Top 19 Apps Similar to 百度外卖

美团外卖-美食水果优惠订餐 5.2.5
美团外卖,送啥都快。美食,果蔬,超市,你只需签收愿望清单,立享送上门的美好生活。历经三年,美团外卖已覆盖全国300余座城市,合作近100万家知名商户,日订单量超过500万单,市场份额在行业遥遥领先。从品类到速度,美团外卖已全面升级,美团专送平均32分钟送达!美团袋鼠的神奇口袋里,你想要的AllinOne。【产品特色】美团外卖为您提供各类品牌外卖,美食商家订餐服务。套餐优惠,支付满减,下单抢红包优惠更多,还送餐后饮料水果哦!用手机下单更优惠,不出门不下厨房即可享受各地区特色美食外卖!超多品牌外卖如必胜客,肯德基,必胜客宅急送,私房菜等多种美食送餐上门~附近美食,超市百货,中餐、西餐、蛋糕店、小吃、快餐、火锅、川菜、蛋糕、烤肉、饮料甜点、夜宵,外卖订餐更方便,不用出门直接叫外卖订餐吃饭。US groupTakeout,consequently faster delivery. Food, fruits andvegetables,supermarket, you only need to sign a wish list, or yoursend home abetter life. After three years, the US group Takeawayhas coveredmore than 300 cities, nearly one million co-knownmerchants, dailyorders over five million orders, market share inthe industryahead. From the speed category, the US group takeawayhas beenfully upgraded, the US group Get It served an average of32minutes! US Mission magical kangaroo pocket, you want to AllinOne.【feature of product】US group to provide you with all kinds of brand takeawaytakeawayfood ordering service businesses. Package deals, pay fullcut,single grab a red envelope offer more, even made a meal offruitdrink Oh!Under more favorable single phone use, no less than the kitchendonot go out and enjoy the regional cuisine takeaway!Super multi-brand takeaway as Pizza Hut, KFC, Pizza Hut,privatekitchens and other gourmet meals on wheels - nearfood,supermarkets, department stores, Chinese, Western, bakery,snacks,fast food, hot pot, Sichuan, cakes, barbecue, dessertdrinks,supper, takeaway ordering more convenient, do not godirectly toordering takeout meals.
百度 Baidu Search Web Browser 1.0.1
百度 Baidu Search Web BrowserAccess all of 百度 Baidu products and services from one app.Toeasily access Baidu Services And Products click bookmarksandselect the Baidu Product or Service to utilize. No additionalAppsor plugins to install.BAIDU PRODUCTS AND SERVICES ACCESSIBLE:- 百度 (Baidu Search Engine - access a search index of 740millionweb pages, 80 million images, and 10 million audio andvideofiles.)- Hao123- 新闻 (News)- 地图 (Map)- 视频 (Video)- 知道 (?)- 音乐 (Music)- 图片 (Image Search)- 百科 (Baidu Wikipedia)- 文库 (Library)- 风云榜 (Baidu Billboard Top)- 产品大全 (Full Baidu Product and Services Directory)BUILT IN APP STANDARD WEB BROWSER FEATURES:- Faster and more compatible than any other Androidwebbrowser!- Access the World Wide Web! Games! Email! Shop! Surf! Work!Chat!Share! Download! Do any task you use a computer webbrowserfor!- Websites or services requesting location or personal data mustbeverified, option to Accept or Decline!- Incognito allows browsing websites in a private mode, nohistoryor other data is stored!