Top 24 Apps Similar to Zen Boat HD Wallpaper Live

Raindrops on Flower Wallpaper 1.1
Make your Android device moreinterestingandunique for free.Features of Live Video Wallpaper app:You can scroll wallpaper with your fingerYou can set your own video as a wallpaperApplication works offline.Wallpaper speed is configurable.FREE and always will be.Easy to use, easy to download.Live animationHD qualityJust install this perfect Live Video Wallpaper app onyourAndroidmobile device. And enjoy!Thanks for your reviews, friends! Please check myotherlivewallpapers!I hope you like my app, and I want to keep it free for you.Butinorder to keep it free it may contain ads.
Zen Waterfall Live Wallpaper 1.0
That waterfall looks like the ones inthefairytales - the water has broken into a mist of tiny dropletsandfallsdown like a soft silk. Add to this the playful suns raysandyou getan unbelievable tint of piece and beauty.The sight is so marvelous and relaxing that even theworstthoughtsand the most gloomy mood disappear in no time.Zen is a philosophy designed to accomplish the Buddhistgoalofseeing the world just as it is, that is, without themindbeingcluttered by thoughts and feelings. This attitudeiscalled"no-mind , a state of consciousness where thoughts comeandgowithout leaving any trace. Unlike other forms ofBuddhism,Zenholds that such freedom of mind cannot be attainedbygradualpractice but must come through direct and immediateinsight.Zenstudents prepare themselves to be receptive to suchanswersbysitting in meditation (Japanese za-zen) while theysimplyobserve,without thought, whatever may be happening. The Zenbeliefis thatnature cannot be grasped by any system of fixeddefinitionsorclassifications. Reality is the world as it is, apartfromanythoughts an individual has about it. One of theoriginalteachersof Zen, Shakyamuni Buddha said to his students oneday in atalkthat has been recorded as the Satipatthana sutta, theDiscourseonMindfulness, that, "There is but one way to liberationand thatismindfulness.
Rain Video 3D Live Wallpaper 1.0
This is new free video wallpaper withrealliferain footage.
Water Fall HD Wallpaper Live 1.0
Visiting a waterfall, especially on a hot sultry day, can beafavorite way to spend a day. You get in your car, drive formiles,then get out and walk the remainder of the way to awaterfall.Civilization has cleared and marked a pathway for you andthe manythousands like you who have come to enjoy these namedlandmarks.Rarely do you get to enjoy the natural beauty of one byjuststepping out into your own backyard. Behind my house,barelynoticeable, is a trail leading through the woods to awaterfall.The trail is narrow but well worn. Any shrubbery thatwould havegrown has been trampled down and all that is left is avery narrowpath, overhung with branches from the trees that markits sides. AsI start down the trail, I begin to feel the treesclosing around meuntil the house can no longer be seen. I followthe trail to whereit stops at the creek's edge, approaching quietlyso as not todisturb any of the wild creatures that has come toenjoy the coolfresh water. I gently cross over the creek using thestones, whichshow the wear of several previous crossing, so that Ican have fullview of the creek and the beauty it possesses. I canhear the rushof the water long before I see the falls.
Railroad Video Live Wallpaper 1.0
Railroad trip is always relaxingandprovidesenough time to think about life. Now on yourdevice.
Tree and Wind HD Wallpaper 1.0
This is chill and relaxing hdwallpaperwithleaves in the wind.Download right now and gift your mobile phone or tabletanewlevel makeover!
Waterfall Cascade HD Wallpaper 1.0
A waterfall is a river or other bodyofwater'ssteep fall over a rocky ledge into a plunge poolbelow.Waterfallsare also called cascades.The process of erosion, the wearing away of earth, playsanimportantpart in the formation of waterfalls.Waterfallsthemselves alsocontribute to erosion.Often, waterfalls form as streams flow from soft rock tohardrock.This happens both laterally (as a stream flows acrosstheearth)and vertically (as the stream drops in a waterfall). Inbothcases,the soft rock erodes, leaving a hard ledge over whichthestreamfalls.A fall line is the imaginary line along which parallelriversplungeas they flow from uplands to lowlands. Many waterfallsin anareahelp geologists and hydrologists determine a region'sfallline andunderlying rock structure.As a stream flows, it carries sediment. The sedimentcanbemicroscopic silt, pebbles, or even boulders. Sedimentcanerodestream beds made of soft rock, such as sandstoneorlimestone.Eventually, the stream's channel cuts so deep intothestream bedthat only a harder rock, such as granite,remains.Waterfallsdevelop as these granite formations form cliffsandledges.
