Top 15 Apps Similar to Praktek Photoshop

Learn Photoshop Fast Pro 1.0
Howcast Media
Looking to break into graphic design or wanttolearn another skill to make you more competitive in theworkplace?Maybe you just want to trick your friends with a pictureof you andQueen Elizabeth having tea together? You can learn allof this andmore with this video series on Photoshop C5 that willhave you onyour way to photoshopping like an expert!
Training for Photoshop CS6 2.0.0
Learn to be an advanced user of Photoshop CS6.
Photoshop Script Tutorials 1.0
▧ Learn Photoshop Scriptbytap-dancing!!!▧ Tap, double tap, long press, drag and drop, shortcuts, justlikeyou are learning on the real Photoshop!▧ More effective and funny than watching the videos or readingthebooks!▧ The first and only app to focus exclusively on advancedPhotoshopScript techniques!WHAT IS PHOTOSHOP SCRIPT?Photoshop is well known for its support for Filters andActions,but there's a third way to increase the functionality ofAdobe'simage editing tool – Scripts. Photoshop Scripts are a littlelikeActions, but rather than simply being able to replay a seriesofsteps, Scripts can make conditional decisions during processingtoenable them to be more intelligent.They also have access to the whole set of Photoshopfunctionality,including elements not easily accessible to mereactions, so theycan do things simply not possible with actionsalone.WHAT IS INTERACTIVE TUTORIALS FOR PHOTOSHOP SCRIPT?INTERACTIVE TUTORIALS FOR PHOTOSHOP SCRIPT brings yousimple,funny, interactive learning app for Photoshop Script. Theappteaches you about each of the features of Photoshop Script andshowyou how to use them in detail. With candid, jargon-free adviceandstep-by-step guidance, you’ll get everything of PhotoshopScript.It's like having your own personal tutor teaching youPhotoshopScript. You'll learn how you can use Photoshop script toexpressyourself and fine tune your images more quickly thanbefore!ENVIROMENT- Adobe® Photoshop® CC 2014- ExtendScript Toolkit- JavaScriptFEEDBACKApp is continuously updated based on your feedback. Pleasebekind in your app reviews, tell others how you useINTERACTIVETUTORIALS FOR PHOTOSHOP SCRIPT, and stay tuned for newand excitingfeatures.√ Help? Comments? Suggestions? Contact us at [email protected] tutorials for Illustrator, CorelDRAW,Flash,indesign, Firework, Premiere, 3D Max, Maya are coming...
Magic Photoshop 2.1
Group Apps
ماجيك فوتوشوب قناة على اليوتيوب تحتوى علىدروسبسيطة للفوتوشوب عن طريق عمل صورة مبسطة لتسيهل استخدامبرنامجالفوتوشوب تابعوا بكل جديدPhotoshop Magic ChannelonYouTube containing simple lessons for Photoshop through the workofa simplified picture of Tsehl use Photoshop program followed byallnew
Free Tutorials For Photoshop 1.0
OMI Webdesign
Learn Photoshop With These Free Step-by-Step Tutorials
Best Photoshop tutorials 0.1
Monki Apps
Learn Photoshop for free withthis(adsfree)application! Become a Photoshop hero in a few weeksforfree.Best Photoshop Tutorials aims to collect the bestandfreephotoshop tutorials and downloads around the internet.Are you new to Photoshop? No worries! Follow the YoutubeVideosinthe app and they will make you a Photoshop professionalinnotime!
