Top 9 Apps Similar to New Atlas Taksi Semarang

Driver New Atlas Taksi 1.0.15
Taksi-Atlas-Driver-v.1.0.8Aplikasi Driver New Atlas Taksi Semarang adalah AplikasiDriver(pengengemudi) armada New Atlas Taksi Semarang.Dengan Aplikasi Driver (pengemudi) ini mempermudahpemesanantaksi bagi para calon penumpang sehingga omset Driver(pengemudi)juga akan meningkat.Taxi-Driver-Atlas-v.1.0.8Applications New Atlas Taxi Driver Semarang is ApplicationDriver(pengengemudi) New Atlas Taxi fleet Semarang.By Application Driver (driver) is easier booking taxisforpassengers so the turnover Driver (driver) will alsoincrease.
MyBluebird 6.3.1
Mobile Reservation for Blue Bird Fleets
Mytrans Taxi 1.2
Aplikasi Mytrans memberikankemudahandalamsetiap perjalanan anda, Masukan data perjalanan dananda akandapatkenyamanan layanan transportasi kami hanya dalambeberapakliksaja.Mytrans menyediakan beberapa pilihan sesuai kebutuhananda:Mytrans Motor : Solusi yang tepat bagi anda yanginginsampaiditujuan dengan cepat dan aman sertauntukpengirimanandokumen,parcel dan lainnya.Mytrans Car & Taxi : Pilihan yang mengutamakanpelayananyangnyaman dan cepat.Mytrans Rent a Car : Kebutuhan transport untuk acara special.Setiap biaya perjalanan akan diketahui di muka danandatinggalambil cara pembayaran yang diinginkan : tunai, kreditcardatau viapaypal account.Cara pengunaan Mytrans:1. Dapatkan aplikasi Mytrans secara gratis diPlayStorekemudianmendaftar dan akun anda akan lansung aktif..2. Pilihlah jenis layanan yang anda inginkan! Lokasikeberadaanandaakan lansung terdeteksi oleh aplikasiMytranssecaraotomatis,kemudian tentukan lokasi tujuan danpilihBook.3. Pengemudi akan mengkonfirmasi lokasi penjemputan, danandajugabisa melacak / track keberadaan dari pengemudi yangsedangmenujulokasi penjemputanUntuk info lebih lanjut silakan kunjungi :www.mytrans-indonesia.com convenience in every trip you, Inputdata andyour tripwill be the comfort of our transport services injust afew clicksaway.Mytrans provide several options according to your needs:Mytrans Motor: The perfect solution for those of you whowanttoarrived at the destination quickly and safely, andtopengirimanandocument, parcel and others.Mytrans Car & Taxi: Options that promotes convenientandquickservice.Mytrans Rent a Car: The Need transport for special events.Travel expenses will be known in advance and you justdownloadthedesired method of payment: cash, credit card orviapaypalaccount.How to use Mytrans:1. Get the app for free Mytrans in PlayStore then sign upandyouraccount will be directly active ..2. Choose the type of service you want! The location whereyouwillbe directly detected by Mytrans applicationautomatically,thenspecify the destination location and chooseBook.3. Drivers will confirm the pickup location, and you can alsotrace/track whereabouts of the driver who was headingthepickuplocationFor more info please visit:www.mytrans-indonesia.com
Taxi Online 1.1-passenger
Made in Ukraine. Order Taxi with five clicks online. GoogleMapssupport. Specify own trip costs.
Cara Pesan GRABCAR 2016 1.0.0
Fast Guide
Naik GRABCAR lebih murah ketimbang taksi?yaitubenar, silakan baca panduannya dalam aplikasi ini.Panduan Cara Pesan Grabcar 2016 Terbaru, ini adalahsalahsatutransportasi online selain GoCar dari Gojek, Anda bisanaikmobilyang jauh lebih murah daripada naik taksi.Jika Anda mengalami kesulitan dalam memesannya makasilakanbacasemua panduannya disini.Anda akan mendapatkan informasi bagaimanamendapatkandriverterdekat, lowongan, dan promo diskon jika ada.Download sekarang dan buktikan sendiri.---------------------------------------DISCLAIMER: This is just a guide app, andunofficialfromGrabcar.Up GRABCAR cheaperthanataxi? yes it is true, please read the manual in thisapplication.Free How to Order Grabcar Recent 2016, this is one oftheonlinetransport apart from Gojek GoCar, you can take a car thatismuchcheaper than a taxi ride.If you are having difficulty in order then please readalltheguidelines here.You will get information on how to get theclosestdriver,vacancies, and promo discount if any.Download now and see for yourself.---------------------------------------DISCLAIMER: This is just a guide app, andunofficialfromGrabcar.
