Top 13 Apps Similar to Emergency Help

Help Call 1.1
Akshay Pure
You are in trouble? Press the red HelpMebutton!***Features***- Power Help call.- Send automatic Emails to call help.- Now with Dynamic Contrast.- Alert Sound.- Help SMS.- Help Call.- Address in Help SMS and Mail.- Google map link in message.- One Touch Help via Widgets.- No ADS.To start using Help Call, you must configure the numbersandemail addresses of people to which you want the alerts to besentin an emergency. You can customize the alert message that willbesent by SMS and email. You can choose which phone number to useasa reference for establishing automatic calls. And you candecidewhat types of alerts will be sent.When you need it, by just pressing the red button on themainscreen, your geographic location will be determined andallnecessary alarms will be generated to transmit informationaboutyour situation to your contacts.BE SAFE!!
Help me! GPS emergency app 4.0
Help me! app is a location basedservicethatcould help you in emergency situations such as:Physicalassault,injury, robbery, or in case you get lost. The appsendsdistressmessage with your current location to up to 5chosencontacts, andturns the video camera so you can recordthesituation. Also youcan turn on a siren or flashlight, call 911orspeed dial anemergency Help me! app is recommended tovulnerablegroups in orderto increase their sense of security. Helpme! app isbased on theGPS in your Smartphone and lets you notifyyouremergency contactswith your current location within secondsacritical operation thatbecomes difficult or even impossible incaseof emergency.We hope that you will never need to use the app’s service,thoughifyou get into an emergency or dangerous situation youwillbegrateful for having Help me! app!Who needs Help me! app:*Women and Men that are exposed to all sorts of assaults.*Children and teenagers* Seniors, especially these who suffer dementia andconfusion.*Disabled and handicapped* Travelers======================================**Disclaimer: Help me! App does not intend to save livesandrelieson mobile communication with the built-in GPS system inyourcellphone. It’s known to you that not everywhere there isasatellitesignal and the application is not able to ensurethatwherever andwhenever the application will operate forothertechnicalreasons.*Please contact us with any technical issue.
Math-Help 6.5
HELP 1.0.2
App helps you call 112 faster & silently in 2 clicks whenyourlife is in DANGER
Help Me - SOS international 1.0.1
Help Me – SOS International, is a freeappdesigned to place emergency calls (Police, Ambulance orFireDepartment) in your current country location.With this application you can also get the address orGPScoordinates of your location by means of geolocation, and itcaneasily send an SMS or an Email to the person you are interestedtocontact in case of emergency.It has been translated into 35 languages, covering more than200countries and geographic areas that form the potential targetofthis wonderful and useful application.Languages: German, Arabic, Belarusian, Bulgarian, Catalan,Czech,Chinese, Korean, Croatian, Danish, Slovak, Slovenian,Spanish,Finnish, French, Greek , Hebrew, Hindi, Hungarian,Indonesian,English, Icelandic, Italian, Japanese, Latvian, Dutch,Norwegian,Persian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Serbian, Swedish,Thai andTurkish.Version: Help me - SOS International 1.0Powered by: A© Its possibleEmail Contact: [email protected]
Help Me 3.1
Yash Jain
HELPING HANDS:Now help is just a single tap away. Using this app now youcanaskfor help to your customized contact. It will automaticallysendsaSMS to the contact you want along withyourcurrentlocation.!You can tap anywhere on the screen to send the helping SMS.This application is "adv. free" to secure complete screenastappingarea.NOTE:Don't forget to check Use wireless networks:Settings >Location and security >Usewirelessnetworks(Locationdetermined by Wi-Fi and/or mobilenetworks)If it is already checked keep it as its is.
PPA Help 5.0.2
Conheça essa ferramenta de auxílio aos profissionais deautomaçãoresidencial. Help é um guia rápido para ajudar osinstaladores deportões automáticos em campo, de forma que ele tenhafacilidade naprestação de um serviço rápido e adequado com osprodutos PPA. É oseu parceiro na profissão, quando as dúvidassurgem. Conheça essa eoutras soluções PPA para facilitar seu dia adia.
Net Trouble Help 1.00
[Net Trouble Help] is the manual for a trouble ofData-transmission.
Help Me 1.0
Help Me - your help button. Sendyourgeolocation to your friends via Sms or Email.
Help! 1.0.3
Giacomo Furia
Help! è un applicazione sempliceedefficienteche permette in caso di emergenza di eseguiredellechiamate dalproprio smartphone verso: polizia, 118 e trenumeri asceltadell'utente che possono essere facilmente impostatitramitelaschermata delle impostazioni. L'applicazione è moltofaciledautilizzare ed è rivolta a tutti coloro che voglionoaveresulproprio smartphone android un app che gli permettadieseguirerapidamente delle chiamate. Consigliamo diposizionarel'iconedell'applicazione sulla home screen del vostrosmartphone inmododa migliorarne la velocità di utilizzo. Grazie peraverscaricatoHelp!Parlano di noi:androida.it aggiornamento 11/02/13Risolti piccoli bug, scrollview- aggiornamento 18/01/13miglioramento prestazioni, introduzione 4 nuovelingueefunzionamento in 5 nuovi stati: USA, United Kingdom,France,Spain,Germany.Help! is asimpleandefficient application that allows you to make emergencycallsfromyour smartphone to police, 118 and three numbers chosenbytheuser, which can be easily set via the settingsscreen.Theapplication is very easy to use and is intended for allthosewhowant to have an Android app on your smartphone that allowsyoutoquickly call. We recommend to place the application iconsonthehome screen of your smartphone in order to improve thespeedofuse. Thank you for downloading Help!They talk about Updated 11/02/13Fixed minor bugs, scrollview- Updated 18/01/13performance improvement, introducing 4 new languages​​andworkingin 5 new countries: USA, United Kingdom, France,Spain,Germany.
