Top 21 Apps Similar to Pillenalarm

Lady Pill Reminder 3.0.3
With Lady Pill Reminder you won't forget to take the birthcontrolpill anymore.
Pilly! - Your pill reminder 0.9.7
Pilly! - Your pill reminderPilly! reminds you to ingest your pill so that you have moretimeto enjoy life to the full - certainly protected ;-)Come and see for yourself. Get Pilly! for your iPhone.=> IntuitiveYou will get along with Pilly! immediately. She was developedinclose collaboration with several women. We haveintegratedeverything you need and no unnecessary functions - Keepitsimple!=> IndividualYou can set up the time when you want to ingest yourpill.Furthermore you can choose between two packaging sizes (21 and28pills). You can even set up the message for the notification.=> ReliableDo you want to be notified only once or every 15, 30 or 60 min.?Noprob! By the way, Pilly! is merciless and stops notifying youonlywhen you have ingested your pill.=> ConsideratePilly! doesn't only reminds you to ingest your pill, she alsoshowsyou whether you're protected or not. Furthermore Pilly! showsyouyour number of blisters. Forgot to get new pills? Notanymore.=> Ready for take-offYou're already in the middle of your cycle? Don't worry. Youcaneasily adjust the day of cycle. Therefore you can use Pilly!rightnow.=> ConvenientAll your cycles will be stored with the most importantinformationchronological in the report view. So e.g. you can easilycheck upwhen you had your last period. You can also add small notesforevery cycle.All functions:- Clear start screen with all necessary information- Different icons for pills (distinction of weekdays andsoon)- Displaying status of protection- Displaying number of blisters- Supported packaging sizes: 21/7 and 28/0- Notification can be turned on and off- Notification time is arbitrary- Notification repeat selectable between: 15 min, 30 min, and60min. Optional no notification repeat possible- Notification message is arbitrary- Day of cycle can be adjust- Sending a message to the developer is possible- In your period the notification pauses automatically(21/7pill)- Possibility to skip your period (21/7 pill)- In your period there is a calendar with the remaining numberofdays displayed (21/7 pill)- Notification doesn't need a connection to the internet- Chronological report of cycles- Maximum range of functions, no additional In-Apppurchasesrequired- None annoying adsYou want to learn more about Pilly! or just want to get intouchwith us? Visit us on Facebook: orwriteus an email: [email protected]
PillReminder Lite 3.0.4
PillReminder Lite reminds you to takeyourcontraception (pill/patch/ring) at the desired time everyday,stopping reminders automatically on the pause period(contraceptiontype specific) and rescheduling automatically whenthe next periodstarts. Plan ahead using the calendar view if youwant to bereminded on certain days sooner or later to take theprevention orwhether you want to skip the next pause period.Now you can plan in advance the following:- Skipping contraception pause- Delaying contraception notification- Changing contraceptive- Starting new contraception cycleAll these things will be displayed in the calendar.Features:- Configurable daily reminder time with timezone supportandon/off switch- Different pill/patch/ring type templates- NuvaRing and Ortho Evra support- Custom pill/patch/ring type support- Snooze reminders- Change contraception type preserving the history- Custom notification message- Configurable automatic snooze interval- Log: shows you when and what contraception you have taken- Possibility to take the contraception sooner (within theactualday)- Possibility to snooze the contraception in advance (displaysinthe calendar view- within the actual day or future days)- Calendar displays if you have taken, forgotten or delayedthecontraception- Take notes in the calendar and add a reminder time- Plan ahead to skip a contraception pause from thecalendarview- Supports portrait and landscape mode- 1 Widget- Includes a Dashclock extension ( Android Lollipop Support (including head-up notification)Further features in the paid version(PillReminder): No ADS- Manage contraception packs (includes reminder to buy some)- Google Backup Service- Themes- Create your own themes (integrated custom theme creation)- 3 Widgets- Backup & restore settings- Password protection- Without internet permission- And more...Permission description:- VIBRATE => for notification- RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETED => to schedule notifications- WAKE_LOCK => for notification- MODIFY_AUDIO_SETTINGS => for notification- DISABLE_KEYGUARD => disable lockscreen duringnotification(configurable)- WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE => backup & restore settings- READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE => backup & restore settings- ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE => ADS- INTERNET => ADS and crash reportingFound issues to be fixed soon:- NoneIf someone has problems with the timezone contact me via mailforbetter support/troubleshooting.Attention for devices with root rights (ex. Cyanogenmodandother): This app must be installed in the internal memory ofthedevice, to be able to function correctly.Attention for Sony devices with Stamina mode: You must addtheapp to the whitelist of the stamina mode.Advice: In the mutual interest I would be very grateful ifyoucontact me, before you give me a negative feedback, so that ihavethe opportunity to correct the problem. I am at yourdisposal.([email protected])Please send any question, request or bug report to [email protected](birth control pill, contraceptive pill, anti pregnancypill,pilule)
Lady Pill Widgets 1.3.0
All the info you need about your birth control pill now on yourhomescreen!
