is a good application foryouinmaking a creative card. Whatever the occasion, we have80samples ofDIY Card Ideas for you. Just download onthisapplication.Inspiration for DIY card ideas can be found everywhere.UniqueDIYcard Ideas should not require a lot of fancy craftingtoolsandmaterials - just a lot of imagination and creativity. Infact,justby looking around the house you can probably find lots offunstuffthat can be used to make a one-of-a-kind greetingcard.One of the interesting DIY cards ideas could beenclosingapersonal letter with the card which has a specialmessage.Theseideas will definitely help you add a chic toyourgloriousChristmas card, birthday card, Wedding card, etc. Youcanplacegood phrases and sayings on each card. Make suretopersonalize foreach recipient. So, you have to downloadthisapplication and get agood DIY Card Ideas on your android.
Easy Button Craft Ideas 2.01
If you are looking for an easy crafts for kids, here istheapplication you must install on your smartphone. It provides youalot of creative and easy handmade craft for kids you need. Ijustlove using old buttons in my craft projects. Here's easybuttoncraft ideas to put those old buttons to use. For mostprojects, youwill need a tube of craft glue, and hardware from yourlocal craftsupply shop, or items found at your local mart in thecraftsection. Here are the button crafts you can create as your owneasycrafts for kids. 1) Game Piece Mini Button Pins. Use smallbuttonsto create mini mosaics or small flowers on a poker chip oruseddomino. Hold together with craft glue., Once dry, and gluea"brooch pin" on the back and you have a neat craft idea. 2)Pictureframes: Transform any boring picture frame into somethingwonderfulby gluing mini buttons all around the edges. (This worksbest withflat surface photo frames.) These make great gifts, frompearlbuttons looking wonderful in a designer room, to colorfulrainbowframes working as a "get well soon" gift. 3) PersonalizedGiftTags: Use cardboard to cut out tag shapes, or buy the largepricetags at your local office supply store. Once decoratedwithmarkers, crayons, paints, or decoupage with paper. Finalizebygluing mini buttons in the initials or first name letter oftheperson you are giving a gift to. This looks adorable and is agreatway to use your buttons up. (If you are making your owncardboardcut out tags, you will need a hole punch and ribbon. Thestorebought version come with string). 4) Makeup Mirror Gift: Oldmakeupor powder compacts can be cleaned, (soaked in hot water toremovemetal inserts) then small buttons glued all over for a uniquegiftidea. These serve as tiny jewelry cases, cash boxes,vitamincontainers, or treasure boxes and make great stockingstuffers ornovelty gift ideas. 5) Button Necklace: Mini buttons canbe woventogether in and out using thin gauge translucent craftingwire orclear fishing string medium weight to make a functionalnecklace.6) Greeting Cards: Use jumbo, extremely large buttons thatareunique, vintage or colorful, and glue on the front of ahandmadecard. Use them as center of your artwork, for example, alargeyellow button is the sun, a large black button is the centerof asunflower, or a large brown button is an owl's head. Theymakeinteresting mixed media components in your work. Install itfree!!creative and easy button craft design ideas easy button craftideas
Birthday Card Design Idea 1.0
Birthday card design idea, Abirthdaygreetingcard is the most popular type of card sent. Therearehundreds ofbirthday cards mailed on a daily basis. Thesebirthdaycards arebought at any grocery store or card store.Traditional birthday cards can become quite expensive tosend.Thecost of a card is around four dollars and then mustbemailed.Mailing a card varies within each country based ontheirmailsystem. Many times people are so busy they forget to buy acardinadvance. This means they are often late in wishingonehappybirthday. There are several things people can do toovercometheseobstacles. Birthday ecards can be sent and serve asaresolution tothis issue. These ecards come in various ways tohelpcelebrate aone's birthday. Ecards can be sent to one'semailaccount on one'sbirthday. Ecards are taking the place ofatraditional birthdaygreeting card. The reason is manybirthdayecards are availableonline for free. There are many sitesto accessand send freebirthday ecards. Other innovative techniquesare usedto send abirthday greeting card. One new and unique way tosend agreetingis by text messaging. Text messaging capability onphonesis amajor form of communication. Many people today haveunlimitedcellphone text messaging capability. Several companies usethisabilityto send a birthday greeting card. The text messageappearsas atraditional birthday card would.So, what are you waiting for? Now open this application,andfindout many luxurious idea of birthday card design. Justdownloadthisapplication of birthday card design ideas and findmanywonderfulthings for making your birthday card. You can saveallthe picturesinto your card and make it as your phonewallpaper.More over, youcan share all the pictures to your friendsthat havethe samepurpose as you; to find the most amazing andstylishdesign ofbirthday card design idea and to make it.Enjoy and makes your imagination come true!
