Top 15 Apps Similar to Cartel de santa - Leve

Cartel De Santa Musica 2016 1.6
Cartel de Santa is a Mexican bandfromthe"barrio de la Aurora", Santa Catarina, Nuevo León,Mexico.Applications songs and lyrics. easy to use and carriedwithyouwherever you go.These applications are here to meet your needs findalllyricssongs
Cartel de Santa Songs 1.0
Cartel de Santa is a Mexican bandfromthe"barrio de la Aurora", Santa Catarina, Nuevo León, Mexico.Thebandstarted playing in 1998 as part of the AvanzadaRegiamusicalmovement and is currently composed of Eduardo DavalosdeLuna, alsoknown as MC Babo (lead vocals), Rowan Rabia(beatmaker)and DJAgustín (only in live shows). They have beenreferred to asone ofthe most notable Mexican hip-hop artists.Top Song and Lyrics :Si Te Vienen a ContarLos Mensajes del WhatsappSuena Mamal***Bombos y TarolasLa PelotonaDoctor MarihuanaCon el Coco RapadoEl Arte del EngañoVolar VolarTodas Mueren Por MiTraficando RimasEl Dolor Del MicroHey Si Me VenVato SencilloEl Raton y el QuesoPerrosLo Que Quiero Es BesarteCosas de la VidaCronica BabiloniaA Ti Te da BesitosThank you for using " HMMNGCD " as the search applicationandyourfavorite music player .
Cartel De Santa Songs 1.0
Cartel de Santa is a Mexican bandfromthe"barrio de la Aurora", Santa Catarina, Nuevo León,Mexico.Songs Of Cartel De Santa :Si Te Vienen a ContarLos Mensajes del WhatsappLa PelotonaDoctor MarihuanaBombos y TarolasSuena Mamalenjoy the music in this app
Musica Cartel De Santa 2016 1.0
An application that allows you to rememberthelyrics to your favorite songs whenever wherever you are,thisapplication is also designed in such a way in order to allowyou tofind what you are looking for lyrics
Musica Cartel De Santa 1.0
Comes with a friendly display that allowsyoutofind the music and lyrics to your favorite. Cartel de SantaisaMexican band from the "barrio de la Aurora", SantaCatarina,NuevoLeón, Mexico. The band started playing in 1998 aspart oftheAvanzada Regia musical movement and is currentlycomposedofEduardo Davalos de Luna, also known as MC Babo (leadvocals),RowanRabia (beatmaker) and DJ Agustín (only in liveshows).[1] Theyhavebeen referred to as one of the most notableMexicanhip-hopartists.EspañolCartel de Santa es una banda mexicana de rap creadaenSantaCatarina, Nuevo León. La banda comenzó sus actividades en1996yestá compuesta por el vocalista principal, también conocidocomoMCBabo; y Román Rodríguez, más conocido como "RowanRabia",Monoplugo simplemente Mono. Actualmente se encuentranorganizadounproyecto llamado " viejo marihuano" siendo este elvolumen 7,serumora que en este volumen "MC Marioek" tendráunaparticipaciónimportante tanto en los vídeos como enlascomposiciones.Song List :- Si Te Vienen a Contar- Leve- Extasis- Mucha Marihuana- Los Mensajes del Whatsapp- Suena Mamalona- La pelotona- A Ti Te Da Besitos- Volar Volar- Me alegro de su odio- Bombos y tarolas- El arte del engaño- Doctor Marihuana- Para cada loco ( feat Millonario )- Lo que quiero es besarte- El raton y el queso- Vato Sencillo- Hey Si Me Ven- MarihuanaAnd Others
Cartel de Santa 1.1
Ddncd Studio
Cartel de Santa is a Mexican band fromthe"barrio de la Aurora", Santa Catarina, Nuevo León, Mexico. Thebandstarted playing in 1998 as part of the Avanzada Regiamusicalmovement and is currently composed of Eduardo Davalos deLuna, alsoknown as MC Babo (lead vocals), Rowan Rabia (beatmaker)and DJAgustín (only in live shows).They have been referred to asone ofthe most notable Mexican hip-hop artists.All the lastest songs from Cartel de Santa :Si Te Vienen a ContarLos Mensajes del WhatsappSuena Mamal***Bombos y TarolasDoctor MarihuanaLa PelotonaCon el Coco RapadoVolar VolarEl Arte del EngañoTodas Mueren Por MiTraficando RimasHey Si Me VenVato SencilloEl Dolor Del MicroPerrosEl Raton y el QuesoLo Que Quiero Es BesarteA Ti Te da BesitosCronica BabiloniaCosas de la VidaEs de LeyCheka weyEl HornazoPara Cada LocoYa No VanHay MamitaSúbele a la GreibolMéxico lindo y bandidoEl CabrónPa' No Andar TristeAsesino de acesinos
Música Cartel De Santa 1.0
It is the application of music andlyrics.weprovide the latest and most popular songs at thistime,theapplication is very easy to use. so wait no more,downloadanapplication. Enjoy...Es la aplicación de la música y la letra. proporcionamoslasúltimasy más populares canciones en este momento, la aplicaciónesmuyfácil de usar. así que no más esperar, descargarunaaplicación.Disfrute ...