Contraceptive Pill Reminder 4.2.4
Never forget your birth control pill again !
Pillreminder 1.0.1
The Pillreminder will remind you totakethebirth control pill. The App supports three pill types:- 21 days (7 pill free days)- 22 days (6 pill free days)- 28 days (7 days placebo pills)With the calendar view you can swipe through the months andseeonwhich days you have to take the pill, or which days arepillfree orplacebo pill days.The App is simple to use: Select your pill type, enterthedatewhen you started the current pill stripe and set yourremindtime.If you want, you can customize the colors used in theApp.Keywords: Birth control pill, pill, contraception,sex,medicine,reminder, pillreminder.
Period & Ovulation Tracker, Ovulation calculator 6.5
Period and Ovulation Tracker Lilly helps youtotrack your cycle and can reliably predict yourupcomingmenstruation, fertile days and ovulation. Never get caughtoffguard by your period again. For a woman trying to conceive wehaveovulation calculator that predicts your fertile window andhelpsyou get pregnant faster. Even more you can enter daily notesandtrack PMS symptoms, moods and intercourse.Lilly learns from your inputs and makes better prediction offutureperiods and fertile windows through time, we use all up todatescientific methods available to track and plan yourcycle.Using Lilly is easy, just tap a single button once a month onfirstday of your period and relax, Lilly will do all the heavyliftingfor you.One more thing that separates Lilly from all the others isvibrantwoman community called Girl Talk. Become a part of oursupportivewoman community and take control of your health, helpothers withyour experienceand get advice and support in time of need.Lilly can help you with this features:- timely notifications about upcoming period, ovulation,fertilewindow and late period- birth control reminder which includes pill, patch andringprotection- unique year calendar view which enables you to plan inadvancevacation with your loved ones, date with boyfriend orimportantmeeting- PIN code privacy protection- basal body temperature tracker with two decimal digitsprecisionand easy to use graphs- protected or unprotected intercourse/sex trackingWe want to hear from you! Please email comments and [email protected].
Pill Organizer & Reminder 1.8.06
PO&R is complex and easy to usemedicationreminder. Using Pillo you can easily schedule reminderfor any kindof pill, medication and even medical examination.PO&R would help you remind about:- short-term medications during cold or flu- long-term medications which help during chronic deseases- contraceptives- medical examinationIf you take medication periodically or in intervals,PO&Rwill calculate next dosing hour for you!
My Menstrual Diary 3.4.5
** Over 3,000,000 downloads worldwide **
The Pill 1.3
Have you ever forgotten to take yourbirthcontrol pill ?It can happen to any of us but now with The Pill for Android, itmaynever happen again.The Pill will remind you to take your birth control pilleveryday at a time you choose, with a local notification alert(similarto an SMS).
Eisprungrechner 2022 1.42
Be targeted pregnant with ovulation calculator
My OC 2.3
Pill Reminder helps you avoid taking your pill late or evenpossiblymissing it.
