Top 13 Apps Similar to MotoBike Maintenance Record B

Moto/Bike Maintenance Record 1.08
Provide moto/bike maintenance recorder to end-user. In order tohavea safe riding, maintain good performance, prolong themotorcycleservice life and reduce pollution, make sure to performthe periodicinspection and maintenance. PS: if the user has morethan one bike,please install Moto/Bike Maintenance Recorder C.
Autocare 1.2.3
iDevMobile Tec.
AutoCare manages your vehicle'smaintenanceschedules and stores your fuel and servicerecords.This App is the ultimate tool for tracking gas mileage andvehiclemaintenance. Whether you're a hyper-miler, or just want areminderto change the oil or check the break.AutoCare will save you money and keep your vehicle operatingatits peak, you won't have to worry about missing an oil changeortire rotation ever again. You will have fewer costly andunexpectedrepairs while having more peace of mind while you andyour lovedones are on the road.No more paying for unnecessary services in the shop becauseyouknow exactly what's been done recently and what hasn't.Features:- Store all vehicles you own (cars, motorcycles,scooters,etc)- Tracks gas mileage and vehicle maintenance- Report: MPG, stats, gas price, gas expenses,serviceexpenses- Customizable service reminders- Supports multiple vehicles- International Units: MPG (US), MPG (Canada), MPG (UK),MPG(Imperial), L/100km, gal/100mi (US), gal/100mi (Imperial),km/L,km/gal (US), km/gal (Imperial), and mi/L
Car Maintenance Reminder Lite 4.8-26-lite-release
Car Maintenance Reminder - Your best car maintenance manager.
MotoBike Maintenance Record C 3.09
Provide moto/bike maintenance recorder to end-user. In order tohavea safe riding, maintain good performance, prolong themotorcycleservice life and reduce pollution, make sure to performthe periodicinspection and maintenance. * The user can use thisfor multiplevehicles.
AUTOsist Fleet Maintenance App
Simple Fleet Maintenance Management Software - Service,Fuel,Reminders & More
My Verisure | Old 6.1.77
Control and manage your Verisure Smart Alarm from your AndroidPhone
Machine Saver J - Fuel&Service 1.11.0
You can record and browse maintenance information andrefuelinginformation.
Extra Phone Settings 1.30
Provide Extra Phone Settings toend-users.Featuring:* Vibrate when outgoing call is connected.* Notify when system is ready* Notify when system is shutting down.* Notify when plug in the USB* Notify when battery is full.* Extra Phone Info.* reply phone call by using sms when the user is if there is any problem about this application, pleasesendme the mail directly. And capture the bug report to me, to capture the bug report:download sub app to capture - app has been verified by sub devices.* Google Nexus One 2.3.XSupport Sub Devices:Google Nexus One with Android 2.3 - OKGoogle Nexus S with Android 2.3 - OKv1.26* Add feature - notify user if an application is installed.--* add new feature for dialing phone number when user copy anumberstring in browser app or others.How to use:selecte a string , then press the item "share" and selectitem"Phone" dial a phone call.v1.21* fix bugs for function "VIbrate when outgoing callisconnected"* support Android 4.0 for function "VIbrate when outgoing callisconnected"
Debug Message Popper 1.19
Caution: this is a tool for developer the message what you want on the screen.Broadcast intent with[ActionName]:A=""[ExtraKey]:Aa="popupmsg"Ab="notifymsg"Ac="popnotifymsg"Ad="progressmsg"[EtraValue]:Aa/Ab/Ac/Ad="The Message you want to show"
Borrowing & Lending Recorder 1.04
Provide recorder for end-user.featuring:* record the borrowing.* record the lending.
Revisiones Coche 1.6
Que te permite:La aplicación te permite llevar el mantenimiento de tus cochesaldía, y tener controlado lo que te cuesta cada visita al tallerparacambios de aceite y otros motivos, saber cuándo te toca pasarlapróxima ITV, saber cuándo te cumple el seguro o cuando debesllevartu coche al taller para el próximo cambio de aceite o decorrea dedistribución y saber que te han hecho en el coche en laúltimarevisión.Consultar en google map donde están los talleres más cercanos atuúltima posición o la ITV más cercana.Podrás ver de un vistazo en la lista de revisiones enquerevisión y con cuantos kilómetros hiciste el último cambiodecorrea de distribución.Añade en las observaciones de cada revisión cualquierreparaciónadicional realizada en el coche o cualquier sugerenciadelmecánico.En cada revisión se puede marcar si se cambia la correadedistribución y en la lista aparecerá un check que te indicaraenque revisión se cambio por última vez.Notificaciones que puedes configurar:Cambio de aceiteEn cada revisión nueva se calcula automáticamente la fechadepróxima revisión y los kilómetros(por defecto mas 15000 KM yunaño). La aplicación te notificara 20 días antes o 500 km quedebescambiar el aceite y una vez al día hasta que añadas lanuevarevisión.ITVTe notificara la fecha de próxima ITV teniendo en cuenta la fechadematriculación y la fecha de ultima ITV. La notificación será 20díasantes de la fecha de próxima ITV y una vez cada día hasta queseactualices la fecha.Seguro del coche:Teniendo en cuenta la fecha de ultimo seguro te notificara 20díasantes de que cumpla, una vez cada día hasta la actualiceslafecha.That allows you to:The application lets you keep maintaining your cars a day,andhave controlled what it costs each visit to the shop foroilchanges and other reasons, knowing when you get to spend thenextITV, know when you meet the insurance or when you take your cartothe garage for the next oil change or timing belt and know thatyouhave done in the car at the last review. Consult google map where the closest to your last position orthenearest ITV workshops are.You can see at a glance on the list of revisions that reviewandwith few kilometers did the last change of timing belt.Added in the comments of each review any additionalrepairperformed in the car or any suggestion mechanic.In each review you can check if the timing belt is changedandthe positions a check that will indicate that revision waschangedlast appears.You can configure notifications:Oil changeIn each new revision it is automatically calculates the nextservicedate and kilometers (15,000 KM more default one year).Theapplication will notify you 20 days before or 500 km youshouldchange the oil once a day until you add the new revision.ITVWe'll notify the date of next ITV considering the dateofregistration and the date of last ITV. The notification will be20days before the date of next ITV and once every day untiltheupgrade date.Car insurance:Considering the last date of insurance notify you 20 days beforeitmeets once every day until the upgrade date.
Weekend Mechanic 3d 2.1.8
Deep dive into the components that make up your car and howtheyworkin 3d! Weekend Mechanic 3d has been designed todemonstratehowindividual components of your car work. These OpenGLrendered3dmodels can be manipulated by rotation, panning,zoom,transparency,component selection, component removal andtheincredible explodedcomponent feature! Current modelsavailableinclude: * Alternator *Disc Brakes * Starter * Crankshaft*Battery * Engine Valve Cover *Ignition Coil * PCV Valve *SparkPlug * Brake Pads * Rotor * OxygenSensor * Piston * Flywheel*Ring gear * Camshaft Additionally, three"How It Works" Videosareavailable as 3d animations which illustratehow theindividualcomponent works. These are high quality 3danimationswithprofessional narration. The 3d animations areavailable forthefollowing components: * Battery * Alternator *Starter Checkbackoften as this app is in constant developmentwithadditionalcomponents coming soon. In the near future this appwillalsoillustrate how to perform routine maintenance and repairs.
Moto Log 1.82
Cosmin I.
Quick maintenance journal and reminder for your motorcycle!