Paradise Ocean Live Wallpaper 1.0
Everyone has a place where they go toescapeallthe pressures and worries of life. There is always thatonespot thatcan soothe all your problems and troubles in timesofstress. For me,the beach is the ultimate cure to all ofmyproblems. While I amthere, all of my obligations aresuddenlyerased.As I stroll along I can feel the soft smooth sand beneathmyfeet.I am taken in by the soothing atmosphere that encircles me.Iclosemy eyes, letting myself absorb the blistering rays of thesunon ascorching summer day. I am comforted by the sounds oftheocean; therhythmic pounding of the waves represses all ofmyworries. I lookinto the cloudless cerulean blue sky and seetheperfection of life.I often want to be like a seagull,seeminglydrifting endlessly inthe wind without a care in theworld. As Isit in my chair I can seeall the sights of summer;childrenbuilding sand castles along theoceans edge, to my right Iobservean elderly couple indulged in agood book. I am soon at thepointwhere my skin can no longer takethe harsh rays of theblisteringsummer sun. I run as fast as my feetcan carry me towardwhat mybody sees as Utopia, a seemingly endlesspool of crystalbluewater. I dive into the crashing waves headfirst. The shock ofthefrigid water takes my breath away and I ammomentarilystunned.However, I quickly recover; finding my bodyadjusts rapidlyto thecold water. Floating peacefully among thewaves, I am unawareofthe impending waves that are soon to breakover me. Crash!Amonstrous wave has just overtaken me; its forceknocks me tothesandy bottom of the ocean. I am refreshed andawakened as Iamcarried back to shore. Exhausted, I return to mypeaceful spotonthe beach. I quickly find myself once again bakingunder thewarmthof the summer sun.
Train Cab View Live Wallpaper 1.0
Amazing view from train on your phone asalivevideo wallpaper.
Animated Vinyl Live Wallpaper 1.1
Make your Android device moreinterestingandunique for free.Features of Live Video Wallpaper app:You can scroll wallpaper with your fingerYou can set your own video as a wallpaperApplication works offline.Wallpaper speed is configurable.FREE and always will be.Easy to use, easy to download.Live animationHD qualityJust install this perfect Live Video Wallpaper app onyourAndroidmobile device. And enjoy!Thanks for your reviews, friends! Please check myotherlivewallpapers!I hope you like my app, and I want to keep it free for you.Butinorder to keep it free it may contain ads.
Sunset Meadow HD Wallpaper 1.0
The sun was slowly going down the horizon.Asitwent down, the burning light of the sun got dull and itlookedlike ahuge disc of orange and yellow. The sun’s orangewasmingling withthe light blue colour of the sky and it producedavast contrast ofdifferent colours. It was like watching ascreenslowly changingcolours. The scene was truly beautiful. Thedulllight of the sunsomehow illuminated everything in a way Ihadnever seen them before.Everything was almost still and theeffectof the light made thescene look like one in a painting. Thewavesof the sea also seemedto have changed their colour to adullmixture of yellow and orange.The water was sparkling likediamondsin the light. The sun wasgradually going down and by thetime italmost disappeared, the skyhad patterns of differentcolours, fromlight purple to a dull blue.The scene lookedmesmerizing. Thebirds were also chirping and flyingaway to theirhomes. Thepleasant breeze, the sweet smell of saltywater mixed insand andthe sound of waves crashing against eachother completedthe sceneof a perfect sunset I had always read aboutinbooks.
Sunrise and Beach HD Wallpaper 1.0
It’s not often that you comeacrossasunrise-gold beach. That was our privilege as we gazed outattheslothful sea. Ebbing ever so gently, it looked at peaceinitsNeptune-blue gown. The beach was so soft, it felt likewewerewalking on a blanket of candy floss. The shimmeringsandsweptaround in a scythe of beach, hemmed in by towering cliffs.Faroutto sea, streams of pulsing light saturated the surfacewithagolden haze. It was confessional-quiet and this Babylonofbeachesfelt like paradise. The horizon seemed to be stitched withalineof silver.A flock of noisy seagull were squawking over ourheadsandsquabbling about something. They wheeled and arced,theirraucouscries ringing off the cliffs. There was a strangeglamour totheirtimeless call as they soared between the wandsofGod-goldenedlight. A single yacht bobbed and lolled in theincomingtide, likea toy in a bath. Its lights winked saucily asthewave-crests rosegently. The siren call of the sea was soothing,thewave musicwelcome. The rising sun laminated us with warmth andacarnival ofsmells drifted towards us from the hotel kitchen. Wehadcoal-firedlobster for breakfast and it tasted as galactic asthehotel’sname: Heavens Hideaway.