Cartel De Santa Musica 1.3
Best apps for download. This app is greatforfilling your free time and enjoy the best music on yoursmartphone. This application is actually made to make you morehappy andfun in your life every day, Please try and enjoy,,,All other trademarks and copyrights are the property oftheirrespective owners.
Cartel De Santa Songs 2016 1.0
((Cartel de Santa is a Mexican bandfromthe"barrio de la Aurora", Santa Catarina, Nuevo León, Mexico.Thebandstarted playing in 1998 as part of the AvanzadaRegiamusicalmovement and is currently composed of Eduardo DavalosdeLuna, alsoknown as MC Babo (lead vocals), Rowan Rabia(beatmaker)and DJAgustín (only in live shows). They have beenreferred to asone ofthe most notable Mexican hip-hop artists.Cartel de Santastartedplaying in 1996, when MC Babo and somefriends began bysingingimprovised rap songs. The group becamefamous in 2003, whentheband released its first self-titled album.The album includeshitssuch as "Perros", "Todas mueren por mi" and"La pelotona".Thealbum was produced by Jason Roberts who hadpreviously workedwithartists such as Cypress Hill, Ice Cube, Houseof Pain, GunsN'Roses, Control Machete, and Plastilina Mosh. Thiscontributedtothe fame of the band. That same year, the groupreleased avideoclip of the song "Perros". This video was broadcastacrossLatinAmerica on MTV. A year later, in 2004, a new albumwasreleased,Cartel de Santa, Vol. 2, which included hits as"Blah,blah, blah","La llamada" and "El arte del engaño". Cartel deSantaVol. 2counted with the collaboration of other artists, suchasTegoCalderón, in "Conexión Puerto Rico", and Mr. Pomel,in"CrónicaBabilonia". In 2007, Cartel de Santa recorded itsthirdalbum,named Cartel de Santa, Volumen Prohibido. It includedthesingles"Cheka Wey" featuring female hip-hop artist Mery Dee. Afewmonthsafter the album release, the lead vocalist, Babo,wasarrested forthe killing of a fellow band member. Duringaconfrontation withJuan Miguel Chávez, an old rival, on thestreet,Babo shot awarning shot, which instead hit former bandmemberUlises. EduardoDávalos, Babo, turned himself in to theMinisterialPolice of NuevoLeon state. He later wrote a song aboutthe incidentwhile inprison in which he expresses his regret overthe killing ofUlises.The band released a compilation album, Cartelde Santa,GreatestHits, aimed at raising funds to be used to set thevocalistfree.MC Babo was liberated from prison nine months later,with helpofSony Music, after the group paid about 130,000 pesos asbail.InFebruary 2008, the band released its fourth album, CarteldeSanta,Vol IV. Some of the songs recount Babo's memories duringthemonthshe was in prison. The album was meant as a message tofansthat "elCartel" would keep making music. The first single ofthisalbum was"Hay mamita" which also has a music videoclip. InMarch2010, Baboannounced on the band's Myspace the release ofanotheralbum. Thefifth album was released in May 2010 with the name"Vol.V:Sincopa". Like their last work, Volume V showed a bettersoundandbeats quality. Cartel de Santa was nominated for theLatinGrammysas a result of their new release. In June 2013,Cartelrelease hisnew single: Me Alegro de su Odio.))It is the application of Lyrics and Music.You can download it for free, this application is very easytouseand small apk capacity. Can be played on a cell phoneandyourfavorite tablet.Have a nice day.Enjoy ...Es la aplicación de Letras y Música.Se puede descargar de forma gratuita, esta aplicación es muyfácildeusar y pequeña capacidad de apk. Se puede jugar enunteléfonocelular y su tableta favorita.Que tengas un buen día.Disfruta ...
