Top 42 Games Similar to Autastico

TEO - Autismo 1.0.1
O aplicativo TEO (Tratar,Estimular,Orientar)proporciona um conjunto de jogos interativosvoltadosparadispositivos móveis para dar suporte ao tratamentodecriançasdiagnosticadas com autismo. O objetivo de tais jogoséestimular acomunicação, a socialização e o comportamentodacriança, sendotambém um processo de tratamento complementaraotratamentotradicional do autismo.O projeto TEO foi desenvolvido por pesquisadores eestudantesdocurso de Ciência da Computação da Universidade FederaldeAlagoas(Campus Arapiraca), com suporte deprofissionaisespecialistas daclínica Trate Autismo, situada nomunicípio deArapiraca,Alagoas.The TEOapplication(Treat,Stimulate, Steer) provides a set of interactivegamesgeared formobile devices to support the treatment ofchildrendiagnosed withautism. The purpose of these games is toencouragecommunication,socialization and behavior of the child andis alsoa process ofcomplementary treatment to the traditionaltreatmentof autism.The TEO project was developed by researchers and studentsofthecourse of Computer Science from the Federal UniversityofAlagoas(Campus Arapiraca) with clinical expertssupportprofessionalsTreat Autism, located in the city ofArapiraca,Alagoas.
Sensory Baby Toddler Learning 2.2.2
Entertain your baby or toddler in this fun, visuallystimulatingunderwater sensory learning app. Also a great way tohelp developyour child’s hand to eye coordination skills, as wellas for thedevelopment of children with learning disabilities suchas autism.Sensory Play Features: • Vibration on touching the gamescreen •Sound Effects on touching the game screen • Choose frommultipleeffects that are created where ever the game screen istouched(bubbles, starfish, fireworks) • Choose between a selectionofbackgrounds • Choose from a selection of scenes (reef,shipwrecketc) • Control where the fish swim to, includes multitouch support• Gyro support - as your device is rotated, the gameworld rotateswith it • Game screen lock – prevention fromaccidentally exitingthe game (uses screen pinning) • Different fishto choose from, allwith varying contrasting colors, you can alsochoose multiple fishtypes to play with at the same time. Nowincluding seahorses andturtles! Whether it be a newborn baby,infant, or child. Thissensory play activity is guaranteed toprovide them with joy andentertainment! Ideal for when you’re outand about and your infantis getting bored or upset, when yourtoddler won’t settle andgetting up to mischief or when you justwant to relax your kidsbefore bed time – distract and get theirattention with some visualstimulation in a joyful way! Thissensorial app has many uniquefeatures in comparison with othersensory based games, such as thefirework, bubble, balloon pop andfinger paint games available.Choose to amuse your baby with thisvisually stimulating,interactive, sensory game. Not only will thissensory app delightyour kids, it will also provide increasededucational benefits.From the early stages of your babiesdevelopment, they areconstantly learning and absorbing informationaround them, theybegin to see, touch, feel, hear and understand howtheirinteractions are affecting the environment around them. Yourbabywill begin to learn that touching the screen will cause bubblestobe created. Your child can drag your finger across the screentocreate a pattern of bubbles. Your newborn can place their handsonthe screen to cause lots of bubbles to be created at all pointsonthe screen that they are touching. With sensory fish, yourchildwill experience and educate themselves by use of the causeandeffect techniques and features implemented. As your babytouchesthe screen, they gain instant feedback of a vibration,soundeffects and bubbles. They will eventually begin to understandthattheir touch is also causing the fish to swim towards wheretheytouched. If they were to touch the screen in multiple position,thefish will swim between all of those touched positions! Yourbabylearns and adapts to their findings within the game. As thegame isfairly simple to understand and not too complex, it is idealforyoung kids, boys and girls of ages from 0 months (with aparentshowing them the game), up to the late kindergarten /preschoolstage of their development where they fully understand andcancontrol all aspects of the world and have learned exactly whatthecause will be from their actions. Sensory game play is greatforthe continued development of your kids motor skills and handeyecoordination development. It aids in helping to fine tunethemotoric skills and movements, the very detailed movements thatwerequire and use every day. It has also been shown to havegreatbenefits in learning and stimulation for children with autismandchildren with special educational needs (SEN). Havingalreadyreceived excellent feedback from parents who have childrenwithautism, special educational needs (SEN) and learningdisabilities.Install now! It’s convenient, educational,stimulating, fun andbest of all, it’s free!
