Top 24 Apps Similar to Differential

48sx, a vintage RPN calculator 2.42
48sx is an emulator of the HP48sx, a vintage RPN calculator.
All Math formula 1.6.1
Easy maths formula platform for Engineering and others.
Multivariable Calculus App 1.0.5329540
Wolfram Group
Taking multivariable calculus? Then you need theWolframMultivariable Calculus Course Assistant. This definitive appformultivariable calculus—from the world leader in mathsoftware—willhelp you work through your homework problems, ace yourtests, andlearn calculus concepts. Forget canned examples! TheWolframMultivariable Calculus Course Assistant solves yourspecificmultivariable problems on the fly, providing step-by-stepguidancefor limits, derivatives, integrals, and much more.This app covers the following topics applicable toMultivariableCalculus, Advanced Calculus, and Vector Calculus:- Evaluate any numeric expression, or substitute a value foravariable- Plot 2D or 3D functions of your choice- Determine the limit of a function as it approaches aspecificvalue or values- Differentiate any single or multivariable function- Find the critical points and saddle points of a function- Calculate the gradient of a function- Identify the local extrema of a function- Find the single, double, or triple integral of a function- Determine the dot or cross product of two vectors- Calculate the divergence or curl of a vector fieldThe Wolfram Multivariable Calculus Course Assistant is poweredbythe Wolfram|Alpha computational knowledge engine and is createdbyWolfram Research, makers of Mathematica—the world's leadingsoftwaresystem for mathematical research and education.The Wolfram Multivariable Calculus Course Assistant draws onthecomputational power of Wolfram|Alpha's supercomputers over a2G,3G, 4G, or Wi-Fi connection.
go41cx 1.9.2
HP 41 CX calculator hardware emulation
FX-603P programable calculator
Martin Krischik
FX-603P Simulator is a very precisesimulationof the classic FX-603P programmable calculator and allit'saccessories. This simulation is not a toy but but a fullfeaturessimulations of almost functionality of the originalcalculator andit can be used as a full featured and fullyprogrammable scientificcalculator.Used as a calculator the FX-603P simulator will exceed mostothercalculator available. The FX-603P simulator supportsallarithmetic, trigonometric, logarithmic, hyperbolic,statisticalfunctions and all alphanumeric display options of theoriginalcalculator.And last not least the FX-603P simulator is fully programmable.Youcan write up to 20 programs, using 110 registers.With the build in FA-6 cassette interface simulation you cansaveand load programs and data to your thump drive for later use.Orprintout results with the FP-10 thermal printer simulation andthencopy / paste them to other applications.Do visit our FX-603P website or blog where you can downloadtheoriginal Manual of the Calculator. Remember thattheMarket-Comments have no answer function and I can't help you ifyoupost there.SUPPORTED ANDROID FUNCTIONS:• Calculation results can be copies to the clipboard.• Can be installed on the SD-Card.• Participates in Androids build in backup and restore.• Tablet compatible.• Extra Printer for Tablets.BASIC FEATURES:• Specification:Arithmetic operations (addition,subtraction,multiplication and division, raising to power and root– alljudging the priority of operations) negative umbers, exponent,33parentheses at 11 levels and constant operations.• Scientific Functions: Trigonometric and inversetrigonometricfunctions (with angle in degrees, radians orgradients), hyperbolicand inverse hyperbolic functions, logarithmicand exponentialfunctions. inverse. Factorial, square root, square,decimal ⇔ Hour,Minute, Second conversion, coordinatetransformation, absolutevalue, removing integer part, removingfaction part, percentage,random numbers, π.• Statistical functions Standard deviation (2 kinds), mean,sum,square sum, number of data.• Memory: 5 key independent memory 110register(non-volatile).• Range of number: ± 1 × 10⁻⁹⁹ to ± 9.999999999 × 10⁹⁹ and0,internal operations use 18 digits mantissa.• Decimal Point Full decimal floating point arithmeticwithunderflow (possible display of engineering decimals).• Calculation with fractions: simple and mixed fractions• Base-N (Binary, Octal, Decimal, Hexadecimal)calculations:inverse,bitwise and, bitwise or, bitwise exclusive orPROGRAMMING FEATURES:• Number of Steps: 999 steps (non-volatile)• Jumps: Unconditional jump (GOTO), up to 10 pairs, conditionjump(x=0, x≥0, x=F, x≥F), count jump (ISZ, DSZ), subroutine (GSP)up to9 subroutines, up to 9 depths.• Number of programs storable: Up to 20 (P0 to P19)• Checking and Editing Functions Check, debug, deletionaddition,etc.• Indirect addressing for M-register, destination of jump,callingsubroutines.• Miscellaneous functions: Manual Jump (GOTO), temporarysuspensionof execution (PAUSE), command code and step numberdisplayed duringcheck, simulated FA-6 adaptor, simulatord FP-40printer.MISSING FEATURES:Currently VER, PEEK, POKE are not implemented.PERMISSIONS:• WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE: Used to save and load program state.Onlythe directory set in the preferences is accessed.
