Top 18 Apps Similar to Positive Thinking Hypnosis

Hypnotic Spiral 1.7.01
A hypnotic spiral to hypnotize your friends!
Hypnotherapy 2.1
DOWNLOAD UPDATED VERSIONHERE!!:´t take a pill to sleep!!Hypnotherapy induces hypnotic state to increase motivation oralterbehavior patterns.Prepare to enter in hypnotic state.Induces hypnotic state using individualized methods andtechniquesof hypnosis based on interpretation of lightssounds and music.
Relax & Sleep Well Hypnosis 10.11
Hypnotherapy & Meditation for Stress, Anxiety, Esteem,SpiritualHealing & More
autosuggestion Counter 1.0
Counter for autosuggestionPositive thinking, positive self-implicationHas the power to change lives.Dozens of times a day, please listen toyourselfpositivewords.Enter text directly, or from a list of recommendationsYou can choose.*Recommended wording is Hangul.But you can enter text directly into Other languages.Full count, and today the number is stored.While you count this phrase,please feel the phrase in mind andFind fun and feel comfortable.
Self-Confidence Hypnosis 2.2
Build self-confidence and boostyourself-esteem with this powerful application byShoongerProduct.What you are getting with the app:-a) build self-confidence with a hypnotherapy audio;b) journal your beautiful experience worth remembering;c) capture picture of memorable moments;d) cultivate the mindset to improve self-confidence;e) building self-confidence guide.In this modern era, low self-esteem and self-confidence canbecaused by all kinds of unhappy past happenings. The negativeeventsthat we encounter over the years would be slowly ingrained inourbelief system and this would gradually erode ourself-confidenceand self-esteem over the years.Hypnotherapy is a traditional art used by professional hypnotisttohelp its client cure from various types of psychology problem.Itis a perfect self-confidence and self-esteem buildingtechnologyand this is exactly what you are getting withthisapplication.This is a self-improvement hypnotherapy program that you can useonyourself to induce 'self-hypnosis' and bring you to a stateofpeace, tranquility and calmness. Hypnotherapy had become apopularchoice for many people to improve many aspect of their lifefromovercoming phobia to breaking out of limiting beliefs and isalsothe perfect choice for building self-confidence and henceimproveself-esteem.'Self-hypnosis' hypnotherapy, is a safe and convenient methodyouwill get from this app to bring yourself to the desiredstate.While in this 'self-hypnosis' state, you are still in controlofyourself and have the choice to follow the suggested scenario ortoreject. You never loose this choice even whileunderhypnosis.Go ahead and use this program to improve your self-confidence.Andthe best part of all its FREE.
Stop Procrastination Hypnosis 1.3
Stop all those procrastination thoughtwiththis powerful hypnosis application by Shoonger Product.What you are getting with the app:-a) avoid procrastination thought with a hypnotherapy audio;b) journal your experience worth remembering;c) capture picture of beautiful moments;d) a mindset to stop procrastination;e) reading material "101 tips for avoiding procrastination".In this modern era, the fast pace of life, theenvironmentalpollution, the ever competitive nature of society forsurvival andto be the best, have slowly eroded mankind ability tomake quickdecision. We have lost our reason for living a meaningfullife andis living day in day out following to the tune ofsociety.This app uses hypnotherapy technique to attempt to stopyourprocrastination behavior. It has a self-hypnotic audio whichwillinduce the need to put your idea into action fast.Hypnotherapyis atraditional art used by professional hypnotist to help cureitsclient from various type of psychology problem. It is aperfectprocrastination management technique and this is exactlywhat youare getting with this application.This is a self-improvement hypnotherapy program that you canuseon yourself to induce 'self-hypnosis' and bring you to a stateofpeace, tranquility and calmness. Hypnotherapy had become apopularchoice for many people to improve many aspect of their lifefromovercoming phobia to breaking out of limiting beliefs and isalsothe perfect choice to manage your procrastination thought. Andinthe application you have the choice to choose hypnosis toconditionthe mental faculties for optimal health andwellness.'Self-hypnosis' hypnotherapy, is a safe and convenient methodyouwill get from this app to bring yourself to the desired state.Whilein this 'self-hypnosis' state, you are still in control ofyourselfand have the choice to follow the suggested scenario or toreject.You never loose this choice even while underhypnosis.Go ahead and use this program to manage yourprocrastinationthought. And the best part of all its FREE.