Memory game for kids, toddlers 5.9.0
educational games for preschool kids - 12 logic games forbraindevelopment
Read and Count 4.1
Apps Bergman
Learn the complete and illustrated alphabet, counting to100,shapes, and more
Baby puzzles 1.1.9
Edujoy Games
Enjoy this fun educational puzzle game for kids.
Autism Learning How Many 0.0.7
Autism Learning How Many is a game designedforchildren from toddler age to preschool years that haveDelayedLanguage and Learning Developmental Issues such as AutismandPDD-NOS.The Autism Learning How Many Game has been developed toallowchildren to enjoy learning counting different animals andobjectssuch as cows, planes, sheep and many more.The How Many game has 3 different levels of counting to play,theeasy level which contains 1 to 3 objects to count, medium whichhas2 to 6 objects, and hard which contains 2 to 9 objects. Alllevelsare completely randomized, so every time you play it willbedifferent.By playing the Autism Learning How Many Game, children willlearnto count and recognize the numbers that match the amount ofobjectson the screen.With a creative and colorful background, images andverbalprompts, playing the Autism Learning How Many Game is a funway forchildren, families and carers to learn and playtogether.
Kids Learning Box: Preschool 2.0
Kids learning games for Preschool and Kindergartenchildren.Educative Fun Games
Autism Learning Shapes 0.0.3
Autism Learning Shapes is a game designedforchildren from toddler age to preschool years that haveDelayedLanguage and Learning Developmental Issues such as AutismandPDD-NOS.The Autism Learning Shapes Game has been developed toallowchildren to enjoy learning shapes by trial and error.By playing the Autism Learning Shapes, children will learntorecognize the shape of objects on the screen.With a creative and colorful background, images andverbalprompts, playing the Autism Learning Shapes Game is a fun wayforchildren, families and carers to learn and play together
FindMe: Pointing (Autism) 1.642.18
Tigerface Games
Pointing is an app designed to help yourchildimprove their ability to pay attention to where (and what)peopleare pointing to.Your child will be asked to select the object that thecharacteris pointing or looking at. As the levels progress, moreobjectswill appear on the screen.It is suitable for play by children with an abilitylevelequivalent to 18 months to 6 years, and doesn’t requireanylanguage or reading.This app has been designed by researchers at EdinburghUniversitybased on existing cutting edge autism research.We believe that this app will provide a fun and interactivewayfor children with autism to practice noticing where peoplearepointing and looking at. By doing so, there is thepotentialincrease the speed at which they associate spoken wordswithobjects.
Autism Games 4 - Matching 1.0
Autism Games – Matching: This App wasbuiltinconjunction with Board Certified Behavioral Analyststoprovidegames which can improve the skills of children withautism.ABATherapists will note that each game relates to specificgoalsandobjectives relating to skill building, atdifferentlevels,specific to matching of letters, numbers, shapes,pictures,andwords. The games are designed with consideration oftheautisticmind and behavioral improvements. Both touch buttonandmotor skilldragging are used to answer each of the 300questions.Simplesubject introduction for early development istakentodifferentiation between multiple possible solutions.Whiledesignedfor autistic children, the games are excellent foranyearlyintervention program.Board Certified Behavioral Analyst, Applied BehavioralAnalyst,EarlyChild Development, Matching Games, MatchingLetters,MatchingPictures, Matching Numbers, Matching Shapes,MatchingWords,Autism, Autistic children, behavioral therapy
Sensory Baby: Games for Babies 1.5
Entertain your baby or toddler with this fun, enjoyable,visuallystimulating sensory learning app. Sensory Play will alsohelp yourchild develop hand eye coordination skills. Whether yourchild is anewborn baby, infant or toddler, this sensory learningapp willprovide activities guaranteed to provide them with joyandentertainment! Sensory Play is ideal for when you’re out andabout,when your infant is getting bored or upset, when your toddlerwon’tsettle or gets into mischief or when you just want your kidstorelax before bed time. Simply distract your child and gettheirattention with some joyful visual stimulation! This sensorialapphas many unique features compared to other sensory basedgames.Your children will enjoy the firework, bubble, balloon popandfinger paint games. Improve your child’s