Top 42 Games Similar to Угадай персонажа из Рояля

Adivina la Carta de CR 3.12.2dk
DH Creation
Adivina la Carta de CR es un juego en elquedeberás acertar el resultado de la carta de los personajes deClashRoyale, demuestra por que estás en lo más alto declasificación contus conocimientos sobre este gran juego deSupercell.Puedes pedir ayuda a un amigo si no sabes la respuesta,elfuncionamiento es muy básico y sencillo, puedes facilitarteeltrabajo gastando monedas borrando letras o resolviendodirectamentela foto.Contamos con los personajes de CR siguientes:- Principe- Sabueso de Lava- Mago de HieloY muchos más que no te puedes perder!Guess the Letter CR isagame where you must guess the outcome of the lettercharactersClash Royale, shows that are on the top ranking with yourknowledgeabout this great game Supercell.You can ask for help from a friend if you do not know theanswer,the operation is very basic and simple, you can make yourjobeasier by spending coins erasing letters or directly solvingthephoto.We have the following characters CR:- The prince- Lava Hound- Wizard of IceAnd many more that you can not miss!
Desafío Tropas de Clash Royale 3.4.0k
¿Te gusta Clash Royale? Sabes todo sobrelastropas? Te RETO a que las adivines!!Si pasas horas y horas intentando ganar batallas, mejorando tumasoy viendo gameplays de Clash Royale, este desafío es paravos.***ACTUALIZACIÓN: Ahora también te hacemos preguntas MUYdifícilessobre el juego. Sabrás responderlas?Tenes que adivinar cuál es el personaje, tropa o carta declashroyale. Cada nivel mostrará un dibujo distorcionado (pixalado)dela tropa. Los primeros, para calentar motores, serán muyfáciles.Mientras más avances en los niveles más dificultoso serádescifrarla carta.Hay más de 100 niveles para que te diviertas un buen rato eiremosactualizando a medida que nuevos personajes ycartasaparezcan.No esperes más!! Adiviná cuál es la tropa de clash royale y pasaunlindo momento junto a tus personajes y juego favorito!Si alguna no te sale, podes usar las monedas paradescubrirla.También podes jugar en otros idiomas:English -Inglés:çaise -Frances: es una aplicación en línea no-comercial generada por fansparapropósitos informativos, limitada a mostrar e identificarClashRoyale según lo permitido por la Política de contenido Clash Royale?Youknow all about the troops? I dare to guess that !!If you spend hours and hours trying to win battles, improvingyourmasochism, and watching Clash gameplays Royale, this challengeisfor you.*** UPDATE: Now also we make you very difficult questions aboutthegame. You know answer?You got to guess what the character or letter troops clashroyale.Each level will show a distorted picture (pixalado) troop.Thefirst, to heat engines, will be very easy. The more progress onthemore difficult levels will decipher the letter.There are over 100 levels for you to have fun a good time andwewill update as new characters and letters appear.Do not wait more!! Guess what the troops clash royale and haveanice time with your favorite characters and game!If you do not come out, you prune to use coins to discover.Also can be played in other languages:English -Inglés:çaise -French: is an application for non-commercial line generated by fansforinformational purposes, limited to display and identify ClashRoyaleas permitted by the fans
Guess Clash Royale Cards 3.2.0k
Do you like Clash Royale? Do you knowallaboutthe troops? I CHOOSE you to guess them !!If you spend hours and hours trying to win battles,improvingyourmaso and watching gameplays of this fabulous game,thischallengeis for you.You have to guess which character or clash royale troop.Eachlevelwill show a distorted drawing of the troop. The first,toheatengines, will be very easy. The more you advance atthemoredifficult levels, the more you will decipher the card.We have put 50 troops to have a good time and we will updateasnewcharacters and letters appear.Do not wait more!! Guess what the clash royale troop is andspendanice moment next to your characters and favorite game!If you do not get one, you can use the coins to discover it,This is a fan-generated non-commercial onlineapplicationforinformational purposes, limited to displaying andidentifyingClashRoyale as permitted by the
100 Clash Royale Quiz 0.2
Over 100 Question. you gonna asked 10 ofthemper gameNew Questions every Update.Upload New Update when Clash Royale is Updated.--------------------------------Next Update Plans:1- raise the Questions from 100 to 300(add new more 200 Question).2- Change app background.--------------------------------*[QuadBox]*
Clash Royale erraten 3.4.2dk
Erraten Sie Ihre Lieblings-Clash Royalekarte!Testen Sie sich und versuchen, sie alle zu erkennen, könnenSie estun?Klicken Sie auf den Block, um Bilder zu öffnen und tippen Sieaufdie Buchstaben, um den Namen zu wählen!Wenn Sie auf einer Ebene stecken, können Sie auf "Use aHINT"klicken, haben Sie drei Arten von Hilfe:-Buchstaben (COST: 15 MÜNZEN)-Remove Letters (COST: 15 MÜNZEN)-Solve die Frage (COST: 30 MÜNZEN)Mit dem Schlüssel "fragen Sie Ihre Freunde" können Sieeinfachfragen, Hilfe für Ihre Freunde.Errate den Clash Royale - ist ein integraler Bestandteildermodernen Welt. Glaubst du, du bist ein Profi in diesemGeschäft?Wie weit können Sie gehen? Wer von Ihren Freunden kenntbeste ClashRoyale? Probieren Sie es mit einem neuen Spiel "Errateden ClashRoyale"!Seien Sie im Trend!Guess your favoriteClashRoyale map! Test yourself and try to recognize them all, youcan doit?Click on the block to open images and tap the letters to selectthename!If you get stuck on a level, you can click on "Use a HINT", youhavethree types of assistance:Letters (COST: 15 coins)-remove Letters (COST: 15 coins)-Solve the question (COST: 30 COINS)With the key "ask your friends" you can simply ask help foryourfriends.Guess the Clash Royale - is an integral part of the modern world.Doyou think you're a professional in this business? How far canyougo? Who knows from your friends best Clash Royale? Try it witha newgame "Guess the Clash Royale"!Be trendy!
