Top 6 Apps Similar to MyAXA Claims SG

AXA Contigo 5.3.5
Una aplicación gratuita con la que podrádeforma rápida y sencilla solicitar asistencia en carreteraycomunicar parte de siniestro de Automóvil, Hogar,Comercio,Comunidades y Oficinas, entre otras funcionalidades. AXAContigo esimprescindible para los clientes AXA.La Solicitud de asistencia en carretera le pone en contacto conelservicio de Asistencia AXA e informa automáticamente al operadordesu ubicación e información personal haciendo los procesosmásrápidos y sencillos. Sus actualizaciones en tiempo real leayudan ahacer la vida más fácil en momentos difíciles.Además, puede utilizar la aplicación para comunicar unsiniestro,con fotos y grabaciones de voz ¡Realmente le cambia lavida!.Transcurridas 24 horas desde el correcto envío de ladeclaración desiniestro, podrá seguir la evolución del mismo enesta App o en laWeb Clientes de AXA. Si todavía no se ha hechoe-cliente, entre /webclientes y solicite el altagratuitamente.Regístrese y disfrute de todas las ventajas de esteservicio.Detalle de las funciones:- Conexión directa con el centro de llamadas deasistenciaAXA.- Transmisión automática de la ubicación y de la informaciónaloperador- Actualizaciones del progreso de la grúa en tiempo real.- Declaración de siniestros de hogar o de automóvil.- Servicio de Recogida y Reparación del vehículo, en declaracióndesiniestros.- Consulta de siniestros, con posibilidad de contacto con elcentrotramitador- Localizador de Oficinas y Talleres AXA- Localizador de servicios útiles cercanos a suposición:hospitales, gasolineras, hoteles…- Conexión directa con urgencias médicas para clientes deAXASalud- Acceso a Cuadro Médico AXA SaludA free applicationthatcan quickly and easily request roadside assistance and reportofcasualty Auto, Home, Business, Communities and offices, amongotherfeatures. Contigo AXA AXA is essential for customers. Application roadside assistance puts you in contact AXAAssistanceservice and automatically informs the operator yourlocation andpersonal information by the most rapid and simpleprocesses. Itsreal-time updates help you make life easier indifficulttimes. In addition, you can use the app to communicate a sinister,withphotos and voice recordings really changes his life !. After24hours from the correct shipping insurance claim, you can followtheevolution within this app or Web Clients AXA. If you still havenothad e-customer, enter / webclientes and ask for thehighcost. Register now and enjoy all the benefits ofthisservice. Detail functions:- Direct connection to the call center AXA Assistance.- Automatic transmission of location information totheoperator- Updates on the progress of the crane in real time.- Declaration of casualties from home or car.- Collection Service and Repair Vehicle in claim reporting.- Consultation of claims, with contact with tramitador center- Office Locator AXA and Workshops- Locator useful services near your position: hospitals,gasstations, hotels ...- Direct connection with medical emergencies for clients ofAXAHealth- Access to Medical Staff AXA Health
Axa Assistance Tracer Mobile 5.4
An essential tool for managing and monitoring tasks.