Cartel De Santa Musica Letra 3.0
Cartel de Santa para todos losaficionados,estaaplicación contiene todas las canciones, letras yvideos desdeMéxicobatalla música rap, completa.Vamos a disfrutar de la mejor música de rap español.descargarestaaplicación gratuita y disfrutar de las melodías libresdemúsicosde rap México Cartel de Santa.Cartel De santa tiene amigos famosos banya tales comoLatinhiphop:- PIMP FLACO- rapp- KINDER MALO- Rels B- SFDK- Mala Rodriguez- FYAHBWOY- Nikone latin rap- Neutro Shorty- Jowell y Randy- Nocivo Shomon- santa rm/Porta- Franco Escamilla- Luisito Comunica- Santa RM/Santaflow- mc davo/Nach- rap god- Hungria Hip Hop - Quebra Cabeça- Emanero- Frescolate VS Dtoke- T&K- Malajunta Malandro- MarkaAkme- Fili - wey- Rels B- Natos y Waor- Esteban El As- costa gold- La Viela- HAIKAISS- Cacife Gold- Projota gangsta rap- Alkilados- Reykon- Santa Grifa- Mundo Rapero- dharius tamez- El Pinche Mara- MusicRapHood- Zaiko & Nuco- Thug Pol- Maniako latin rap- Alexis Chaires- Alemán- Adan Cruz- Al2 El Aldeano- Karol Conka- Chicano rap battle street hip hopNota:Cuando hay un error y desea eliminar las imágenes enellapuedeponerse en contacto con nosotros.gracias - Erjay Musica -Santa poster forallfans,this app contains all the songs, lyrics and videosfromMexicobattle rap, complete music.Let's enjoy the best music of Spanish rap. download this freeappandenjoy the tunes free rap musicians Mexico CarteldeSanta.Cartel has banya famous friends such as Latin hip hop:- SKINNY PIMP- Rapp- KINDER MALO- Rels B- SFDK- Mala Rodriguez- Fyahbwoy- Nikone latin rap- Neutral Shorty- Jowell y Randy- Harmful Shomon- Santa rm / Porta- Franco Escamilla- Luisito Communicates- Holy RM / Santaflow- Davo mc / Nach- Rap god- Hungary Hip Hop - Quebra Cabeça- Emanero- VS Frescolate Dtoke- T & K- Malajunta Malandro- MarkaAkme- Fili - wey- Rels B- Natos and Waor- Esteban Ace- Gold coast- The Viela- HAIKAISS- Gold Cacife- Gangsta rap Projota- alkylated- Reykon- Holy Grifa- World Rapper- Dharius tamez- The Click Mara- MusicRapHood- Zaiko & Nuco- Thug Pol- Maniako latin rap- Alexis Chaires- German- Adan Cruz- Al2 El Aldeano- Karol Conka- Chicano rap hip hop street battleNote:When there is a mistake and want to delete the images in ityoucancontact us.thanks - Erjay Music -
Marshmello Remix 1.0
In this app you can hear most popularsongswiththe lyrics.Browse all your favorite albums, songs and playlists,andwatchbeautiful album artwork appear on-screen.This application is great for the filling your spare time.All trademarks and copyrights belong totheirrespectiveowners.Listen to the right music, wherever you are.Hope everybody can enjoy the different music play experience.Features :*popular songs*listen the music*available lyrics
The Vamps All Night 1.0
The Vamps are a British pop rockbandconsistingof Brad Simpson (lead vocals and guitar), JamesMcVey(lead guitarand vocals), Connor Ball (bass guitar and vocals)andTristan Evans(drums and vocals).List Songs are :>All Night>Somebody To You>Can We Dance>I Found a Girl>oh cecilia>wild heart>Wake Up>Last Night>Hurricane>Rest Your Love>and etcIn this app you can hear most popular songs with the lyrics.Browse all your favorite albums, songs and playlists,andwatchbeautiful album artwork appear on-screen.This application is great for the filling your spare time.All trademarks and copyrights belong totheirrespectiveowners.Listen to the right music, wherever you are.Hope everybody can enjoy the different music play experience.Features :*popular songs*listen the music*available lyrics