- Native Android colors and menus giving the App that androidlookand feel!- Import / export bookmarks!- Easily delete cache, browsing history, cookies, and otherstoredwebsite data!TIP: If problems are encountered viewing or utilizing awebpage,look for a Desktop or Classic version link on the webpage,it willdisplay the original webpage and not the one built formobile as anoption.NOTE: Some Baidu content, products, and services may notbeavailable due to users geographic location and is only availabletomainland China users. Although this browser isdesignedspecifically for Baidu users with Android devices, it isstill afully functional web browser capable of accessing a widerange ofcontent available from around the world via websites withanaddress (URL).MORE BAIDU PRODUCTS AND SERVICES ACCESSIBLE:百度商业服务市场全新SEM工具在线集市百度汽车专业的汽车买卖服务平台百度云观测网站健康监测中心生活手记记录生活点滴百度图+开启图片的变现方案百度微购综合性购物搜索平台百度外卖在线外卖订餐产品百度健康全方位的医疗服务平台百度教育课程、机构、考试及在线学习平台!英语作文帮你的英语作文好帮手!百度云加速为站长提供安全防护和加速服务百度特卖每日更新,汇集全网特卖信息百度预测大数据,知天下百度司南大数据营销决策平台百度糯米省钱更省心,全场随便退!百度口碑传播最真实的评论搜索服务网页搜索海量网络资料、资源百度翻译轻松解决语言差异困扰视频搜索海量网络视频音乐搜索试听下载海量音乐地图搜索功能完备的网络地图新闻搜索浏览最热新闻资讯图片搜索海量网络图片百度识图以图搜信息,发现更多可能!百度票务买低价放心票,上百度票务百度音乐人发现最好的原创音乐百度云图帮助站长挖掘图片价值百度财富理财,贷款,保险,上百度财富导航服务网址导航网站导航百度网址大全百度团购获取最权威团购信息百度汇一站式生活服务平台社区服务百度安全论坛百度安全产品交流论坛文库阅读、下载、分享文档空间百度空间,让世界发现你!百科查询、贡献网络百科全书贴吧自由分享话题、参与讨论知道寻找答案、回答问题搜藏随时随地的网络收藏夹经验实用生活指南百度钱包安全可信赖的支付工具百度阅读电子书世界,阅读更方便百度旅游让旅行更简单百度相册超大容量的免费云相册百度校园校园社区平台百度众测用户体验中心百度金融综合金融服务平台百度产品论坛互联网产品粉丝互动百度云文件备份、分享、同步工具游戏娱乐百度游戏玩游戏、看资讯、找同伴百度应用轻松找到所需高质量应用悠洋游戏汇聚精品网页游戏移动服务百度糯米省钱更省心,全场随便退!移动搜索从手机享受百度各项服务百度手机搜索,随时随地百度手机输入法点划结合,输入更流畅百度手机浏览器极速浏览,集海量应用百度手机助手最新最全安卓手机应用百度手机地图从手机搜索网络地图百度壁纸天天换壁纸,时时好心情百度云智能终端平台云存储、多应用智能平台百度通讯录安全、永久地备份通讯录百度网盘您的网络U盘百度桌面Android桌面美化管理专家百度魔图好玩易用掌上美图工具百度一键Root获取Root权限,深度管理手机百度语音助手支持语音指令、搜索、对话百度锁屏超炫星空热词锁屏百度翻译App您的掌上翻译专家百度魔拍手机拍照,一键美颜百度音乐APP百度音乐,找歌听歌,一步到位百度微任务随时随地随手,轻松赚钱百度手机卫士手机防吸费,防骚扰涂书笔记把纸面文字马上电子化百度云ROM稳定流畅的手机系统站长与开发者服务搜索开放平台站长提交资源的绿色通道站长平台让百度更了解你的网站百度统计获取网站流量的专业分析百度联盟与百度合作,变得更强百度推广获得新客户和合作伙伴广告管家享受专业网站广告管理服务数据研究中心获取权威的网络数据研究风云榜观热点事件,看时尚风云百度指数搜索权威的关键词数据分析百度分享为您带来更多流量百度开放云平台开发者一站式服务平台百度移动统计专业的移动应用统计软件工具百度音乐百度音乐,听到极致百度浏览器一款简洁轻快的新浏览器!百度影音边下边看,支持视频搜索百度hi简单的与好友聊天百度工具栏搜索快人一步百度阅读器海量文献多格式阅读百度输入法流畅输入,更懂中文百度杀毒更快,更安全百度卫士更快,更安全千千静听简单听音乐,一点即听百度五笔输入法百度五笔输入法PC版其他服务百度寻人齐心协力,让孩子早日回家百度公益关注公益,贡献力量百度基金会支持教育、救灾、环保盲道视障人士上网关怀入口老年搜索让中老年人轻松搜索专利搜索简单、方便地查询专利词典查询双语、汉语、成语词典百度营销大学互联网营销学习平台百度认证互联网营销职业认证天空软件下载最新免费、共享软件百度房产房产信息搜索服务平台百度任务平台任务发布、创意征集百度营销研究院让商业决策更简单LEGEL DISCLAIMER: Baidu, and all Baidu Products AndServicesaccessed by this browser are a trademarked and/orcopyrightedproduct and/or service by Baidu. Baidu is not associatedwith theFalcon Baidu Themed Web Browser Android Application.
