Top 19 Apps Similar to 112 Acil Yardım Butonu

112 Where ARE U
112 Where ARE U is the app that callstheEuropean Emergency Number 112, where the service isimplemented,automatically sending your location information and allthe otherinformation you included in the app.The European Emergency Number 112 was created to provideallEuropean citizens with a single number for theiremergencies:Ambulance, Firefighters, Police can be alerted by thesame PSAP(Public Safety Answering Point) and the serviceautomaticallylocates you, for a rapid and accurate response.Existing features:- 112 Where ARE U sends your position to the 112 PSAPmanagementsoftware, allowing an accurate location, for a rapidresponse, whenevery second is important.- 112 Where ARE U stores your personal data, including ICE (incaseof emergency) numbers, that can be called for you by the 112PSAPoperator, if necessary.- Automatic location services are currently availablehere: Wherever 112 Where AREUlocation services are not present, the app still allowsnormalemergency calls to the emergency numbers.To be able to use 112 Where ARE U location services, it isnecessaryto subscribe, using the app.New in this version:- 112 Where Are U has been completely redesigned with a newlook,easy to use.- Mapping of touch functions for unimpaired sight citizens.- “Silent call” function, to allow citizens to call 112 evenwhenthey are unable to speak.- You can choose to call 112 directly or select theemergencyservice you need, by using the “voice call” menu, to maketheprocess more efficient.- Added interactive tutorial to guide users through theapp’sfunctions on screen.- Add your photo in the user profile menu.- The emergency number changes automatically with the Countryyou’rein (e.g. if you are in the U.S.A., the app will propose 911insteadof 112).
Durcal - GPS tracker & locator 8.1.3
Family tracker with mobile GPS location to find and take care ofthefamily
e-Nabız 3.0.7
E-Pulse Personal Health System
Fitness Tracker & Sleep Tracke 1.9.0
Track steps, sleep, calories, Heart Rate ! Perfect for dietingandhealth!
FlagMii 3.1.6
Regola Srl
The app that connects you to rescuers: if you need help, helpthemfind you!
Blood Pressure Detector Prank 1.1
Now you can check the your Blood Pressurewithusing only your finger and blood pressure detector phone screentocheck your health. you will get instant heart rate andbloodpressure withing 1 seconds.once you start the measure blood pressure app click on startbutton,and put your finger on the screen to measure the heart ratetheblood pressure.Have Fun and be in good health,
Argus: Activity & Step Tracker 5.36.9536
Azumio Inc.
Best to count calories, lose weight, activity, workouts, diet
Weight Loss Tracker & BMI 2.60
aktiWir GmbH
Track your weight, check your BMI and evaluate the success ofyourdiet.
Free Health Check 2.7.1
4Free Studio
Free Health Check could measure yourbloodpressure,heart rate,sp02,emotion,eyes.Without any peripherals, 4Free Health measured directly throughthemobile phone:★ Heart rate★ continuous dynamic heart rate in real time★ Blood pressure★ sp02 & Blood Oxygen★ Vision & eyse★ listening★ breathing★ Emotional★ Psychology★ lung capacityIt does not require any peripherals, only use a mobile phone.Parameters:1. heart rate the scope between the 55~150 error of plus orminus32. blood pressure 92% the above user, error is within plus orminus123. oxygen error is within plus or minus 2Features:1. Measure your blood pressure,heart rate,sp02,emotion withoutanyperipherals.2. Without wearable device, super-convenient pedometer. No needtopurchase bracelets, automatically record data of walkingandrunning.3. In the House can use fitness tool, easy to have agoodfigure.4. Variety of Visual training programs, protect your eyes5. Routine health data management and analysisMore informationFor more product information and videos, check out:http://www.4freeall.comFacebook:
Monitor Your Weight 5.2.09
Award Winning Weight Tracker App with option to trackmultipleprofiles
Daily Workouts Free 6.32