Ladytimer Ovulation Calendar 5.3
Vipos Apps
Highly recommended period tracker, featured in the movie: I dountilI don't
Pill Reminder 2.2
Pill ReminderRemembering to take your pill on time is now much easier withthenew Pill Reminder!The app discretely reminds you daily to take your pill.Including:- Daily reminder- Choice of time of reminder- Keeps count of remaining pills per cycle- Takes pill-free days into account- Suitable for pills taken 21 or 28 days per cycle- Advice on what to do if you forget to take your pill
Medisafe Pill & Med Reminder 9.35.13389
Stay on track with your medicine & pills! Never forgetanothermed or pill!
Pill Reminder 4.0.4
PillReminder reminds you to takeyourcontraception (pill/patch/ring) at the desired time everyday,stopping reminders automatically on the pause period(contraceptiontype specific) and rescheduling automatically whenthe next periodstarts. Plan ahead using the calendar if you want tobe reminded oncertain days sooner or later to take the preventionor whether youwant to skip the next pause period.Now you can plan in advance the following:- Skipping contraception pause- Delaying contraception notification- Changing contraceptive- Starting new contraception cycleAll these things will be displayed in the calendar.Features:- Configurable daily reminder time with timezone supportandon/off switch- Different pill/patch/ring type templates- NuvaRing and Ortho Evra support- Custom pill/patch/ring type support- Manage contraception packs (includes reminder to buy some)- Snooze reminders- Change contraception type preserving the history- Custom notification message- Configurable automatic snooze interval- Log: shows you when and what contraception you have taken- Google Backup Service- Possibility to take the contraception sooner (within theactualday)- Possibility to snooze the contraception in advance (displaysinthe calendar view- within the actual day or future days)- Calendar displays if you have taken, forgotten or delayedthecontraception- Take notes in the calendar and add a reminder time- Plan ahead to skip a contraception pause from thecalendarview- Supports portrait and landscape mode- Themes- Create your own themes (integrated custom theme creation)- 3 Widgets- Includes a Dashclock extension ( Android Lollipop Support (including head-up notification)- Backup & restore settings- Password protectionPermission description:- VIBRATE => for notification- RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETED => to schedule notifications- WAKE_LOCK => for notification- MODIFY_AUDIO_SETTINGS => for notification- DISABLE_KEYGUARD => disable lockscreen duringnotification(configurable)- WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE => backup & restore settings- READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE => backup & restore settingsFound issues to be fixed soon:- NoneIf someone has problems with the timezone contact me via mailforbetter support/troubleshooting.Attention for devices with root rights (ex. Cyanogenmodandother): This app must be installed in the internal memory ofthedevice, to be able to function correctly.Attention for Sony devices with Stamina mode: You must addtheapp to the whitelist of the stamina mode.Advice: In the mutual interest I would be very grateful ifyoucontact me, before you give me a negative feedback, so that ihavethe opportunity to correct the problem. I am at yourdisposal.([email protected])Please send any question, request or bug report to [email protected](birth control pill, contraceptive pill, anti pregnancypill,pilule)
My Days - Period & Ovulation ™
The Original: My Days - Period &Ovulation™-- I ❤ MyDays -- Really!Track & predict your period, ovulation and fertility.Your menstrual calendar for young and older women.Features include:⦿ Calendar⦿ Password⦿ Notification for coming Period & Ovulation !!⦿ Multi User support⦿ Multiple languages (en,de,it,es,fr,cn,tw)⦿ Add personal info regarding birth control; notes,intercourse,pill, ..⦿ eMail History to yourself or your Doctor⦿ Backup⦿ Basal metabolic temperature (BMT) Chart⦿ 4 Widgets⦿ Customizable colorsMyDays is the perfect and simplest Calendar for every woman.(not just for women, many men find MyDays useful forunderstandtheir partner's cycle, too)- Please feel free to send me an email with any concerns,problemsorsuggestions: androchris will answer all your questions ASAP.I can't answer directly in the Android Market. Thank you!Information, Hints & Tips:- Get the Pro Version to disable all Advertisements!Check the "About" page for more Infos.- Info about Permissions:Internet Access: To enable "Web based Community Chat"Call Status: To disable Ads while CallingShortcuts: To allow Shortcuts "AFTER" u requested one.No automatic setting of Shortcuts!Bookmarks: See ShortcutsContacts: To share an Ad-Information "AFTER" u requestedtodo.Location: To get better individualist Advertisings in thefreeVersion.Thank you