development andmakelearning fun with Sensory Play! Sensory Play Features: SensoryPlayfor Babies • Newborn babies can place their hands on the screentocause lots of effects at all points on the screen •Visuallystimulating – Choose from multiple effects to be createdwhen thegame screen is touched (twinkles, stars, plasma, fireworks)• Yourbaby will be entertained with a selection of backgroundscolors andscenes (forest, island, winter, jungle) • Your baby cancontrolwhere the birds and other animals fly with multi touchsupport •Newborn babies will be entertained by multiple birds,animals,angels and fairies with varying contrasting colors playingat thesame time. • Sensory games include Vibration and SoundEffects whenthe game screen is touched • Sensory gyro support - asyour babyrotates the device, the game world rotates with themEducationalToddler Games • Sensory learning app will delight yourkids andprovide increased educational benefits • Toddler games willhelpfrom the early stages of child development, and help learningandabsorbing information around them • Help toddler developmentwithtouch, feel, hear and to understand how interactions affecttheirsurroundings • Your toddler will learn that touching thescreenwill cause different effects they drag fingers across thescreenChildren Development • Child development and educationisimportant. Children will learn the cause and effect ofscreentechniques • Sensory games are simple to understand and nottoocomplex. Ideal for young kids of ages from newborns, up to thelatepreschool or kindergarten preschool • Sensory Play willhelpdevelopment and fully understand all aspects of the worldwiththeir actions • As children touch the screen, they gaininstantfeedback with vibration, sound effects and touch effects •Continuedevelopment of children’s motor skills and hand eyecoordination •Sensory Play aids in helping to fine tuning motorskills andmovements with very detailed movements that we requireeveryday useStimulation Games • Children will be amused for hourswith visuallystimulating, interactive, sensory games • Greatentertainment forchildren as they begin to understand that theirtouch causes theanimals to swim to where they touched the screen •ParentalControls: Game screen lock – Prevent your baby fromaccidentallyexiting the game • Sensory Games for Autistic Children• SensoryPlay has shown great benefits in learning and stimulationforchildren with autism and children with special educationalneeds(SEN) • Parents of autistic children, special educationalneeds(SEN) and learning disabilities have given excellentfeedbackSensory Play is a visually stimulating sensorial app forchildrenthat helps child development at a young age. Help yourbaby,toddler or child learn hand eye coordination and beentertainedwith Sensory Play! Download this educational,stimulating, funsensory app now for free!
Autism Learning ABC and Words 0.0.9
Autism Learning ABC and Sounds is agamedesigned for children from toddler age to preschool years thathaveDelayed Language and Learning Developmental Issues such asAutismand PDD-NOS.The Autism Learning ABC and Words Game has been developedtoallow children to enjoy learning the Alphabet by matchinglettersof the Alphabet to words. By playing the Autism Learning ABCandWords Game, children will learn to recognize the order andsequenceof the Alphabet and be introduced to and become familiarwith thesound of each letter of the Alphabet.Visual images are also a key factor used to enhanceverbaldevelopment and each letter of the Alphabet is highlightedwith animage that begins with each associated letter from A forApple to Zfor Zipper. As well as visual images, sound affects arealsoincluded and will engage curiosity and associations of wordsandpictures that sets the foundation and platform todevelopvocabulary and language development.To play the Autism Learning ABC and Words Game all is requiredisto drag and drop each letter of the Alphabet at the bottom ofthepage to the beginning of each word at the top of the page. Oncetheletter has been matched to the word you will then hear whattheimage is and can then move the forward button to proceed tothenext letter of the Alphabet or press backwards to repeat thesameletter again. Playing the Autism Learning ABC and WordsGamechildren also development fine motor skills, reflectivethinkingskills and cause and effect which is an important part oftheircognitive development.With a creative and colorful background, imaginativewords,images and sounds, playing the Autism Learning ABC and WordsGameis a fun way for children, families and carers to learn andplaytogether.