Daily Workouts FREE is a great 5 to 30minutedaily workout routine for men and women that steps youthrough someof the best exercises you can do in the comfort of yourown home.These proven workouts, demonstrated by a certifiedpersonaltrainer, target all major muscles. Spending just minutes aday canstrengthen and tone your body. The routine's simpleinterface,complete with video and timer, allows you to easilyfollow alongand understand each exercise. Simply select yourroutine and followalong!FEATURES:• Ten different 5 to 10 minute targeted workouts• 10 to 30 minute randomized full body workouts• 95+ exercises• Great for both men and women• Video showing how to do each exercise• Developed by a certified personal trainer• On-screen instructions and timer• No internet required to do the workouts>>> If you like Daily Workouts FREE, check out thefullversion which features:• More exercises• More workout routines• Pilates, kettlebell, stretch and ball workouts and more• Random and custom workouts• Landscape mode• Ad-free
Temel İlk Yardım 1.1
Temel İlk Yardım uygulaması 4 anabaşlıkdanoluşmaktadır. İlk Yardım, Ek Bilgi, Eğitim Süreci, TestİLK YARDIM Bölümü:● Hasta ve Yaralıya Temel İlk Yardım ve müdahale adımlarıyeralmaktadır.● Temel İlk Yardım başlıkları alfabetik sırayagöredizilmiştir.● Okumak istediğiniz ilk yardım başlığına tıklayarakmüdahaleniniçeriği hakkında bilgi alabilir ve müdahale işleminedair video varise İlk Yardım Video kısmına tıklayarak ilgilivideo'larıizleyebilirisiniz. Video dosyaları uygulamanın içindeyüklügelmektedir, çalışma sırasında internet'i kullanmaz. İlkYardımmüdahalelerinde yer alan '112 Ambulans Hızlı Arama Tuşu' ve'110İtfaiye Hızlı Arama Tuşu' na basarak aramayapabilirsiniz.● Video'lar Türk Kızılayı Youtube kanalından alınmıştır. Bilgi Bölümü:● İlk yardım uygulaması Ek Bilgi kısmında sizintarafınızdanoluşturulacak yeni müdahale adımlarını yazabilir ve ilkyardımuygulamanızı kendinize göre güncelleyebilirsiniz.EĞİTİM SÜRECİ Bölümü:● Temel İlk Yardım eğitimi alacak kişiler için Eğitimsürecini,Sınav adımlarını ve Sertifika sürecini anlatmaktadır.TEST Bölümü:● 8 adet Test uygulamamız bulunmaktadır. Her testuygulamasında40 soru bulunmakta ve İlkyardım uygulamamızda toplam320 sorubulunmaktadır. Test süresi 60 dk.'dır. Test sürenizdolduğundaekrana '60 dk süreniz dolmuştur. Test süreniz bitmiştir.'mesajıçıkacaktır. Test uygulamasında Sonuç yazısınatıklayarakcevaplarınız aşağıda gözükecek ve test sürenizkapatılmışolacaktır. Test bölümünde ayrıca Sorularım yazısınatıklayaraksizin tarafınızdan oluşturulacak yeni sorular yazabilirve ilkyardım uygulamanızı kendinize göre güncelleyebilirsiniz.*** Uygulamada yer alan 4 Tab başlığının daha düzgün gözükmesivekendi yazacağınız Ek Bilgi - Sorularım uygulamasınınçalışabilmesiiçin Android 4 ve üzeri sürümleri kullanmanız tavsiyeedilir.Basic FirstAidapplication consists of 4 main hood. First Aid,AdditionalInformation, Education Process, TestingFIRST AID Section:● Wounded and Sick in basic first aid and intervention stepsareincluded.● Basic First Aid titles are arranged in alphabetical order.● You can watch the videos you want to read about you cangetinformation about the contents of the first aid interventionsbyclicking on the video title and first aid intervention processbyclicking on the video side. Video files come installed intheapplication does not use the Internet during work. Situatedinfirst aid intervention '112 Ambulance Fast Dial Keys "and" 110FireSpeed ​​Dial Key "You can search by pressing.● Video is taken from the Turkish Red Crescent Youtubechannel. Information Section:● first aid intervention in the Additional Informationsectionmay write the new steps to be created by you and updateitaccording to your own first aid.TRAINING PROCESS Department:● Basic First Aid training for people who take thetrainingprocess, examination and certification process describesthesteps.TEST Department:● We have 8 Test. There are 40 questions in eachtestapplications and our applications Aid has a total of 320questions.Test time is 60 min. If you run your test time is '60minutes whilethe screen is full. Do the test period is over. 'message willappear. your answers by clicking on the testapplication and testresults appear while you are writing will becovered below. Myquestions in the test section also click on thearticle you canwrite new questions will be created by you andupdate it accordingto your own first aid.*** In practice, the 4 Tab title appear smoother andadditionalinformation that you write your own - do not use Android4 andlater for my application to work in question isrecommended.
