Top 17 Apps Similar to Lenguaje de Señas para Bebé

Kitsord - Lenguaje de señas 1.1.4
- Kitsord es una aplicación paraaprenderlenguaje de señas, cuya finalidad es romper la barrera queexisteentre las personas que tienen deficiencias auditivas yquienes nolas tienen.- Aprende lenguaje de señas de forma divertida.- El aprendizaje se efectúa por lecciones empezando porelabecedario.- Glosario integrado para buscar rápidamente alguna seña.- Lleva el control de tus estadísticas por lecciónparaidentificar las palabras en las que te has equivocado y deestamanera practicarlas inmediatamente.- Cuenta con el apoyo de Benemérito Comité Pro Ciegos y SordosdeGuatemala, por lo que es muy confiable.- Es 100% gratuito.- Comparte en redes sociales.- No contiene publicidad.**** NOTA: Por el momento sólo esta disponible paraaprenderlenguaje de señas de Guatemala (LENSEGUA)Facebook: - @KitsordSitio web: Kitsord isanapplication to learn sign language, whose purpose is to breakthebarrier between people with hearing impairments and those whodonot.- Learn sign language in a fun way.- Learning lessons is by starting with the alphabet.- Integrated Glossary to quickly find any signs.- Take control of your statistics lesson to identify thewordsthat you were wrong and so practice them immediately.- It has the support of Meritorious Committee for the BlindandDeaf of Guatemala, which is very reliable.- It's 100% free.- Share in social networks.- It contains no advertising.**** NOTE: Currently only available to learn sign languageofGuatemala (LENSEGUA) Facebook: -KitsordWebsite:
BITS de lectura, PALABRAS 1.0.0
Educamigos & Smartbrain
Esta app te ofrece la primera parte del programa deestimulacióntemprana con bits de lectura de Educamigos, quecontiene lassesiones que presentan los bits de palabras sueltas yde pares depalabras. Esta app se completa con la de la segundaparte delprograma, que contiene las sesiones que presentan los bitsdeoraciones sencillas y de oraciones complejas, que tambiénpuedesadquirir en Google Play. En Google Play encontrarás ademásnuestrosprogramas de bits del entorno y de bits de matemáticas,todosdisponibles en español, en català y en inglés. Paramásinformación: Los bits de lectura deEducamigosestán desarrollados conforme las recomendaciones delmétodo Doman,que está ampliamente reconocido por los especialistascomo uno delos métodos de estimulación temprana más eficaces. Sebasa en queestá científicamente demostrado que los niños, desde lasedades mástempranas, tienen una enorme capacidad de asimilarinformación, porlo que resulta aconsejable aprovechar los primerosaños para quepuedan desarrollar el mayor número de redes neuronalesmedianteactividades de estimulación temprana que,posteriormente,facilitarán un mayor rendimiento en las etapas deescolarización yaprendizaje. Este app con las sesiones de bits depalabras deEducamigos contiene 777 sesiones de estimulación, quefacilitan quelos niños reconozcan las palabras que denominan larealidad máscercana a ellos Las palabras se presentan con letra detipoimprenta, de color rojo sobre fondo blanco, para que el niñoseacapaz de distinguirlas sin esfuerzo, y se sucedenautomáticamentedurante apenas un segundo. Simultáneamente seescucha mediante unalocución las palabras que aparecen en lapantalla. El programapuede ser utilizado con dos usuariosdistintos, guardando de formaseparada la información de lassesiones de bits realizadas por cadauno. También incluye unaprogramación automática de las sesionespara facilitar su ejecuciónde la primera a la última conforme lasrecomendaciones del método. Yademás también incluye unaherramienta de personalización quepermite ajustar la presentaciónde los bits a cualquier preferencia,con las siguientes opciones: -Cambiar el color de las palabras:rojo, negro, verde o azul -Cambiar el tiempo de exposición de losbits: el número de segundosque quieras - Cambiar el tipo de letra:imprenta, mayúscula,cursiva, infantil - Ejecutar en un momento dadocualquiera de lassesiones disponibles
ASL Dictionary 1.6.9
ASL Dictionary. Over 5,200 American Sign Language Signs inVideo.Learn ASL
ASL Dictionary - Sign Language 1.6.8
ASL Dictionary HD Over 5000 words translated to ASL video. WithQuiz& Play All.