Cwaimai 吃外賣-美食,外賣,優惠 1.3.6
香港蘋果AppStore總榜第1名香港蘋果AppStore美食佳飲分類榜第1名iTunes What's Hot 第1名中國大陸蘋果AppStore美食佳飲分類榜前10名吃外賣是集合全城外賣資訊的app, 由生活資訊網站(推出。****************************騰訊科技:“吃外賣”功能豐富且重點突出,能給用戶帶來不錯的使用體驗以及優惠資訊。我們認為“吃外賣”無論是從介面的美化、操作以及人性化設置和功能豐富性上,都表現較為理想,推薦使用。****************************提供附近麥當勞、肯德基、必勝客,還有你屋企楼下魚蛋粉,雲吞面通通都在收錄範圍,指尖一按,輕鬆叫外賣。最給力的外賣資訊平台, 吃外賣App助你發現身邊“外賣Menu”“訂餐送餐電話”“優惠資訊”,把美味全放進口袋。介紹:外面超熱,唔想中暑?宅係屋企,懶得煮飯?老闆催到甩肺,唔得閒出去食?Lunchtime太短,又想眠一眠?外賣menu唔知飛晒去邊?唔知邊度有外賣優惠?吃外賣幫你解缺以上難題!您可以:1. 隨時通過GPS/關鍵字搜索2. 隨時翻查電話3. 查看餐廳的新品推薦、即時資訊、促銷資訊4. 隨時查看吃外賣平台為用戶提供的精選優惠5. 收藏最愛餐廳、經常訂餐的地點, 讓下次叫外賣更方便6. 分享到微博等目前已開通城市:北京,香港,上海,澳門,深圳,天津,更多城市即將上線...您的意見非常寶貴,如果對我們的應用有任何的意見回饋,請發送到請關注我們的facebook:請關注我們的新浪微博:香港苹果AppStore总榜第1名香港苹果AppStore美食佳饮分类榜第1名iTunes What's Hot 第1名中国大陸AppStore美食佳饮分类榜前10名吃外卖是集合全城外卖信息的客户端软件,由生活信息网站(推出。****************************腾讯科技:“吃外卖”功能丰富且重点突出,能给用户带来不错的使用体验以及优惠信息。我们认为“吃外卖”无论是从界面的美化、操作以及人性化设置和功能丰富性上,都表现较为理想,推荐使用。****************************提供附近麦当劳、肯德基、必胜客、永和大王、DQ、吉野家、和合谷、真功夫、还有你家附近麻辣烫,成都小吃通通都在收录范围,指尖一按,轻松订餐。最给力的外卖信息平台, 吃外卖客户端助你发现身边“外卖菜单”“订餐送餐电话”“优惠信息”,把美味全放进口袋。介绍:外面很熱,不想外出?宅在家里,懒得做饭?工作太忙,没空出门?午休太短,又想小睡?想订餐,外卖纸在哪儿?外卖订餐哪儿有优惠?吃外卖让你的决定不再艰难!特色:1. 史上最好的外卖信息大全!2. 助您随时随地搜寻附近外卖电话和优惠信息!3. 一键订餐,坐等美味送上门,懒人必备!您可以:1. 通过GPS/关键词搜索附近外卖餐厅电话/菜单2. 通话记录会被记录,随时一键致电,催餐方便3. 查看吃外卖平台为用户提供的精选优惠4. 查看餐厅的新品推荐、即时资讯、促销信息5. 收藏最爱餐厅、经常订餐的地点, 让下次订餐更加方便6. 分享到微博目前已开通城市:北京,香港,上海,澳门,深圳,天津,更多城市即将上线...您的意见非常宝贵,如果对我们的应用有任何的意见反馈,请发送到如果您想知道关于我们应用的更多资料:请关注我们的新浪微博:
51wm 4.17.0
Wanna enjoy food delivery service without making a call? Installthefantastic app “51WM” and enjoy a whole new experience of onlinefoodordering. Have you been mad when searching for the phone no.of therestaurants? Or, restaurants are just couple of steps awaybut youcan’t still make the order? With 51WM mobile app, theseunpleasantexperiences will no longer happen. Over 2,500restaurants are nowavailable and more are coming. Fast Food,Pizza, Sushi or whateveryou want can now arrive at your home withjust one a few click.Mobile App Food Ordering- Easy! Quick!Convenient! SPECIAL FEATURES1. Searchrestaurant by location -Variouspositioning methods (GPS,Map, District selection) areavailable to help you locate popularrestaurants nearby. 2. Mix andMatch - You may pick your meal withdifferent combination to fityour needs. Lotsspecial requirements,such as “Light ice”, “ExtraSugar”, “No Milk”, etc. are supported.3. Instant customer service- Our standby professional customerservice staff will answerandfollow your enquiries, they keep trackof your ordering progressand provideassistance if necessary. 4.RewardPoints、YummyDollar andE-Coupon - Youcan obtain rewards pointswhich can be used forredeeminggifts by successful ordering!Besides, you can enjoy manyoffers here, such as yummydollar,E-coupon, etc. 5.Online/OfflinePayment - Differentpaymentsoptions can be chosen tomake your transaction easier and safer. 6.Restaurant rankingsystem - You may review the restaurants, thecombined effect willaffect theirranking on the APP. Your valuablecomments may help theother to make the rightchoice of food deliveryservice. 7. SaveyourFavorite - You may saveyour favoriterestaurants to order again!