Water Flowing Live Wallpaper 1.1
Make your Android device moreinterestingandunique for free.Features of Live Video Wallpaper app:You can scroll wallpaper with your fingerYou can set your own video as a wallpaperApplication works offline.Wallpaper speed is configurable.FREE and always will be.Easy to use, easy to download.Live animationHD qualityJust install this perfect Live Video Wallpaper app onyourAndroidmobile device. And enjoy!Thanks for your reviews, friends! Please check myotherlivewallpapers!I hope you like my app, and I want to keep it free for you.Butinorder to keep it free it may contain ads.
Flying Colored Particles LWP 1.1
Make your Android device moreinterestingandunique for free.Features of Live Video Wallpaper app:You can scroll wallpaper with your fingerYou can set your own video as a wallpaperApplication works offline.Wallpaper speed is configurable.FREE and always will be.Easy to use, easy to download.Live animationHD qualityJust install this perfect Live Video Wallpaper app onyourAndroidmobile device. And enjoy!Thanks for your reviews, friends! Please check myotherlivewallpapers!I hope you like my app, and I want to keep it free for you.Butinorder to keep it free it may contain ads.
Soccer Ball Live HD Wallpaper 1.1
Personalize your home screen withtheamazingvideo live wallpaper in HD.Make your Android device more interesting and uniqueforfree.Features of Live Video Wallpaper app:Application works offline.Wallpaper speed is configurable.FREE and always will be.Easy to use, easy to download.Live animationHD qualityJust install this perfect Live Video Wallpaper app onyourAndroidmobile device. And enjoy!Thanks for your reviews, friends! Please check myotherlivewallpapers!I hope you like my app, and I want to keep it free for you.Butinorder to keep it free it may contain ads.
Moon Fireflies HD Wallpaper 1.0
There are a number of differentspeciesoffireflies, none of which are actually flies—they’rebeetles!Theyget the names “firefly” and “lightning bug” because oftheflashesof light they naturally produce. This phenomenoniscalledbioluminescence, and the bioluminescent organs infirefliesarefound on the underside of the abdomen. A similar groupoforganismsare glowworms. The term “glowworm” can refer tofireflylarva orwingless adult females—some of which are not in thefireflyfamilyLampyridae. Both glowworms and fireflies arebioluminescent.Theimportant distinction is that fireflies havewings and glowwormsdonot.Bioluminescence in fireflies is nearly 100percentefficient,meaning that little energy is wasted to producetheirlight. Bycontrast, an incandescent light bulb is only10percentefficient—90 percent of the energy is lost as heat.Foranothercomparison, the heat produced by a candle is 80,000timesgreaterthan the amount of heat given off by a firefly’s lightofthe samebrightness. Fireflies must be more efficient tosaveenergy.
Drill 3D Live Wallpaper HD 1.1
A drill is a tool fitted with acuttingtoolattachment or driving tool attachment, usually a drillbitordriver bit, used for boring holes in various materialsorfasteningvarious materials together with the use offasteners.Theattachment is gripped by a chuck at one end of thedrillandrotated while pressed against the target material. Thetip,andsometimes edges, of the cutting tool does the work ofcuttingintothe target material. This may be slicing off thinshavings(twistdrills or auger bits), grinding off small particles(oildrilling),crushing and removing pieces of the workpiece(SDSmasonry drill),countersinking, counterboring, or otheroperations.Drills are commonly used inwoodworking,metalworking,construction and do-it-yourself projects.Speciallydesigned drillsare also used in medicine, space missionsand otherapplications.Drills are available with a wide varietyofperformancecharacteristics, such as power and capacity.
