Top 13 Apps Similar to Design aquascape

Aquascape Design 1.6
Aquascape Design Ideas is one applicationthatwas developed to provide convenience for lovers aquscapeandbeginners who want to make simple aquascape.With this application is expected that users can find insiparasiofideas that exist in every image in this application, eitherbycombining or modifying the better for your aquascape.
Belajar Aquascape 1.2
Ini dia aplikasi belajar aquascape,aplikasiini akan membantu Anda dalam belajar membuat aquascapedengan mudahkarena terdapat banyak artikel menarik tentangaquascape. Berikutini sedikit bocoran dari aplikasi ini:- Pengertian Aquascape- Macam-macam Desain Aquascape- Tanaman untuk Aquascape- Pemilihan Tanaman Aquascape- Jenis Ikan untuk Aquascape- Langkah-langkah Membuat Aquascape- Penyakit Pada Tanaman Aquascape- Jenis-jenis Algae dan Cara Menghilangkannya- Media Filter yang Baik- Tanaman Aquascape itu Apa?- Cara Membuat DIY CO2 Aquascape (Sitrun)- Kesalahan yang Sering Dilakukan Pemilik Aquascape- Fauna Pemakan Alga Alami Untuk Aquascape- Metode Pemupukan Di Aquascaping- Cara Merawat Aquascape: Membersihkan Filter- Cara Merawat Aquascape: Memangkas Tanaman (Trimming)- Jenis Kayu Untuk Aquascape- Jenis Batu-batuan Untuk AquascapeUpdate materi baru:- Fauna Pemakan Alga Alami Untuk Aquascape- Metode Pemupukan Di Aquascaping- Cara Merawat Aquascape: Membersihkan Filter- Cara Merawat Aquascape: Memangkas Tanaman (Trimming)- Jenis Kayu Untuk Aquascape- Jenis Batu-batuan Untuk AquascapeAplikasi belajar aquascape ini akan selalu diupdatesehinggaartikel yang diberikan akan selalu baru. Selamatbelajaraquascape.This he learnedAquascapeapplication, this application will help you in learning tomakeaquascape easily because there are many interesting articlesaboutAquascape. Here's a little glimpse of this application:- Understanding Aquascape- Various Aquascape Designs- Plants for Aquascape- Selection of plants Aquascape- Types of Fish for Aquascape- Steps to Make Aquascape- Disease In Aquascape Plants- The types of algae and to eliminate- Media Filter Good- Plants that Aquascape What?- How to Make a DIY CO2 Aquascape (Citron)- Errors Often Do Owner Aquascape- Fauna Natural Algae Eater For Aquascape- Methods of Fertilization In Aquascaping- How to Take Care Aquascape: Cleaning Filter- How to Take Care Aquascape: Trimming Plants (Trimming)- Type of Wood For Aquascape- Type rocks To AquascapeUpdate new material:- Fauna Natural Algae Eater For Aquascape- Methods of Fertilization In Aquascaping- How to Take Care Aquascape: Cleaning Filter- How to Take Care Aquascape: Trimming Plants (Trimming)- Type of Wood For Aquascape- Type rocks To AquascapeAquascape's learning app will always be updated so that agivenarticle will always be new. Congratulations learnAquascape.
Cara Membuat Aquascape 1.0
Aquascape adalah seni mengatur tanamanairdanbatu, batu karang, koral, atau kayu apung, secara alamidanindahdi dalam akuarium dan dirancang dengan tekhnikyangsederhanasehingga memberikan efek seperti berkebun di bawah airdanterkesanseperti alam bebas yang nyata.Panduan Cara Membuat Aquascape dalam aplikasi initerdiridari:- Perkenalan Aquascape- Langkah-langkah Pembuatan- Jenis tanaman- PerawatanSemoga aplikasi ini dapat membantu dan menjadi solusidalammembuatAquascapeTerima kasih.Aquascape is theartofarranging aquatic plants and rocks, rocks, coral,ordriftwood,natural and beautiful in the aquarium and isdesignedwith simpletechniques that give the effect as gardeningunder waterand feelslike the real outdoors.Free How To Make Aquascape in this application consistsof:- Introduction Aquascape- Steps Making- Type of plant- CareHopefully this app can help and be a solutioninmakingAquascapethanks.