Jay Park All I Wanna Do 1.0
In this app you can hear most popularsongswiththe lyrics.Browse all your favorite albums, songs and playlists,andwatchbeautiful album artwork appear on-screen.This application is great for the filling your spare time.All trademarks and copyrights belong totheirrespectiveowners.Listen to the right music, wherever you are.Hope everybody can enjoy the different music play experience.Features :*popular songs*listen the music*available lyrics
Pitbull Lyrics (2004-2016) 1.2
Let's find all the top songs andlyricsofPitbull in this application.* The Top Lyrics :o Give Me Everythingo International Loveo Rain Over Meo I Know You Want Me (Calle Ocho) I Know You WantMe(CalleOcho)o Hotel Room Serviceo Feel This Momento Timbero Don't Stop the Partyo Back In Timeo Hey Baby (Drop It to the Floor)o Shut It Downo Shake Senorao Get It Startedo Culoo Bon, Bono The Anthemo Time of Our Liveso Go Girlo Times of Our Liveso Across the Worldo Wild Wild Loveo Krazyo Watagatapitusberryo Fireballand more top lyrics..* The Top Album"Climate Change" (2016)"Dale" (2015)"Globalization" (2014)"Meltdown" (2013)"Global Warming" (2012)"Planet Pit" (2011)"Armando" (2010)"Rebelution" (2009)"The Boatlift" (2007)"El Mariel" (2006)"M.I.A.M.I." (2004)Disclaimer:This application does not contain audio or video. All lyricsinthisapplications are for entertainment andeducationalpurposes.This application has ads that comply with Google Play Policy.Let’s buy only the original CDs, MP3s, videos.
Santa Grifa Musica Rap Latina 3.0
grifa de santa para todos losaficionados,estaaplicación contiene todas las canciones, letras yvideosdesdeMéxico batalla música rap, completa.Vamos a disfrutar de la mejor música de rap español.descargarestaaplicación gratuita y disfrutar de las melodías libresdemúsicosde rap México de Santa Grifa.Santa Grifa tiene amigos famosos banya tales comoLatinhiphop:- PIMP FLACO- rapp- KINDER MALO- Rels B- SFDK- Mala Rodriguez- FYAHBWOY- Nikone latin rap- Neutro Shorty- Jowell y Randy- Nocivo Shomon- santa rm/Porta- Franco Escamilla- Luisito Comunica- Santa RM/Santaflow- mc davo/Nach- rap god- costa gold- La Viela- HAIKAISS- Cacife Gold- Projota gangsta rap- Alkilados- Reykon- the walking dead season 7- Mucha Marihuana - Cartel de Santa- Mundo Rapero- dharius tamez- El Pinche Mara- MusicRapHood- Zaiko & Nuco- Thug Pol- Toser One- Maniako latin rap- Alexis Chaires- Alemán- Adan Cruz- Al2 El Aldeano- Karol Conka- Chicano rap battle street hip hopNota:Cuando hay un error y desea eliminar las imágenes enellapuedeponerse en contacto con nosotros.graciasgrifa holy forallfans,this app contains all the songs, lyrics and videosfromMexicobattle rap, complete music.Let's enjoy the best music of Spanish rap. download this freeappandenjoy the tunes free rap musicians Mexico Santa Grifa.Santa Grifa has banya famous friends such as Latin hip hop:- SKINNY PIMP- Rapp- KINDER MALO- Rels B- SFDK- Mala Rodriguez- Fyahbwoy- Nikone latin rap- Neutral Shorty- Jowell y Randy- Harmful Shomon- Santa rm / Porta- Franco Escamilla- Luisito Communicates- Holy RM / Santaflow- Davo mc / Nach- Rap god- Gold coast- The Viela- HAIKAISS- Gold Cacife- Gangsta rap Projota- alkylated- Reykon- The walking dead season 7- Much Marijuana - Cartel de Santa- World Rapper- Dharius tamez- The Click Mara- MusicRapHood- Zaiko & Nuco- Thug Pol- Coughing One- Maniako latin rap- Alexis Chaires- German- Adan Cruz- Al2 El Aldeano- Karol Conka- Chicano rap hip hop street battleNote:When there is a mistake and want to delete the images in ityoucancontact us.Thank you