A birthday greeting card is themostpopulartype of card sent. There are hundreds of birthdaycardsmailed on adaily basis. These birthday cards are bought atanygrocery storeor card store.Traditional birthday cards can become quite expensive tosend.Thecost of a card is around four dollars and then mustbemailed.Mailing a card varies within each country based ontheirmailsystem.Many times people are so busy they forget to buy a cardinadvance.This means they are often late in wishing onehappybirthday. Thereare several things people can do to overcometheseobstacles.Using found objects around the house could definitely beanactivityworthy of involving your kids. It can be a scavengerhuntturnedcraft making party! Let your kids roam free andcollectobjects andthings that they would find suitable forthehand-making cardoccasion.Here are a few suggestions for some creativehandmadecardideas:* Postage StampsGetting a letter in the mail is always fun, why not keepthepostagestamps so that you can add them to a collage card oneday?Findingcool postage stamps might also encourage the oldtimetradition ofletter writing in youngsters. Send a letter withacool postagestamp and receive one back in return!Grandparentswould make greatpen pals for their grandchildren; sowho knowswhat some card makingideas will lead to?* Junk Mail & Old MagazinesSort through your junk mail and old magazines becauseyoucouldprobably find cool fonts for letters and perhapssomebackgroundpatterns that you can use on a handmade card. Youcanalways cutout individual letters and phrases to use for messagesonthecards. Think of those ransom notes that you see in moviesforsomeinspiration. How cool and modern looking would ahandmadecardcould be with glossy letters in different fontsandcolors?* Wrapping PaperWrapping paper is usually designed for a certainoccasions,thinkbirthdays and holidays, so the designs on the papercan easilybecut up to make new greeting cards! Keeping scraps ofwrappingpaperdoes not take up a lot of space and the pre-designedpicturesandmessages could work when making a handmade card in apinch.For more creative handmade card ideas, includingbirthdaycardideas please visit our app,this app will give youthousandideas ofbirthday card design! It is well designed birthdaycard and discover many ideas of birthday card!
DIY Gift Box Ideas 3.0
The pattern of gift boxes vary according totheceremony, occasion and the event. The appearance of gift boxesalsodepends on the person whom you are gifting. For example,womenprefer more of ornamentation while men love simple andchastedesigns.Normally, we present gifts during festive seasons likeChristmas,Halloween, Easter, etc. However, making gift boxes athome will be adifficult project for people who have no affinityfor arts andcrafts. The necessary guidance for making homemadeboxes will beprovided to you in the upcoming paragraphs.Christmas Gift BoxesWe all love to give and receive Christmas gifts. Packingcookies,dollies, candies, stockings, candles, etc., duringChristmas timeis a well practiced trend. Pack the stockings in areusable giftwrapper. Use colorful papers for the external coating.Tie a satinthread over the lid and gift it away. While packingeatables youhave to extra careful. Make sure the gift box ismoisture proof.Leakage of moisture would spoil the eatables. Useair tightcontainers for packing cookies, candies, biscuits, doughnuts, andbrownies. For extra protection, wrap them with aluminumfoils.Packing dry fruits in cardboard boxes is also a good idea.Lid thebox and wrap a clean white paper for a simple look.Wedding Gift BoxesWedding gifts are packed with bright embellishments. Expensiveitemsare parceled in beautiful velvet boxes. Always remember thatthewrapping of the gift matters a lot in making the giftspecial.Similarly, you can make some beautiful boxes for weddingcards. Geta silver box from any jewelry shop and then start thedecoration.You will require the following things, viz, velvetpaper, tinymirrors, satin ribbons, gum, and glitters. First wrapthe entirejewelry box with velvet paper. Utilize your artisticinstinctswhile doing the mirror work and spraying the glitter. Makeitethnic so that it appeals to the wedding ceremony. Metal boxesforwrapping jewelry is also a good option as they not onlylookbeautiful, but also traditional. Apparels usually come in boxesandall you need to do is, wrap them with cellophane or any typeofgift wrappers and then tie a satin ribbon around it.Birthday Gift BoxesA birthday is a special occasion and you can try a lot of thingstomake the gifts attractive. You have so many things to presentonbirthdays, right from pets to toys. Gifting pets is auniquebirthday gift idea. I must tel you that