Quiz clash - guess the card 3.4.0k
★ Quiz clash - guess the letter ★Can you name the characters on the cards? Are you afanofRoyal?Here you have the perfect game to know if you really are afanofthis great game.Try your knowledge of Clash and see if you can overcomealllevelsand get a perfect deck!The game consists of 48 levels currently and new levelsareaddedevery week. The difficulty goes up according to thelevels.Thegame is totally addictive!Quiz clash contains coins with which you can unlock clues soyoucanhit the card in case you can not guess. You can alsoaskyourfriends for help or on the internet!CHARACTERISTICS:★ More than 48 levels: lots of cards★ High quality design: optimized for all screens(mobile/tablets)★ Offline support: no need for Internet★ 100% FREE: This game is for download and play for free.★ Contains coins to unlock tracks★ Get coins every time you level up, watch a video or shareonyoursocial networks.You are ready? Try the game and prove it!- NOTE -This questionnaire application is a fan made applicationforotherfans and is only used for the purpose of opinion,criticismandentertainment. No copyright violations are intendedunder thefairuse clause. If we have violated any copyright by usingany oftheimages included in this game, please [email protected] and we will delete immediately.
Угадай персонажа мультика 3.5.0m
Угадай героя мультика, поегоизображению.Герои любимых мультфильмов ждут тебя.Новая игра, в которой вам предстоит угадать кто изперсонажейвсемирноизвестных мультфильмов спрятался накартинке.Особенности:● Более 100 уровней.● Увлекательная викторина из мира детства.● Обновление каждую неделю.● Зарабатывай монеты и трать их на подсказки.● Зарубежные и отечественные мультфильмы.● Все уровни в игре 100% бесплатно.- Работает на разных экранах (на планшетах и на самыхмаленькихсмартфонах)- Для разных возрастов- Красивая графика- Качественные картинкиОкунитесь в захватывающий мир детства! Веселой игры!Guess thecartooncharacter in his image.Heroes of favorite cartoons are waiting for you.A new game in which you have to guess who of theworld-famouscartoon characters hidden in the picture.Features:● More than 100 levels.● Exciting quizzes from the world of childhood.● Update every week.● Earn coins and spend them on the tips.● Foreign and domestic cartoons.All levels ● 100% free game.- Works on different screens (on tablets and smartphones onthesmallest)- For all ages- Beautiful graphics- High-quality picturesImmerse yourself in the exciting world of childhood!Fungames!
Угадай Супер Героя 3.5.0k
Думаешь ты знаешь всех супер героевкомиксов?!Проверь себя! Угадай героя по фото. Множествовысококачественныхуровней не дадут вам заскучать.You think you know allthesuper heroes of the comic book ?! Check yourself! Guessthecharacter to the photo. Many high levels will not let yougetbored.
Угадай персонажа мультика 3.16.0k
Это увлекательная игра, в которой тебенужноугадать персонажей из популярных мультфильмов покартинке.It is an exciting gameinwhich you need to guess the characters from the popular cartoononthe picture.
