Top 50 Apps Similar to Prepware Commercial Pilot

Prepware Airframe 1.35.3
An aviator’s preparation, study and test tool for FAAKnowledgeExams.
Prepware Powerplant 1.35.3
An aviator’s preparation, study and test tool for FAAKnowledgeExams.
Prepware ATP 1.35.3
An aviator’s preparation, study and test tool for FAAKnowledgeExams.
Prepware Private Pilot 1.34.0
An aviator’s preparation, study and test tool for FAAKnowledgeExams.
Prepware Remote Pilot 1.34.1
An aviator’s preparation, study and test tool for FAAKnowledgeExams.
Prepware General 1.35.3
An aviator’s preparation, study and test tool for FAAKnowledgeExams.
AMT: Aviation Technician Exam 6.0.4
Practice Questions and Flashcards for AMT: AviationMaintenanceTechnician exam.
Mentour Aviation 4.0.0
If you are interested in Aviation, this is the app for you!
Private Pilot Test Prep 2023 1.7
Pass your FAA exam! Prepware private pilot.All FAA PPLsubjectscovered.FAR AIM.
Aviation Exam - EASA 9.0.12
We will prepare you for your EASA ATPL, CPL, IR, CBIR, EIR, BIRandFOC exams.
Pilot Toolkit is a concise reference manual and utilitypackageforpilots. It contains a wealth of information in areadilyaccessibleformat, from flight planning worksheets toexplanationsofaeronautical concepts and instrumentflyingprocedures.Descriptions are accompanied by helpful graphicstoaidunderstanding. Student pilots and seasoned veterans alikewillfindthis app to be a handy companion for the flight bag.
Aviaze 1.16.1
If you are a pilot, you are in training or you just like to flyandsurf the clouds with your own aircraft Fly Fun, Fly Safeanddownload AVIAZE! AVIAZE is the social network for lightaircraftpilots. Use AVIAZE to log your flights and navigate andpost yourflights in your timeline. A General Aviation platformwhere you canshare your flights, thoughts, pictures and cometogether with acommunity of passionate aviators like you. More thanjust an airnavigation tool with airspace information, airports,runways andwaypoints, AVIAZE turns your smartphone into a flighttracker and aconnected Flight Data Recorder to monitor, log andbroadcast inreal time all flight parameters along your flightroute. AVIAZEgathers information from all your device’s sensors toplot allflight parameters. Just like an airliner performance tool,monitorAltitude, Ground Speed, G forces and RPMs estimations toanalyzeall inflight events. Monitor the accuracy of yourapproaches, thesoftness of your landings, the perfection in themaneuvers youexecute, debrief your flights and make every flighthour count toimprove your skills. MAIN FEATURES: - Navigationmoving map andairspace information - Share a link with friends andfamily tofollow your flight in real time - Logbook with automaticblock,flight and engine start/stop times detection plus fulltracking -Detects take off and landings automatically - Performancegraphs(Altitude, Speed, Engine RPMs estimation and Gs) - FlightDataRecorder - Option to post flights in the timeline and sharethemwith followers - Follow and meet other pilots, like and commentontheir flights or post - Get points on every flight andpositionyourself as a high ranked pilot - Beat challenges and earnbadgesWHO IS AVIAZE MENT FOR? Any aviation lover, but especiallyfocusedon General Aviation, ULMs, gliders, paramotors, paraglidersandUFOs pilots. A worried flight instructor? a cocky group offriends?a concerned mommy? Let them know where you are at any time.AVIAZEallows you to share your flight in real time viaWhatsapp,Instagram, Facebook, Twitter... How does it work? Easy!Start aflight, click on “share” and send them the link that willopen theAVIAZE map on their smartphone browser to follow yourairnavigation wherever you go. WHAT’S NEXT? Much more is coming,somake sure you invite your pilot friends to share with themflights,adventures, knowledge or anything aircraft related inthisexpanding community of general aviation pilots. Every flight isamission, every pilot has a goal. Safety is always first but,webelieve that flying has to be fun as well. In every flight youwillearn points that will allow you to go to the next level andfacenew challenges. To start with, beat the 6 first challengeswhileimproving your flying skills, share it with AVIAZE community,getlikes and new challenges will come. Ready to have a goodtime?Welcome to theclub!------------------------------------------------ Terms ofservice:
ARSim Aviation Radio Simulator 2.40e
ARSim helps pilots gain proficiency in aviationradiocommunications.