CheckRisk 1.3
AXA France
Avec checkRISK, réalisez le diagnosticdevosrisques juridiques et laissez-vous guider parl'applicationpouréviter les problèmes qui peuvent survenir dansvotreviequotidienne.Des problèmes juridiques ? Vous n'en avez pas, et pourquoicelavousarriverait !En êtes-vous si sûr ? Achat sur internet, déménagement,ventedevotre véhicule, utilisation des réseaux sociaux,changementdansvotre vie professionnelle…Au quotidien chaque action peut donner lieu à desdifficultés.Maispour les éviter, encore faut-il les identifier !Prêt à faire le test ?****************************POURQUOI UTILISER checkRISK****************************1. DECOUVREZ VOTRE NIVEAU DE RISQUE grâce audiagnosticjuridiqueen 8 questions liées à votre viequotidienne.2. PLANIFIEZ LES ACTIONS A REALISER en fonctionvotrediagnosticjuridique pour éviter les mauvaises surprises. Pournerienoublier, les actions à réaliser peuventêtredirectementenregistrées dans le calendrier de votresmartphone.3. BENEFICIEZ D'INFO JURIDIQUES, LETTRE-TYPES ETVIDEOSPRATIQUESsur les bons réflexes à adopter lors de la vente devotrevéhicule,de vos vacances, de vos achats sur internet…4. RETROUVEZ TOUTES VOS INFOSPERSONNALISEES(informationsjuridiques, diagnostic, actions àréaliser) à toutinstant, dans larubrique « Profil ».5. ET PLUS ENCORE si vous êtes déjà clientAXAProtectionJuridique : faites-vous rappeler gratuitement parunjuriste !Avec checkRISK, risque juridique maîtrisé !With checkRISK,makethediagnosis of your legal risks, and let yourself be guidedbytheapplication to avoid problems that may arise inyourdailylife. Legal problems? You do not, and why it would happen! Are you so sure? Buy online, moving, selling your vehicle,useofsocial networks, change your life ... Daily every action can give rise to difficulties. But toavoidthem,it is still necessary to identify them!Ready to take the test?****************************WHY USE checkRISK****************************1. DISCOVER YOUR LEVEL OF RISK diagnosis througheightlegalquestions related to your daily life.2. ACTION PLAN TO ACHIEVE your diagnosis based legaltoavoidunpleasant surprises. Not to forget, the actions to betakencan bestored directly in the calendar on your smartphone.3. GET INFO LEGAL LETTER TYPES AND PRACTICES VIDEOS ongoodhabitsto adopt when selling your car, your holidays,yourpurchases on theinternet ...4. FIND ALL YOUR INFO CUSTOM (legal information,diagnosis,actionto be taken) at any time in the "Profile"section.5. AND MORE if you are already a customer AXA ProtectionLegal:doyou remember a lawyer free!With checkRISK, legal risk control!
AXA4me 4.0.12
AXA4me: l’applicazione smartphone per iclientiAXA Assicurazioni.Il cliente AXA Assicurazioni potrà utilizzarel’applicazione"AXA4me" per segnalare alla compagnia i proprisinistri auto,cristalli e anche danni riportati nelle proprieabitazioni, seassicurate.La segnalazione di sinistri auto si potrà effettuaresegnalandoalla Compagnia in tempo reale rispetto al sinistro leinformazioniessenziali: il veicolo danneggiato, i punti dellacarrozzeria dovesi sono riportati dei danni, toccando lo schermo emettendo un"cerotto" sulle parti danneggiate e gli estremi deiveicoli diterzi coinvolti.Il cliente potrà anche scegliere, tra le circostanzedelsinistro, quella che meglio rappresenta l’accaduto, grazieadisegni molto facili da interpretare e alla possibilitàdiregistrare un messaggio audio con la sua versione dei fatti.Ancora, AXA4me guida il cliente a reperire leinformazionisalienti, suggerendogli di scattare ed inviare le fotonecessariealla miglior comprensione delle dinamiche delsinistro.Se il cliente lo desidera, infine, selezionerà tra lecarrozzerieconvenzionate AXA, quella dove preferisce recarsi oesseretrasportato. Per i sinistri cristalli, l’applicazionegeolocalizza iCentri assistenza Carglass più vicini al luogo incui si trova ilcliente.La sagoma di una casa, con tutte le stanze e ancora una voltaicerotti per evidenziare i danni subiti, rappresenta lafunzionalitàche consente al cliente di segnalare un danno subitonella propriacasa.Nella funzione “I miei contatti” il cliente trova,giàmemorizzati per lui, i numeri per chiamare l’emergenza equellodella centrale di assistenza per le emergenze stradali,operato daAXA Assistance.AXA Assicurazioni vi dà anche alcuni consigli di prevenzionedeisinistri