Help Me 1.0
O Help-Me é um aplicativo desegurançaemonitoramento de alertas.Está em perigo ou necessita que alguém lheacompanhe?Bastadisparar um alerta de atenção para os contatos quedeseja quelheacompanhe que eles poderão lhe acompanhar em temporeal osseusmovimentos.Este aplicativo irá rastrear o percurso, quando disparadooalarmede perigo, e os contatos poderão acompanhar em tempo realapessoa emperigo.Ele poderá lhe ajudar em qualquer momento de apuros edeixarosseus contatos em alerta para que possa solicitar ajuda.O aplicativo permite envio de SMS e email paraoscontatosselecionados para que ele lhe acompanhe.The Help-Me isasecurityapplication monitoring and alerts.Is in danger or need someone to accompany you? Justtriggeranalert attention to the contacts that you want to followthemyoucan monitor in real time their movements.This app will track the route, when triggered the alarmofdanger,and contacts can follow in real time the personindanger.He can help you in any time of trouble and leave yourcontactsonalert so you can ask for help.The application lets you send SMS and email toselectedcontactsso that it will accompany.
Help Now! 1.0
Are you in trouble? Need help right now?HelpNow is an app that alert your contacts immediately. Help Now!sendsa E-mail and SMS with a map where you are located and amessagethat you previously was set up.Keep Help Now! in your cellphone you will never know whenyouneed it.
SOS 2.9
Please feel free to contact usforbugs,suggestions and questions.You can completely exit the application using the exitbutton(X)of the notification to save battery when at a safeplace.How does it work?When the application runs for the first time, the Menu Listpagewillbe displayed, which also can be accessed from the mainscreenmenu,where you should add numbers of trusted personsinthePreferences:Trusted person: Enter up to 5 telephone numbers oftrustedpersons,who will be informed by SMS, without the leading"0". Thereis noneed for the application to be installed on therecipientphone,but it has to be a smartphone. In order for themessages tobesent, at least one number has to be entered.Password: 4-digit password consisting of numbers. Password isjusttoprevent unwanted people to quickly terminate theapplication. Ifyouforget your password, you can easily change itin thePreferencesmenu.Pistol/Siren sound: Here you can choose between thePistolreloadsound and Police siren mentioned below.Our primary goal is to prevent crime before it iscommitted,bydiscouraging attackers.In the Menu you can also find the Application HelpandShareit.There are 7 active icons on the application main screen:1. Pistol/Siren: When tapped, a gun reload/sirensoundwillplay.The goal is to make the attacker think that you haveapistol/thereis police car close and discourage him/her.We do not recomment the usage of the gun reload sound, asitcouldcause a bigger danger.2. Police lights: When tapped, the followingwillhappenconsecutively to discourage the attacker:- The screen will flash red/blue. Simultaneously a policeradiosoundwill play.Its purpose is to frighten the attacker in the darknessbymakinghim/her to think there is a police car nearby.(Screen brightness and speaker volumearemaximizedautomatically)3. Location: When tapped, a maps link of your location willbesentto the Trusted people by SMS.4. SOS: When tapped, the following will happenconsecutivelytodiscourage the attacker:- The screen will flash red/blue. Simultaneously a policeradiosoundwill play.Its purpose is to frighten the attacker in the darknessbymakinghim/her to think there is a police car nearby.(Screen brightness and speaker volumearemaximizedautomatically)- The camera starts and stands by. When a photo is taken, itwillbeuploaded to our server and sent to the Trusted peoplewiththecurrent location by SMS as a downloadable link and mapslink.Youcan reach the main screen by clicking back, or keeptakingphotos,which will be send.- The camera flash will rapidly blink to temporarilyblindtheattacker and give you time to escape.5. Phone: When pressed, your phone ring tone willplayuntilreleased. This way you can fake a call and maketheattackerbelieve that friends are nearby.6. Camera: When tapped the camera starts and stands by. Whenaphotois taken, it will be uploaded to our server and sent totheTrustedpeople with the current location by SMS as adownloadablelink andmaps location link. You can reach the mainscreen byclicking back,or keep taking photos.7: Flashlight: Flashlight will be active whilepressed,anddeactivates when released.Attention!!! Data connection, Location access andallotherpermissions have to be turned on for the applicationtofunctioncorrectly.This application requires a subscription forfullfunctionalityafter a 7 day trial. An additional trial periodwillbe added aftersubscription.