Персонаж сериала! Угадай! 3.18.2dk
ВАЖНО: Все действия пользователя вигреБЕСПЛАТНЫЕ. Чтобы получить монеты для прохождения сложныхуровней,нажмите на значок "монеты". Посмотрите видео или сделайтерепост -получите монеты.Мы добавили в игру бонус: пройдите опрос от наших партнеровиполучите на свой счет 150 игровых монет для прохождениясложныхуровней!Любишь хоккей? Не пропустил ни одного сезонаизвестногосериала?Знаешь всех персонажей по фамилии и имени?Тогда эта игра для тебя!Открой несколько плиток и угадай по фрагменту фотографиифамилиюперсонажа. Будь внимателен! На некоторых уровнях достаточноугадатьимя, поскольку фамилия не упоминается в фильме. Об этомтебеподскажут вопросы к каждому уровню.Если на каком - то уровне возникнут трудности, тогдавоспользуйсяподсказками, помощью друзей или внутренними монетамиигры дляполучения дополнительных подсказок. Удачи!IMPORTANT: Alluseractions in a free game. To get the coin to pass difficultlevels,click on the "coin" icon. Watch a video or take a repost -getcoins.We've added a bonus game: go survey of our partners and getintoyour account 150 game coins for passage ofchallenginglevels!Do you like hockey? I never missed a season of thepopulartelevision series?You know all the characters of the name and surname?Then this game is for you!Open a few tiles and guess on the part of the photo namecharacter.Pay attention! On some levels, enough to guess the namebecause thename is not mentioned in the film. This will prompt youquestionsto each level.If at any - that any difficulty level, then the hint, the helpoffriends or coins inside the game for more tips. Good luck!
Угадай героя мультика! 3.4.2dk
GMG Games
Игра будет интересна не только детям ноивзрослым! Вспомните замечательных и всеми любимыхгероевмультфильмов и сказок!The game willbeinteresting not only for children but also for adults! Rememberthewonderful and all your favorite cartoon characters andfairytales!
Cuál Youtuber Es? 3.2.0l
Que Youtuber es? Es un juego para adivinaryresponder preguntas de tus Youtubers favoritos. Contamos con másde50 preguntas en un divertido juego donde podrás demostrarle atusamigos que eres el que más sabe sobre los diferentes youtubersdelmomento, y así mismo poder disfrutar más de tus youtubers.En nuestro juego de youtuber se encuentran tus ídolos favoritos,consus canales de youtube y preguntas para que pases el rato ytediviertas con este juego de youtubers.Entre los youtubers que poseemos están:- El Rubius- Yuya- Fernanfloo- HolaSoyGerman-JuegaGerman- Willyrex-Vegetta777- EnchufeTV-Tri-line-8cho-Wismichu-Dalasreview-AuronPlay-iTownGamePlay-aLexBY11-ZarcortGame-El Rincón De Giorgio-Mangelrogel-DaniRep-NexxuzHD-TheGrefgEntre muchos más.Un juego súper divertido, que te comunicara con tusmejoresYoutubers, para que sepas más de su vida y puedas ser sufan#1.¿Qué tanto te gusta el rubius? ¿Qué tanto te gusta 8cho? ¿Quétantote gusta Wismichu? ¿Qué tanto te gusta Vegetta777? ¿Qué tantotegusta Willyrex? ¿Qué tanto te gusta JuegaGerman? ¿Qué tantotegusta Fernanfloo? Juega este increíble juego y demuestra quetantote gusta.En este juego de rubius, 8cho, wismichu, vegetta777, willyrex,juegaGerman, fernanfloo podrás intentar adivinar sus nombres nadamásviendo su foto, lo cual es bastante difícil y entretenido,podráspasar un buen rato con tus amigos mientras juegas esteincreíblejuego!Youtuber that is? It isagame to guess and answer questions Youtubers your favorites.Wehave more than 50 questions in a fun game where you can showyourfriends that you are the most knowledgeable about thedifferentyoutubers the moment, and likewise to enjoy more ofyouryoutubers.In our game youtuber are your favorite idols, with theiryoutubechannels and questions to pass out and have fun with thisgameyoutubers.Among the youtubers we possess are:- The Rubius- Yuya- Fernanfloo- Hi I am German-JuegaGerman- Willyrex-Vegetta777- EnchufeTVTri--line-8cho-Wismichu-Dalasreview-AuronPlay-iTownGamePlay-aLexBY11-ZarcortGame-The Rincón De Giorgio-Mangelrogel-DaniRep-NexxuzHD-TheGrefgBetween many more.A super fun game that you communicate with your best Youtubers,soyou know most of your life and can be your # 1 fan.How much you like the Rubius? How much you like 8cho? How muchyoulike Wismichu? How much you like Vegetta777? How much youlikeWillyrex? How much you like JuegaGerman? How much youlikeFernanfloo? Play this amazing game and demonstrates that youlikeso much.In this game Rubius, 8cho, wismichu, vegetta777, willyrexplaysGerman, fernanfloo can try to guess their names just watchingyourphoto, which is quite difficult and entertaining, you will haveagood time with your friends while playing this amazing game!