WOW! Deli 3.81
WOW! Deli - 帶給你非凡的外賣體驗!WOW!Deli送餐服務,搜索餐廳,餐廳資訊,折扣優惠,免費外叫服務,一鍵落單,你需要的點餐服務,統統都在wowdeli。1. WOW! Deli送餐,必定能帶給您不一樣的驚喜。2. 提供免費的代叫服務,全港超過1200間餐廳任您叫外賣!3. 會員免費領取優惠券,落單盡享折扣優惠。4. 列表、地圖視圖輕鬆切換,GPS定位附近餐廳。5. 附近美食圈,WOW Deli為您拓展身邊美食。6. 我的最愛餐廳、菜式,貼心為你收藏美味。7. 內設教學,用戶更易了解使用操作。8. 一鍵落單,話都無咁易!www.wowdeli.hkWOW Deli -! Takeawaybringyou an extraordinary experience!WOW! Deli room service, search restaurant information,discounts,free external calls, a key alone, you need a carte, allinwowdeli.1. WOW! Deli delivery, will be able to bring youdifferentsurprise.2. To provide free calls on behalf of the territory over1,200restaurants for your convenience takeout!3. Members receive free coupons, solitary enjoy discounts.4. List, the map view to easily switch, GPS locationnearbyrestaurant.5. Food Circle neighborhood, WOW Deli expand your sidedishes.6. My favorite restaurant dishes, caring for your favoritesanddelicious.7. teaching site, the user using the operation easiertounderstand.8. A key alone, words are no Easy Link!
华人万年历-最好用的免费日历软件 3.1.0
Lily Lv
【史上最快最好用万年历日历黄历软件】横空出世【安全轻巧不卡顿,左右滑动倍儿跟手】还在为其他日历万年历翻月拖拽卡顿闹心吗?那就下载华人日历万年历解除您的困扰。上下左右随便您怎么拖怎么拽,那种【跟手的感觉】,就是爽。【日程、待办解忧愁的日历】您曾经忘记重要约会,被女友臭骂过吗?您经常忘记发重要邮件被领导责备吗?装上华人日历万年历,用上日程待办提醒功能,再也不用惦记这些事儿了。【跟广告说再见的日历】害怕手机弹广告,偷偷下载软件费流量吗?华人万年历承诺【无任何广告】,【无任何流氓插件】,做到真正的安全。每个版本上架前工程师会经过360、百度、金山等主流杀毒软件查杀才会上架。保障用户100%安全放心使用。【贴心的天气、新闻的日历】提供实时天气预报、一周天气预报、天气空气质量、重大天气灾害预警等全方位天气信息,支持天气背景随天气变化。同时也可以关注其他城市的天气。【强大的分享个人动态的日历】无敌强大的日历万年历黄历软件,您还可以通过发表个人动态,记录生活随时随地说出内心的话分享到微信、微博、QQ空间、YY、in、易信、旺信、nice、line、陌陌、爱奇艺、淘宝、美团、美图秀秀、百度云、美颜相机、唱吧、全民K歌、小咖秀、wifi万能钥匙、calculator、calendar.电池医生.apus、cleanmaster、BatteryDoctor、电池医生下面是来自于用户的评论:1.刚装了这个日历软件,我以前也有过其他万年历软件,对比起来,这个更加轻巧一些。没有那么多复杂的功能,使用起来简单明了,给10个赞!2.阳历农历很实用的日历,天气都不错,希望能持续改进。3.天气功能和墨迹天气、360天气的差不多就好了,日历部分不错。4.真的挺好用的,这个万年历用了快一年了,每次日历更新都有小惊喜。推荐给家里的老人用这个万年历和黄历算命天气的功能,他们都觉得不错,字大就是给力啊![History of thefastestand best use calendar calendar almanac software] Johnny[Security lightweight no Caton, with hands slidingaroundBel]You may also drag Caton turn to other calendars calendarsuckit?Then download the Chinese calendar calendar relieveyourdistress.How do you drag up and down about how casually pull, that [Ifelt]hand, it is cool.[Calendar, to-do Jieyou Chou calendar]Have you ever forget important dates, swearword hisgirlfriendbefore?You often forget to send an important message to be leadersblameit?Replace the Chinese calendar calendar, to-do reminders spendagenda,no longer thinking about these things up.[With the ad says goodbye calendar]Fear of the phone shells advertising, secretly downloadsoftwarecost flow it?Chinese calendar promises no advertising [], [] no rogueplug-in,achieve real security.Each version of the shelves will go through 360 formerengineer,Baidu, Jinshan and other mainstream anti-virus softwarewill bekilling the shelves.Protect the user 100% safe and secure to use.[Close weather, news calendar]Provide real-time weather forecasts, a week weather forecast,airquality, weather, major weather disaster warning andothercomprehensive weather information, to support weatherbackgroundchanges with the weather. You can also look at othercities in theweather.[Powerful] to share personal dynamic calendarInvincible powerful calendar calendar almanac software, you canalsoleave a personal dynamic, recorded live to tell anywhereinside thenshare to micro-channel, microblogging, QQ space, YY,in, easecredit,Wang letter, nice, line, street street , iQIYI,Taobao, the USgroup, Mito Xiu Xiu, Baidu cloud, beauty cameras,sing, universal Ksong, show little coffee, wifi master key,calculator, calendar.Battery Doctor .apus, clean master, BatteryDoctor, BatteryDoctorThe following are comments from the user:1. Just installed this calendar software, I've also hadothercalendar software, contrast, some of the more lightweight. Notsomuch complex functionality simple to use, to 10 praise!2. Gregorian calendar lunar very practical, the weather isgood,hope to continue to improve.3. Weather feature and ink weather, almost 360 weather is like,agood part of the calendar.4. Really very good use, this calendar spent almost a year, hasalittle surprise for each calendar updates. Tell a home fortheelderly with the calendar and almanac fortune-telling functionofweather, they feel good, the word big is to force ah!
