Top 5 Games Similar to LILKA PoS

Point of Sale LILKA 2.6.69
Fast and easy to use Point of Sale application for issuingreceipts.• Print receipts on thermal bluetooth printer • Noregistration, nomontly or extra charges Functions: • Multi-purposePOS application •Creating receipts with VAT • Sales reports • Cashregistry reports •Managing products • Managing bills / receipts •Permissions forcashiers and managers • Interface for printing onWiFi and Bluetooththermal printers • Emailing receips • CSVexports for accounting •Prepared for electronical collection ofbills (applicable for Czechbased companies) • BIP44, xpub and HDrecipient addresses • Bitcoinand Litecoin payments support •Cryptocurrency exchange • Bitcoinprice and transactionidentifications on receipts • Directconversion of bitcoin paymentsto national currencies Device Recommended setupis minimum Android 4.4 withthermal bluetooth printer. ANDROIDWINDOWS: DEMO version • Maximum 10 receipts • Limited cashoperationsContact: [email protected] (c) ArrowSyss.r.o.
eCash Register POS FIK 1.015
EET Pokladna
Provides simple yet very effective waytotrackyour daily sales. Easy to use and immediately usable.KasaFIK
Cash Register 1.02
------------------- - no permissions - no advertising -supportthedeveloper ------------------- Are you looking for analternativetoenter the items of your food stall, garage sale or anyotherkindof sales booth? This cash register offers thesolution!Usually,big sales deals lack the space and power supply toplug ina greatcash register. However, sales people can make use ofatechnologyof which everybody disposes anyway: use the cashregisterapp andturn your smart phone into a cash register! At themoment,youreceive our application as a 1-place solution: all itemsarebeingentered on your user -respectively cashier- account.Lookforwardto the upcoming updates: we’re working on an optionthatletsseveral cashiers enter the items at the same time.Then,thisapplication will clearly facilitate an attribution ofentereditemsto the respective cashier and thus facilitates youraccountatclosing time. Currently, you can already usethefollowinghighlights of this proceeding application for free:+automaticallysumming up of the entered items: you save a lotoftime whileaccounting at closing time or shift changeover +speedandassortment of goods at seller’s option: per each sheet, 20keyscanbe allocated individually so that the respective goodsandtheirexact price can be booked with just one single click.Havingmorethan 20 goods, you can individually arrange them onseveralsinglesheets saving 20 goods per sheet. + no need of anyknowledgeofprogramming: the buttons and their allocation can bevaried inaclearly-arranged chart + the sold goods and the number ofitemscaneasily be exported. You can already check in theeveningwhichitems were bestsellers of the day and which items donot haveto bereordered right away. + a better overview, especiallyfornewemployees: various colours (for example for food anddrinks)offera better usability + facts and figures: usingthisapplication, youreceive a fast survey of the total revenueandespecially itsattribution to respective products It has neverbeeneasier toreceive a survey of the daily successesforself-employees. Pleasenotice that this application is in processofdevelopment and is anoffer free of charge. It practicallyoffersall functions of a cashregister. However, we cannot guaranteealegally compliant accountat the moment since this would requireafull permission of taxauthorities. The cash register applicationisa tool which offers asurvey and helps accounting- it cannotreplacethe full legaldocumentation though. Please mind yourtaxcomputation and adhereto deadlines on your own responsibility.Theprogrammer of „cashregister for free“assumes no liability.
Beforereally testing theapplication, have a look at theapplication’sfeatures and test thebest allocation of the buttons.If you’rereally enthusiastic aboutour application, we are lookingforward toan evaluation whichprovides an orientation for otherusers. If youhave suggestionsfor improvement or remark anythingthat does notwork properly yet,we are looking forward to yourfeedback beingaddressed to:[email protected] Let us know what doesnot answeryour wishes yetso that we can identify the room forimprovement andput it intopractice.
Vodafone ePokladna Lite 2.0.5
Zjednodušte si podnikání díky našímobilníaplikaci, která Vám umožní prodej zboží i služeb – stačítřikrátkliknout. ePokladna spolupracuje s tiskárnou i mobilnímplatebnímterminálem, a vystavenou účtenku tak dokáže vytisknoutnebo odeslate-mailem. Nabídne Vám navíc i další funkce prozefektivnění Vašehopodnikání nejen na cestách.Simplify yourbusinessthrough our mobile application that enables you to sellgoods andservices - just click three times. ePokladna interactswith theprinter and mobile payment terminals, and issued a bill soit canbe printed or emailed. We will offer you theadditionalfunctionality to streamline your business, not only ontheroad.
W&O Restaurant POS Pro 12.10.2
Over 500k users, easy to use, save time and money, no monthlyfee,must try.