Learn Sign Alphabet 1.0.5
Ling Zi Chen
Learn Sign Language Alphabet is anotherpopularapplication from LearningSheep. This application can teachbeginnersthe standard American sign language alphabets in a gentleandinformal way. This application is professionally-designed,wellanimated and ease of use. You can learn the sign languagealphabetsanytime you like with just one click away.This is the best tool for anyone who likes to learn moreaboutSign language Alphabets with more features. It allows you toselectfrom FOUR fun lessons:- Learning sign alphabets- Alphabet matching- Memorization practice- Vocabulary practiceA must have! Download it now and start learning Americansignlanguage alphabets in four fun ways!
Baby Puzzle I 40
Game for kids from 2 years old, designedtohelp early stimulation and visual development.Contains 24 puzzles that help to your baby at recognize colorsandobjects in a fun way.
Estimulación Temprana Bebés 1.0
En esta aplicación encontraras útilesconcejosyrespuestas de algunas inquietudes que puedas tener sobretu bebeenestos primeros 6 meses de vida.In thisapplicationyouwill find helpful answers to some councils andconcerns youmayhave about your baby in these first 6 months oflife.
Estimulación Temprana 1.01
La estimulación temprana es el conjuntodemedios, actividades y técnicas con base científica y aplicadaenforma sistémica y secuencial que se emplea en niños desdesunacimiento hasta los seis años, con el objetivo de desarrollaralmáximo sus capacidades psíquicas, cognitivas y físicas a travésdeljuego.Nuestros bebés nacen con un gran potencial y es nuestra misióndehacer que se desarrollen al máximo de la forma másadecuada,positiva y divertida. Durante esta etapa se perfeccionalaactividad de todos los órganos de los sentidos, en especial,losrelacionados con la percepción visual y auditiva del niño, estolepermitirá reconocer y diferenciar sonidos, colores y formas.La estimulación temprana permite también evitar estadosnodeseados en el desarrollo del niño y ayuda a los padres,conautonomía y eficacia, en el desarrollo y cuidado del infante.Losbeneficios de la estimulación son intelectuales, físicoseemocionales.La App Estimulación Temprana Incluye:★ Activando los sentidos de los bebés.★ Estimulacion Posturo-Visual.★ Estimular para Dibujar.★ Estimular la vision del bebé.★ Estimulación de 4 a 6 meses, de 7 a 9 meses y de 10 a 1año.★ Estimulación Temprana y la Musica.★ Y Mucho Mas...Early stimulation istheset of media activities and techniques based on scientificandapplied sequentially systemic and which is used in childrenfrombirth to six years, with the aim of optimizing theirpsychological,cognitive and physical capabilities through play.Our babies are born with great potential and it is our missiontomake it perform to the best of the best, positive and fun.Duringthis stage the activity of all the organs, especially thoserelatedto visual and auditory perception of the child improves,this willallow you to recognize and differentiate sounds, colorsandshapes.Early stimulation also allows states to preventunwanteddevelopment of the child and helps parents with autonomyandefficiency in the development and care of the infant. Thebenefitsare intellectual stimulation, physical and emotional.The Early Learning App includes:★ Turning the senses of babies.★ posturo-Visual Stimulation.★ Encourage to draw.★ stimulate baby vision.Stimulation ★ 4 to 6 months, 7 to 9 months and 10 to 1 year.★ Early Stimulation and music.★ And much more ...
Flashcards with pictures and sounds of the most popular themesforkids
Kinedu | Baby Development 2.0.2
Kinedu is an app that provides funandage-based daily developmental activities to do with your 0to24-month-old baby. Each day, you’ll find new ideas onearlystimulation activities that boost development and help youbondwith your baby.Created by experts in child development, Kinedu gives you1,000+activities, milestone information, health-related articlesandactivities, parenting tips, and personalized programs to createasolid foundation for your baby's development. Each ofouractivities is accompanied by an easy-to-follow short videothatallows you to quickly get a grasp of the activity at hand, andthencomplete it with your baby.The personalization of daily activity sets keeps gettingmorechallenging as your baby grows. Your plan will be set-up toworkthe right skills at the right time, taking into account yourbaby’ssensitive developmental periods.Kinedu is based on the latest findings from leading researchersinthe fields of child development and psychology. Thesefindingsindicate the importance of secure attachments createdthrough serveand return relationships between a child and his orher caregiver.Kinedu works on four areas – including cognitive,linguistic,physical, as well as social and emotionaldevelopment.Kinedu includes:• A personalized activity plan tailored to your baby’s age andneeds– not the “average” child.• Learn the science behind each milestone, which ones yourbabyshould be accomplishing based on his or her age group, andthefun-filled activities you can do to reach them.