Guess the Disney character 2.2.5e
Guess the Disney character is a fungamewhereyou must guess the name of the disney characters. WithimagesofDisney and Disney Pixar characters.How much do you know about the Disney universe? With thisgameyoucan test yourself.First easy levels then more difficult, a challenge that youcansharewith your friends. Each level corresponds to DisneyandDisney Pixarcharacter.Guess the Disney character has a system of coins that willhelpyouunlock clues, ask your friends for help and morethings.With 40 levels, meetings will be fun. You can competewithyourfriends or ask them for online help, completely addictive.- 40 Fun Disney levels- With Disney and Disney Pixar Characters- Get coins with your correct answers to unlock clues- Ask a friend online if you do not know the answer- Challenge your friends Who knows more about football?- Guess the Disney characters is completely addictive
Супер герои комиксов. 3.7.0k
Думаешь ты знаешь всех супер героевкомиксов?!Проверь себя! Угадай героя по фото. Множествовысококачественныхуровней не дадут вам заскучать.You think you know allthesuper heroes of the comic book ?! Check yourself! Guessthecharacter to the photo. Many high levels will not let yougetbored.
Угадай Сериал 3.3.0k
Проверь свои себя на знание сериалов и иименперсонажей из них. Пройди до конца игру.Test your knowledgeofyourself on TV shows and characters and the names of them. Walktothe end of the game.
Что за аниме? 3.6.0k
Versus System
Игра-викторина "Что за аниме?"Суть игры, заключается в разгадывании аниме, по скриншотуилиартуОсобенности игры:1.Большое количество уровней (на данный момент 120)2.Приятный и понятный интерфейс3.Хорошая производительность4.Еженедельные обновления5.Только лучшее анимеGame-quiz"Whatanime?"The essence of the game lies in solving the anime, the screenshotorArtooFeatures:1.Bolshoe number of levels (currently 120)2.Priyatny and intuitive interface3.Good performance4.Ezhenedelnye updates5.Tolko best anime
Угадай аниме персонажа 3.7.2dk
В этой игре вам предстоит угадыватьперсонажейиз ваших любимых аниме.Тут вы встретите не только красивых персонажей, но и няшныхпитомцевиз самых популярных аниме.• В игре более 70 уровней.• Качественные фото персонажей.• НЯшный звук при переходе на новый уровень и многое другое.Как много ты посмотрел аниме и насколько хорошо тызнаешьперсонажей?!Проверь себя!In this game you havetoguess the characters from your favorite anime.Here you will find not only beautiful characters, but alsonyashnyepets of the most popular anime.• There are over 70 levels.• High-quality photos of the characters.• nyashnye sound when switching to a new level, and more.How much are you looking anime and how well you know thecharacters?!Check yourself!
Picture Quiz For Clash Royale 0.1
There is 7 different Level in the gameeachofthem has a (5 - 20) Picture Question for clash royalegame,-if you won from the {first} time you will get "3 Shields"=100Coinsif you won from the {Second} time you will get "2 Shields"=75Coinsif you won from the {third+} time you will get "1 Shield"=50Coins-you can use abilities with coins. HOW COOL IS THAT O.o
Guess the Card Clash Royale 3.4.1k
Indie. Games
Enjoy this quiz games about clashroyale!
Adivina la Aplicación 3.2.2dk
DH Creation
Sabes de aplicaciones móviles? Este estujuego, Adivina la Aplicación es la App la cual deberás de hacerloque indica el título, horas de diversión aseguradas, hastadondevas a llegar? Demuestra que eres el que más sabe deltema.Superarás todos los niveles? Si no te sabes ningunopuedespreguntarle a tus amigos para que te ayuden a contestarla, delocontrario remueve, elimina letras para facilitarteeltrabajo.Contamos con aplicaciones como:- Subway Surfers- Musica.lyY muchas otras más que tendrás que descubrir tu!You knowmobileapplication? This is your game, Guess the application is theAppwhich will have to do what the title suggests, hours offunguaranteed, as far as going to get? Prove you're themostknowledgeable of the subject.You will overcome all levels? If you do not know none can askyourfriends to help you to answer, otherwise removes, removeslettersto make your job easier.We have applications such as:- Subway Surfers- Musica.lyAnd many others you'll have to discover you!
Угадай сталкерского персонажа 1.0
Вы фанат известной игры?Вы перепрошли ее множество раз?Вы видели все модели нпс и имена, которые прописанывконфигах?Тогда эта викторина для вас!Отвечайте на вопросы, угадывая имя персонажапоегофотоизображению.Are you a fan ofthefamousgame?You pereproshli it many times?You've seen all the models and NPC names that are registeredintheconfig?Then this quiz is for you!Answer questions, guessing the name of the characterhephotoimage.