Aviation Dictionary Pro 1.9.2-pro
Simple. Clean. Aviation. Works offline. No Ads.
737 Handbook 2.1.0
Petr Smejkal
An interactive technical guide
AvPlan EFB 1.4.4
Plan smarter, fly sooner with AvPlan EFB
RunwayMap: Aviation Weather 3.6.7
RedDev GmbH
Get the #1 pilot app! ✈️ Visualize landings in 3D & checktheaviation weather.
Garmin Pilot 8.4.3
Garmin Pilot is the most comprehensive suite of aviation toolsforAndroid.
AOPA 2.6.6
Stay up to date with all things aviation from AOPA - news,videos,and events.
Airplane Descent Calculator LT 1.3.2
Luis Alvarez
Airplane Descent Calculator Pro $3,99 Suppose you are at10.000feetand need to descend to 2.000 feet. Where do you beginyourdescent?Airplane Descent Calculator Lite allows you tocalculatethedistance in which the plane should begin the descent togettargetaltitude, for a specific descent rate (vertical speed)andgroundspeed (horizontal speed). Many times during anaircraftflight, trueground speed differs from precomputed groundspeed,so, during theflight is necessary to calculate how far weneed tobegin thedescent. To avoid needing to go down at 3.000feet/minutein aCessna 150, to descend from the current altitude torunwayaltitude.This App is Free, has No Ads, and not specialpermissionsneeded.You can also check Airplane Descent CalculatorPro whichallows to:- Calculate the distance to begin the descentfor aspecific descentrate - Calculate the descent rate to getaspecific altitude fromyour current distance - Automaticallygetcurrent altitude andground speed from GPS NOTE: ApplicationNOTcertified for RealFlight. If you use it, it is at your ownrisk!!!
Simple Flying - Aviation News 1.8
Valnet Inc
Trustworthy aviation news.
FlyBy E6B 1.64
FlyBy E6B is an essential flight computer application forallpilots.
Holding Pattern Trainer 1.2.0
IFR Holding Pattern Trainer, tutorial and calculator
Croatia Airlines 2.24.0
Your perfect travel planner: booking, timetable, flightstatus,check-in ...
E6B Pathfinder - Flight CX2 2.0
A simple, useful and easy to use flight computer for studentsandprofessions
Sporty's Pilot Training
27 Aviation Courses, including Sporty's Learn to Fly andInstrumentRating
ISS Explorer 4.0.2
Discover things you never knew about the InternationalSpaceStation.
Cessna 172 Checklist 1.1
Finally: a comprehensive C172 checklist, made withbeautifulmaterial design.
Icelandair 4.0.0
The Icelandair app guides you through your journey with ease.
Kennedy Space Center
The Official Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex app!
Real Estate Pocket Prep 4.7.9
500 Real Estate Licensing practice questions to studyanywhere,anytime.
Airports 4.0.5
Applicate Ltd
The airport directory for your flight bag. With NOTAM,SNOWTAM,METAR & TAF.
KLM Houses 2.7.0
KLM Houses now available for Android, manage your collection onyourphone
Airport ID - Search ICAO FAA & 3.2.0
Helker IT
Identify the 3 & 4-letter acronyms of airports from allaroundthe world
Space Now - Launches, Images, 4.0.4
Nilatac Lab
Space Launches, Space Images from NASA and Hubble, Space News
Flight Computer Pro 1.6
An easy and intuitive simulation of the E6B slide ruler usedbyaircraft pilots.
AirMate 1.7.1
Airmate is a free and easy to use application for pilots,providinghelp for flight planning and navigation, and includingmany socialsharing features. Thanks to Airmate flight planningtools, you willget instant access to airport data and aviation mapsworldwide andup to date weather and NOTAMs. IFR and VFR airportplates arefreely available in US (FAA charts), all Europe, and morethan 200other countries. Many of them are georeferenced and couldbeoverlaid on the aviation chart. A powerful Plate Manager allowstodownload in advance all airport plates in a country, they couldbeeasily printed and viewed. During the flight, the moving mapwilldisplay the aircraft location along the route, show airportsandaeronautical data details. A profile view is available todisplayterrain elevation across the route. Airmate includes aworldwideaeronautical database updated free of charge withairports,navigation beacons, waypoints, airways, regulated andrestrictedareas. Topographic maps and elevation data for mostcountries maybe downloaded free of charge, as well as additionalaviation mapoverlays such US Sectionals. Airmate will also recordyour flightsand allow to replay them later or export the flightpath in gpxformat. A Satellite map display mode in flight planningor replaymode allows to familiarize with significant landmarks.Airmate willsave planned and flown flights, user waypoints and useraircraftsin the cloud and sync them between your devices. Airmatebringsnumerous social features to the community. Pilots mayleaveratings, tips and comments to share their experience withfellowpilots, and report fuel prices and landing fees. They couldfindfriends, instructors, flight schools, aviation events andaircraftto rent near their home airport or any visited airport.