putting pets inside agiftbaskets is easy. You have to ensure that there is enough spaceforthe pet to move and breathe. Big cardboard boxes withplentifulspace is the perfect box for pets. Ready-made boxes aresold inarts and crafts stores and they make wonderful packagingforbirthday gifts. Make Chinese food boxes and hat boxes forgiftingchocolates and cookies. Well, expensive birthday giftslikelaptops, cell phones, camera, iPods, etc., come in cushionedcasesthat ensure no damage is caused to the electronic pieces. Wrapthecardboard boxes and then place the gadgets along with thecasebefore gifting away. Utilize the same ideas for makingValentine'sboxes.Make innovative and unique gift boxes to make your dear onesfeelspecial.source:
All Greeting Cards
Forgot to send a greeting cards to someoneoryou just want to cheer up a friend, girlfriend, boyfriend, orlovedone? All Greeting Cards can help you.All Greeting Cards is the latest and the best app in theAndroidMarket. This application helps user to select greeting cardsfromgallery. This free and easy-to-use app lets you createGreetingCard Maker and send custom e-cards.All Greeting Cards features:# 100+ images of Greeting Cards for use# Use ready-made Greeting Cards for wishing# All Greeting Cards can share your work with friends viaFacebook,Email, MMS, Google+, Twitter and any sharable Media.# Make greeting cards maker for Birthday, Congratulations,Diwali,Valentine's Day, Christmas cards, Halloween, Mothers Day,EidMubarak, Easter Day, Baby Born Cards and Thank YouCards!Congratulate your loved ones, family and friends.# All Greeting Cards is very easy to use.
Home Birthday Decoration 2.1
Simple Birthday Decorating ideas at home for boy and girl!
Creative Homemade Gift Ideas 1.0
Looking for a sentimental gift thatcomesfromthe heart? Handmade jewelry is a perfect choice. Ifyouhaveattention to detail and enjoy working with intricatecrafts,youcan create beautiful gifts that will last a lifetime.Eachgiftwill be unique and will remind your recipient ofthatspecialoccasion. Jewelry making has become a huge trendamongcraftersbecause of the variety of supplies that are available.Fromglassbeads to precious stones, there are jewelry makingsuppliesforevery style and budget to get you going. Create apiecethatrepresents the unique style of the person that willbereceivingthe gift. Creative homemade gift ideas is a galleryappwith a lotof ideas about how to create unique, creative,andthematic giftsfor every kind of event. If you try to findoriginalideas for yourwomen, men, or gift about particular moment,thisapplication isavailable for your satisfaction. Everybody knowsthatthere is nobetter gift than the original one. You can Doityourself Gifts forfriends and present them for birthdayorbirthday. Check DIY Giftsapp and steps how to craft them. Youcaneasily handmade originaldiy homemade gifts with this app. Therearemany handmade craftideas that comfort for the elderly asthehandcraft gifts have thepower to cater to the psychologicalneedsof the old who are oftenleft unattended at the mercy of theharshrealities of life. Thiscan also form an inspiration for manynewhandcrafted gift ideasthat form an inspiration for those wholoveto make things thatmake a difference in the life's of theothers.It is also the basisof education that teaches fundamentalskillsand it can also beconsidered as a call to generosity forthose whohave time andheart to share the gift of handmade craftwith others.This appconsist of creative gift tutorial, gift ideas,christmasgift, bestgifts for men, christmas gifts for men, giftsfor women,birthdaygifts for men, gift ideas for mom, daddy ,handmade gift,present.Use your creative abilities to make your ownunique gifts.Giveyourself plenty of time so that you can enjoy theprocesswithoutfeeling rushed, and make some extra gifts in yourspare timeso youalways having something available if you are in arush.Yourthoughtful gift may even inspire the creative abilitiesofthepeople around you. The recipient will appreciate yourtalents,andyour gift will make a great conversation piece atanygathering.Use a wire base to from the shape of your wreath andaddvolumewith evergreen bunches, dried branches, or fabric. Thereisplentyof inspiration available online. Homemade wreathesmaketheultimate house warming gift. This application isgallerycontainingfull of ideas to guide you to create gifts. If youlookfor a DIYbirthday gifts or DIY Christmas gifts this is correctappforyou.List of Homemade Gift Ideas:DIY Coral Beads BraceletDIY Flower Pop Up CardCheap And Easy Glitter MagnetsTea Cup Flower PotHow To Make DIY Snow GlobeSuper Fun Valentine Day Crafts For KidsRomantic DIY Anniversary GiftsDreamcatcher DIY TutorialDIY Christmas Gift Ideas For FriendsRubiks Cube PhotosDIY Quick Flower Bow FlowersDIY Funky Animal Keychain Gifts For FamilyMom Floral LetteringDIY Dino Phone Tripod Gifts For Teen BoysDIY Tutorial For Cute Daisy CrownFlower Arrangement CenterpieceDIY Craft Roses MirrorsMason Jar Mushroom House CandleDIY Bouquet Of SweetsLittle Sock Zebra DIY ProjectsMaking Teddy Bear ToysDIY Cute Paper Santa ClausDIY Projects Glass ArtDIY Happy Birthday Cards IdeasHow To Make Golden Wire Wrapped Owl PendantDIY Tile Photo CoastersMake Paper Leaf TopiaryThank You Gifts Pop-Up CardsNice Old Cd Paintings DIYInspiring DIY Home Projects With LettersHeart Pillow DIY Crafts Craft Ideas