RpnCalc Financial Calculator 2.0.9
Edward Falk
RpnCalc Financial is the oldest top-rated financial calculatoronthe Android Market. It has an interface that users ofconventionalfinancial calculators will be completely at home with,but doesmuch more. Calculations are far faster, doing in a fractionof asecond what the classic calculator could take minutes tocompute.RpnCalc Financial is a highly versatile full-functionprogrammablefinancial calculator. It includes math, finance, andstatisticsfunctions. Features include: * Time value of money (TVM)*Amortization * Cash flow analysis: IRR, NPV * Bond pricing *Dateand interest calculations * Percentages, markups, percentageoftotal * Scientific mode * Basic (large key) mode * 20 Memories *99Program steps * Key click (haptic feedback) * ContinouousmemoryImprovements over the classic calculator: * 16-level stack *Frontfour stack elements displayed * Programs can be saved andrestored* Programs displayed symbolically * Memories are notsacrificed tomake room for program steps RpnCalc Financial has asixteen-levelstack to hold more data. The front four elements onthe stack arevisible at all times, making it much easier to keeptrack of whereyou are in your calculations. Calculator programs arestored anddisplayed symbolicly, making programming much easier.Progams canbe stored and retrieved from the sdcard whenever yourAndroid is infile-sharing mode. See for afull description. If youwant to "test drive" a similar calculatorbefore purchasing, try thefree "RpnCalc" scientific calculator.
Óscar Montero Fernández
LINEAR ALGEBRA PLUS is surprinsingly intuitive and easytouse.Videos containing examples of all its capabilitiesareavailable onthe website below. In them, you can see how fastandeasy to manageit is. A medium or long press on the solutionisenough to show thesteps followed to solve the exercise. Itallowsyou to save allcalculations in a LaTex file so that it canbeturned into a pdfdocument. WITHOUT ADVERTISEMENTS MATRICES: Up to8matrices, withup to 10 rows and columns, can be stored invariablesA, B, ...X,and then used in further calculus. Theprogramme cancalculate thedeterminant, rank and inverse of eachmatrix. Complexmatrixexpressions (A*(B^(-1)-3A) can be easilysolved, and all thestepsare shown. It evaluates the determinant,rank and inverseofmatrices with one parameter. It also obtainslowertriangularmatrice, even with a parameter, displaying the stepsofthe Gaussand Gauss-Jordan method. It also calculatesthecharacteristicpolynomial, eigenvalues and eigenvectorsofendomorphisms andchange of basis matrices P y P^(-1).LINEARSYSTEMS OF EQUATIONS:It classifies and solves Dependent/Independent Consistent Systemsor Inconsistent Systems of up to10equations, even with oneparameter. It also shows the steps tosolvethe system (Gauss'Method, Inverse Matrix Method and Cramer'sRule).POLYNOMIALS: Upto 8 polynomials (max grade = 9), can bestored invariables A, B,...P and then used in differentpolynomialexpressions. Itfactorises and calculates rational andreal rootosof polynomials .Polynomial divisions are possible (allthe stepsare given).Complex expressions can be easily solved(p^3*(2p-q^2)),whichmakes it easy to solve a great variety ofequations. It showsallthe steps necessary to factor a polynomialwithout more thanmakinga long click on the solution. 3D GEOMETRY:This module allowsyouto enter points, vectors, straight lines andplanes, andthencalculate new ones dependent on the first ones("linewhichcontains a point and is perpendicular to aplane","pointsymmetrical about a straight line" ... ) or makecalculuswith them(intersections, distances, relative positions,angles,change ofbasis ...). By making a long press on the screen,it showsall thenecessary steps to obtain the solutions (by variousmethodswhenpossible). 2D GEOMETRY: This module allows you toenterpoints,vectors and straight lines, and then calculate newonesdependenton the first ones ("line which contains a pointandisperpendicular to another line", "point symmetrical aboutastraightline" ... ) or make calculus with them(intersections,distances,relative positions, angles, change ofbasis ...). Bymaking a longpress on the screen, it shows all thenecessary stepsto obtain thesolutions. MOREINFORMATION:WEBSITE:
