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Arabic Music - Belly Dance
The best oriental arabic music, islam songs and free bellydancevideos.
Belly-Dance Away Ab Flab 1.1
Belly dancers aren't just wigglingandjigglingtheir hips; they're getting an ab workout thatsculptsalmost everysingle muscle in their core even thehard-to-target,deep transverseabdominals, says Rania AndronikiBossonis, authorof Belly Dancingfor Fitness (Fair Winds Press,2004). Do this10-minute routine oncea day and you'll shimmy yourway to a sexystomach.Belly dance or bellydance is a Western-coined namefor"solo,improvised dances based on torso articulation".Othernameswhichare sometimes used for the dance in Englishspeakingcountriesinclude Oriental dance, Egyptian dance, Arabicdance orMiddleEastern dance belly,dance,bellydance,wiggling.Belly dance takes many different forms depending onthecountryand region, both in costume and dance style, and newstyleshaveevolved in the West as its popularity has spreadglobally.