Kids Educational Game 2 4.4
15 fun games for kids, puzzles, memory, colors, motor skills...
Kids Brain Trainer (Preschool) 2.9.1
Preschool brain trainer games for kids: learning game,memory,matching, puzzles
Toddler puzzles - Animal games 5.9.1
kids educational game for preschool babies - fun play,learnpronunciation
Autism disease shose mofeed2 1.0.0
autism , kids , child , children ,boy ,girl,school ,student , teacher, toddler, مرض التوحد , التوحد , علاجمرضالتوحد , أعراض التوحد , مرض التوحد عند الأطفال , اسباب مرضالتوحد ,التوحد في الخليج , التوحد في مصر , التوحد في الدول العربية, التوحدالجزائر , التوحد في افريقيا , التوحد في امريكا اللاتينية ,اسبابالتوحد وطرق علاجه , اسباب التوحد لدى الاطفال , اسباب مرضالتوحد عندالاطفال وعلاجه , اعراض مرض التوحد عند الاطفال الرضع ,التوحد وطيفالتوحد , التوحد في الأردن ، التوحد في فلسطين و التوحد فيالعراق ,التوحد في السعودية ، التوحد في قطر , التوحد في البحرين ,التوحد فيالإمارات , التوحد في عُمان , التوحد في الكويت , التوحد فيليبيا ,التوحد في السودان , التوحد في تونس , التوحد في تركيا ,التوحد فيامريكا , التوحد في فرنسا , توحد , اوتيزم , أوتيزم , رابطةمرضىالاوتيزم برنامج أكثر من رائع لمساعدة الطفل السليم والطفلالمساندوطفل التوحد , صعوبات التعلم ,ش, تطبيق عن التوحد , برنامج عنالتوحد,autism app , autism program 2 for kids and autism _ LiteBest educational app for children of all agesMofeed educational program that promotes healthy child,autism,supporting education and special needs growth.It came (beneficial) in an era full of technological innovation,tomeet the growing interest in electronic educational programs. Itisa useful educational program teaches and reinforces thechild'sdevelopment by teaching a series of developmental skills ina rowand the organization, which offers the child byemployinge-learning techniques using animated cartoon characterknown as"Mofeed". It has been designed to meet the developmentalneeds ofthe natural child, and the child growing late.(Mofeed) is the result of a group of experts effort, in ordertomeet the individual needs of all children, no matter howdifferentcultural referents, language, and geography. It seeks(Mofeed) tohelp parents and teachers in promoting children'sdevelopment, onthe basis of specific scientific methodology; thatis based on theprinciple of scientific practices adopted on theresults ofresearch and scientific studies in the field ofassistivetechnology.(Mofeed)... Is a cartoon character innovative by Amera KidsCompanySoftware Education. Aims to build and develop thechild'sdevelopmental skills in all areas such as: emotionalgrowth,social, cognitive development, self-care skills, and finallytheability to communicate development; through raised andeducatedsequentially for the child according to the methodology ofthedirect teaching method, known manner analysis tasks that Ithelpsteachers and parents. On the education of their children andtosupport growth...Field studies where our children respond with (Mofeed) fasterthantheir response to the orders given to them shown by theparents,and teachers. Field results of our studies have shown thattheemployment of (Mofeed) during the learning process; tomakechildren more cooperative and ability to learn in recordtime.
Learning Games - EduKidsRoom 9.2
Preschool Educational Games & Puzzles for Preschoolers&Kindergarteners
Auts 0.9.16
Meet Auts, a project that approaches the theme of autism inaplayful and fun way!