Угадай героя 3.1.0k
Ты пересмотрел все фильмы Marvel иDC?Можешьотличить Бэтмена от Железного человека с закрытымиглазами?Тогдаэта игра точно для тебя!Открывай квадратики, скрывающие фото любимого супергероя,иугадывайего с наименьшего количества попыток!Вот пара причин, почему вы обязательно должныпопробоватьэтуигру:1. Более 100 уровней и это мы только начали:-)2. Все супергерои узнаваемы на 100%3. Отличное качество изображения4. Стильный дизайн и удобный геймплей5. Абсолютно БЕСПЛАТНО!Чего же вы ждете? Качайте прямо сейчас!You reviewedallfilmsMarvel and DC? Can you distinguish between the Batman ofIronManwith his eyes closed? Then this game is definitelyforyou!Open squares, hiding the photo favorite superhero, and guessitwiththe least amount of attempts!Here are a couple of reasons why you should definitelytrythisgame:1. More than 100 levels and that we just started :-)2. All superheroes are recognizable by 100%3. Excellent image quality4. Stylish design and easy gameplay5. Absolutely FREE!What are you waiting for? Download it now!
Adivina al Youtuber 3.8.2dk
Un juego para adivinar a tusYoutuberspreferidos. Contamos con más de 40 niveles y sumamosnuevosniveles.Este es un puzzle donde debes adivinar el nombre de cadaYoutuber.Puedes pedir ayuda a tus amigos o si te atoras, puedescomprarmonedas y resolver el acertijo.Si usted está atascado y usted no tiene monedas que ustedpuedetomar una encuesta y ganar 30 monedas nuevas.Entre los Youtubers que salen en está aplicación,seencuentran:- iTownGamePlay- ElrubiusOMG- Willyrex- Vegetta777- EnchufeTVEntre muchos más.Si estás atascado en un nivel que puedes hacer clic en "Useunconsejo", tienes tres tipos de ayuda:-Exponer una carta (COSTO: 15 MONEDAS)-Remove Letters (COSTO: 15 MONEDAS)-Solución de la pregunta (COSTO: 30 MONEDAS)Con la clave "pregúntale a tus amigos" puedes simplementepedirayuda a tus amigos.¡Juegue cada día para recibir monedas de bonificación!¡Que te diviertas! :)A game to guessyourfavorite Youtubers. We have more than 40 levels and addnewlevels.This is a puzzle where you must guess the name of each Youtuber.Youcan ask for help from your friends or if you get stuck, you canbuycoins and solve the puzzle.If you are stuck and you do not have coins you can take a surveyandwin 30 new coins.Youtubers among emerging in this application are:- iTownGamePlay- ElrubiusOMG- Willyrex- Vegetta777- EnchufeTVBetween many more.If you're stuck on a level you can click "Use a council", youhavethree types of aid:-Exponer a letter (cost: 15 COINS)-remove Letters (COST: 15 COINS)-Solution question (cost: 30 COINS)With the key "ask your friends" you can simply ask for helpfromyour friends.Play every day to receive bonus coins!Have fun! :)
Quiz CR card - Blur Pics 3.1.0k
☻ Quiz CR card - Blur Pics ☻Love The Clash Royale? Know all the names of the cards?Nowwillcheck it! This is a quiz game for the real connoisseursofClashRoyale. Guess the card, write name and win! Forwardtonewvictories!Quiz CR card - Blur Pics is a game where you have toguesstheoutcome of a case characters Royale Clash show that rankedatthetop with your knowledge of this great game of Mobile.☻ Quiz CR card - Blur Pics ☻You can ask for help from a friend if you do not know theanswer,theoperation is very basic and simple, you can make yourjobeasier byspending coins delete letters or immediatelysolvephotos.☻ Quiz CR card - Blur Pics ☻We have the following characters CR:- Golem- Giant- WizardAnd many more that you can not miss! Quiz CR card - Blur Pics
Errate den Clash Royale 3.1.0k
Erraten Sie Ihre Lieblings-ClashRoyalekarte!Testen Sie sich und versuchen, sie alle zu erkennen,könnenSie estun?Klicken Sie auf den Block, um Bilder zu öffnen und tippen SieaufdieBuchstaben, um den Namen zu wählen!Levels im Spiel werden von Arena geteilt!Wenn Sie auf einer Ebene stecken, können Sie auf "UseaHINT"klicken, haben Sie drei Arten von Hilfe:-Buchstaben (COST: 15 MÜNZEN)-Remove Letters (COST: 15 MÜNZEN)-Solve die Frage (COST: 30 MÜNZEN)Mit dem Schlüssel "fragen Sie Ihre Freunde" könnenSieeinfachfragen, Hilfe für Ihre Freunde.Errate den Clash Royale - ist ein integraler BestandteildermodernenWelt. Glaubst du, du bist ein Profi in diesemGeschäft?Wie weitkönnen Sie gehen? Wer von Ihren Freunden kenntbeste ClashRoyale?Probieren Sie es mit einem neuen Spiel "ErratedenClashRoyale"!Seien Sie im Trend!Guess yourfavoriteClashRoyale map! Test yourself and try to recognize themall, youcan doit?Click on the block to open images and tap the letters toselectthename!Levels in the game are shared by Arena!If you get stuck on a level, you can click on "Use a HINT",youhavethree types of assistance:Letters (COST: 15 coins)-remove Letters (COST: 15 coins)-Solve the question (COST: 30 COINS)With the key "ask your friends" you can simply ask helpforyourfriends.Guess the Clash Royale - is an integral part of the modernworld.Doyou think you're a professional in this business? How farcanyougo? Who knows from your friends best Clash Royale? Try itwitha newgame "Guess the Clash Royale"!Be trendy!