Med Helper Pill Reminder
Now with Cloud Backup/Restore Med Helper keeps trackofyourprescriptions - Alarms remind you when medication needstobetaken, when Doctors appointments are scheduled and whenmedsarerunning low or are about to expire. Med Helper alsotracksyourvital signs and PRN / take-as-needed medication. You canlogandexport or print detailed reports for your Doctor,NurseorCaregiver Multiple profiles let you manage others inyourcare.Whether you’re self managing or taking care of yourlovedones, MedHelper’s features will help you deal with anythingfromsimpleshort term situations to prolonged complex chronicconditionsbymaking it easy to maintain prescription andmedicalregimecompliance / adherence. It’s like having your veryownMobileHealthcare Assistant. Med Helper is consistently rankedasone ofthe top applications of its kind in the Medical appfield.Forinformation, suggestions or help contactusat:[email protected] Friend us onFacebookat: Med HelperFreeFeaturesinclude: Phone / Tablet compatible Prescriptions,Schedule,Take asNeeded (Amount/time taken, last 10doses),Inventory,Doctor/Pharmacy Contact Info, Vitals Tracking, MedLogandExportable and Printable Reports People use Med Helperasa:Medication pill reminder, Vitals tracker,appointmentmanager,Doctors list and Pharmacy organizer as well as away toshareinformation with their caregivers. How ever you chooseto useMedHelper we hope it helps make your life a little biteasier.MedHelper is being designed by people just like you. Overthepastyears we've received thousands of emails withsuggestions,commentsand reviews. People let us know what they like- what theywant andsometimes what they don't like. We listen anddesignaccordingly.Our belief is that Better Healthcare NeedsBetterTools... andbetter tools are best designed by those who usethem.Meaning YOU.For any information, suggestions or help of anykindplease contactus at: [email protected] See We're at your service.... Note:Nonetworkconnection is required for Med Helper to operate. Allthebest -From the Med Helper Team
WomanLog Pro Calendar 6.8.8
Women's calendar. It's what every woman needs!
Pill Reminder 1.1.6
Pill Reminder is an application that helps you to remember totakeyour pills. Set the pill cycle, the stop days and timeofnotification. It will do the rest! Features: - Ads free-Multi-pills support - Configurable notifications time withtimezone support - Ability to enable / disable notifications atalltimes - Ability to change the beginning and the end of the cycleatany time - Gestures support - Supports all Android 2.3Gingerbreadand later - Supports portrait and landscape displaymodeApplication is complete and free! Thanks to Nicolas Ciotti fortheUI design ( ) for the review( to for the review( English, italian, german, french, spanish,dutch,polish, ukrainian and chinese Changelog: v.1.1.6 - bugfix onchangelocale v1.1.4 - 10" tablets compatibility - graphics bugfixv1.1.3- minor bug fixes v1.1.2 - Added Google Analytics supportv1.1.1 -Added Android4.4 KitKat compatibility - Added dutchlocalization -Added ukrainian localization v.1.1.0 - Addedmulti-pills support -Pills list on day selection - Redesignednotifications - Datastored on SQLite database - Bugfix related tothe change of thelocale v.1.0.9 - Added french localization v.1.0.8- Added spanishlocalization v.1.0.7 - Added polish localizationv.1.0.6 - Addedgerman localization v.1.0.5 - Added chineselocalization - Fixed"back" key on settings v.1.0.4 - Added cycle'send date v.1.0.3 -Improving gestures performances v.1.0.2 -Notification LED colorcustomization - Today's text color modified,for the stop periodv.1.0.1 - Added notification LED compatibility Medication Guide 2.14.7
Look up drug information, identify pills and manageyourmedications.