Taaaste 2.1
Taaaste provides information of over5,000restaurants in Hong Kong that offer delivery services. Userscanlook for restaurants around their current locations veryeasily,and can place a call to the restaurants instantly throughthe app.The app offers several convenient features:1. Detect user location and come up with a list ofdeliveryrestaurants immediately when the user starts the app.2. Allow users to search for restaurants on a map orusingkeywords.3. Favourite restaurants can be saved for easy access inthefuture4. Menus are available for some restaurants so that userscanbrowse the menus in their smartphone.5. Allow users to share photos and menus.
我们的用户可以随时随地使用手机百度找到所求,超速秒得,最省流量的第一中文搜索APP,是家喻户晓的装机必备软件,拥有最新最全的热点海量资讯,更有高清视频,小说等独家优质内容等您品鉴,还可以定制您的私人专享套餐—外卖,团购,电影票,酒店等优惠打折信息,一触即达,智慧畅享每时每刻。【软件介绍】手机百度日活过亿,是国内活跃用户top3的app,依托百度家族特有的资源及技术优势,改变传统人“搜索”资讯的模式,最懂你的最新热点头条个性呈现,让生活简单高效。【智能搜索】手机百度依托百度最强大的搜索引擎技术,致力于让网民更便捷地获取信息,找到所求,每日为网民提供超过数十亿次的信息检索服务,瞬间直达你想要的诉求,与此同时强化基于情景建模、大数据分析、智能语义、语音合成等最新前沿技术,为您提供精准智能的搜索服务。【个性新闻】根据你的兴趣,颠覆传统-人“搜索”信息模式全新信息流,只需下拉刷新,最新最全的热点资讯第一时间掌握,足不出户尽享世间精彩,24小时刷不停,让每分每秒的生活都淋漓尽致。【糯米生活】打通百度糯米app内容,网罗全网最优惠的服务信息,包含美食,电影,外卖,ktv,丽人,机票,演出,旅游等数十种服务品类。致力于为您提供最完美的体验。温馨提示:GPS在后台持续运行会影响电池续航时间。Our users can usethephone anytime, anywhere Baidu find the request, speedingsecondswas the first Chinese search APP most provincial traffic,andinstalled the necessary software is well-known, with the latestandmost complete information hot mass, more high-definitionvideo,fiction and other exclusive premium content such as yourtasting,you can also customize your private exclusive packages -takeaway,buy movie tickets, hotel discounts and other benefits,touch up,wisdom and enjoy every moment. [Software]Nikkatsu phone Baidu billions of dollars, is the active userstop3'sapp, relying on Baidu, familial resources andtechnologicaladvantages, to change the traditional man "search"mode ofinformation, most understand your personality presents thelatesthot headlines, to make life simple and efficient. [Smart Search]Relying on the phone Baidu Baidu's most powerful searchenginetechnology, to let users more easily access information, findwhatwe seek, provide Internet users a day over billions ofinformationretrieval services, instant direct access to the demandsof whatyou want, and At the same time strengthen thescenario-basedmodeling, big data analytics, semantic intelligence,speechsynthesis of the latest cutting-edge technology, to provideyouwith accurate intelligence search service. [News] personalityAccording to your interests, to overturn the traditional -people"search for" a new mode of information flow of information,simplypull down to refresh, the latest and most completeinformationabout the first time to grasp the hot spots, stay athome and enjoythe wonderful world, 24 hours non-stop brush, letevery minute oflife is vividly. [Rice living]Get through Baidu glutinous rice app content, the quest for thebestfull-service information network, includes food, movies,take-away,ktv, Beauty, tickets, performances, dozens of tourismservicescategory. We committed to providing you with the bestpossibleexperience. Tips: GPS running in the background continuedto affectbattery life.