Guess the character Free 1.2.2
Magic hut
Try to guess all the characters. Provethatyouare a true connoisseur.In addition, you still waiting for the additional game"Guessthesubject"There are 4 decks of 25 levels.Beautiful graphics and user-friendly interface will provideyouwitha pleasant pastime.
Logo Quiz del Futbol Español 3.9.2dk
¿Te gusta el Futbol Español? ¿Crees queconocestodos los equipos de la liga española de futbol y susescudos? ¡Estejuego es perfecto para ti! ¡Demuestra tuconocimiento!Futbol Español - Logo Quiz 🇪🇸, es un juego gratuito llenodediversión que se trata de adivinar el nombre del equipo delFutbolEspañol que está oculto tras las letras y su escudo.Encuentra los grandes Equipos del Futbol Español 🇪🇸 como:RealMadrid, Sevilla, Valencia, Atletico de Madrid, Villarreal ymuchosmás.Descarga este juego, descubre todos los equipos de futbol Españolyla liga española, prueba tu conocimiento y compártelo contusamigos futboleros.Juegalo muy fácil, solo debes reconocer el logo del club,adivinarlas palabra del nombre y escribirla a partir de un conjuntodeletras que se presentan, elige las correctas que formen elnombredel club de futbol y listo desbloquea nuevos nivelesganandomonedas. No quedarás tranquilo hasta saber cuál es elnombrecorrecto de cada escudo del club de Futbol de España. Si nolograsadivinar el nombre del Club, ¡tranquilo! utiliza lasmonedasacumuladas y:👉 Consigue pistas de una letra correcta!👉 Borra letras incorrectas o equivocadas!👉 Resuelve el acertijo!👉 Pide ayuda a un amigo!⚠️ Aviso:Todos los logos o imágenes de los clubes de futbol mostrados, obienrepresentados en este juego están protegidos por derechos deautor y/ o marcas registradas por sus respectivas corporaciones.El uso deimágenes de baja resolución en esta aplicación para eluso de laidentificación de los logos se califica como "uso justo"bajo la leyde derechos de autor.Like the SpanishFootball?You think you know all the teams in the Spanish leaguefootball andshields? This game is perfect for you! Show yourknowledge!Spanish Football - Logo Quiz 🇪🇸 is a free game full of fun to trytoguess the name of the Spanish football team that is hiddenbehindthe letters and their shield.Find the great Spanish football teams 🇪🇸 like. RealMadrid,Sevilla, Valencia, Atletico Madrid, Villarreal and manymoreDownload this game, discover all the Spanish football teams andtheSpanish league, test your knowledge and share it with yourfriendsfutboleros.Play it easy, you just have to recognize the club logo, guesstheword's name and write it from a set of letters displayed,choosethe right to form the name of the football club and go unlocknewlevels earning coins. You will not be quiet until we know whatthecorrect name of each shield Spain Football Club. If you failtoguess the name of the Club, quiet! uses the accumulatedcoinsand:Get tracks 👉 correct lyrics!👉 Deletes incorrect letters or wrong!👉 Solve the puzzle!👉 Ask for help to a friend!⚠️ Notice:All logos or pictures of football clubs shown or represented inthisgame are protected by copyright and / or registered trademarksoftheir respective corporations. The use of low resolution imagesinthis app for use of logos identifying qualifies as "fair use"undercopyright law.
Cartoon Quiz : Characters 1.0.0
Divided into 38 levels you will findmorethan600 cartoon characters! Can you guess them all?Have great fun with Guess the Cartoon Character Quiz and seehowmanycharacters you can recognize.Guess the right answer using available mixed letters andunlockthenext level!Take a look at image and guess what's the character name!Can you recognize all the characters? What the character,doyouknow?If you need assistance, use the hints buttons.NOW, A NEW GAME MODE!!!Select one of four answers in the shortest time.Best Game for Christmas free time.Disclaimer:All images are properties of their respective owners.Anycontentwill be removed if asked by the legal owners.The use of low resolution images in this app foruseofidentification qualifies as "Fair Use" under copyrightlaw.
Famous People - History Quiz 3.5.0
In English! Do You Know Famous People from All Over the World?Whoare they?