Matrix operations premium 5.2.7
The following operations are available in the application:-Solutionof systems of linear equations bymethods:    ★Gauss;     ★Cramer;    ★Jordan-Gauss;    ★The inverse matrix; - Findingof thematrix determinant by methods:    ★Sarrus(only for the matrix 3x3);    ★Decompositionon the first line;    ★ Reductionto thetriangular form; -Finding of inverse matrix bymethods:    ★Gauss;    ★Jordan-Gauss;    ★Algebraic Supplements; -Solution ofmatrix equations - Matrixconstruction - Multiplicationof a matrixby a number - Finding therank of the matrix -Transposition ofmatrices - Matrixmultiplication - Subtraction ofmatrices -Addition of matricesApplication Features - Specialkeyboard formore convenient dataentry; - Full, step by stepdescription ofsolutions; - Ability tosave decisions; - Ability toedit savedsolutions - Works withoutaccess to the Internet webversion -https://matrix-operations.comKeywords: matrix calculator,matrixoperations, matrix determinant,matrix calculator, linearequations
Boolean Algebra Calculator 7.2
Boolean Algebra | Binary Hexadecimal | SOP POS | Custom Base |LearnElectronics
Anoc Octave Editor 2.7.4
The Octave Editor for your Android device
Panecal Plus
This app is a scientific calculatorapplicationfor technical work such as information engineering,mechanicalengineering, dynamics, measurements, and construction,an essentialitem for engineers and science students. Panecal Scientific Calculator can display and correctmathematicalexpressions. You can use it to check expressions, whichenables youto prevent input errors and calculation mistakes.PanecalScientific Calculator has functions such as editingandrecalculating calculation expressions entered in the past, aswellas the capability to use variable memory to only changespecificvalues and do calculations. A cursor is displayed on the screen, and you can tap the screenorpush arrow keys to quickly move to the location you want toedit.Panecal allow you to swipe to scroll through expressions, aswellas copying and pasting using long tapping, which makes it astrongand flexible application with an intuitive userinterface. [Primary use of this scientific calculator] - for information engineers, mechanical engineers.- for calculation of dynamics, measurements, andconstruction.- for science students.- for a large calculator by using tablet device.- In case you don't have a scientific calculator on anouting.  [Features]- Move the cursor by tapping- Swipe to scroll through the screen- Copy and paste- expressions history- Binary numbers, octal numbers, decimal numbers,hexadecimalnumbers up to 32 bits- Radix conversion- M+/M- memory- 6 types (A-F) variable memory- Degrees, radians, or grads for angle units- FloatPt (floating decimal mode), Fix (fixed decimal mode),Sci(index mode), and Eng (index is in multiples of 3) fordisplayingformat- Decimals and grouping separator settings- Horizontal screen display- Vibration and orange coloring as tapping- Arithmetic operations, inverse trigonometric, logarithmic,power,power root, factorials, absolute values, andpercentcalculations. [Disclaimer]Please note in advance that Appsys is not responsible for anydamageor lost profits caused by the use of this software, or anyclaimsfrom third parties.