abitazione, o per gestire correttamente l’aperturadisinistro, che potete trovare nell’area "Suggerimenti". Sempreinquest’area, una sezione apposita agli impegni che AXAAssicurazioniprende nei confronti dei propri clienti, a partiredalla "Cartadegli Impegni"!.Vieni a scoprire le funzioni di AXA4me!AXA4me: the smartphoneappfor clients AXA Insurance.The customer can use the application AXA Insurance "AXA4me"toreport their claims to the company car, crystals and evendamagereported in their homes, if insured.The reporting of motor claims you can make real-time reportingtothe Company with respect to the left essential information:thedamaged vehicle, the points of the body where you are giventhedamage, touching the screen and putting a "band-aid" on thedamagedparts and extremes of third-party vehicles involved.The customer can also choose between the circumstances oftheaccident, the best representation of what happened, thankstodesigns very easy to interpret and the ability to record anaudiomessage with his version of the facts.Still, AXA4me guide the customer in finding therelevantinformation, suggesting pleasure to take and send photosnecessaryfor better understanding of the dynamics of theaccident.If the customer wishes, finally, will select between bodyshopsAXA, one where prefer to go to or to be transported. Forclaimscrystals, the application Geolocate the Help CentersAutoglassnearest the place where the customer is located.The silhouette of a house, with all rooms and once againthepatches to highlight the damage suffered, is the featurethatallows customers to report an injury sustained at home.In the "My Contacts" the customer is already stored for him,thenumbers to call for emergency assistance and that of the mainroadfor emergencies, operated by AXA Assistance.AXA Insurance also gives you some tips of accidentpreventiondwelling, or to properly manage the opening of a claim,which canbe found in the "Tips". In the same area, a separatesection of thecommitments AXA Insurance takes towards itscustomers, startingwith the "Charter of Commitments"!.Come and discover the functions of AXA4me!
MyAXA Claims ID 1.0.1
Whether a minor scratch, a serious caraccidentor an issue on your travels, you’re most likely to be alittleshaken up. In such situations, it’s hard to recall what todo next.At AXA, we created the MyAXA Claims app to help file yourmotorand travel claims for quick recovery.Download MyAXA Claims ID to be assured that your accidentisimmediately documented & your workshop notified on-the-spotforfaster repair.Get support at your fingertips to:* Locate the nearest AXA Premium Workshop by GPS.* Get easy access to all Emergency numbers.* Contact the AXA 24-hour hotline for towing services &furtheradvice on the accident.* Take photos of the accident scene & damages.* Record 3rd party details.Important Notes:* You need to be an existing AXA Insurance customer with aprivatemotor policy.
AXA Drive 1.2
AXA France
AXA Drive est un véritable copilote devostrajets au quotidien. Une application qui non seulement vouspermetd’anticiper les aléas du trafic (ralentissements,accidents,travaux...) en vous proposant des solutions adaptées pourarriver àdestination, à l’heure et sans encombre, mais qui analyseégalementvotre conduite pour vous aider à l’améliorer.POINTS FORTS :Grâce à ses fonctionnalités, l’application vous permet d’avoirdesinformations sur le trafic de votre itinéraire puis d’adaptervotreparcours afin d’arriver à destination, à l’heure etsansencombre.A cela s’ajoute un système d’alerte permettant, pour lestrajetsquotidiens, de savoir quand partir afin d’arriver àl’heure.Parce qu’il est primordial de rester concentré pendant laconduite,AXA Drive est une application qui ne vous sollicite paspendant vostrajets. Et puisque personne n’est parfait, un score de conduite estcalculépour que vous puissiez progressivement améliorervotreconduite.Au fur et à mesure de l’utilisation d’AXA Drive, vous pourrezparailleurs visualiser l’économie d’essence réalisée grâce àlaconduite vertueuse que vous aurez adoptée.Pour finir, sachez qu’en cas d’accident, vous bénéficiez d’unaccèsdirect aux numéros d’urgence et, si vous êtes client AXA, àAXAAssistance.Liste des fonctionnalités :- L’écran météo vous offre un aperçu rapide de l’état de laroutevers vos destinations- Le module timeline vous permet de visualiser lespointsd’attention sur votre trajet- Vous pouvez programmer vos itinéraires favoris- Le système d’alerte vous dit quand partir pour arriveràl’heure- Le mode replay vous permet de revivre vos trajets et devisualiserdirectement les événements qui ont fait baisser votrescore deconduite, afin que vous puissiez l’améliorer lors de vosfuturstrajets.