• A catalog of over 1,000 video activities for differentplaces,materials, skills, and health-related topics. Never run outofideas and find the perfect playtime activity in ourCatalog!* 300+ articles and slideshows wrote by our educationexperts.• Understand and track how your baby is doing. Get a clearpictureof your baby’s overall progress each week in eachdevelopmentalarea.Do you have a 0 to a 24-month-old baby? Download Kinedutoday!Subscription details:Kinedu can be downloaded for FREE. Our free version allows youtouse our app and to create a profile for your baby with access toafew sample activities, milestone checklist, and otherdevelopmentalinformation.If you choose to become a premium member, you will unlock1,000+early developmental activities, the catalog section, accesstodetailed progress reports, add family members or your nanny,andadd up to 5 babies to your account.You can become a Premium member through our monthly(recurringpayment), annual (one-time payment) or lifetimesubscriptions(one-time payment):- Kinedu- You can subscribe to Kinedu as a premium member through amonthly,auto-renewing in-app subscription. You can also subscribeto Kineduthrough a one-time payment with a yearly subscription (1year), or aLifetime subscription.- The Monthly subscription is priced at $9.99 USD or it'sequivalentin local currency.-The Yearly subscription is priced at $89.99 USD or it'sequivalentin local currency-The Lifetime subscription is priced at $149.99 USD orit'sequivalent in local currency-Subscription automatically renews unless auto-renew is turnedoffat least 24-hours before the end of the current period- Your account will be charged for renewal within 24-hours priortothe end of the current period, and identify the cost oftherenewal-Subscriptions may be managed by the user and auto-renewal maybeturned off by going to the user's Account Settingsafterpurchase
ANIMALS FOR KIDS flashcards 1.4
App for small kids, identify animals know their names and forms.
App educativo niño bebe kinder 1.97
Collection of educational applications for children.EarlyStimulation
Hand Sign Language ASL Free 1.80
Kids AppS
Learn Hand Sign Language/ American Sign Language If you wanttolearnAmerican Sign Language (ASL) in an easy way, this simpleappsisdesigned to learn a very basic hand sign languageeasily.LearnAmerican Sign Language with the help of this app with26AlphabetFlash Cards and Simple Practice tests to enhanceyourmemory. Whenyou are ready to test your knowledge, usingpracticemode you cantest your ASL skills. Hand Sign Challenge fromall overthe world!A great way to learn sign language. Includespictures,letters,numbers, and sounds, everything you might want forwhen youstartlearning to sign.
Sign Language: ASL Kids 0.0.6
Sign Language for babies, kids & beginners. Free ASLdictionary& fingerspelling
ASL American Sign Language 1.5.0
A complete American Sign Language (ASL) learning application.
ASL Fingerspelling 2.1.20
Maximise your memory with a minimum of your time spent.Don'tgetstuck repeating the same thing a thousand times, onlywhenit'llmake the most impact on your mind! Learn and master allthelettersand numbers using American Sign Language(ASL)Fingerspelling witha minimum of effort. Once you've got thebasicright test yourskills with Kathy, who'll fingerspelldifferentwords at realisticspeeds - can you figure it out forreal?Fingerspelling made easy!Please note : This is NOT a practiceappas such - this app isdesigned to familiarise you with thebasics.We then offer nextsteps inside the app for you to deepenyourskills. We have sweatedand toiled to unlock your naturallearningabilities. Our algorithmbuilds on the pioneering work ofmemory andlearning psychologists,transforming over 150 years ofresearch intoapp form. It helps youto learn efficiently and almosteffortlessly,by reminding you offacts just as you are about toforget them. Thislearningapplication is perfect for transformingwasted time spentsiting ina plane, train, car, bathroom, station oroffice, intotime spentbettering your knowledge and mind.
American Sign Language App 1.0
Too Good Apps
Parents should introduce a child who is deaforhard-of-hearing to language as soon as possible. The earlieranychild is exposed to and begins to acquire language, the betterthatchild’s communication skills will become. Research suggeststhatthe first few years of life are the most crucial to achild’sdevelopment of language skills, and even the early months oflifecan be important for establishing successful communication. Butnoone form of sign language is universal. Different signlanguagesare used in different countries or regions. For example,BritishSign Language (BSL) is a different language from ASL, andAmericanswho know ASL may not understand BSL. Here the informationforAmerican Sign Language you should know.American Sign Language- What is American Sign Language?- Is sign language the same in other countries?- How does American Sign compare with spoken language?- How do most children learn ASL?* American Sign Language - Lesson 01* American Sign Language - Lesson 02* American Sign Language - Lesson 03* 100 Basic Signs (American Sign Language)* Completely Free