Cute DIY Flower Craft 1.0
Beautiful DIY Flower Craft Ideas YouDon’tWantto MissFlowers are always a perfect choice of item fordecorationoraccessories. However, cutting flowers can wilt and losethenaturalbeauty very quickly, not to mention how expensivetheflowers areif you wish to incorporate them into the decorationforparty, forinstance. Luckily, you can still bring the beautyandcharm offlowers without having to use natural flowers since wehavesomeinspiring DIY paper flower craft worth trying. Theseareawesomeand inspiring craft ideas for kids and adults alikewithvariousmediums used.One of the most popular and easiest DIY flower crafttutorialismost likely the paper flowers. There are so many paperflowercraftideas you can look up, such as those made fromregularcoloredpaper or tissue paper. If you are into origami, youcan findplentyof ideas and inspirations on how to transform simplecoloredpapersinto beautifully colorful flowers of differentvarieties,such asrose and hyacinth. If you aren’t interested inorigami, youdon’thave to worry. Try using rolled paper strips tomake thetutorialisn’t only fun as creative craft for kids.Alternatively, what about paper quilling for your DIYflowercraftstep by step? This is one of the methods you can dowhen youworkwith rolled paper to make your DIY flower. There aresomanytutorials for paper quilling you can find, including thefreeonesavailable on the internet. Incorporate papers of variouscolorstocreate adorable paper flowers you can use on yourDIYgreetingcards or scrapbooks. If you’re confident with yourpaperquillingskill, try creating ones using the comb quillingtechniqueto makeintricate designs with even shape.For something that can wow your table decoration, trytheDIYflower craft ideas using a flower punch, scrapbookpaper,aStyrofoam ball, and pearl corsage pins. The kissingballakapomander you can create from those materials canalwaysinstantlytransform your coffee table or side table in thelivingroom fromdrab to fab!Last but not least, you may not need to worry toomuchaboutfinding the perfect flower shape for your own DIYflowerpapercraft. There are some many printable templates youcandownload forfree! Once the templates are printed, all you needtodo is cut,shape, and then glue the paper flower on any surfaceyoulike. DIYflower craft ideas are a wonderful source ofinspirationsfor youwho want to incorporate the beauty of flowerswithout havingto usethe natural ones, providing a creativesolution.
Paper Quilling Ideas 1.0
Paper Quilling Ideas - Let's Get Inspired! Paper quilling may beanold art form, but it's back in vogue! Get some inspirationfromthese marvelous paper quilling ideas. The art of paper quillingorpaper filigree is a timeless craft that can be used for almostanyproject. From decorative items like wall hangings or coasterstoDIY embellishments for scrapbook pages and cards, paperquillingpatterns are as versatile as they are beautiful. If you'renew toquilling, you only need to learn how to make a few basiccoils inorder to form the foundations for most of these paperquillingprojects. While the finished works are so beautiful thatthey mightseem daunting, don't let this stop you! Once you learnhow to quillpaper, a gate will be opened to a world of papercraftingpossibility. Embellish all of your upcoming paper craftswithquilled spills, flowers, snowflakes, and more when youexplorethese all great paper quilling ideas. Paper quilling is anamazingcraft which presents papers in a new dimension. You cancreatebeautiful art with different colors of papers. FEATURES OFTHISAPP: ★ Easy to use (one click app) ★ Beautiful selection ofpaperquilling ideas ★ Creative, simple, DIY and etc ★ Userfriendlyinterface ★ Offline version (no internet connectionrequired) ★ Setas mobile phone background wallpaper ★ Zoom enabled★ Have sharingfunction ★ 100% FREE Download We hope that you willenjoy usingthis PAPER QUILLING IDEAS app. Don't forget to rate andreview usif you like. Thanks :) Note: All the designs arecopyrighted totheir respective owners.