Cause & Effect Sensory Light B 5.2.0
Beautiful cause & effect app for young people with autismandcomplex needs
FindMe (Autism) 1.642.26
Tigerface Games
""Featured on BBC NEWS:""FindMe is an app designed to help young children withautismpractice simple social skills. It is suitable for play bychildrenwith an ability level equivalent to 18 months or over, anddoesn’trequire any language or reading.How to play:In Find Me, the aim of the game is to find the person inthescene and tap on them.As the levels increase, it becomes harder to spot the personasmore and more distracting thing (plants, animals, toys) appearinthe scene.Research and Design:Find Me was developed by a group of researchers,computerprogrammers and artists at the University of Edinburghandpublished by Interface3 Limited.The app is part of the output for the Click EastProject( which is investigating thepossibilities ofusing Computer Games to teach Social AttentionSkills to childrenwith autism. The project is led by SueFletcher-Watson at theSchool of Education at EdinburghUniversity.While this game has focused on the skill of attending topeople,the aim is to publish similar apps in the future. As aresult, wewould really appreciate any feedback that you have asthis willhelp us understand the impact this app might have on youand yourchild.Find more info about the app at www.tigerfacegames.comCredits:This game was devised and produced by Dr Sue Fletcher-Watson,DrSean Hammond, Dr Helen Pain and Ms Ali Humphry of the UniversityofEdinburgh, with contributions from Ms Yuan Kai, and waspreparedfor publication by Interface3 Limited.
Sensory Rain 1.0
Scott Durkin
This simple sensory app came about asmysonlikes to touch and feel things as he is progressingthroughhisgrowing months / years and he seems to get distractedbynicecolors and things moving as he touches them. I have seenotherappslike this but what i notices really caught my son's eyewasthepurple rain falling in the background.I read up a little on sensory applications and how theycanbebeneficial for children and adults with specialeducationalneeds(SEN), learning difficulties, and certaindisabilities.Conditionssuch as autism and as my youngest brotherwas diagnosedwith autismi thought this would be a cool way ofshowing him I madesomethingthat he would personally use.This app is totally free, and is ad-free. If you would liketoshowyour support please just leave a rating/reviewandconsiderchecking out my other apps that will come in thefuture:)----------Scott Durkin is an indie game developer making small,fun,casualgames for mobile devices.Thanks for playing and don't forget to check outmyothergames!Sensory Rain is a small android app thatdemonstratesvariousfeatures.+ Touch the screen to trigger an effect.+ Keep touching to trigger more effects.+ Multi-Touching (Coming Soon)Tap the unobtrusive close (X) button to close the playscreen,thentap the quit button to quit the app.There are two main target audiences:+ Babies - A little time spent interacting with this appshouldhelpimprove hand-eye coordination.+ Children and adults with certain learning disabilitiesorspecialeducation needs.
Kindergarten Learning Games 4.1
Kindergarten Games to learning fun for children of preschoolandkindergarten.
Autism disease clothes mofeed1 1.0.0
autism , kids , child , children ,boy ,girl,school ,student , teacher, toddler, مرض التوحد , التوحد , علاجمرضالتوحد , أعراض التوحد , مرض التوحد عند الأطفال , اسباب مرضالتوحد ,التوحد في الخليج , التوحد في مصر , التوحد في الدول العربية, التوحدالجزائر , التوحد في افريقيا , التوحد في امريكا اللاتينية ,اسبابالتوحد وطرق علاجه , اسباب التوحد لدى الاطفال , اسباب مرضالتوحد عندالاطفال وعلاجه , اعراض مرض التوحد عند الاطفال الرضع ,التوحد وطيفالتوحد , التوحد في الأردن ، التوحد في فلسطين و التوحد فيالعراق ,التوحد في السعودية ، التوحد في قطر , التوحد في البحرين ,التوحد فيالإمارات , التوحد في عُمان , التوحد في الكويت , التوحد فيليبيا ,التوحد في السودان , التوحد في تونس , التوحد في تركيا ,التوحد فيامريكا , التوحد في فرنسا , توحد , اوتيزم , أوتيزم , رابطةمرضىالاوتيزم برنامج أكثر من رائع لمساعدة الطفل السليم والطفلالمساندوطفل التوحد , صعوبات التعلم ,ش, تطبيق عن التوحد , برنامج عنالتوحد,autism app , autism program disease clothes mofeed _ LiteBest educational app for children of all agesMofeed educational program that promotes healthy child,autism,supporting education and special needs growth.It came (beneficial) in an era full of technological innovation,tomeet the growing interest in electronic educational programs. Itisa useful educational program teaches and reinforces thechild'sdevelopment by teaching a series of developmental skills ina rowand the organization, which offers the child byemployinge-learning techniques using animated cartoon characterknown as"Mofeed". It has been designed to meet the developmentalneeds ofthe natural child, and the child growing late.(Mofeed) is the result of a group of experts effort, in ordertomeet the individual needs of all children, no matter howdifferentcultural referents, language, and geography. It seeks(Mofeed) tohelp parents and teachers in promoting children'sdevelopment, onthe basis of specific scientific methodology; thatis based on theprinciple of scientific practices adopted on theresults ofresearch and scientific studies in the field ofassistivetechnology.(Mofeed)... Is a cartoon character innovative by Amera KidsCompanySoftware Education. Aims to build and develop thechild'sdevelopmental skills in all areas such as: emotionalgrowth,social, cognitive development, self-care skills, and finallytheability to communicate development; through raised andeducatedsequentially for the child according to the methodology ofthedirect teaching method, known manner analysis tasks that Ithelpsteachers and parents. On the education of their children andtosupport growth...Field studies where our children respond with (Mofeed) fasterthantheir response to the orders given to them shown by theparents,and teachers. Field results of our studies have shown thattheemployment of (Mofeed) during the learning process; tomakechildren more cooperative and ability to learn in recordtime.
