Top 16 Apps Similar to HashTag For Likes pro

Liked 1.0.1
You will join a new fantastic world here.Younever expected what you will see and like.We were easily getting excited with everything in life inourchildhood, but when we grow up, we lost the expectation oflife!Because we saw the same kind of pictures & videoseveryday. Butpeople love interesting pictures, so here we are soglad toannounce that we provide you a whole brand new way todiscover aninteresting Instagram - Liked.Liked means that you can discover and like those pictures youreallyprefer, those photos that show a totally exciting andawesome life,that may inspire you and your life.With Liked, your can explore the world of photos and like thosenewinteresting ones. Bang~ You find your expectation of lifeback,cuase you will see so many wonderful photos that you neverseenbefore. Even more your Instagram photos will be shown inaconstantly changing feed where you can see the latest postsofother people. If you really enjoyed their posts then you canclickthe "Like" button to like them and earn some gems, but ifdon'tlike, just skip and check another. When you owned enough gems,youcan then promote your own Instagram pictures!One suggestion, just like the photos that really interest you,thatyou are willing to like and comment and share your opnions,thatreally inspired you. You can find those photos inInstagram"settings"->"Posts I've liked" section, you can checkthem anytime.We never like a picture without your consent. You can only likeitby your won.We do not sell likes. All the likes are from real Instagramusersjust like you. If you don't get likes right away, give itsometime, the right ones always come later and they willcome.As a platform to offer instant and effective way for you tofindyour same kind, the filter feature will help you easily findtheinstagram user that has the same interests with you.It's time to experience new things. Find the pictures youlike,discover the people that has same interests with you, andenjoy anamusing life.
Favour for Instagram 1.1.0
Our world is fulfilled withbeautifulunexpectations, you never know what you will see and likein nextsecond.When we were young, we were easily getting excited witheverythingin life, but when we grow up, we lost the expectation oflife!Because we saw the same kind of pictures & videoseveryday. Butpeople love interesting pictures, so here we are soglad toannounce that we provide you a whole brand new way todiscover aninteresting Instagram - Favour.Favour means that you can discover and like those picturesyoureally enjoy, those photos that show a totally exciting andawesomelife, that may inspire you and your life.With Favour, your can explore the world of photos and like thosenewinteresting ones. Bang~ You find your expectation of lifeback,cuase you will see so many wonderful photos that you neverseenbefore. Even more your Instagram photos will be shown inaconstantly changing feed where you can see the latest postsofother people. If you really enjoyed their posts then you canclickthe "Like" button to like them and earn some gems, but ifdon'tlike, just skip and check another. When you owned enough gems,youcan then promote your own Instagram pictures!One suggestion, just like the photos that really interest you,thatyou are willing to like and comment and share your opinions,thatreally inspired you. You can find those photos inInstagram"settings"->"Posts I've liked" section, you can checkthem anytime.We never like a picture without your consent. You can only likeitby your own.When you have surfed on Instagram for more time, you will desiretobecome more famous & popular on IG without doubts. As youhaveused our app for long, you should be able to find whatothersreally like & what’s real popular now. Therefore, youcouldpost amazing pictures & fun videos to attract others, andthenpromote them with our app. Who are interested with you wouldstayas your real followers.After keeping in getting followers&likes with posting best posts, you will finally be real famousandwell-known.We do not sell likes. All the likes are from real Instagramusersjust like you. If you don't get likes right away, give itsometime, the right ones always come later and they willcome.As a platform to offer instant and effective way for you tofindyour same kind, the filter feature will help you easily findtheinstagram user that has the same interests with you.Every single day should be new and fun, just throw the flatandboring away, join us to find a new amazing world.
Likes and Tweets 1.0
This application lets you add sitesthatusesFacebooks Like and Twitters Tweet buttons. The applicationletsyousee how many tweets and likes the sites have. Thesestatsareinteresting for site owners that want to keep an eye ontheirsitesin the Social media, but can also be fun for anyone toplayaroundwith.
