Top 17 Games Similar to 某個魯蛇的一天

夢想星城 1.0.11
大型社交類模擬經營手遊《夢想星城》浪漫來襲!全台最多正妹玩的手遊,男女比例2:8~體貼清修女、性感小魔女、都市僑女郎…女朋友都在這,和寂寞說bye清純校園愛戀、神秘辦公室戀情、浪漫沙灘邂逅之戀…一一挑選,也能全部擁有 (~︶~)↗對的他/她就在這裡,快來擺脫無聊和單身吧~夢想星城等你唷『交友互動 告別單身』❤即時語音,實時定位,讓你輕鬆交朋友。真人認證系統,是否對眼一看就知道,陌生、熟悉到戀愛,再也不拖沓❤結婚系統浪漫上線~轉角邂逅心儀的他/她,表白、約會、求愛、結婚步入夢想的殿堂!全服獨一無二的夢幻婚禮為你打造,同性也能結婚唷❤校園青澀,社會的狂歡,跨越最美青春。沙灘趴認識結交社會名流,認識大咖名人。組建home趴、club聚會尋找趣味相投的好友~『模擬生活 花樣養成』❤夢想之屋,由你親手定制。從小單間到大豪宅,涵蓋日韓歐美四大風格,隨心佈置,任意切換,和他/她打造你們溫馨的家。❤貼心管家服務,寵物養成陪伴。性感女僕甜美配音+帥氣執事磁性聲線,24小時都在, 6大Q萌寵物陪伴,宅在家裡永遠不孤單。❤造型百變,你的衣帽間當然要最美。居家、旅遊、職場、約會分類選擇,一秒就能美美der。還能自由混搭,打造專屬fashionlook。❤打折購物,自營店鋪,天天買買買。打折促銷天天有超實惠,總有一款你喜歡。自營店鋪,上班下班你說了算,收入多少你來控制,再也不受老闆氣。※本遊戲需要網路連線※本遊戲為免費使用,遊戲內另提供購買虛擬遊戲幣、物品等付費服務※請注意遊戲時間,避免沉迷-------------我們非常樂意為您解決遊戲中遇到的任何問題,請及時與我們聯繫!台灣專線:+886 2-77290505香港專線:+852 81925396Email:[email protected]服務時間:24小時全年無休
NBA英雄國際版 1.5
Something Big
建議在wifi環境進行下載更新。《NBA英雄》是壹款融合NBA和三國元素元素的體育題材手遊,玩家能夠收集到數百名現役NBA球星進行培養,也能穿越回三國戰場與古代名將在球場壹爭高下。通過配置比賽中的球星、裝備、戰術,在比賽中的合適時機釋放球星技能以及威力巨大的軍師技能,玩家可以擊敗各支強大的NBA球隊,最終爭奪NBA的最高榮譽:總冠軍戒指。NBA巨星- 柯比·布萊恩重磅代言!NBA官方授權正版遊戲!呈現最強Q版無敵戰鬥籃球手遊。現實中大筆壹揮組建陣容,穿越中超炫技能橫貫古今。最怕玩上瘾的籃球遊戲,想做英雄的妳敢來挑戰嗎?!【遊戲介紹】-NBA官方授權正版手遊真實重現NBA球隊與球員,最精確權威的數據,最精彩的賽事,和自己喜歡的球員壹起征戰全新賽季!-真實還原數百名NBA球員原畫和動作都力求忠實還原球員形象,妳最愛的球星甚至會做出獨壹無二的招牌動作力挽狂瀾!-激烈的比賽過程10項球員屬性對抗,數十個籃球場館,上百套不同的戰術跑位帶妳體驗籃球現場,妳甚至可以操縱球員釋放華麗技能海爆全場!-三國名將降臨重回三國時代,攻城略池並獲得三國名將的神秘力量,天神附身技能UP,體驗曆史上著名戰役!-多種戰鬥模式NBA賽程,三國曆程,競技場,巅峰背靠背,內外線試煉等等不斷開啓的新模式等妳來戰!【開服活動】1. 首儲好康大禮,華人“豪小子”帶回家!2. 全新成長之路,和妳一起從菜鳥成爲賽場巨星!3. 每天簽到都有驚喜贈送,天天都不同!4. 儲值翻倍,儲越多送越多!5. 周日全天雙倍掉落,比賽獎勵全部雙倍贈送!6. 球隊競猜,和我一起體驗全新賽季,爲喜歡的球隊鼓勁加油!7. 每天午餐晚餐時間領取體力,元氣滿滿!8. 好球隊要會理財,開服基金投資翻倍賺!9. 首次十抽獎必定獲得S球員10. VIP禮包全面升級,尊貴寶物2折特賣!【聯系我們】客服郵箱:[email protected]官方網站:
兒子的少年時代 1.0.5
Has this bad boy son too miserable now! This game is the sonofsmall fry Department of Correction to be placed to cultivate agoodboy game
The Sims™ 3 1.5.21
LONG LIVE THE SIMS! Enjoy hours of fun onyourAndroid device as you shape your Sims and their world.Thepossibilities are endless!Can’t get enough of The Sims? Download and play The SimsFreePlayto continue living large!Live it up with The Sims 3!• Take your Sims with you anywhere! The Sims 3 is the ONLY Simsgameon your Android devices that does not require internetconnection toplay• Complete Goals and Wishes! Unlock and achieve 73 goals andwishesto help your Sims reach their full potential• Complete activities to earn “simoleons” to purchase items foryourSims and moreCREATE YOUR OWN SIMWill your Sims be neurotic, funny or shy? Chooseappearances,clothing, personality traits, and accessories, andbring your Simsto life! Make your Sims flirtatious or total jerks!If your Simsare the solitary kinds, head to the lake and go fishing(make sureto bring a pole, though).SEE AND EXPLORE NEW LOCATIONSLose yourself in the amazing open-world environment. Discoverwhatkinds of characters your Sims will turn out to be! Will theystayhome and take care of the house, or will they be Simsabouttown?KEEP ‘EM SATISFIEDFulfill your Sims' essential needs like eating and sleepingtoincrease the amount of activities your Sims can do. Take goodcareof your Sims so you can enjoy more exciting interactionsandactivities.DREAM BIG!Stay in tune with your Sims’ whimsical desires like growingcorn,staying well-rested, or buying stuff. Unlock and achieve 73Goalsand Wishes to help your Sims reach their fullpotentials.As always – due to the rich, immersive quality of this game –yourdownload will take some time. We promise it’s worth thewait!Be the first to know! Get inside EA info on great deals, plusthelatest game updates, tips & more…VISIT US: US: US: US: of Service : and Cookie Policy: EULA: for assistanceorinquiries.EA may retire online features and services after 30 days’noticeposted on Consumer Information. This app: Contains direct linkstothe Internet; Contains advertisements for EA and its partners