Contractors License Exam Prep 3.2
This is a California Contractors LicenseExamPreparation App. This app makes obtaining a contractors licenseinCalifornia a very simple process. This app provides veryusefultools that simplify the licensing process.The app contains access to the following tools:Practice ExamsApplication VideosApplication Review SystemStudent's AccountThis app allows users to watch instructional videos forapplicationhelp. These videos will walk the user through theCaliforniacontractors license application process.The user is then able to take a picture of the completedapplicationand upload it into their account for ContractorsIntelligence Schoolstaff to review the application and givesuggested corrections.These corrections can also be viewed throughthe user'saccount.This app allows users to take Practice Exams. The appremembersusers, therefore it is not necessary for the user tore-login everysingle time. So, if the user has only few minutes tostudy, thisapp allows him or her to take practice exams withoutwastingtime.This app is exclusively available through ContractorsIntelligenceSchool and requires the user to either have an existingaccountwith the company or create a new account with thecompany.
ISS Research Explorer
Explore the diverse ecosystem ofexperimentsbeing researched on the International Space Station –bothcompleted and ongoing. Investigate the results and benefits ofmanyof the experiments and find out why performing research inamicrogravity environment is so important. The SpaceStationResearch Explorer provides current information on ISSexperiments,facilities and research results through video, photos,interactivemedia, and in-depth descriptions.The Experiments section provides access to the six mainexperimentcategories and their subcategories. Experiments aredepicted asdots within the category system and the stems connectingthe dotsto the system depict the length of time the experimentspent onorbit. Users can drill down to see specific experimentswithin thecategories and subcategories or search for a specificexperiment orsubject using the search option. Experimentdescriptions consist oflinks, images, and publications ifavailable. The Experimentssection can be further narrowed byselecting a specific expeditionand sponsor by using the dials atthe top right of the screenThe Facilities section provides an interior view of three ofthestation modules; Columbus, Kibo, and Destiny, and an exteriorviewof seven external facilities; ELC1-4, Columbus-EPF, JEM-EF andAMS.The module interiors can be navigated by dragging up and downtosee different sides of the module and left and right to viewanyracks not shown on the screen. Tapping a rack gives abriefdescription of the rack and an experiment description ifavailable.For the external facilities, the platform is shown andcan berotated and zoomed. Payloads on the external racks arelabeled andthe labels can be selected for more information.The Benefits section provides information on Human Health,EconomicDevelopment, Innovative Technology, Earth Benefits andGlobaleducation. Selecting a section allows the benefits tobeinvestigated further.The Media section provides access to two tabs: Podcasts, andVideos.Podcasts contains links to NASA ScienceCasts and Videoscontainslinks to Science related videos.The last section contains links to other Space stationresearchsites and NASA applications
CISSP Pocket Prep 4.7.9
Featuring 600 CISSP practice questions to study anywhere, anytime.