Atlas Taxi 2.2
Atlas Taxi introduces its new and improved application! It isFREEto download and very easy to use. SOME FEATURES: •LiveTrackingTrack your driver's arrival once booking is confirmed.•Getnotified You don't need to wait outside for your taxi. Onceyourtaxi arrives you will receive a text message notifying you thatyoutaxi has arrived. •Easiest and fastest way to locate you Withourapp, you can type in your desired address or simply updateyouraddress by navigating directly on the map. •Have it your wayYouwould like to pay by credit or debit card? You are travelingwith adog? You need a Van? No problem at all!!! Specify yourpreferencesand let our application send you a driver that bestsuits yourneeds. •Estimate Fare You can now easily get a quickestimate ofyour journey by simply filling up your pickup anddestinationaddresses. •Favorite Locations Set up your favoritelocations forfast and convenient booking. •Nearby Places Now it'seasy to findbusinesses near you (ex: Tim Hortons, Mcdonalds,...).•Rate yourride Give feedback to the taxi company about the qualityof serviceyou received.
JET Indonesia 0.2.0
JET Setter app for passenger
Hilmy Sugoi
NGUBERJEK & NGUBERTAKSI is adrivermotorcycle taxi and car taxi service based online Androidapp. Youcan travel anywhere with just a few clicks and taps on thescreenof your smartphone.With the low price and the most comprehensive operational areainIndonesia, making NGUBERJEK & NGUBERTAKSI as thebestalternative transport services for Indonesian passengers.NGUBERJEK & NGUBERTAKSI has been present in 30 citiesinIndonesia, which are Jakarta, Cilegon, Serang, Karawang,Bandung,Subang, Sukabumi, Cianjur, Garut, Tasik, Ciamis, Banjar,Cilacap,Purwokerto, Purbalingga, Kebumen, Purworejo, Magelang,Salatiga,Kendal, Batang, Pekalongan, Pemalang, Tegal, Brebes,Cirebon, andothers.Advantages:- EasyPassengers just tap the map location on the phone screen, thentherider / driver came to where the passengers are.- CheapWith the business concept of ride-sharing made NGUBERJEKandNGUBERTAKSI so cheap in terms of cost.- SafeSafer because passengers can know in advance the profileofriders/drivers. As well as routes and travel times can berecordedby the computer in real-time.- Widest Operation AreasSpread across 30 cities in Indonesia.- Prize730 prize voucher worth Rp. 100.000, -, 96 Smartphone Android,24tour packages to Bali, up to 2 cars Datsun Go + Panca can be wonbypassengers NGUBERJEK & NGUBERTAKSI.-Selfie OrderDon't have a smartphone? Can still use the service ofNGUBERJEK& NGUBERTAKSI. By utilizing the features selfie order(ie usinga smartphone belonging rider / driver).NGUBERJEK&NGUBERTAKSI is a motorcycle taxi driver and car taxi servicebasedonline Android app. You can travel anywhere with just a fewclicksand taps on the screen of your smartphone.With the low price and the most comprehensive, operationalareain Indonesia, making NGUBERJEK & NGUBERTAKSI as thebestalternative Indonesian transport services for passengers.NGUBERJEK & NGUBERTAKSI has been present in 30 CitiesinIndonesia, the which are Jakarta, Cilegon, Serang,Karawang,Bandung, Subang, Sukabumi, Cianjur, Garut, Tasik, Ciamis,Banjar,Cilacap, Purwokerto, Purbalingga, Kebumen, Purworejo,Magelang,Salatiga, Kendal, Batang, Pekalongan, Pemalang, Tegal,Brebes,Cirebon, and others.advantages:- EasyPassengers just tap the folder location on the phone screen,thenthe rider / driver Came to where the passengers are.- CheapWith the business concept of ride-sharing made NGUBERJEKandNGUBERTAKSI so cheap in terms of cost.- SafeSafer Because passengers can know in advance the profile of riders/drivers. As well as routes and travel times can be recorded bythecomputer in real-time.- The widest Operation AreasSpread across 30 Cities in Indonesia.- Prize730 prize voucher worth Rp. 100.000, -, 96 Smartphone Android,24tour packages to Bali, up to 2 cars Datsun Go Panca can be wonbypassengers NGUBERJEK & NGUBERTAKSI.-Selfie OrderDo not have a smartphone? Can still use the service ofNGUBERJEK& NGUBERTAKSI. By utilizing the features selfie order(ie usinga smartphone belonging rider / driver).
Saytaxi - Get a cab now 0.38.03-SUNDOG
Onde OU
With Saytaxi you can book a taxi from your smartphone in just afewseconds. The app uses GPS technology to directly connect youwith adriver within a range right when you need it. Saytaxi isdesignedto improve safety by allowing you to view driver's name andratingas well as the vehicle information before a ride. You canalso seeas the driver approaches in real time and rate him at theend ofthe ride. With this app, you can now book a taxi in Orlando,Tampa,Cocoa, Miami, Klang Valley (Malaysia), San Jose (CostaRica),Coimbatore (India). It is a global app that is workingon dispatch platform. You can book a taxi inanylocation where Onde platform is in operation. List of locationsiscoming soon. In Minsk service works with Taxi 107, Taxi 157.Andplanning to start working with Taxi Minsk, 7788, Taxi 7788,Taxi135, Taxi Stolica. In Malaysia service works with 세이택시, 쎄이택시.InCosta Rica service can be recognised as Diga taxi. Enjoy yourride!