The Sims™ FreePlay 5.80.0
What’s your Sims story? Create and customize every aspect ofyourSims’ lives!
SimCity BuildIt
Build and manage your very own city, and watch it come to life.
City Island 4: Simulation Town 3.3.3
City Town Builder. One of Great City Building Games. Create yourowntown city.
City Island 3 - Building Sim 3.5.3
If you love city building games, then you'll love playingCityIsland 3 offline
Village Island City Simulation 1.13.0
Build it your way in this popular village building sim, atycooncity build game
Paradise City: Building Sim 2.6.3
Build a city on a Tropical Island Bay. Tropic beach resortsvillagesim
xuan tulu
一款高自由度的将点击、放置和进度条结合在一起的模拟人生游戏。游戏介绍在这款游戏中,你将从社会的最底层做起,体验底层的生活和工作方式然后你有饥饿值,情感值,还有体力值去工作,你可以做你任何想做的事发展你的角色,实现目标,购买和出售道具,提升你的技能给别人打工还是开公司,这些都看你自己所以这样一款高度自由的游戏还是很好玩的A high degree offreedomwill click, place and progress bars together Sims game.Game descriptionIn this game, you start from the bottom of society,theunderlying experience of life and workThen you have the hunger value, emotional value, as well asphysicalvalue to work, you can do whatever you want to doDevelop your character, goals, buy and sell items to enhanceyourskillsWorking for others, or to start a company, you have toseeyourselfTherefore, such a high degree of freedom of the game is stillveryfun
Simulator Life 1.3
Simulator Life - this game is about all the stages of life!Takelife from a child to an old man! Help the character todevelop,feed, educate, put to bed, play with them, to teach, aswell as tosubmit to the school and on the job! All stages areinteresting andbeautifully drawn! The game requires attentivenessand strategy!Keep the balance of hunger, sleep and energy. Usehint. GameClicker does not make you bored! Life simulator shows thedifferentage groups live in what circumstances. Thank you forchoosing ourgame! Leave us a review and assessment, and we'll makeour gamebetter and more interesting!
壁咚~在妳說喜歡我之前,我不會讓妳逃跑的~ 1.4
Fully experience the vision of "kabedon" Can play a littlesparemoment when casual games
Fun Hospital – Tycoon is Back 2.23.6
Girl's favorite simulation game! Give hugs to lovable patientstoheal them!
Real Cake Maker 3D Bakery 1.8.5
Be the world’s finest cake baker - bake the yummiest cakes inthiscooking game!
Waterpark Xtreme Ride Sim 2016 1.0
V.I. Games
Waterpark Xtreme Ride Sim 2016 is athemewaterpark 3D game.You will feel like you are actually in the waterpark with alltheperspective third person view.Enjoy all the rides and experience dangerous and breathtakingcurves of the rides. Earn as much money by sliding intodifferentslides and unlock many other rides and explore other partsofwaterparkFeatures :- Realistic 3D Waterpark- Slide on the rides and Swim and enjoy the waterpark inthirdperson controller- More than 15 rides and lots of huge pool- Play this game without internet
Hotel Story: Resort Simulation 2.0.10
Happy Labs
Build and expand your own hotel, and attract tourists!Resortsimulation game.