Top 8 Apps Similar to Child Heart

Echocardiography pocketcards 5.1
Börm Bruckmeier Publishing LLC
The Echocardiography pocketcards provide you with *Essentialinformation regarding aortic, mitral, pulmonary andtricuspidstenosis, aortic and mitral regurgitation * An overviewofimportant differential diagnoses * A summary of Doppler dataforprosthetic aortic and mitral values
EchoSource 1.0
ECGsource LLC
Medical education resource for echocardiography.
iASE by the American Society of Echocardiography
EchoCardio 1.0.0
Available for you by name EchoCardioPro in Play Store
The mobile app for EUROECHO & otherImagingModalities 2011, 7-10 December 2011, Budapest, Hungary.EUROECHO & other Imaging Modalities offers a high standardofprofessional excellence among cardiologists specialisedinEchocardiography and promotes excellence in clinicaldiagnosis,research, technical development, and education.Browse the complete scientific programme by days, topics ortypes& tracks. Create your personal programme. Locate roomsandexhibitor stands on the floor plan. Search the entireprogramme.And much more.Before first use, you'll need to download the latestconferencedata. Afterwards, you can use the app offline although anupdatewill be available before the Congress.This app is provided by the European Society of Cardiology.To sponsor other ESC applications contact [email protected]
EchoCalc 3.203
EchoCalc also includes a series of key echocardiographycalculatorscommonly used in clinical practice: - Indexing to BodySurface Area(BSA) or Height - LV/RV size & function, LV mass,aorticdimensions, atrial dimensions - Diastolic function assessmenttool- Comprehensive valve calculators and reference data -Prostheticaortic & mitral valves reference data and calculators-Flow-chart guides to both echo and clinical decision making-Stress echo guides to probability of angina and infusion guide-Z-scores for paediatrics - Mini-guides based on BSE Guidelines-Updated to the latest BSE reference data but also allowsswitchingto ASE/EACVI references The app is provided as a handyreferenceutility for cardiac sonographers and is not meant as aguide toechocardiography for patients. As such it does not providemedicaladvice. The BSE recommends that echo reports are onlyinterpretedby suitably trained healthcare professionals andpatients should bedirected to their referring healthcareprofessional for finalinterpretation of an echo report, beforemaking any medicaldecisions.
EACVI Recommendations 1.1.0
The EACVI Recommendations App developed by the EuropeanAssociationof Cardiovascular Imaging (EACVI) provides clear andeasy to followabridged versions of the latest EACVI Recommendationsand ExpertConsensus papers. The App is designed to helpprofessionals usingnon invasive cardiovascular imaging in theirdaily practice. Itincludes tables, figures, reference values andcalculators and alink to the full recommendation papers publishedin our journal theEuropean Heart Journal – Cardiovascular Imaging(EHJ-CI) by EACVIexperts. Some recommendations are available indifferent languages.Included recommendations: The App includes 8abridgedrecommendations, 4 of which are available in French,Chinese andPortuguese: • Multimodality imaging in pericardialdisease (2014) •Recommendations for TransoesophagealEchocardiography: 2014 update(2014) • Complications of Radiotherapyin Adults (2013) •Transcatheter Interventions (2011) • Aortic andpulmonaryregurgitation - Valvular regurgitation (2010) • Mitralandtricuspid regurgitation - Valvular regurgitation (2010)•Echocardiography in infective endocarditis (2010) •DiastolicFunction (2009) Included calculators / algorithms /reference valuetables: • PISA (Mitral Regurgitation) • EuroSCORE(External) • STSMortality Score (External) • Estimation of fillingPressures(Diastolic Function) • Practical approach to gradediastolicdysfunction • Clinical suspicion of IE • Patientmanagement afterchest radiotherapy
Eco Cardio Check List 1.0
Eco Cardio Check List è una Apprealizzataperaiutare nello studio e/o ricordare il correttosvolgimento diunesame ecocardiografico Trans-Toracico completo.Pensata perCardiacSonographer e non solo. L’app si basa sulprotocollodiacquisizione secondo linee guida A.S.E. Delle46proiezionistandard A.S.E.Questa App è derivante da una tesi di Master,unprogettouniversitario del Dott. Stefano Canali, supervisionatodalProf.Giovanni Maria De MatteisEco Cardio Check ListisanApp designed to assist in the study and / or rememberthecorrectdevelopment of a comprehensiveTrans-ThoracicEchocardiography.Thought for Cardiac Sonographer andbeyond. Theapp is based on theacquisition protocol accordingA.S.E.guidelines A.S.E. of 46standard viewsThis App is resulting from a Master's thesis, a universityprojectofthe Dott. Stefano Canali, supervised by Prof. GiovanniMariaDeMatteis