Kids Finger Painting Coloring 22
Kids finger painting & coloring book game with 1300+familyfriendly art pages.
Animals jigsaw puzzle games fo 1.2.0
Help your kid boost creativity and indulge in animalseducationalgames
As Descobertas de Albert 0.0.6
Pablo Ramon
As descobertas de Albert é um gameeducacionalque foi concebido com a missão de ajudar odesenvolvimento decrianças autistas nos diferentes aspectos em quenormalmente temdificuldades como, olhar, formas, expressões faciaise comunicaçãoverbal.The Albert discoveriesisan educational game that is designed with the mission ofhelpingthe development of autistic children in the differentaspects thattypically have difficulties as, look, shapes, facialexpressionsand verbal communication.
Educational Games 4 Kids 3.3
Educational and fun games for toddlers: puzzles, piano, paint,maze,emotions...
Miffy's World 6.5.0
Join the world’s cutest rabbit as she explores her world!
Toddler Food 5.0.2
Food learning fun for toddlers!
Autism Learning Colors 0.0.4
Autism Learning Colors is a game designedforchildren from toddler age to preschool years that haveDelayedLanguage and Learning Developmental Issues such as AutismandPDD-NOS.The Autism Learning Colors Game has been developed toallowchildren to enjoy learning colors by trial and error.By playing the Autism Learning Colors, children will learntorecognize colors of objects on the screen.With a creative and colorful background, images andverbalprompts, playing the Autism Learning Colors Game is a fun wayforchildren, families and carers to learn and play together
Words for Kids (full version) 1.7.2
Learning words has never been so fun!
Preschool Games For Kids 9.4
Queleas LLC
Distance Learning for kids in preschool and kindergarten
Learning Colors Shapes Memory
Lana Cristina
Wooden Colorful Shape Sorting BoardGameforKids,Toddlers,Babys.Kids’ fruitful education is based on three fundamentalitemsandthese are identifying shapes and colors, matchingsimilaritems,and proper development of hand-eye coordination. Thebestresult inkids education can be enjoyed if the entirelearningprocess is setby using a fun and learn teachingmethodology. Thefree android app“Colorful Shape Sorting Board” isall aboutoffering an interactiveGame platform for toddler withshapes andcolors and the entiremilieu is set in a delightful mode,which isample entertaining forkids and a simple but extremelyinteractiveteaching platform forparents. Baby memory learning.How to play the Baby Shape Sorter:This is really a simple to play game but it is quitechallengingforkids as well as for adults. The challenge is prettytough forthekids especially when the shapes are divided into smallunits.Thereare different colors available. The player has tomatchshapes andcolors for each unit. Different shapes and colorsarefounddisplayed on the screen. Each session has to be completedasfast aspossible. There is a timer, and it will be displayedaftereachsession gets over: this timer will help you to measurethetimeyou/your kids have taken to complete the matching session,andtoassess if you are performing gradually faster.While playing this game you can ask your kids tocompleteeachmatching game faster and fastest and that will beperfectlydone bychallenging your previous performance as displayedby thetimer.This faster movement of finger in select and drag stylewillnotonly improve your kid’s reflex, they will be masterinmatchingdifferent shapes and colors and its uniquesynchronizationat greatspeed with best accuracy.How the app is unique?You can teach your kids to play this app- game simply byusingyourandroid device, it is easy to teach game to Toddlersandextremelyaddictive to play for adults. By playing this gameyourkids willbe learning to categorize and name the shapes: eventhetoddler of2-year age range will be able to master the game.It will take only a few minutes time to getdownloadedandinstantly it will get synchronized on your androiddevice, sothatyou can start playing with this educational puzzlegameColorfulShapes at one go. The fun and learn method willkeepToddlersentertained and will improve their learning curvebyenhancingcognitive skill, motor skill, and visual perceptionskill.Beforeyou introduce your toddlers for playing the game onyourdevice,have a look here to learn all the features of this appsothat youcan enjoy best result in your kid’s performance.