Монстер Хай. Угадай имя куклы! 3.19.2dk
Посмотри на картинку и угадай имя КУКЛЫмонстерхай.ВАЖНО: Все действия пользователя в игре БЕСПЛАТНЫЕ. Чтобыполучитьмонеты для прохождения сложных уровней, нажмите на значок"монеты".Посмотрите видео или сделайте репост - получитемонеты.Мы добавили в игру бонус: пройдите опрос от наших партнеровиполучите на свой счет 150 игровых монет для прохождениясложныхуровней!Обратите внимание, что в приложении представлены именноКУКЛЫ(которые можно купить в магазинах игрушек), а нерисованныеперсонажи мультфильма!Именно по этой причине игра стала намного интереснее,посколькунужно угадать схожие с персонажем мультфильма черты иугадатьимя!Воспользуйся подсказками, помощью друзей или монетами игрыдляполучения дополнительных подсказок. Удачи!Look at the pictureandguess the name of the Monster High Dolls.IMPORTANT: All user actions in a free game. To get the coin topassdifficult levels, click on the "coin" icon. Watch a video ortake arepost - get coins.We've added a bonus game: go survey of our partners and getintoyour account 150 game coins for passage ofchallenginglevels!Please note that the application is submitted DOLLS (which canbepurchased at toy stores), not to draw cartoon characters!It is for this reason that the game has become muchmoreinteresting, because you need to guess similar to thecartooncharacter traits and guess the name!The hint, the help of friends or coins games for more clues.Goodluck!
Adivina el Youtuber 3.2.0k
Vei Games
Guess the Youtuber is a game in which youwillhave to demonstrate your knowledge about the most popularyoutubersof the whole network. With over 40 levels to overcome withthisgame you must bring out all your knowledge.With guess the youtube name you will spend hours and hours tryingtodecipher the name of the most charismatic and popularYoutubecharacters. Youtubers belong to different areas such asvideouegos,decorations, comics and salseo, so only true Youtubefans will beable to complete the whole game.Among the youtubers featured in this game are:-PewDiePie-SMOSH-NigaHiga-KSI-MarinaJoyce-ElRubiusOMG-Fernanfloo-HolaSoyGerman-YuyaAnd much more!Whats the game about?It will show some images with tracks of the name of the anime onthescreen accompanied by a series of letters that you must use toformthe word that completes the name. If you succeed you willadvance tothe next level, as you progress in the game; Every timeit becomesmore difficult, but not impossible.How to play?You only have to press the letters until forming the word oftheanime that corresponds to the image shown. If you succeed youwillcontinue to the next level and you will receive a series ofrewardsthat can be very useful later.Be the first to finish this game between your friends todemonstrateand make clear who is the real King of theYoutubers!
Guess the Disney Character 3.2.0k
Vei Games
Guess the Disney character is anentertaininggame of questions and answers with which you sure havehours of funguaranteed. In this you will have to guess the names ofthedifferent personages of series and films of Disney.With guess the name of the Disney Character, you will havetodemonstrate all your skills and knowledge about the seriesandfilms of this great company. The game has 40 levels withcharactersof different types.Whats the game about?A series of images are shown on the screen with thecharismaticcharacters of Disney, from which you will have to guessthe name.If you manage to form the name you go to the next levelwhereeverIs increasing the difficulty.How to play?Underneath the image there will be a series of letters withwhichyou must form the name of the character shown in the image, ifyouget the name you will receive rewards of coins and access tothenext level.Guess the Disney Character, it is a game especially made forthefanatical people of the films and series of this company,thatsurely will take good memories with each level crossedover.
Новая увлекательная игра приветствуетвсехкиноманов! Самые знаменитые и культовые герои кино исериаловсобраны в этой интересной игре! Любимые персонажи Игрыпрестолов,Дневники вампира, Во все тяжкие, супергерои комиксовMarvel и DC,персонажи фильмов ужасов, незабываемые герои 20гостолетия и многиедругие предстанут перед вами в необычном облике!Вы должны узнатьзнаменитого героя, потому что он может выглядетькакмультипликационный герой или карикатура.Догадайтесь, кто передвамина экране и напишите правильное имя. За верные ответы выполучитеденежные призы. В игре много интересных возможностей длявас!The new excitinggamewelcomes all cinephiles! The most famous and iconic heroesofmovies and TV series are collected in this interestinggame!Favorite characters Game of Thrones, The Vampire Diaries,BreakingBad, superheroes of Marvel Comics and the DC, thecharacters ofhorror films, unforgettable heroes of the 20thcentury, and manyothers will appear before you in an unusual guise!You should knowthe famous hero, because he may look like a cartooncharacter orkarikatura.Dogadaytes who is in front of you on thescreen andwrite the correct name. For correct answers you willreceive cashprizes. There are many interesting opportunities foryou!
Угадай героя WACRAFT 3 3.2.0k
GMG Games
Как насчёт того чтобы сновать окунуться вмирАзерота в котором ты так давно не был?How about to scurrytoplunge into the world of Azeroth in which you so long ago,wasnot?