Free Hypnosis 4.0.4
Joseph Clough
Free Hypnosis/Hypnotherapy and SelfDevelopmentAudios by Joseph Clough - Celebrity Hypnotherapist,Speaker and HayHouse Author.200+ (over 100 hours!) FREE Hypnosis and self help audio!Custom Hypnosis function - have your ownpersonalisedsession!Please read the disclaimer and the reviews below.5 Star - "I've downloaded apps on getting over ur ex andmanaginganger and they have both helped me... It makes life easierforme"5 Star - "Life Saver Joseph is a God send, I have struggledmywhole life with Anxiety & Self Confidence issues, soIdownloaded a few of His MP3's & WOW what a change"5 Star - "So much better than other hypnosis apps on theMarket,this is simple and has so much choice. There's more thanenoughfree content to keep me happy as well as paid sessions onseveralsubjects, that cost less than my morning coffee. It's a freeapp,and the amount of free content makes it more than worththedownload"5 Star - "I have tried many different hypno apps and this formeis a clear winner well done Joseph5 Star - "Fabulous, really works! Thanks Joseph!:-)"5 Star - "Brilliant. Very helpful Mp3s. Great for relaxationandother issues. Gets you thinking differently. 10 out of 10"5 Star - "Fantastic app take JC with you everywhere. 20-30 minonthe train or bus listening to this stuff can set you up for thedayor put things into perspective going home. Brilliant stuff"5 Star - "works well, and when it doesn't the people behinditare right there with you to make out work. good customerserviceand quality scripts I've already bought 3 tracksSince being injured on duty whilst serving as a Police OfficerIhave suffered from numerous physical injuries and chronic paininaddition I suffer from Chronic PTSD. When many doctors gave upIstarted looking at Hypnotherapy. I came across Joseph Clough, Inowuse his self hypnosis products which have helped me improvemystandard of life. His Products are made to a very high standardandhis technique will help you to achieve what you decide to setyourgoals as whether it is Personal Development or working on anareaof your life to help improve your quality of life. You can savealot of time having to look at other products online and in thisAppMarket (Many that are very poor quality) by downloading thisJosephClough App and start improving what ever area of your lifeyoudesire. Dr Nic Castle"5 Star - "I listen to this app everynight and my performanceinmaking money has increase. Thanks . And no they are notoverpriced. You just must be broke"5 Star - "I find this to be soothing, motivating, inspiring,etc.depending on what recording I use. All the free content hasbeen ofsuch fantastic quality. Most free hypnosis mp3's are short,leaveyou wanting more and are just a trailer to get you to buy thefullrecording. These are high quality. I really enjoy this siteand getalot out of it"Free Hypnosis/Hypnotherapy MP3 downloads byCelebrityHypnotherapist, Author, Coach, Trainer and Hay HouseAuthor JosephClough.Disclaimer:By using Joseph Clough's free or paid work you expressly agreethatyour use of this App is at your sole risk.The information, techniques and exercises provided withinthesefree and paid products are for educational purposes only. Donotuse the techniques or exercises contained within some oftheseproducts whilst driving or operating machinery, or if yousufferfrom epilepsy, clinical depression or any other nervousorpsychiatric conditions. The information provided is notasubstitute for proper medical advice. If in doubt, pleaseconsultyour doctor or licensed medical practitioner.Any decision you make having received any of our productsareyour own and you remain wholly responsible for any decisionsandactions you take and you accept full responsibility for any andalleffects arising from the hypnosis and coaching sessions
Big Confidence Hypnosis Audio 1.0
Memory Lane
This app will help you become superconfident,with relaxing audio hypnosis from a professionalhypnotist. It iscompletely free, and even features a relaxingspiral animation tolook at while you wait for your eyes to closenaturally and fallasleep...The advantages of hypnosis therapy are widespread. A lotofindividuals report positive changes with hypnosis andit'srecognized as a valid type of holistic alternativemedicine.Hypnosis is a popular technique utilized for weight loss,smokingcessation, healing, relaxation and stress relief. It'sutilized toget rid of undesired behaviours and beliefs and tomanifest newdesires. If you wish to influence your subconsciousmind to acceptnew programming for positive alterations hypnosis isan effectivetechnique for doing that.Among the chief advantages of hypnosis is that when you inahypnotic state brain wave frequency decelerate. You centre orfocusyour awareness and you're actually much more aware than usual.Astate of cantered awareness almost feels as though you're moreofan observer of thought and images rather than a part of them.Thisallows you to bypass the "gatekeepers" at the entrance tothesubconscious and superconscious so you are able to accesstheselevels of consciousness directly, and the brain is muchmorereceptive to suggestion. The unconscious or subconscious maythenbe reprogrammed so it lets go of old patterns, beliefs andfeelingsthat no longer serve you. They may be replaced withsuggestionsthat are favourable and affirming.An online encyclopaedia describes confidence as a state ofbeingcertain either that a hypothesis or prediction is correct orthat achosen course of action is the best or mosteffective.Self-confidence is having confidence in oneself.Arrogance orhubris in this comparison, is having unmeritedconfidence—believingsomething or someone is capable or correct whenthey are not.Overconfidence or presumptuousness is excessive beliefin someone(or something) succeeding, without any regard forfailure.Confidence can be a self-fulfilling prophecy as thosewithout itmay fail or not try because they lack it and those withit maysucceed because they have it rather than because of aninnateability. Self-confidence does not necessarily imply"self-belief"or a belief in one's ability to succeed. For instance,one may beinept at a particular sport or activity, but remain"confident" inone's demeanor, simply because one does not place agreat deal ofemphasis on the outcome of the activity. When one doesnot dwell onnegative consequences one can be more "self-confident"because oneis worrying far less about failure or the disapproval ofothersfollowing potential failure. One is then more likely to focusonthe actual situation which means that enjoyment and success inthatsituation is also more probable. Belief in one's abilitiestoperform an activity comes through successful experience and mayaddto, or consolidate, a general sense of self-confidence.Studieshave also found a link between high levels of confidence andwages.Seemingly, those who self-report they were confident earlierinschooling earned better wages and were promoted more quicklyoverthe life course.