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百度导航 3.5.0
Map series
【百度导航3.5更新内容】:1、新增多路线规划功能,去往目的地,多种选择伴您出行;2、优化地图显示,增加部分3D建筑物;3、优化app性能,内存CPU消耗更小,节省手机资源。软件介绍:百度导航,永久免费!【软件介绍】☆☆驾车出行必不可少的工具,百度导航 轻车熟路☆☆☆☆重磅推出“离线 在线 双引擎☆☆下载离线数据包、搜索导航无需流量, 拔了手机卡照样导航,全天候出行的好帮手!也支持联网搜索,没下载数据、着急用?也可以!!【特色功能】1. 离在线双引擎:下载离线数据包、搜索导航无需流量,拔了手机卡照样导航;也支持联网搜索,没下载、着急用也可以;2. 独立电子狗功能,及时提醒限速、摄像头,熟悉的路不用导航就用它;3. 支持多种路线规划,结合实时路况躲避拥堵,还可以设置途径点,更为贴心;4. 百度独家离线语音识别技术,语音发起导航,释放双手,无需流量;5. 海量电子眼数据,从此告别罚单;6. 最新导航引擎,流畅省电,领先同类产品;7. 详细的路口放大图资源,复杂分叉路口再也不用担心;8. 便捷查找,随时找到周边加油站、停车场、汽车服务、美食、酒店……百万服务信息供您搜索,驾车、生活两不误;9. 合理的路线方案,精准的语音引导,简单可依赖的驾车导航;10. HUD功能,夜间投影到挡风玻璃上,更安全、更便捷更省电。[Baidu]Navigator 3.5 update:1, the new multi-route planning features, our destination, avarietyof options with your trip;2, optimized map display, increasing portion 3D buildings;3, optimize app performance, smaller memory CPU consumption,savephone resources.Software:Baidu navigation, permanent free![Software]☆ ☆ indispensable tool for car travel, Baidu navigate hundredsoftimes ☆ ☆☆ ☆ heavy launch "off-line twin-engine ☆ ☆Download offline data packets Search Navigation withouttraffic,pulling the phone card still navigation, weather travel agoodhelper!Also supports networking search, did not download the data,anxiousto use? Can! ![Features]1 twin engine from online: download the offline data packetsSearchNavigation without traffic, pulling the phone card stillnavigate;also supports networking search, no download, you can useahurry;2 independent electronic dog, a timely reminder of the speedlimit,camera, navigation is not familiar with the way to useit;(3) support a variety of route planning, combined withreal-timetraffic avoid congestion, you can also set the way point,moreintimate;4 Baidu exclusive offline voice recognition technology,voiceinitiated navigation, hands-free, no traffic;5 massive electronic eye data, breaking away from the ticket;6 latest navigation engine, smooth power, ahead ofsimilarproducts;7 Detailed intersection Enlargement resource fork junctioncomplexno longer have to worry about;8 easy to find, always find the surrounding gas stations,parkinglots, car service, food, hotel ...... millions ofserviceinformation for your search, driving, life balance;9 reasonable route plan, precise voice guided car navigationsimpleand reliable;10. HUD features projected onto the windshield at night, safer,moreconvenient and more power.
