Top 2 Apps Similar to Best Envelope Designs

Creative Envelope Design 1.0
An envelope is a common packagingitem,usuallymade of thin flat material. It is designed to containaflat object,such as a letter or card.Traditional envelopes are made from sheets of paper cut tooneofthree shapes: a rhombus, a short-arm cross, or a kite.Theseshapesallow for the creation of the envelope structure byfoldingthesheet sides around a central rectangular area. In thismanner,arectangle-faced enclosure is formed with an arrangementoffourflaps on the reverse side.When the folding sequence is such that the last flap tobeclosedis on a short side it is referred to incommercialenvelopemanufacture as a pocket - a format frequentlyemployed inthepackaging of small quantities of seeds. Although inprincipletheflaps can be held in place by securing the topmost flapat asinglepoint (for example with a wax seal), generally theyarepasted orgummed together at the overlaps. They are mostcommonlyused forenclosing and sending mail (letters) throughaprepaid-postagepostal system.Window envelopes have a hole cut in the front side thatallowsthepaper within to be seen. They are generally arranged sothatthereceiving address printed on the letter is visible, savingthesenderfrom having to duplicate the address on the envelopeitself.Thewindow is normally covered with a transparent ortranslucentfilm toprotect the letter inside, as was first designedbyAmericus F.Callahan in 1901 and patented the following year.Insome cases,shortages of materials or the need toeconomizeresulted in envelopesthat had no film coveringthewindow.[citation needed] One innovativeprocess, invented inEuropeabout 1905, involved using hot oil tosaturate the area oftheenvelope where the address would appear. Thetreated areabecamesufficiently translucent for the address to bereadable. Asof 2009there is no international standard for windowenvelopes, butsomecountries, including Germany and the UnitedKingdom, havenationalstandardsHow to Write Address in Envelope?Be sure to write neatly when addressing your envelope soyourletterwill reach its correct destination.Include the following three items:ADDRESS: This is the name and address of theperson(recipient)you are sending the letter to.On separate lines write:Recipient's Full NameStreet AddressCity, State and Zip CodeUse postal abbreviations when writing the state.Postalabbreviationsare written in capital letters without periodsorother punctuation.The postal abbreviation for North CarolinaisNC.RETURN ADDRESS: This is the information about the senderoftheletter. In the top left corner on separate lines write:Your full nameYour Street AddressYour City, State and Zip CodeSTAMP: In the top right corner of the envelope you placeapostagestamp. This pays for the delivery of the letter.To mail a letter, you do not need to visit the Post Officeaslongas you have postage stamps, access to a postage meter orcanprintpostage online from a company like Simplyaddressyourenvelope, affix postage to the upper right corner anddrop itin acollection box or hand it to your mail carrier..Creative Envelope Designinstall now for inspiration of Creative envelope.
Creative Envelope Design 1.0
creative envelope designLet's grab some creative envelope design here!This creative envelope design application contains overonehundredpictures of the envelope. If you want to know more aboutthedesignhand letters, you must download and install thisapplication.Sincethis application has exclusive features such as adropcap,envelope, chalkboard, vector, calligraphy, and logodesign.Thepictures are not just black and white, but there is animagethathas colors as well, such as blue, gold, red, green,andyellow.This application has a unique hand design letters too.So,let'sget this app immediately.You will try to make your wedding items in line with themainthemeof your wedding. For example, you can choose a pumpkin asthemaindecoration element if you will have a Halloween themedevent.Ofcourse, the envelope must also comply with the main theme.Asamatter of fact, many brides and grooms will opt foradestinationwedding. This creative envelope design is becauseeventslike thisare usually more memorable. When it comes to theenvelope,you willwant to know how they can express ideas ofeventsofinterest.Of course you have to carry a passport with them whenattendingawedding abroad. This is why the passport design isverypopularwhen it comes to destination weddings envelope. Youcanpersonalizethe design of passports to the guests. You can printthenames andphotos of them on each passport. your guests will wanttokeep thisenvelope after your event. It is not unusual forchoosingthisdesign envelope together with air tickets. It is alwayssaidthat apicture is worth a thousand words. A picture on theenvelopecanexpress ideas effectively destination wedding. You canprintphotosfrom destinations on the card. your guests will knowthetheme ofyour event once they see the creative envelope design.Youcan evenprint your own image on it in order to personalizethecard!