+ It has a brilliant user interface: it is easytounderstand,toddlers’ friendly, and it is easy to teach inaninterestingway,+ By playing with this educational game you will be abletolearnskills like identifying different shapes, matchingshapes,andhand-eye coordination,+ The app presents infinite levels of matching game: youcanplayunlimited as well as your kid can play as much astheylike,+ By playing this educational game your kidscanlearnimplementing symmetry and unit shape fragments for addingthemin awhole part: the ability of integration is one of thebestresultsof playing with this app.+ By playing this app game, kids will be abletoidentifydifferent colors.+ You can use parental control: you need to be opened onlefttopparent button. You need to press and hold the button for3secondsto unlock the facility.+ Users can play the game with awesome background music,whichcanbe put off/on via parental control.This educational app has been developed on basis oftheauditrecommendations of the children's education experts; henceitwillsurely be effective for your toddlers basic education.
Words for the kids 1.6.9
A game in which kids can learn new words while having fun
Baby Smart Games 10.0
Educational games for kids, 18 games to stimulate and boostchild’sintelligence
Tarjetas educativas en español 2.02
La gama completa de las tarjetas deenseñanzapara niños pequeños ofrece muchas horas de diversión. Lostérminosfueron cuidadosamente seleccionados bajo la supervisión demaestrosde escuelas primarias. Las imágenes son bellas fotos y todoestágrabado con una voz femenina agradable. La aplicacion es idealparaenseñar los niños aprender bien nuevas palabras tanto aloshispanohablantes como a los niños que apenas están empezandoconespañol. La aplicación contiene 4 modos:1) EXPLORA – mostrando las palabras con imagenes2) PRACTICA – practica de las palabras3) HABLA – muestra la imagen y graba tu pronunciación4) MEMORAMA – juego con los imagenesCATEGORÍAS:1) Colores2) Animales silvestres3) Instrumentos musicales4) Mascotas5) Frutas6) Animales del bosque7) Números del 0-108) Actividades9) Deportes / Juegos y atletas10) Escuela11) Números del 11-2012) Números 10, 100, 100013) Verduras14) Ocupaciones15) Vehículos16) Hospital17) Zapatos18) Herramientas y equipo de jardinería19) Personas y sus vestimentas20) Esquí21) Frutas 222) Verduras 223) Flores24) Animales en la República Checa [Europa]25) Plantas (flores silvestres)26) Árboles con flores (flores)27) Árboles sin flores (hojas)28) Coches29) MarLas primeras seis lecciones son totalmente gratis.The full range ofteachingcards for young children offers many hours of fun. Theterms werecarefully selected under the supervision of elementaryschoolteachers. The images are beautiful photos and everything isrecordedwith a pleasant female voice. The application is ideal forteachingchildren new words learn well both speaking and childrenwho arejust beginning with Spanish. The application contains 4modes: 1) EXPLORE - showing the words with images2) PRACTICE - practice words3) SPEAK - displays the image and record your pronunciation4) Memorama - game with imagesCATEGORIES:1) Colors2) Pets wild3) Musical Instruments4) Pets5) Fruits6) Forest Animals7) Numbers 0-108) Activities9) Sports / Games and athletes10) School11) Numbers 11-2012) Numbers 10, 100, 100013) Vegetables14) Occupations15) Vehicles16) Hospital17) Shoes18) Tools and garden equipment19) People and their clothes20) Ski21) Fruits 222) Vegetables 223) Flowers24) Animals in the Czech Republic [Europe]25) Plants (wild flowers)26) trees with flowers (flowers)27) trees without flowers (leaves)28) Cars29) Sea  The first six lessons are free.