百度知道 5.4.1
zhishi search
百度知道是全球最大的中文问答社区,8年知识沉淀1.5亿个答案,每天数百万网友在这里提问回答,总有一个人知道你问题的答案。【主要功能】1、搜索答案:累积1.5亿个问题答案,总有一个能解决你的疑问2、快速提问:拿起手机快速提问,最快几分钟就能得到回复3、专家问答:数以万计医生、律师以及各类专家齐聚,给你最权威的解答4、私密问答:隐私问题,匿名提问更安心5、知道日报:每日提供热门高质量问答,丰富你的视野6、商城好礼:答题即可赢取财富值,到商城换取心动好礼 - Order Food
Order food online with yourAndroidsmartphone or tablet using the app.Supereasy!Are you feeling like a delicious pizza, salad, burger or kebab?Youcan easily order the most delicious meals from thousandsofrestaurants. Order pizza, schnitzel, lunch, pasta, ChineseorIndian takeaway online: you'll be spoilt for choice! You'llhaveyour meal within 30-45 minutes (depending on therestaurant'savailability).Benefits of our app:• Ordering food online is just a few steps away.• Map view available for all restaurants.• Pay safely with a credit card or PayPal.• Log in with your account and (re)order easily.• Would you rather pick up your food? Switch to the pickup optiontosee which restaurants allow this featureWorks like this:Ordering is very simple. Fill in your postcode/street name orsimplylet the app find your location automatically. You can easilypaywith credit card or PayPal. Naturally, you can also pay withcash ondelivery.Follow your order to your doorstep:Do you want to know where your order is? Follow your orderfromkitchen to doorstep with Food Tracker ®. We'll text you toupdateyou about the status of your order. You'll receive threetexts: oneto confirm your order, another one to let you know thatyour foodis being prepared and the last one to inform you when yourfood ison its way.Order even faster:Reorder in just two steps! Life can be so simple :-).All advantages at a glance:• The design is clearer, cleaner and cooler than ever!• A better overview. Useful updates:--- Better overview of opening times.--- Delivery costs are clearly displayed.--- Minimum order amounts are easy to find.• New! Choose whether you want to pick up your food or haveitdelivered.• More filters! Filter on reviews, distance, popularity,newestrestaurant, price, product, delivery costs, alphabeticalorder andrelevance.• Map view: see the exact location of every restaurant onamap.• Popular dishes: overview of the restaurant's mostpopulardishes.• Wide selection of cuisines: Italian, Chinese, Thai, vegetarianandmuch more!• Landscape or portrait mode: the app will easily adapt.• The app is available in 4 languages. Switch to Dutch,English,French or German anytime.• Log in with an existing account or create a new one.• Addresses: all your saved addresses will be available in theappfor your next order.• Reorder: choose an order from your order history and reorder innotime.We are constantly improving:Loving it? Leave a review! The Android app hasregularupdates and new features. Do you have tips, ideas or anyotherfeedback for our app? Contact us at [email protected],we'llgladly answer!Bon APPétit!
RICEPO by Weee! 6.17.77
Ricepo LLC
Craving for authentic Asian food? Get it delivered! Dailydeals!Fast delivery!
外賣仔 Hotmover 員工專用 1.2
本 App 為外賣仔 Hotmover服務員工專用之應用程式,以下為外賣仔HotmoverApp 之簡介:---「一本創意」二零一四年重點項目,歷時半年籌備,「外賣仔」“ Hotmover ” 正式隆重登場。最型專業外送團隊 配備手機應用程式強勢出發 掀起空前外賣熱潮美食速遞 熱血到底「外賣仔」秉承「創造熱情,傳遞承諾」的宗旨,伙拍全澳食店,為您提供全澳首創一站式點餐及餐飲外送服務。透過「外賣仔」,您只需要安坐家中輕輕一按,就能感受到外賣食物久違了的溫度與速度,以及我們對客人與服務始終如一的熱情及承諾。「外賣仔」以全澳最好的餐飲外送團隊為目標,除擁有自家外送車隊外,我們決定打破傳統外送服務形象,加入更多適切現代人生活節奏的元素,讓您真正感受到外送服務是一個「專業」。因此,使用「外賣仔」服務,您將發現有此不同:• 加盟食店圖像菜單-置入令人食指大動的圖片餐單,將最新最齊的全澳宵夜好店資訊統統呈上• 快速物流追蹤功能-自助查閱及追蹤功能,不論處理中、派送中、還是派送完成都一目了然• 簡易服務反饋機制-接收食物後為服務評分,盡力滿足你所想像• 「外賣仔」頻道每月推介 -每月特別主題與您「數」盡全澳宵夜• 打造全澳最型外送團隊-打破傳統外賣員形象,提昇專業,由內至外關於「一本創意有限公司」「一本創意有限公司」正式成立於二零一四年,致力為各類企業提供富創意的營運解決方案,透過具前瞻性及延伸性的解難建議,配合度身訂造的統合策劃,真正從內到外滿足各尊貴顧客的需要。The Appfortakeoutdedicated staff of Aberdeen Hotmover serviceapplication,thefollowing takeaway Aberdeen Hotmover App of theprofile:---"An idea" of key projects in 2014, took six monthsofpreparation,"takeaway earners" "Hotmover" officialgranddebut.The type of professional delivery team with Mobile AppStarting off an unprecedented wave of strong takeawayGourmet Express blood in the end"Takeaway Aberdeen" adhering "to createenthusiasm,passingPledge" purposes, in partnership withAustraliaestablishments, toprovide you with Australia's firstone-stopordering and cateringdelivery service. Through the"take-earners",you only need totouch the comfort of their home, youcan feel thetakeaway foodreturning to the temperature and speed, aswell as ourguests andservice consistent enthusiasm and commitment."TakeawayAberdeen"best dining in Australia outgoing team goal, inadditionto haveits own delivery fleet, we decided to break thetraditionalimageof the service delivery, adding more appropriateelements paceofmodern life, so you really feel Delivery serviceisa"professional." Therefore, the use of "take-earners" andyouwillfind that there is this difference:• Prior to joining Restaurants Image menu - intoveryappetizingpicture menus, the latest most homogeneousAustraliasupper allgoes to a good shop information• rapid logistics tracking capabilities - selfinspectionandtracking capabilities, regardless of processing, thedelivery,thedelivery is completed or a glance• Simple service feedback mechanism - after receivingfoodservicescores, try to meet you imagine• "takeaway earners" Channel Monthly Highlights -Monthlyspecialtheme with your "number" to make supper inAustralia• to build Australia's most-type delivery team - tobreakthetraditional delivery man image, enhance the professional,fromtheinside to the outsideAbout "a creative, Ltd.""One of the Creative Limited" was formally established in2014,iscommitted to providing innovative solutions for alltypesofbusiness operations, the forward-looking andextensibilitythrougha problem-solving suggestions, withtailor-madeintegrationplanning, real meet the needs of each valuedcustomerfrom insideto outside.
