Top 7 Games Similar to Darah Djoeang

Ayo Lari 1.1.6
Ayo Lari, Go! Go! Go! adalah game lari-lari, game yang palingseru,unik dan lucu game endless runner terbaik di Indonesia★ MUDAH DIMAINKAN ★Kontrol karaktermu yang terus berlari dengan meloncat danmeluncuruntuk menghindari rintangan!★ BANYAK KARAKTER UNIK DAN LUCU ★Beragam macam karakter dengan skill dan keunikannya masing -masing,dapatkan dan coba mainkan karakter yang berbeda denganskill yangakan membantumu mendapatkan skor lebih baik.★ SISTEM PET ★Pet akan membantumu melewati rintangan di dalam game, setiappetmemiliki skill yang berbeda, kombinasi skill Pet dan Karakterakanmembantumu dalam bermain !★ BERAGAM MODE PERMAINAN ★Mainkan beragam mode permainan yang bisa dipilih dan raihskorterbaik!- Mode Continous- Coin Mode- Survival Mode- Level Mode★ TANTANGAN BARU DISETIAP LEVEL ★Lewati beragam rintangan yang semakin menantang di setiap leveldanraihlah skor tertinggi disetiap level !★ Magic Item ★Gunakan Magic item yang dapat membantumu mendapatkan skorlebihbanyak dalam setiap permainan.Kontrol : Tekan Tombol "Luncur" dan "Loncat" untukmelewatirintangan di dalam game---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Like dan Follow official Fanpage dan Twitter kami untukinfoterbaruOfficial Fanpage : Twitter : game android paling seru di Indonesia saat inibersamateman - teman kalian !!ComeRunning, Go! Go! Go! is a game running, the game's mostexciting,unique and funny game endless best runner in Indonesia★ ★ EASY PLAYEDControl character that continues to run by leaping and glidingtoavoid obstacles!MANY CHARACTERS ★ ★ UNIQUE AND FUNNYA wide variety of characters with unique skills and each - each,getand try to play a different character with the skill that willhelpyou get a better score.PET SYSTEM ★ ★Pet will help you pass the obstacles in the game, each pet hasadifferent skill, Pet combination of skill and character willhelpyou in the play!★ ★ MULTIPLE GAME MODEPlay a variety of game modes to choose from and achievebestscore!- Continuous Mode- Coin Mode- Survival Mode- Level Mode★ ★ NEW CHALLENGE at all levelsSkip variety of increasingly challenging obstacles in each levelandachieve the highest score in each level!★ ★ Magic ItemUse Magic items that can help you get more scores in each game.Control: Press the "Launch" and "Skip" to skip the obstaclesinthe game---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Like and Follow our official Fanpage and Twitter for thelatestinfoOfficial Fanpage: Twitter: games android most exciting in Indonesia at this timewithfriends - your friend !!
Indonesia Merdeka 2.1
Beberapa permainan tradisional17agustus,permainan yang sangat menarik yang biasa dimainkansaatperayaanhari kemerdekaan Indonesia seperti tariktambang,memasukkan pensilke botol, balap karung, balap kelereng,danmengambil koin disemangka.Some traditionalgames17August, a very interesting game commonly playedduringthecelebration of Indonesia's Independence Day as tug ofwar,insert apencil into the bottle, sack race, racing marbles, andtookthecoins in a watermelon.