Weight Loss Hypnosis 1.3
Most weight loss program focus on thedietandexercise aspect but you know this type of approach toweightlossdo not last as most of us will give up after a while. Wejustdonot have enough mental strength tofollowthroughconsistently.That is where this app is different from the rest. This apphelpstostrengthen your mental mind set and stay focused to ensureyouloseweight. It uses hypnotherapy, a modern proven methodologyevenuseby sports men to ensure they have a strong and toughmentalstrengthto carry them forward.What you are getting with the app:-a) strengthen the weight loss mindset withahypnotherapyaudio;b) journal your experience worth remembering;c) capture picture of beautiful moments;d) weight loss from a different perspective;e) weight loss resolution road map.Hypnotherapy is a traditional art used by professionalhypnotisttohelp its client cure from various type of psychologyproblem. Itisa perfect technique for weight loss and this isexactly whatyouare getting with this application.This is a self-improvement hypnotherapy program that you canuseonyourself to reinforce the 'lose weight motivation' andcanbringyou to a state of peace, tranquility andcalmness.Hypnotherapy hadbecome a popular choice for many people toimprovemany aspect oftheir life from overcoming phobia to breakingout oflimitingbeliefs and is also the perfect choice to motivatethe needto loseweight within you.'Self hypnosis' hypnotherapy, is a safe and convenientmethodyouwill get from this app to bring yourself to thedesiredstate.While in this 'self hypnosis' state, you are still incontrolofyourself and have the choice to follow the suggestedscenario ortoreject. You never loose this choice evenwhileunderhypnosis.Go ahead and use this program to improve your motivationtoloseweight.Please rate this app if you find it useful so that otherpeoplewiththe same need to lose weight can find this appeasily.
Sleep Well Hypnosis 2.57
Guided meditation to fall asleep fast and sleep deeply allnightlong
Аffirmations for Happy 116.0
You will change your life for better with "Аffirmations for Happy"!
Quit Smoking - Stop Smoking Co 3.7.7
A quit smoking app. Learn the benefits of a healthy lifestyle!
Phobia Hypnosis Audio 1.0
Memory Lane
This app will help you manage your fearorphobia, with relaxing audio hypnosis from a professionalhypnotist.It is completely free, and even features a relaxingspiralanimation to look at while you wait for your eyes toclosenaturally to fall asleep...The advantages of hypnosis therapy are widespread. A lotofindividuals report positive changes with hypnosis andit'srecognized as a valid type of holistic alternativemedicine.Hypnosis is a popular technique utilized for weight loss,smokingcessation, healing, relaxation and stress relief. It'sutilized toget rid of undesired behaviours and beliefs and tomanifest newdesires. If you wish to influence your subconsciousmind to acceptnew programming for positive alterations hypnosis isan effectivetechnique for doing that.Among the chief advantages of hypnosis is that when you inahypnotic state brain wave frequency decelerate. You centre orfocusyour awareness and you're actually much more aware than usual.Astate of cantered awareness almost feels as though you're moreofan observer of thought and images rather than a part of them.Thisallows you to bypass the "gatekeepers" at the entrance tothesubconscious and superconscious so you are able to accesstheselevels of consciousness directly, and the brain is muchmorereceptive to suggestion. The unconscious or subconscious maythenbe reprogrammed so it lets go of old patterns, beliefs andfeelingsthat no longer serve you. They may be replaced withsuggestionsthat are favourable and affirming.Do you suffer from small, niggling fears or anxieties?Or perhaps you experience full blown debilitating phobias?Is your quality of life impeded in any way by your ownworries,fears or phobias?How would you like to overcome all these feelings and startlivingyour life to the full?In nearly all cases, we are born into life withoutpre-existingfears and phobias; they are simply emotions that wepick up ordevelop as we learn and grow. Understanding this simplefact isessential to also understanding that anything which can belearnedcan be unlearned or long as you know how.You will be amazed by how this free hypnosis app will help youtoovercome your fears and phobias, quickly and easily.Imagine a life free from these debilitating feelingsandexpectations..Whether you want to overcome fear of spiders or overcomeovercomefear of heights, or fear of hospitals or overcome fear ofdentists,you can find a solution here.By retraining your mind and thought processes, you willeasilyand quickly overcome your fears, anxieties and phobias.