Waiter Pls
Waiter Pls is an app designed for youtosearchfor nearby restaurants and place orders. It supportsfooddeliveryorders, food pick-up orders, dine-in orders, andbillpayments.Waiter Pls provides the following main services:1. Food ordering- Browse menus, place orders, and pay bills- Support group ordering2. Special functions for dine-in customers- Call-for-attention- Table sharing and merging3. Customer relationship management- Browse customers’ order histories- Live chat with customers4. Customers can give comments to restaurants and foods5. Restaurant searching6. Favorite restaurant bookmarks
百度手表 – Android Wear 1.2.0
news xinwen
【产品简介】百度手表是一款专门为Android Wear中文用户打造的语音搜索应用,是您手表上的必备软件!QQ群:324296730;贴吧:百度手表【如何安装】1、将百度手表安装在手机上2、约一分钟后,您的 Android Wear手表会自动通过蓝牙从手机上安装【如何搜索?】1、抬起手腕,待屏幕亮起后,前后有节奏的转动一下手腕,即可打开!(首次安装后需要先从手机端打开一次APP以激活此功能哦!)2、待百度手表启动后,对手表说出想要搜索的内容,即可得到所求!比如:-“周杰伦是谁?”-“北京今天天气怎样?”-“颐和园早上几点开门?”-“我要去机场用英语怎么说?”更多功能持续更新中,敬请期待!【哪些手表能用?】适配Motorola Moto 360、LG G Watch;其他机型的适配陆续开发中,敬请期待!推荐在WIFI或3/4G环境下使用[Introduction]Baidu is a watch designed for Android Wear Chinese users tocreatevoice search application is necessary software on yourwatch!QQ group: 324 296 730; posted it:? Http: // kw=Baidu watches[How to install]1, will be installed on the phone Baidu watch2, about a minute later, Android Wear your watch willautomaticallyinstall on your phone via Bluetooth[How to search? ]1, raised his wrist, until the screen lights up, lookaroundrhythmic wrist rotation to open!(For the first time after installation need to start amobileterminal APP open to activate this function!)2. After Baidu watches start, say what you want to search forthewatch, you can get the request! For example:- "Who is Jay?"- "Beijing how the weather today?"- "Summer Palace in the morning open?"- "I'm going to the airport in English how to say?"More features continuously updated, so stay tuned![What can watch? ]Adapter Motorola Moto 360, LG G Watch; other models ofadaptationhave developed, so stay tuned!Recommended in WIFI or 3 / 4G environment
Dianping 10.56.20
Android application for
OpenRice 7.3.2
OpenRice: Search, Food Trend, Offers, Reservation, Takeaway,Jobs,All-in-One!
外卖大咖 2.0.0_wandoujia
1.国内首款专注手工美食外卖的APP,手工美食,一键到家。2.100家精品手工美食入驻,持续招募中。丰富的品种,你喜欢的,外卖大咖都有。3.外卖大咖保证所有食物商品100%全天然、纯手工,要美味更要健康。4.这里是中华手工美食艺人的创业社区,,如果你也是美食匠人,快联系我们。5.包邮、优惠券、免单……各项福利系统,健康美食不奢侈。联系我们:新浪微博@外卖大咖微信@嗨小区客服电话:023-632084071. China's first focusonhandmade gourmet takeout APP, handmade food, a key home.2.100 boutique handmade gourmet settled, continued recruitment.Richvariety that you like, the big takeaway coffee has.3. The big takeaway coffee to ensure that all food commodities100%all-natural, handmade, to be healthy and more delicious.4. Here is the Chinese business community artists handmadegourmet,, if you are a gourmet artisan, fast contact us.5. Free shipping, coupons, free single ...... welfare system,healthfood is not a luxury.Contact us:Sina microblogging @ big takeaway coffeeHey residential micro-channel @Customer Service Tel: 023-63208407