Video Tutorials for Photoshop 1.2.0
Attention!!!This application uses a stream server and consumes a lotofbandwidth.Photoshop(PS) its graphics software.In computer graphics, graphics software or image editingsoftwareisa program or collection of programs that enable apersontomanipulate visual images on a computer.Computer graphics can be classified into twodistinctcategories:raster graphics and vector graphics. Manygraphicsprograms focusexclusively on either vector or rastergraphics, butthere are a fewthat combine them in interesting ways.It is simpleto convert fromvector graphics to raster graphics, butgoing theother way isharder. Some software attempts to do this.In addition to static graphics, there are animationandvideoediting software.Most graphics programs have the ability to import andexportoneor more graphics file formats. It also can export files tooneormore files. Computer graphics also can be used byothereditingsoftware such as PS, Pizap, Publisher, Picasa, etc.Othersoftwarethat can be used is animation software, videoeditorsoftware suchas Movie Maker, etc.The use of a swatch is a palette of active coloursthatareselected and rearranged by the preference of the user. Aswatchmaybe used in a program or be part of the universal paletteonanoperating system. It is used to change the colour of atextorimage and in video editing. Vector graphics animationcanbedescribed as a series of mathematical transformationsthatareapplied in sequence to one or more shapes in ascene.Rastergraphics animation works in a similar fashiontofilm-basedanimation, where a series of still images producestheillusion ofcontinuous movement.You can see:PS 7.0 Tutorial, Tutorial in Hindi, PS CC and CS6beginners,Tutorialin hindi, For Beginners, Bangla PS FullHD,IndividualTutorialsIntermediate PS Tutorial, King Tuts Tutorials,Effects,BanglaTutorial ,CS5 Malayalam Tutorials, Elements 2.0Tutorial,GraphicDesign, PS creativity, PS for Architects, TutorialPSBahasaIndonesia.and many many more...
Tutorials Photoshop CC Light 1.0.2
We present you the new videotutorialsforPhotoshop CC. Now, you don’t have to lose a lot of timespendingalot of money, reading tones of books or watching hoursofvideos.We have selected and structured only the information,whichis themost effective and easy to learn. It took us years tofind,readand structure this information for you so you could reallygetyourdesired results as quick as possible, of course,ataffordableprices.
Cursuri Photoshop CC Light 1.0.2
Vă prezentăm noile cursurivideopentruPhotoshop CC. Acum nu mai trebuie să pierzi o groazădetimpcheltuind mulți bani, citind tone de cărți sau privindoreîntregide video-uri. Noi am ales și structurat cea mai eficientășiușorde învățat informație. Ne-a luat ani ca să găsim,citimșistructurăm această informație pentru tine, pentru ca tusăpoțiobține rezultatele dorite pe cât de rapid posibil,desigur,laprețuri cât mai accesibile.Introducing thenewvideofor Photoshop CC courses. You no longer have to waste a lotoftimespending money, reading tons of books or hours of videoonsites.We have chosen the most efficient and structured and easytolearninformation. It took years to find, read andstructurethisinformation for you that you can achieve the desiredresultsasquickly as possible, of course, priced asaffordable.
VideoTutoriales de Photoshop 1.0
Curso de Photoshop en formato vídeotutorialenel que podrás aprender lo más básico de este programaderetoquefotográfico.Aprende con nosotros de forma fácil de desde casa.Puedes ver el curso completo
Tutorial Photoshop Indonesia 6.1
Aplikasi Tutorial photoshopIndonesiainimempermudah seseorang untuk belajar photshop diSmarthphone.Adobephotoshop atau lebih sering disebut denganphotoshop adalahsebuahperangkat lunak editor milik adobe system.Photoshop inidikuhsuskan unutk pembuatan efek dan pengeditan fotoatau gambardantelah banyak digunakan oleh para fotografer digitaldanperusahaaniklan.Denga Aplikasi ini anda bisa Belajar:1. Manipulasi foto dnegan Photoshop2. Disain Text dengan Photoshop3. Trik mengedit tulisan di photoshop4. Belajar Tools Photoshop5. Membuat Vector6. Membuat Effect Foto7. DLLIndonesia'sPhotoshoptutorial application, enables a person to learnphotshopinsmarthphone. Adobe Photoshop or more commonly referredtophotoshopis a software editor adobe-owned system. Photoshop isinkuhsuskanfatherly effects creation and photo editing or imageandhas beenwidely used by digital photographers andadvertisingcompanies.Premises This application you can Learning:1. Manipulation Photoshop dnegan photo2. Design Text with Photoshop3. Trick edit the text in Photoshop4. Learning Tools Photoshop5. Make Vector6. Make Photo Effect7. DLL
KelbyOne Connect 1.3