Harmony - Self Hypnosis 4.994
Calm. Relax. Meditate. Sleep. Lift Confidence For Positive Focusw/Hypnotherapy
Positive Thinking Hypnosis 1.1
Most positive thinking programs focus onthe"how-to" aspect but really misses on building a strongmentalfoundation to ensure a tough and mature mentality towithstand allthe onslaught of negative forces.That is where this app is different from the rest. It helpstostrengthen your mental mind set with positive thinking to ensureastrong and lasting positive mentality. It uses hypnotherapy,amodern proven methodology even used by competitive sports mentoensure they have a strong and tough mental strength to movethemforward by leaps and bounce.What you are getting with the app:-a) builds a positive thinking mindset with ahypnotherapyaudio;b) journal your positive experience worth remembering;c) capture picture of beautiful moments;d) a positive thinking mindset from a different perspective;e) "Positive Thinking - the key to success".Hypnotherapy is a traditional art used by professionalhypnotistto help its client cure from various type of psychologyproblem. Itis a perfect positive mindset conditioning technique andthis isexactly what you are getting with this application. It is apopularchoice used by many people to improve many aspect of theirlifefrom overcoming phobia to breaking out of limiting beliefs andisalso the perfect choice to manage your mindset forpositivethinking. This app will be your choice to choosehypnotherapy tocondition your mental faculties for positivethoughts.This is a self-improvement hypnotherapy program that you canuseon yourself to induce 'self-hypnosis' and bring you to a stateofpeace, tranquility and calmness. 'Self-hypnosis' hypnotherapy, isasafe and convenient method you use to bring yourself to thedesiredstate. While in this 'self-hypnosis' state, you are stillincontrol of yourself and have the choice to follow thesuggestedscenario or to reject. You never loose this choice evenwhile underhypnosis.Go ahead and use this program to manage your mindset forpositivethinking.If you find this app useful, please rate in Google Play Storesoother people with the same need can find this app easily.
Weight Loss Hypnosis 2.54
Experience our hypnosis for weight loss app and unlock weightlossmotivation
Drink water 1.8
Drink water (4Health) is createdontheprinciples of healthy eating. After you put in yourweight,theprogram calculates the amount of water necessary for yourbodyperday.There are the following time periods set by default:No eating for 30 minutes after water, no eating for 3hoursafterstandard meals, no eating for 2 hours after snacks andnodrinkingfor 1 hour after eating.But if you’re following another diet, you can setpersonaltimeperiods between eating and drinking.You can find out when it’s time to eat or to drink waterbyopeningthe program or with notices on your phone.For comfortable use you set one amount of water that will beusedbydefault. It is shown as a full glass of water. If needed youcanaddany amount of water by pressing the turned upside down dropofwatersituated above the glass. There is also a possibility toaddinfoabout uncertain amount of water, for example, a half abottleofwater, by pressing the half-full glass of water icon. Alsoyoucanmark the meals in the app.At the end of a day after pressing a special button, you canseeareport on how thoroughly the eating and drinkingregimewasfollowed. The data on the current period are saved and anewdaystarts automatically.Drink water - be healthy!
Quit smoking 1.8.22
Want to quit smoking but can not? Not enough willpower? Afraidoflosing something valuable? Throwing a lot of time andstartedagain? How it all familiar... "Quit Smoking" applicationwascreated for people who understand the benefits of smoking, butatthe same time want to be free from addiction to cigarettestoimprove the health, saving money and time. What you will likethisapp? 1. Establish stable relationship unconscious aversiontosmoking, and that smoking, in fact, it is not necessary foraperson. 2. Set persistent unconscious link, that ahealthylifestyle - this is correct, it's nice, this should strivefor. 3.Find ways of substitution of smoking. The app contains morethan100 motivational images, 5 actions for substitution of smoking.Allyou have to do - is to choose the time and repetitions. Everydayincrease your motivation to be free from smoking. Onthe"achievements" page you can track your progress - improvedhealth,saved money, etc. In the full version you will be availablefor+100 motivational images and more than 20 actions forsubstitutionof smoking. Also you can set the exact time ofrepetitions. Thetime required for establishing a new habit(rejection of oldhabits) is 21 days or 3 weeks. If you can bewithout a cigaretteall the time, consider that you have won. Thetotal time toestablish a new habit - 3 months. After 3 monthswithout acigarette you will become a completely different person.You wantthis? Finally, be honest with yourself.