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ESQ Virtual Training
ESQ 165
ESQ training, which has been 15 yearsofenlightening and moving more than 1.4 million people inIndonesiaand other countries towards better life, now comes tovisit youanywhere, and anytime.Welcome to the ESQ Virtual Training. This is a longdistancetraining that you can access without the constraints ofdistanceand time. In the midst of the bustle and an endless whirlofroutines, we quite often feel discouraged, inner emptiness,andlack of self-meaning. Hence, it is time to getenlightenment,inspiration, and motivation so that you can feel thespirit and theessential happiness you are looking for.What will you get in the Virtual Training?Like ESQ training in the classroom, ESQ Virtual Traininginspiresyou on how to manage three gifts granted by the AlmightyCreator toevery human being in order to be successful and happywhich arephysical capital, emotional capital, and spiritualcapital.The materials in the Virtual Training will be presentedsequentiallyand gradually, namely:Package1. Character Building I (Basic)It is about developing human resource and character buildingbycombining three potential assets of intellectual, emotional,andspiritual. The merger will produce total competence which isdrivennot only by material and emotional motivation, but alsobyspiritual motivation.Package 2. Character Building II (Mission Statement &CharacterBuilding)It deals with integrating missions of life which areoftenseparated: between individual and working placeinstitution,between individual and spouse or families, as well asbetween thisworld and the hereafter.Package 3. Character Building Package III (Self Controlling)It focuses on how to manage the three potential assets to beraisedand how to build collaboration among either individualsorsections. This training will help detecting the strengths ofeachindividual or section and synergize them toimproveperformance.Package 4. Character Building IV (Total Action)The success key is execution. Many people are good at makingplans,but are not able to execute them. The peak of emotionalandspiritual intelligence is the execution or stepping up.Thetraining is to create awareness that our time to bring thevisioninto reality is very limited.Leadership Training PackageThe role of the leader determines the success of thecorporateculture transformation. Leaders serve as role models,mentors, andgenerators of all human resources in the company. Thistrainingwill form the character of an individual to possessconfidence tolead and ability to influence others.Soft Skill Package:It is a training to build capacity to manage oneself and others,andestablish positive and productive relationship. A study atHarvardUniversity states that 80% of the success of an individualisaffected by the soft skills that he/she has.Join the other 1.4 million people who have experienced CHANGESintheir life. Through Virtual Training, you can feel yourlifetransformation from ordinary to EXTRAORDINARY via Smartphone.Youwill see, hear, and feel the ESQ Training experience as well asinthe training room guided directly by Dr. (HC) Ary GinanjarAgustian(Founder of ESQ).ESQ Virtual Training: Inspiration within YOUR grasp!!!Get ESQ Virtual Training applications on the Google Play Storewhichis eagerly awaited by millions of alumni and prospectivegraduatesof ESQ 165.The inspiring ESQ Training is now within your grasp.
Motivasi Pengusaha Sukses 1.0
Questa App
Applikasi ini berisi tentang kumpulanTips& Motivasi Pengusaha Sukses. untuk anda yang inginmenjadipengusaha.- motivasi pengusaha- Tips Pengusaha- Tips SuksesThis applicationcontainsa collection Tips & Motivation Successful Entrepreneur.forthose of you who want to become entrepreneurs.- Motivation of entrepreneurs- Entrepreneur Tips- Tips for Success
Ide & Inspirasi Bisnis 1.0
Questa App
Applikasi ini berisi tentang InspirasiBisnis,Motivasi bisnis, kisah sukses, Ide-ide bisnis, Tips Bisnis,dll.Applikasi wajib buat kalian yang ingin memulai berbisnisataupunyang sudah berbisnis dan ingin mengembangkanya.This applicationcontainsthe Business Inspiration, Motivation business, successstories,business ideas, Business Tips, etc. Applications arerequired foryou who want to start a business or already in businessand wantmengembangkanya.
Kholid RMN Motivasi perubahan 1.0
Motivasi perubahan menujukesuksesanadalahmotivasi sederhana yang dibuat untuk menambahsemangat danmerubahmainset menjadi seorang pemenangMotivationchangestosuccess is simple motivation made for pep and changemainset beawinner
Motivasi Sukses 1.0
Di dalam aplikasi Bahan MotivasiHidupinibegitu banyak cerita nyata yang sangat inspiratif.