Each issue of the award-winningPhotoshopUseris packed cover to cover with tutorials, articles,news,reviewsand more. Contributors featured include KelbyOnePresidentandEditor-in-Chief, Scott Kelby, “Photoshop Guys” RCConcepcion,PeteCollins and Corey Barker, KelbyOne CreativeDirector, FelixNelsonand a ton of regular appearances from topphotography,graphicdesign and digital arts experts.Featured columns and article topics include:• Easy-to-follow tutorials with timesaving shortcutsandtips,plus links to downloadable files on the KelbyOne membersitetohelp you practice the techniques from the articles.• Down & Dirty Tricks inspired by the bestsellingbookseries,each issue contains tricks that will save you timeandmoney plushelp you give your work a unique look.• The hottest digital design and photo retouchingtechniquesusedby working pros in our behind-the-scenes features.Plus,specialinsider secrets and interviews with Adobe.• Photoshop Quick Tips, Classic Photoshop EffectsandPhotoshopBeginner columns give you the information you needtocreate cooleffects, work faster, and get up to speedwithPhotoshop.• An entire section dedicated to Lightroom techniquesandworkflowtips from accomplished photographers and instructorslikeScott Kelbyand Katrin Eismann.For membership information visit
VOXApp Photoshop 1.0
« Apprendre par soi-même »n’estpasune tâche facile à accomplir, c’est pourquoi lesVOXAppsVOXPedagovous accompagnent dans la phase de découverteet/oud’apprentissaged’un logiciel ou de techniques.Les livres et les vidéos représentent aujourd’hui lesdeuxmédiasles plus répandus pour un transfert deconnaissances,efficaces etsimples d’usages, constituent-ils pourautant lesmeilleuresméthodes et approches pédagogiques pourl’apprentissaged’unlogiciel ?L’idée de création d’une VOXApp est née d’uneréelleexpériencepédagogique en salle de cours. Alors qu’ungrouped’étudiantsétaient en difficultés pour reproduire unexercice, unenseignant aeu l’idée de chercher à les dirigeroralement pour lesaider àatteindre leur objectif. Il les aaccompagné oralement dudébut àla fin, instructions aprèsinstructions, mot après mot,lesapprenants s’exécutaient simplement,leur mémoire se limitantàretenir ce qu’ils étaient en train defaire. De là est néleconstat suivant : un simple enregistrementaudio aurait pu jouerlemême rôle ! Dans ce dernier cas, lesétudiants auraient pufairerépéter l’enregistrement autant de foisqu’ils le souhaitaient,ils auraient également pu le mettre en pauseà n’importequelmoment.Une VOXApp est donc un merveilleux moyen pour apprendreparsoimême un logiciel ou une technique, vous serez guidéoralementàtravers plusieurs enregistrements audio que vousécouterez àvotrerythme tout en effectuant les manipulationsénoncées. Uncontrôleurspécialement conçu pour un écran tactile sursmartphonevouspermettra de contrôler facilement la lecturedesenregistrementsaudio qu’une VOXApp contient."Learning byoneself"isnot an easy task, so the VOXApps VOXPedago accompany youinthediscovery phase and / or learning software or techniques.Books and videos are now the two most common mediaforknowledgetransfer, efficient and easy to use, they are providedthebestmethods and pedagogical approaches to learning software?The idea of ​​creating a VOXApp was born of areallearningexperience in the classroom. While a group of studentswereindifficulties to reproduce a year, a teacher had theideaof​​trying to direct them orally to help them achieve theirgoal.Heaccompanied them orally from beginning toend,followinginstructions instructions, word by word, learnerswererunningsimply limited their memory to remember what theyweredoing. Thuswas born the following observation: a simpleaudiorecording couldhave played the same role! In the lattercase,students may have torepeat the recording as many times astheywanted, they would havealso been able to pause it atanymoment.A VOXApp is a wonderful way to learn by itselfsoftwareortechnique, you will be guided through several oral audioyoulistenat your own pace while performing the setmanipulations.Acontroller designed specifically for a touchscreensmartphoneallows you to easily control the playback of audiothatcontainsVOXApp.
Tutorials for Photoshop CC 1.0.1
We present you the new videotutorialsforPhotoshop CC. Now, you don’t have to lose a lot of timespendingalot of money, reading tones of books or watching hoursofvideos.We have selected and structured only the information,whichis themost effective and easy to learn. It took us years tofind,readand structure this information for you so you could reallygetyourdesired results as quick as possible, of course,ataffordableprices.
ABC StarterKit Deutsch DAF DFA 1.1.2
ABC StarterKit: Beginning German / German Language DFA DAF