Bomb You 1.0.0
Nusa Game
Here comes the originalandclassicturn-based strategy game -- BOMB YOU! Teamsbattleover anever-changing battlefield with falling weaponcrates,crazedexploding sheep and more besides. Winner of manyindustryawards,find out what all the fuss was about.Come to show off your proficient shooting skill in BombYOUnow!Simple touch your finger can hit the goal,Aim-Shoot-Boom!Cute casual simulation and RPG free mobile gameforIndonesiaonly! Beautiful skin and graphic, cute characters&pets,dazzling weapon, global friends... all you can find inthisfreemobile game. Cute pets and heroes will accompany with youintheadventure and tournament.To be hero, only at BOMB YOU! ----------------------------*Follow us on Facebook fan page:*Any question please contact:[email protected] HOW TO PLAY*Aim & Shoot: Press the character and drag back to aimandattackthe target.*Boom: Loose your finger can hit the target.*Move: The character will move towards the place you press!*Fly: Use the paper plane, swipe to aim your target place! Games Features*Cute Characters: Cute Bombers and Monsters, could notbeartoattack.*Cute Pets: Care and upgrade your pet!.*Diverse Map: Various lovely battle grounds, exploremanycoolmaps!*Beautiful skin: Show your own hero’s skin.*Social: Instant chat, Emoji*Multiplayer: Play with friends around the world.*Guild: Join the guild and play with your friends inthesamecamp.*PVP: Solo, Team up, Tournament, against realfriendsandenemy.*PVE: Friend’s BOSS, Realm BOSS and Guild BOSS.*Tournament Rank : There is 8 ranks you can climb to!Becomethestrongest one!----------------------------
Lomba Bang Jarwo Balap Karung 1.0
Lomba Bang Jarwo Balap Karung adalah gameyangdibuat sebagai sarana untuk mempertahankan permainantradisionalindonesia dan untuk memperingati hari kemerdekaanindonesia,biasanya balap karung dilaksanakan pada saat tujuhbelasan, dankali ini bang jarwo adalah salah satu peserta yang jugadiikutiadit sebagai pesaingnya. Permainan ini sangat cocokdimainkan olehanak anak.Semoga game ini dapat bermanfaat bagi kita dalamsalamkemerdekaan.Competition BangJarwoSack Race is a game created as a means to preservetraditionalgames Indonesia and to commemorate the independence ofIndonesia,sack race usually held at the time of seventeen, and thistime bangJarwo is one of the participants who also attended aditascompetitors. This game is very suitable played by children.Hopefully this game can be useful for us inregardsindependence.
Bambu Runcing 1.0.0
Indonesia adalah Negara yang indah dan kayadiseluruh dunia. Wilayah yang kaya akan keindahan dan sumberdayaalamnya membuat berbagai bangsa ingin ‘memilikinya,’termasukBelanda. Sehingga, bangsa Eropa pun menjajah Tanah Air iniselamalebih dari 3,5 abad. Dan bangsa Eropa terlama yang menjajahNegaraini adalah bangsa Belanda, dari tahun 1593 hingga 1942,ketikaJepang menguasai Hindia Belanda (nama koloni Belanda diIndonesia).Selama masa kekuasaan pemerintah kolonial Belanda,banyak hartakekayaan Indonesia diperas dan diambil untukkepentingan bangsanya,sedangkan bangsa Indonesia sendiri menjadimiskin, tak berdaya, dansebagainya. Akibatnya, bangsa Indonesiamulai menentang penjajahanBelanda hingga titik darah penghabisan.Perjuangan bangsa Indonesiamelawan penjajah Belanda tiada hentinya,hingga pada akhirnyabangsa Indonesia mendeklarasikan kemerdekaannyapada tanggal 17Agustus 1945. Namun, bangsa Belanda masih inginmenancapkankekuasaannya di Tanah Air. Mereka menganggap bahwaIndonesia adalahaset Belanda yang sangat berharga, dan bila hilangmaka akan hancurperekonomiannya. Sehingga, bangsa Belanda akanmelakukan apapun,bahkan dibantu Sekutu yang dipimpin oleh AS danInggris, untukmempertahankan koloni terbesarnya. Tentu, sebagaibangsa yang barulahir pada saat itu, seluruh bangsa Indonesia jugaakan melakukanapapun demi menjaga dan mempertahankan kemerdekaanIndonesia yangbaru dideklarasikan.Bambu Runcing adalah game yang bisa