- Vous pouvez partager vos itinéraires afin de permettre àvosproches de suivre vos trajets en temps réel- Vous pouvez partager votre score de conduite sur lesréseauxsociaux- Vous pouvez choisir votre GPS favori pour vouslaisserguider- En cas d’accident, vous bénéficiez d’un accès direct auxnumérosd’urgence et, si vous êtes client AXA, à AXA Assistance.Vous serezalors accompagné tout au long de votre démarche parnosinterlocuteurs, opérationnels 24h/24hComplément :Travaux, bouchons, intempéries ? Mon trajet sera-t-il sûr ?AXA Drive vous permet de voyager l’esprit léger en répondantauxnombreuses questions qui perturbent votre quotidien.Une application gratuite et disponible pour tous ceux quisouhaitentfaciliter leur vie au volant, AXA Drive vous permet deprendre lesbonnes décisions pour éviter les contretemps et arriverà l’heure àdestination.Pour vous aider à améliorer votre conduite, l’applicationanalysevos trajets et calcule un score de conduite qui se décomposeen 4sous-scores : accélération, freinage, virage etallure.AXA Drive vous invite à adopter une conduite responsable etneprendra en compte que les parcours sans excès.L’application utilise le système GPS de votre smartphone etconsommede la batterie, une petite contrepartie pour vous guider àtraversvos itinéraires au quotidien.AXA DRIVE, le copilote de vos trajets du quotidienAXA Drive is arealco-pilot of your trips daily. An application that not onlyallowsyou to anticipate the vagaries of traffic (slowdowns,accidents,work ...) by offering solutions to reach theirdestination in timeand safely, but also to conduct your analysishelp you improve it.STRENGTHS:Thanks to its features, the application allows you to havetrafficinformation on your route then adapt your route to getthere, ontime and without incident.To this is added a warning system for commuting, know when toleaveto arrive on time.Because it is important to stay focused while driving, AXA Driveisan application that does not ask you during your travels.And since no one is perfect, a driving score is calculated sothatyou can gradually improve your driving.As to the use of AXA Drive, you can also see the fueleconomyachieved through virtuous conduct you have adopted.Finally, note that in case of accident, you have direct accesstoemergency numbers and if you are a client AXA, AXAAssistance.List of features:Weather - The screen offers a quick overview of the status oftheroad to your destination- The timeline module allows you to view points of attention onyourjourney- You can set your favorite trails- The warning system tells you when to go to get there ontime- The replay mode lets you relive your journeys and see theeventsthat have lowered your score driving, so you can improve inyourfuture journeys directly.- You can share your routes to allow your loved ones to followyourpath in real time- You can share your score conduct on social networks- You can choose your favorite GPS to let you guide- In case of accident, you have direct access to emergencynumbersand if you are a client AXA, AXA Assistance. You willbeaccompanied throughout your approach by ourinterlocutors,operational 24h / 24hComplement:Work, plugs, weather? My path will he fail?AXA Drive allows you to travel with peace of mind by answeringthemany questions that disrupt your daily life.Free and available for anyone wishing to make their lifeeasierdriving application, AXA Drive allows you to make therightdecisions to avoid setbacks and reach their destinationontime.To help you improve your driving, the application scans yourtripsand calculates a score for conduct that is divided intofoursub-scores: acceleration, braking, cornering and speed.AXA Drive invites you to adopt responsible behavior and willtakeinto account the course without excess.The application uses the GPS on your smartphone andconsumesbattery, a small consideration to guide you through yourdailyroutes.AXA DRIVE, copilot of your trips daily