Spelling Games for Kids & Pare 1.49
Penguin Apps
Spelling Game for Kids, Children and Parents! Letters and wordsforthe Family.
Kids Counting 123 Preschool 2.7
Math Games for Kindergarten to make learning fun.Suitableforchildren of preschool and Kindergarten. Play to learnmath inthemost entertaining way, combining operations andactivities withourfunny pictures. Help a narrator to learn thenumbers andelementarymathematics for little boy. Children willlearn counting,numberrecognition , sequencing, addition andsubtraction of numbersfrom1 to 10 through fun exercises. Aligned toCommon Core mathStateStandards. Math challenge for kids with soundeffects andfunnydrawings. Over 20 interactive games , divided intotwo levels:Level 1: ★ Learn the numbers. ★ Counting from 1 to 10 ★Patterns★Puzzles ★ Shadows ★ Match Level 2: ★ Addition 1 to 10★Subtraction1 to 10 ★ Sort numbers from 1 to 10 ★ Number Sequences★Memory ★Ordinals ★ Coin Math ( EUR / USD / GBP / JPY / KRW). ★Settime ★Numbers from 11 to 20 Users: ✔ Preschoolers ansKindergartenKids(1st graders too) ✔ Parents for daily homework ✔Teachers intheclassroom ✔ Homeschoolers Kids will love this gamebecause itshowsnumbers, operations , polygons , watches, ... with aniceinterface. You'll like it too because this app it is based onthecurriculumof kindergarten. Easy to play . You have the optionofunlimitedplay . You can see your progress step by step . Youcanplaywithout internet connection. Games adapted for tablets of10",8"and 7 ". Also for smartphones. Also valid for special needssuchasautism. Available in English, Spanish, German, French
MQMM-Meu Querido Mundo Mágico 1.0
Marina Castro
O aplicativo MQMM - Meu Querido MundoMágicofoidesenvolvido para ajudar na inclusão escolar paracrianças comTEA -Transtorno do Espectro do Autismo.Na tela inicial, o usuário entra em uma outra tela ondeseescolheum personagem, podendo alterar o nome se desejar.Oaplicativo possuitrês jogos:1. Labirinto: o jogo funciona com os movimentos doaparelhomóvel,onde é trabalhado o senso de direção e coordenaçãomotora dacriança.Caso a bolinha encoste em um dos obstáculos,perde umavida. Oobjetivo do jogo é levar a bolinha menor até abolinhamaior.2. Boas Maneiras: neste jogo, a criança aprende através deaçõesoque é certo e errado.3. Desenho Livre: neste jogo, a criança desenhalivrementeutilizandoas cores disponíveis. Para apagar, bastachacoalhar oaparelho móvel.Também é trabalhado a coordenaçãomotora.The MQMM application-MyDear Wizarding World was developed to help schoolinclusionforchildren with ASD - Autism Spectrum Disorder.From the home screen, the user enters another screenwhereyouchoose a character and can change the name if youwish.Theapplication has three games:1. Labyrinth: The game works with the movements ofthemobiledevice where you worked the sense of direction andthechild'smotor coordination. If the ball touches one oftheobstacles, losea life. The goal is to take the smaller ball tothelargestdot.2. Manners: In this game, the child learns through actionswhatisright and wrong.3. Free Design: In this game, the child draws freelyusingtheavailable colors. To clear, just shake your mobile device.Itisalso working motor coordination.
Baby Games Animal Shape Puzzle 33.2
A game with fun and beautiful shape puzzles for toddlers andyoungkids!
ASL American Sign Language 7
Game for teaching ASL American Sign Language with fingerspellingflash cards!
The Journey of Elisa 2.1
This videogame will help you understand people withAsperger'sSyndrome.