LiveATC for Android 3.0.59
Listen live to pilots and air traffic controllers around the world
Guthook's Pacific Crest Trail Guide 8.3.8
Please download "Guthook Guides: Hike & Bike Offline" toaccessthe Pacific Crest Trail guide. Existing customers maytransfertheir purchases to the Guthook Guides: Hike & BikeOffline app.Guthook's Guide to the Pacific Crest Trail is adetailed, map-based5-part smartphone guide for your hike on thePacific Crest NationalScenic Trail. It maps and lists 4,524important hiker waypointssuch as water sources, tenting sites, roadcrossings, detailedresupply information, and many more. The freedemo for the PacificCrest Trail covers the 43 mile portion inSouthern California fromthe U.S./Mexico Border to Mt. Laguna.In-app purchases includeguides for: - PCT: Southern California -PCT: Central California(Sierra) - PCT: Northern California - PCT:Oregon - PCT: Washington- John Muir Trail - Mount Whitney Trail -Wonderland Trail Keyfeatures: - No mobile or internet connection isrequired afterinitial setup -- works in Airplane Mode - Detailedmaps with yourGPS location - Elevation profile view - Custom routecreator -Multiple offline map choices - Real-time comments fromother hikers- Send your current location to friends or family viatext messageor email The guidebook lists every waypoint in order bydistancealong the trail and how far away you are from eachwaypoint. Theguidebook also includes a detailed town guide formajor resupplypoints, towns, and services along the PCT. Waypointdetailsinclude: - Mileage point and elevation - Photographs -Distance tothe next water source and tent site - Comments sectionwhere youmay post comments and read other hikers’ comments Typesofwaypoints: - Water sources (including the reliability of eachwatersource) - Detailed resupply and town information: - postofficesand other package services - restaurants - grocery storesandconvenience stores - gear shops and hardware stores -laundromats -lodging, public showers, public restrooms - publiclibraries -Tenting sites/camping sites - Trail junctions - Parkingareas alongthe trail - Picnic areas, campgrounds, ranger stations -Roads,railroad tracks, power lines, fences, gates - Naturallandmarks(e.g. mountain passes) - Privies/restrooms - Views AboutthePacific Crest Trail: The Pacific Crest Trail, or PCT, isthelongest completed trail in the world at 2,650 miles. Thetrailbegins at the U.S./Mexico border near Campo, California, andwindsits way through California, Oregon, and Washington to itsnorthernterminus at the U.S./Canada border near Manning Park inBritishColumbia, Canada. Many hikers complete the entire trail injust oneseason ( a.k.a. "thru-hikers"), and countless others enjoyhikinganywhere from a few miles to hundreds of miles each year.
ATSim, ATC Communication Simul 1.10b
ATSim helps air traffic controllers gain proficiency inradiocommunications.
Luxair Luxembourg Airlines 1.4.1
Luxair unveils its brand new LuxairLuxembourgAirlines mobile app!This first version, available for Android smartphones andtablets,is entirely designed and optimized for your mobiledevice.Now you can manage all aspects of your Luxair flight fromyourmobile device - flight booking, mobile check-in, flightstatus,MyLuxair, city guides and further valuable services!Search, book and manage your trip with the new LuxairLuxembourgAirlines mobile app. Enjoy your personal travel app -frominspiration, timetable and mobile booking, via your MyLuxairworldand mobile check-in to city guides and further valuableservices.Whenever you want, wherever you are !The Luxair Luxembourg Airlines app offers you the followingfeatures:- Book your flightsBook your next flight just in a few clicks ! The paymentsarecompletely secured.- Mobile check-inLuxair cares about your mobility. Wherever you are, check-inforyour flights directly from the app and choose to receive your2Dmobile boarding pass directly on your mobile device. Once attheairport, you just need to present your mobile device with your2Dmobile boarding pass display. Ready to take off !- TimetableCheck the timetable for all flights operated by Luxair.- Arrivals & DeparturesCheck the flight status for all Luxair flights from andtoLuxembourg in real time.- MyLuxairConnect you and stay connected to your MyLuxair profile to enjoyallMyLuxair services.- City GuidesDownload our city guides to be inspired and prepare your nextcitytrip highlights.- NewsletterSubscribe to the Luxair newsletter to receive our latest news andtobenefit from all our special offers.- Baggage informationAll you need to know about our baggage allowanceandconditions.- LanguageThe app is available in English, French and German.If you would like to help us to improve the LuxairLuxembourgAirlines app, please send an e-mail [email protected] your contact details.Requires Android 4.0 or later.
Austrian 7.340.0+0
The Austrian app: check in, book flights or display flight status
E6B Pathfinder - Flight Computer
A simple, useful and easy to use flight computer for studentsandprofessions
FlightConnections 1.1
Flights and schedules from more than 900 airlines on aninteractiveflight map.
Orbitrack 2.6.2
Your guide to thousands of satellites and spacecraft in orbitaroundEarth!
Pilot Speech Translator 2.5.0-Release
Pilot Speech Translator - Conversational Translation in15languages.
Cisco UDN 1.5.1
Allows IT to give end-users control of their very ownwirelessnetwork partition