LikeMachine 1.0
Freemiu Games
LikeMachine lets you get more Likesonyourphotos for FREE!- Get more exposure for your Instagram photos.- Simply like Instagram photos on LikeMachine to earncredits.- Spend credits to get Likes on your Instagram photos.LikeMachine is an easy way to be popular on Instagram.Start using LikeMachine now and become a celebrity onInstagram!
Lychee 1.5.1
Lychee Team
Get on Lychee to earn, steal andgambleyourlikes! Pips are bringing likes to life - no longeraretheyworthless ego massages.You want more likes? Steal your mates pips...Earn your pips by uploading quality pics! And enjoy theeyeorgasmother users have uploaded!Features:Enter the lychee zone, rate pics and steal pips!Enjoy our unique full screen UI for viewing the bestpicturesamobile app has to offer.Pip your mates to the top of our global leader boards.
Love Likes 1.7.255
Find out ‘who likes you most’! See iftheperson you love or your best friend follow your activitiesonFacebook and thank them by sending beautiful postcards forFREE,customized with their faces!Love Likes lets you see the list of 10 people who mostinteractwith you on Facebook, drafting a ranking based on theperiod oftime you choose.You can always surprise your friends in the top list withabeautiful postcard to thank them, and you could even use theimagesfrom your gallery or take a photo to capture an importantmoment toshare.Get the app on your smartphone or tablet! We are always opentosuggestions and improvements. For any questions or concernspleasedo not hesitate to contact us! (in Italian, EnglishorSpanish).
ListGram لستجرام 1.3
Softlets UAE
Now you can find people easily based ontheirinterests, business categories and locations. ListGram willhelpyou to find the best Instagram accounts based on itscategoriesor/and cities!!Just install ListGram and login to discover moreتطبيق لستجرام يتيح لمستخدمي إنستجرام تصنيف حسابهم الشخصيأوالتجاري على النحو التالي:أولا: حسابات إنستجرام التجارية (بيع، شراء، خدمات، تصويراحترافي،الخ)بعد تثبيت التطبيق، يقوم صاحب حساب إنستجرام التجاري بتحديد نشاطه(علىسبيل المثال بيع السيارات) واختيار الدولة والمدينة التي ينتميإليهاالحساب (على سبيل المثال أبوظبي - الإمارات العربية المتحدة)وسيقومالتطبيق بإدراج حسابه تحت نشاط (السيارات) في (أبوظبي - دولةالإماراتالعربية المتحدة) وبهذا التنظيم يسهل على جميع مستخدميإنستجرام الوصولإلى هذا الحساب بعملية البحث في نشاط السياراتواختيار المدينةثانيا: حسابات إنستجرام الشخصية غير التجاريةيستفيد أصحاب حسابات إنستجرام الشخصية من تطبيق لستجرام، حيث يقومصاحبالحساب بتحديد ميوله / ميولها عند التسجيل، فيقوم التطبيقبعرضالحسابات المتوافقة مع ميول المستخدم في مدينته أو دولته فيالصفحةالرئيسية. وتختلف الصفحة الرئيسية من شخص إلى آخر وذلك حسبالنشاطاتوالميول التي يفضلها المستخدم.
LɪᴋᴇsBʏTᴀɢs 1.0
ZiN Apps
With LikesByTags you can addmostpopularhashtags to your Instagram,Vine and Facebook posts,it'sreallyeasy to use, all you have to do is select a category andcopyandpast the hashtags to your caption on Facebook Posts.Resultofusing this app would be you could get moreLike/Followers.LikesByTags Instagram,Vine and Facebook curates themosthottestInstagram,Vine and Facebook hashtags to help youpossiblyget morelikes and tag your post fast!From menu you can directly open Instagram, Vine andFacebook.