White Clouds HD Live Wallpaper 1.0
Whenever I go up on the roof I alwaysseethesebig round cotton candies that float in the sky. Ialwayswonder whatthey are and what types are there? I also wonderhowthey form andwhat are their uses. Clouds sometimes appearindifferent colors andI wonder what types of colors. Clouds areapart of nature and Iwonder if they have a specific name. Withoutadoubt clouds are themost wonderful things I have seen.There are different levels of clouds and in each leveltherearedifferent types of clouds. First, there are the highcloudswhichare 6000 meters high and they are cirrus,cirrostratusandcirrocumulus clouds. Cirrus clouds are the mostcommon of thehighclouds, they are composed of ice and are thin andwispy.Theseclouds are usually white. Whereas cirrostratus cloudsare thinandsheet like high clouds that often cover theentiresky.Cirrostratus clouds usually come 12 to 24 hours before arainorsnow storm. However cirrocumulus clouds appear assmallroundedwhite puffs that appear in rose. As u see highcloudshowever canbe interesting and nice because it shows how manytypesof cloudsthere are and what they can do.Mid-level clouds are about 4000nmeters from the ground.Thecloudsthat are up there are altostratus andaltocumulusclouds.Altostratus clouds are grey or blue greymid-level cloudsthat arecomposed of ice crystals and waterdroplets. Similarlyaltocumulusclouds are also mid-level clouds thatare made out ofwaterdroplets. They appear as grey and puffy masses.There are notmanytypes of mid-level clouds because most of themarenotdiscovered.Low-level clouds are about 200 meters from the ground. Theyarethoseclouds usually seen from your balcony that look reallyclose.Thetypes of low-level clouds are nimbostratus,stratus,stratocumulusand cumulus. Nimbostratus clouds form a darkgrey,wet looking cloudylayer associated with continuously fallingrainor snow. Stratusclouds are uniformed greyish clouds thatoftencover the entire sky.Light mist or drizzle sometimes fall outofthese clouds.Stratocumulus clouds are low puffy and grey.Mostform in rows withblue sky visible between them. Cumulus cloudsarewhite, puffy cloudsthat look like pieces of floating cottoncandy.Most clouds are lowclouds and that is because they weretheclosest to see and the firstones to be discovered.So now you understand my questions and my point of view.Cloudsareamazing, beautiful and interesting to us. Now you knowwhat arethetypes of clouds, their names and how they form.
Small Backwater HD Wallpaper 1.0
A backwater is a part of a river inwhichthereis little or no current. It refers either to a branch ofamainriver, which lies alongside it and then rejoins it, or toabody ofwater in a main river, backed up by an obstruction suchasthe tideor a dam.If a river has developed one or more alternative coursesinitsevolution, one channel is usually designated the maincourseandsecondary channels may be termed backwaters. The mainrivercoursewill usually have the fastest stream and will likely bethemainnavigation route, but backwaters may be more shallow andflowmoreslowly, if at all. This results in a more diverseenvironmentofscientific interest and worthy of preservation.Backwatersalsoprovide opportunities for leisure activities such ascanoeingandfishing.In this sense, the term is extended to apply tophysicalandsocial areas that have been bypassed. It may apply toplacesthathave been neglected in economic development or intheexpression a"cultural backwater".When a section of a river is near the coast oranotherfeaturethat sets its base level, the section influenced bytheconditionsat its mouth is termed a backwater. If a river flowsintoa lake orsea, it is the region in which the slope of theriverdecreasesbecause the lower water flux permitted at the mouthcausesthewater to back up. Where the river outlet is stronglyaffectedbytides, the cyclic change in base level changes theportion oftheriver that is a backwater. As a result, fresh and saltwatermaybecome mixed to form an estuarine environment.
Licking Flames Live Wallpaper 1.1
Make your Android device moreinterestingandunique for free.Features of Live Video Wallpaper app:You can scroll wallpaper with your fingerYou can set your own video as a wallpaperApplication works offline.Wallpaper speed is configurable.FREE and always will be.Easy to use, easy to download.Live animationHD qualityJust install this perfect Live Video Wallpaper app onyourAndroidmobile device. And enjoy!Thanks for your reviews, friends! Please check myotherlivewallpapers!I hope you like my app, and I want to keep it free for you.Butinorder to keep it free it may contain ads.
Rain From Train Wallpaper 3D 1.0
Amazing video wallpaper with rainy day fromthetrain cab.
Sakura Hanami HD Wallpaper 1.0
Hanami is the Japanese traditional customoftheenjoyment of the beauty of flowers, `flower`in thiscasealmostalways meaning cherry blossom (or as the Japanese callit,Sakura). From the end of March to early May, sakura bloomalloverJapan, and around the first of February on the islandofOkinawa.The blossom forecast is announced each ear by the weatherbureau,and is watched carefully by those planning on Hanami astheblossomsonly last a week or two. In modern-day Japan,Hanamimostly consistsof having an outdoor party beneath thesakuraduring daytime or atnight.Hanami has been around for many centuries. It is saidtohavestarted around the Nara period when it was Ume blossomthatwasadmired in the beginning. By the time the Heian period,sakuracameto attract more attention.Today, the Japanese people continue the traditionofhanami,gathering in large numbers wherever the flowering treesarefound.Thousands of people fill the parks to hold feastsundertheflowering trees, and sometimes these parties go on untillateatnight.Usually, people go to the parks to keep the bestplacestocelebrate hanami with friends, family, and co-workers manyhoursoreven days before the celebration.Hanami has also become popular outside of Japan in thelastyears,and is celebrated today at other countries.Smallerhanamicelebrations in Taiwan, Korea, Philippines andChinaalsohappen.In the united states hanami has become very popular.In1912,Japan gave 3,000 sakura trees as a gift to the UnitedStatestocelebrate the nations' friendship. These trees wereplantedinWashington, D.C., and another 3,800 gifted trees werealsotakenthere in 1965. These sakura trees continue to be apopulartouristattraction, and every year, the "National CherryBlossomFestival"takes place when they bloom in early spring.