menjawab semuapermasalahanbangsa saat itu. Walaupun sudah terjadi sejak lama,namun melaluigame ini, kamu dituntut untuk merasakan bagaimanamenjadi seorangpejuang Indonesia untuk mempertahankankemerdekaannya yang barulahir dari tangan penjajah Belanda padasaat itu. Denganfitur-fitur yang diatur sedemikian rupa, game iniakan membawa kamukepada sensasi perjuangan mempertahankankemerdekaan Indonesia yangluar biasa. Dengan taktik jitu tentaraBelanda menghadang, kamudituntut pula untuk memiliki kecepatanpenahan hadangan tentaraBelanda. Sehingga tentara Belanda tidakmampu menghancurkanpertahanan Indonesia, bahkan tentara itu akanlangsung dibunuh.Dengan itu, kamu bisa menjadi pahlawan kemerdekaanIndonesia yangmempertahankan dirinya dengan senjata bambu runcingdari serbuantentara Belanda yang ingin menguasai Indonesia. Apakahkamu bisaselamat dari serbuan tentara Belanda ?Indonesia is abeautifuland rich country in the world. A region rich in beauty andnaturalresources make various nations want to 'have it,' includingtheNetherlands. Thus, the Europeans also colonized this countryformore than 3.5 centuries. And the oldest European nationthatcolonized this country are the Dutch, from 1593 to 1942, whenJapanruled the Dutch East Indies (the name of the Dutch colonyofIndonesia). During the reign of the Dutch government,manypossessions Indonesia squeezed and taken to the interests ofthenation, while the Indonesian people themselves to bepoor,helpless, and so forth. As a result, the Indonesian peoplebegan tooppose the Dutch colonial to the bitter end. Indonesianstruggleagainst the Dutch colonialists endlessly, until finally thenationof Indonesia declared its independence on 17 August 1945.However,the Dutch still want to stick his power in the country.They assumethat Indonesia is a very valuable asset Netherlands, andif lost,would be destroyed its economy. Thus, the Dutch will doanything,even aided the Allies, led by the US and the UK, tomaintain itslargest colony. Of course, as a new nation was born atthat moment,all the Indonesian people will do anything to protectand defendthe independence of the newly declared Indonesia.Bamboo Taper is a game that can answer all the nation'sproblemsat that time. Although it has been happening for a longtime, butthrough this game, you are required to feel how to be awarriorIndonesia to maintain its independence newborn fromDutchcolonizers hand at the time. With features are arranged in away,this game will bring you to the thrill of the struggleforIndonesian independence incredible. Dutch soldiers withsnipertactics to block, you also required to have the retainingspeedhadangan Dutch army. So the Dutch army was not able todestroyIndonesia's defense, even soldiers would be killed. With it,youcan become a hero of Indonesian Independence defend himselfwithweapons sharpened bamboo from the invasion of Dutch soldierswhowanted to rule Indonesia. Are you able to survive an attackbyDutch soldiers?
Malang Strudel : Panjat Pinang 1.0.2
This "Panjat Pinang" Games iscreatedtocelebrate Indonesia's independence day.Get your favorite variant of Malang Strudel for free for3bestscorer every day during this promotion!Complete your identity to play. Our team will contactyouviaemail/phone if you are in the top 3 best score everyday!*This special promotion will end on December 31, 2016
Gue Tusuk Luh - Kill Invaders 1.0.1
KILL ALL INVADERS FOR GLORIOUS MOTHERLANDHelp the Warrior to banish all invaders by sneaking andhidinginthe dark night.Game features:* Sneaking, just tap and hold to sneak through the dark night* Hiding, don't forget to hide before the invaders seeingyoubyrelease your finger at the screen* Stabbing, When you close enough with the invaders just tapattheQTE button above the invaders head.* Leaderboard, compete your score with other playersSo, Are you brave enough to help the warriorbanishallinvaders?Play now, and be the number one at the leaderboard!