microMathematics Plus 2.23.1
A revolutionary new kind of mobile calculator (open source)! Timecode Calculator 1.3 - a calculator for film and tv production onWindows,OS-X & Android
Champ Scientific Calculator 6.32
Bens Apps
High-performance and arbitrary precision scientific calculator
Discrete Math Course Assistant 1.0.5329539
Wolfram Group
Get help for your Discrete Math class. Solutions forfunctions,logic, sets
Linearibus - Matrix calculator Foxtrot.Delta.Beta
Linear algebra. Matrix calculator. Matrices, determinants, inverse
FX-602P scientific calculator
Martin Krischik
FX-602P Simulator is a very precisesimulationof the classic FX-602P programmable calculator and andall it'saccessories. This simulation is not a toy but but a fullfeaturessimulations of almost functionality of the originalcalculator andit can be used as a full featured and fullyprogrammable scientificcalculator.Used as a calculator the FX-602P simulator will exceed mostothercalculator available. The FX-602P simulator supportsallarithmetic, trigonometric, logarithmic, hyperbolic,statisticalfunctions and all alphanumeric display options of theoriginalcalculator.And last not least the FX-602P simulator is fully programmable.Youcan write up to 10 programs, using 110 registers.With the build in FA-2 cassette interface simulation you cansaveand load programs and data to your thump drive for later use.Orprintout results with the FP-10 thermal printer simulation andthencopy / paste them to other applications.Do visit our FX-602P website or blog where you can downloadtheoriginal Manual of the Calculator. Remember thattheMarket-Comments have no answer function and I can't help you ifyoupost there.SUPPORTED ANDROID FUNCTIONS:• Calculation results can be copies to the clipboard.• Can be installed on the SD-Card.• Participates in Androids build in backup and restore.• Honeycomb Tablet compatible.• Extra Printer for Honeycomb Tablets (visit our web-page forscreenshot).BASIC FEATURES:• Specification:Arithmetic operations (addition,subtraction,multiplication and division, raising to power and root– alljudging the priority of operations) negative umbers, exponent,33parentheses at 11 levels and constant operations.• Scientific Functions: Trigonometric and inversetrigonometricfunctions (with angle in degrees, radians orgradients), hyperbolicand inverse hyperbolic functions, logarithmicand exponentialfunctions. inverse. Factorial, square root, square,decimal ⇔ Hour,Minute, Second conversion, coordinatetransformation, absolutevalue, removing integer part, removingfaction part, percentage,random numbers, π.• Statistical functions Standard deviation (2 kinds), mean,sum,square sum, number of data.• Memory: 5 key independent memory 11 ~ 110register(non-volatile).• Range of number: ± 1 × 10⁻⁹⁹ to ± 9.999999999 × 10⁹⁹ and0,internal operations use 18 digits mantissa.• Decimal Point Full decimal floating point arithmeticwithunderflow (possible display of engineering decimals).PROGRAMMING FEATURES:• Number of Steps: 999 steps (non-volatile)• Jumps: Unconditional jump (GOTO), up to 10 pairs, conditionjump(x=0, x≥0, x=F, x≥F), count jump (ISZ, DSZ), subroutine (GSP)up to9 subroutines, up to 9 depths.• Number of programs storable: Up to 10 (P0 to P9)• Checking and Editing Functions Check, debug, deletionaddition,etc.• Indirect addressing for M-register, destination of jump,callingsubroutines.• Miscellaneous functions: Manual Jump (GOTO), temporarysuspensionof execution (PAUSE), command code and step numberdisplayed duringcheck, Simulated FA-2 adaptor for Record and FileI/O (please notethat the later needs Java securityauthorisation).DEVICE COMPATIBILITY:The application in written in device independent and should runonmost Android devices. There is also a desktop version availableonrequest (please include your purchasing informations).PERMISSIONS:• WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE: Used to save and load programm state.Onlythe directory set in the preferences is accessed.
Promega Biomath Calculators 1.1.1
Perform everyday lab calculations with asingleapp. The Biomath Calculators provide a range of functionsessentialto molecular biology experiments, including nucleic acidand proteinconversions, melting temperature, temperatureconversion, molarityand dilution calculations.Nucleic Acid Conversions•dsDNA: Micrograms to Picomoles Converter•dsDNA: Picomoles to Micrograms Converter•Oligos (ssDNA): Micrograms per Milliliter to PicomolesperMicroliter Converter•Oligos (ssDNA): Picomoles per Microliter to MicrogramsperMilliliter Converter•Linear DNA: Micrograms to Picomoles of Ends Converter•Ligations: Molar Ratio of Insert to Vector Calculator•Absorbance Units of Nucleic Acid to ConcentrationProtein Conversions•Protein Molar Conversions Tool•Coding Capacity of DNA CalculatorCalculators & Additional Conversions•Dilution Calculator•Molarity Calculator•Temperature Conversions Tool•Tm (Melting Temperature) Calculations for Oligos
Scientific Calculator Scalar 1.2.1
Advanced Scientific Calculator, Functions, Graphs &ScriptsProgramming
Class Calc Graphing Calculator
Graphing, Matrix, Scientific & Statistics Calculator. AllTI84features, no ads.
Symbolab Practice
Tens of thousands of practice problems with hints personalizedjustfor you!
Scientific Calculator 7.0.1
Scientific Calculator with Fractions, Complex Numbers andRPNSupport
HP67 Calculator 2.0 1.1
Mike O'Shea
A faithful emulation of the original HP-67 calculator.