Top 2 Games Similar to Beenoculus Hive

Tuscany Mansion in VR 1.2
This application will provide you with a full virtualrealityfeel.You will be transported to another environment,totallyimmersed,and you will experience the experience of touringatypical housein Tuscany, Italy. It is an application that,inaddition toshowing you, in a light and gentle way, as isthevirtual reality,provides a trip (without leaving the place)thereis one of themost beautiful places on the European continent.Withsimplecommands, to simulate walking, this application allowsanyonewhohas not yet had a virtual reality experience to maketheirfirstuse without major difficulties, avoiding symptoms thatmaybecommon on first use. Enjoy and get to know Tuscany in atotallynewway.
Time Travel Roller Coaster VR 1.0
Having the feeling of being aboard a roller coaster isincredibleand with the Time Coaster this is possible! Embark onthis rollercoaster ride, which in addition to much adrenaline andexcitement,will provide you with a journey back in time, through atunnel yougo from the future to the Jurassic era, accompanied bydinosaurs.Feel the thrill of being on an incredible roller coaster,wanderthrough vegetation, mountains, glaciers, jump in time andfacedinosaurs on this unique journey. Do not waste time andexperiencethis unique experience now! To start the trip is verysimple, justlook at the cart and focus on the paravra "start". Goodadventure!