My facebook likes 3.0
Atalaya Media
Who likes your facebook posts most?Howmanylikes did you get last month on your facebook posts? Howmanylikesdo your friends get compared to you?Easily check your and your friends facebook likes withthisgreatand easy to use app. The app counts all likes youorselectedfacebook friends received for their comments,fotos,videos, statusupdates - whatever posted.Highlights:- Check the number of likes you got last week, lastmonth,lastseason, ever!- Check how many likes your friends received inthegivenperiod!- Check out who your Top 10 likers are! You’ll be surprised!- Global leaderboard: Compare your highest likes amount totheworld(your best week, best month, best season). Will you makeitinto theTop 100?*************************************************************NEW: Global leader board and Nations competition. Likeyourcountryup! Will it make it into the Top 10? Bring it on!*************************************************************
LɪᴋᴇsBʏTᴀɢs Iɴsᴛᴀɢʀᴀᴍ 1.0.3
ZiN Apps
With LikesByTags Instagram you canaddmostpopular hashtags to your instagram pictures, it's reallyeasytouse, all you have to do is select a category and copy andpastthehashtags to your caption on instagram. Result of usingthisappwould be you could get more Like/Followers.LikesByTags Instagram curates the most hottest Instagramhashtagstohelp you possibly get more likes and tag yourpicturesfast!
Hashtags Love - Get More Likes 1.3.0
Zume Gaming
Copy & Paste Hashtags for Instagram and Facebook. Get morelikesand followers!
Hashtags - for likes for Insta
With the best/trendy Hashtags get more likes on yourphotos/videoson Instagram
InstaHashTagz - Get popular! 7.0
Yazan Izz
This app generates hash tags depending on your need to build upyourbusiness or get your page popular.Try it and see how many likes you'll get! ;)
Taghasher - Instagram Hashtags 1.0
TagHasher will help you get likes, getmorefollowers and increase your exposure on InstagramDesign to be used with Instagram, with the latestpopularhashtagsIts easy to uses, just browse through the topics, andclickcopy!The taghasher app is completely free and really easy to use!Our Tag Categories include:-- Popular ** Trending hashtags-- Nature-- Weather-- Animals-- Photography-- Urban-- Food-- People-- Fashion-- Likes & Follows
#hashtags - Get more likes 1.0
The hashtag generator for socialnetworkslikeInstagram, Facebook, Twitter and Google+ generateslistsofmatching hashtags to your posts and pictures. Also manageyourownhashtag-lists. So it's easy to tag your posts, and getmorelikesand followers.
Someone likes you - on BAND 1.0.6
aresjoy inc.
"Someone likes you - friends on BAND"Discover friends and others who are interested in you!How it works:1. Sign in with BAND so you can see your friends. (don’tworry–nothing will show up on your BAND wall)2. Secretly select friends you are interested inbychoosing“Interested” button when pictures of your friends showup.Yourfriends will NOT know that you’re interested at thispoint.3. When friends that you’re interested in also expressinterestonyou, we will let you know!Q. Can others know when I select “Interested” button?A. No, it is completely secret. However, afteryouselect“Interested” button on your friend, that friend willreceiveanotice that someone has expressed interest in him/her.Q. Can you cancel after selecting “Interested” button?A. You can retract “Interested” by going to the “MyCrushes”menu.However, if both you and your friend selected“Interested”buttonfor each other, then you cannot retract yourpreviouschoice.Q. What is a Candy?A. A Candy allows you to view a picture of your BAND friendsortheirfriends that you might be interested in.Q. How do I get Candy?A. You can get candy by: 1) wait 30 minutes for eachcandytorecharge for free. 2) Send Candies to your friends andwaitforyour friends to reciprocate. 3) Buy more Candieswith"Someonelikes you - friends on BAND".Q. What happens if I sent a candy to a friend who hasnotjoined"Someone likes you - friends on BAND" yet?A. Don’t worry! Your friend will receive all the candiessavedwhenhe/she joins "Someone likes you - friends on BAND".Q. How often can you send candies?A. You can send one candy to each BAND friend a day.