Slow Motion Fire HD Wallpaper 1.1
Make your Android device moreinterestingandunique for free.Features of Live Video Wallpaper app:You can scroll wallpaper with your fingerYou can set your own video as a wallpaperApplication works offline.Wallpaper speed is configurable.FREE and always will be.Easy to use, easy to download.Live animationHD qualityJust install this perfect Live Video Wallpaper app onyourAndroidmobile device. And enjoy!Thanks for your reviews, friends! Please check myotherlivewallpapers!I hope you like my app, and I want to keep it free for you.Butinorder to keep it free it may contain ads.
Buddha HD Live Wallpaper 1.0
Wallpaper with Gautama Buddha, alsoknownasSiddhārtha Gautama, Shakyamuni.According to tradition, the historical Buddha lived from563to483 B.C., although scholars postulate that he may havelivedasmuch as a century later. He was born to the rulers oftheShakyaclan, hence his appellation Shakyamuni, which means “sageoftheShakya clan.” The legends that grew up around him holdthatbothhis conception and birth were miraculous. Hismother,Maya,conceived him when she dreamed that a white elephantenteredherright side (1976.402). She gave birth to him in astandingpositionwhile grasping a tree in a garden (1987.417.1). Thechildemergedfrom Maya’s right side fully formed and proceeded totakesevensteps. Once back in the palace, he was presented toanastrologerwho predicted that he would become either a great kingora greatreligious teacher and he was given the name Siddhartha(“Hewhoachieves His Goal”). His father, evidently thinkingthatanycontact with unpleasantness might prompt Siddhartha to seekalifeof renunciation as a religious teacher, and not wanting tolosehisson to such a future, protected him from the realitiesoflife.The ravages of poverty, disease, and even old agewerethereforeunknown to Siddhartha, who grew up surrounded byeverycomfort in asumptuous palace. At age twenty-nine, he madethreesuccessivechariot rides outside the palace grounds and saw anoldperson, asick person, and a corpse, all for the first time. Onthefourthtrip, he saw a wandering holy man whoseasceticisminspiredSiddhartha to follow a similar path in search offreedomfrom thesuffering caused by the infinite cycle of birth,death,andrebirth. Because he knew his father would try tostophim,Siddhartha secretly left the palace in the middle ofthenight(28.105) and sent all his belongings and jewelry backwithhisservant and horse. Completely abandoning hisluxuriousexistence,he spent six years as an ascetic (1987.218.5),attemptingtoconquer the innate appetites for food, sex, and comfortbyengagingin various yogic disciplines. Eventually near deathfromhisvigilant fasting, he accepted a bowl of rice from ayounggirl.Once he had eaten, he had a realization thatphysicalausteritieswere not the means to achieve spiritualliberation. At aplace nowknown as Bodh Gaya (“enlightenmentplace”), he sat andmeditatedall night beneath a pipal tree. Afterdefeating the forcesof thedemon Mara, Siddhartha reachedenlightenment (1982.233) andbecamea Buddha (“enlightened one”) atthe age of thirty-five.The Buddha continued to sit after hisenlightenment,meditatingbeneath the tree and then standing besideit for a numberof weeks.During the fifth or sixth week, he wasbeset by heavyrains whilemeditating but was protected by the hoodof the serpentkingMuchilinda (1987.424.19ab). Seven weeks afterhisenlightenment, heleft his seat under the tree and decided toteachothers what hehad learned, encouraging people to follow a pathhecalled “TheMiddle Way,” which is one of balance ratherthanextremism. He gavehis first sermon (1980.527.4) in a deer parkinSarnath, on theoutskirts of the city of Benares. He soon hadmanydisciples andspent the next forty-five years walkingaroundnortheastern Indiaspreading his teachings. Although theBuddhapresented himself onlyas a teacher and not as a god or objectofworship, he is said tohave performed many miracles duringhislifetime (1979.511).Traditional accounts relate that he died attheage of eighty(2015.500.4.1) in Kushinagara, after ingestingatainted piece ofeither mushroom or pork. His body was crematedandthe remainsdistributed among groups of his followers. Theseholyrelics wereenshrined in large hemispherical burialmounds(1985.387), a numberof which became important pilgrimagesites.