Scratch Character Quiz 2.4
Puzzle quiz game to scratch the screen to guess character oremojifrom choices
Угадай мультфильм или героя 2.3.5e
Если ты любишь мультики, то проверьсвоизнания, пройди увлекательную викторину, в которой нужноугадатьперсонажа.Угадывай любимых героев из мультфильмов, получай монеты,проходиуровни.В игре ты встретишь любимых героев из советских изарубежныхмультфильмов, таких как Моана, Тачки, Шрек, Алладин имногихдругих.В игре можно зарабатывать монеты, которые помогут тебеотгадатьбыстрее.Игру можно скачать в дорогу или путешествие, а так жеможноотгадывать с друзьямиIf you like cartoons,thentest your knowledge, pass an exciting quiz where you have toguessthe character.Guess the favorite characters from cartoons, earn coins,comelevels.In the game you will meet your favorite heroes of Soviet andforeigncartoons like Moana, Cars, Shrek, Aladdin and many others.In the game you can earn coins that will help you guess themorequickly.The game can be downloaded on the road or traveling, as wellasyou can guess with friends
Guess The Video Game Quiz 2.6.5e
Abhinav Dugar
Guess The Video Game Logo! TheUltimateVideoGame QuizPlay the most comprehensive video games trivia gameinGooglePlay!Name the video game using the given picture as a clue. Youhavetoanswer the question to pass each level by locating rightlettersatthe available space which is the name of a video game. Canyoufindall of the names?If you can't recognise a logo, don't worry!*You have coin as credit to get clues even answerthequestion.*Every time you pass the level, you will get more coins.*If you lack coins, you can get some by sharing onfacebookorwatching a video.This Guess the Video Game contains 50 levels when youdownloaditfrom the store and more levels are added everyweek.This game will take you on a journey to see the best Gamesonmobile,PC, Console etc. It will have you guessing for hoursandhours.Don’t miss out on knowing about the best Games in the world.Thisispacked with awesome images and endless entertainment.This Guess the Video Game Logos include many popular videogamessuchas Flappy bird, Angry Birds, Fifa, Pacman, Clash Royale,ClashofClans, Pokemon Go, GTA 5, Battlefield, Call of Duty,CandyCrush,Overwatch, Far Cry and much more...Download now and enjoy this vast quiz that every onecanconnectwith.What are you waiting for? Prove your knowledge of VideoGamesbyplaying this amazing free game, called as Guess TheVideoGame.Goodluck! Cheers!Happy Video Game guessing!
Guess The Princess - Quiz Pics 1.0
Do you love beauty trivia ? GuessthePrincessis a guessing games for real fans of disney princess !Funandchallenge yourself with princess trivia quiz fromcartoonsandmovies. Please answer according to the images thatappear onthescreen. You can test yourself and see if you are ableto meetallthe princess characters in this series. This is a set ofimagesinwhich the image from the filing you must try to guess thenameofthe character. It is a simple but very addictivegame.Questionswith various level of difficulty will enable youtocomplete yourknowledge of the series. Play a beautycostumesaddictive characterquiz game and have hours of funentertainment.Whether you are on aplane, at your place, or even atwork you cantake part in the funand test your knowledge !NOTE - This application is made for you who like toFansPrincesscharacters. This quiz app is a fan made app for otherfansand isused only for the purpose of review, criticismandentertainment. Nocopyright violations are intended under thefairuse clause. Allintellectual rights belong to theirrespectiveowners. The app isunofficial and created foreducationalpurposes.
Verdade ou Mentira? Perguntas 1.03
Um jogo para desafiar seu raciocínio!Quer saber como estão seus conhecimentos? Responda asafirmaçõescomoverdadeiro ou falso.A cada 5 respostas corretas você sobe de nível, mas seerraraconsequência é perder moedas.Resolva todos os desafios e divirta-se!A game tochallengeyourthinking!You want to know how are your skills? Answer the statementsastrueor false.Every 5 correct answers you level up, but if you misstheconsequenceis lost coins.Solve all the challenges and enjoy!
Угадай мультик 2016 2.0.5
Угадай мультик - увлекательная игра вкоторойвам понадобится угадывать понравившихся персонажеймультфильмов илюбимые мультики.В игре вас ждет:- большое количество режимов игры;- огромное количество мультяшек и мультфильмов;- приятная графика;- увлекательный геймплейИгра понравится любителем мультфильмов, фильмов,головоломок,ребусов и викторин. Интересно будет играть каквзрослым, так идетям.Приятной игры!Guess the cartoon -anexciting game in which you need to guess the favoritecartooncharacters and favorite cartoons.In the game you will find:- A large number of game modes;- A huge number of toon and cartoons;- Nice graphics;- Addictive gameplayThe game will appeal to fans of cartoons, movies, puzzles,puzzlesand quizzes. It will be interesting to play both adultsandchildren.Have a good game!
У кого больше подписчиков? 1.5.5
RTU Studio
Ivangay against Mamiksa! Larin against Khovanskii! Who hasmoresubscribers?
Pole Plus 1.3
Remake of the old game