Kilo Analizi 1.0.2
Obezite günümüzde gelişmiş ve gelişmekte olan ülkelerin enönemlisağlık sorunları arasında yer almaktadır. Obezite genelolarakbedenin yağ kütlesinin yağsız kütleye oranının aşırı artmasısonucuboy uzunluğuna göre vücut ağırlığının arzu edilen düzeyinüstüneçıkmasıdır. Uygulama Sağlık Bakanlığının kriterlerine uygunolarakhazırlanmıştır. Kendi kilo analizinizi yapabilirsiniz.
Health tracker & Pill Reminder 2.1
This app will help you take care of your health with medtracker,BMI check
Weight Loss with Diet Plans
The world's popular diet, fitness and weight loss app.
Vodafone Cep Sağlık 2.2
Vodafone Cep Sağlık ile sağlıkhizmetlerineulaşmanın da kolayı var!Vodafone Cep Sağlık’da Neler Var?1.Haberler: Sağlıklı yaşam, beslenme, diyet vb. sağlık konularıileilgili haber içerikleri2.Ürünler&Hizmetler: Vodafone Cep Sağlık portföyünde yeralanücretli & ücretsiz sağlık ürün ve hizmetleri3.Web Sayfasına Erişim: www.vodafonecepsaglik.com4. 1120 Çağrı Merkezine Erşim: 1120 Vodafone Cep Sağlıkçağrımerkezimize erişimThere are the easiesttoreach health services with Vodafone Mobile Health!Vodafone Mobile Sağlık'da What?1.Haberler: healthy living, nutrition, diet and so on. contentofthe news about health issues2.Ürünler & Services: Vodafone Mobile Health & freeofcharge in the portfolio of health care products andservicesTo 3.Web Access: www.vodafonecepsaglik.com4 An access 1120 Call Center: 1120 Vodafone Mobile Healthcallcenter access
Free Heart Rate Measurement 2.7.1
4Free Studio
4Free Heart Rate Measure use yourdevice'sbuilt-in camera to calculate your heart rate----Professionalmedical devices and methods of use of the same!Measure your heart rate, know it has never been so easy!Without any external hardware, just use your smartphone ortablet'sbuilt-in camera / sensor, you can get accurate readingsalmostinstantly.Know your heart rate. If you are under pressure, haveheart-relatedconditions or just out of curiosity, it can providegreat helpduring the movement.Track your results. Each measurement you make will be savedintoyour personal history, so that you can makelong-termtracking.Simple and intuitive design. Simple and streamlined design makesiteasy to use, So you can focus on using the app, without havingtonavigate between numerous screens.Please note: If your device does not have built-in flash, Youneedin a bright environment (bright sunlight or close source) inthemeasurement.More informationFor more product information and videos, check out:http://www.4freeall.comFacebook:
112긴급신고 앱 2.42
▷ 112긴급신고 앱은 납치ㆍ성범죄와 같은 위급한 범죄상황에서 112로전화하여신고하기 어려울 경우 신속하게 경찰에 신고 할 수 있는 서비스 입니다.▷ 112긴급신고 앱으로 신고하면 경찰은 여러분이 위급한 상황에 처해있다고 판단하고 즉시 출동합니다.▷ 긴급신고시 위치서비스(GPS 등)을 켜 두시면 보다 정확하게 신고자의 위치를 파악할 수 있으며, 사용자 정보에는정확한내용을 입력하셔야 합니다.*스마트폰 외부버튼 신고 이용 안내*특정기기에선 앱을 키지 않고 (음량상, 음량 하) 혹은 (전원, 음량상) 버튼을 동시에 3초 이상 눌러신고가능▷ 112 app is anemergencynotification service that can be quickly reported to thepolicewhen it is difficult to report the crime to call inemergencysituations such as kidnapping and sexual offense112.When ▷ 112 to report an emergency notification app thatimmediatelydispatched police are determined to put to you oneemergency.▷ emergency notification when location services can (GPS, etc.)turndusimyeon more accurately determine the position of thecomplainant,user information, you must enter the correctinformation.* Report button using smartphone External Information *In certain devices without an app package (the volume, andVolume)or (power, volume phase) at the same time press the buttonmorethan three seconds Report Available
Quit Smoking 15.0
Quit Smoking helps you to quit smoking and track your healthandsavings after quitting relying on scientific health data.QuitSmoking offers full functionality free of charge. You canmonitor:- the time you haven't smoked for, - the number ofcigarettes youhaven't smoked, - the amount of money you saved - andthe time oflife you saved. The app can fire notifications at majorevents suchas 'You haven't smoked 100 cigarettes'.