100 AquaScape Designs 1.0
100 AquaScape Designs 100 AquaScapeDesigns100AquaScape Designs 100 AquaScape DesainWaiting immediately download this application because inadditiontocomplete also help you in determining the design ofyourdreamsAquascape.Get a lot of inspiration Aquascape reference design freeideas,thebest ideas in design Aquascape Aquascape Design's100applications.Download and open daily continues thisapplication,you can getinspiration every day.RegardsScriptApps
Aquarium Aquascape Designs 1.1
Applications containing aquariumaquaspacesmodel design that is easy to make and amazingan inspiration and a reference in building the aquarium todecorateyour home
Aquascape Design Ideas 1.0
When you want to make Aquascape own,youshouldseek aquascape design first. An empty tank to tank issolidplantsneed a mature concept. You probably will make theresultsmuch moreinteresting if you follow Aquascape designs thatweprovide in thisapplication. Here are the most common designisoften used aquariumAquascapeDutch StyleThis style is characterized by lots of plants withdifferenttypesand leafy. In this style commonly seen with uplift,orterrace,which is known as the Dutch "streets". The lower floorsarecoveredwith carpet plants, with higher plants lining the backofthe tank.Most noticeably, this style has no hardscape, so youwillnot see alot of rocks, driftwood in the tank.Taiwan StyleThis style is not very common anymore, because I have someareasthathave been "out of style" compared with natureaquarium.Nevertheless,this style looks with a high porch withvaryingdepths, and a curiousfeature is the small objects andminiaturesculptures are placed inthe tank to create a feeling thatno lifethere.biotope StyleThis style seeks to mimic the natural environment,includingwaterconditions, flora and fauna, and hardscape stoneordriftwoodperfectly. This style can be very beautiful, andusefulfor somebiologists to study the environment should be achallengeto learn.Surprisingly, this tank is usually somewhateasier tosetup andmaintenance, since no study whatever wasnecessary todeterminewhether the flora and fauna that you use arecompatiblebecausethey exist side by side in the wild.There are many more models that you can apply if you wanttomakeAquascape. We provide application design ideas foryourfreeAquascape. This application contains over one hundredandfiftydrawings made as Aquascape design gallery. Good luck.
Aquascape Design 1.1
Basically Aquascape is the artofarrangingaquatic plants, stone, and wood in the aquarium. Thefishusuallyonly as a supplement, but there are also Aquascapeusingonlyplants. Although initially only to create abeautifullandscape,but in making Aquascape must also addresstechniques.All factors in making aquascape greatly affectsuccess.Thesefactors include filtration, carbon dioxide (CO2) thatissuitablefor the needs of photosynthesis in water,substrateused,fertilizers and lighting.there are a hundred pictures decorating Aquascapeinapplicationsthat can be your inspiration
GarnelenTv 6.631
The official app of GarnelenTv.
HyPlants Aquarium Plants 1.5.2
For someone, an aquarium is only a tankwhereto put fishes and plants, for many others it isaquascaping.Creating a water landscape requires a good knowledge ofaquaticplants, water chemistry, fertilizers, substrate, and light(naturalor artificial). Moreover and how they interact.There are hundreds of types of aquatic plants which differ incolor,size and which need different requirements.HyPlants is a comprehensive and detailed guide which allows youtomanage simply and efficiently your planted aquarium, and makeyourplants grow strong and lush.There are many possibilities and styles to create an aquarium.Anystyle (e.g. a Dutch aquarium, a Taiwanese aquarium, anaturalaquarium or an Iwagumi) is a valid one to create aplantedaquarium, but plants are the only way to enhance itsbeauty.Knowing the singular needs of each plant, in terms of light,traceelements, substrate, CO2 is essential to maintain a balanceinvegetation growth.HyPlants offers you:- an extensive but complete and detailed archive ofaquaticplants;- useful tools to manage and maintain the aquarium anditsplants;- basic information on aquatic plants;- a free platform which allows users to exchange their plantsorsell them, as well.
Aquascape Design Ideas 1.1
Aquascape is the art of arrangingaquaticplantsand rocks, rocks, coral, or driftwood, natural andbeautifulin theaquarium so as to provide effects such as gardeningunderwater.Aquascape usually consists of fish while alsoplants.Aquascape commonly used as decoration as nice to look at.This applied Aquascape there are some models that canhelpyourreference.
Tetra Aquatics App 6.0.3
Tetra GmbH
The Tetra Aquatics app allows you toanalysewater parameters quickly and reliably. If you own anaquarium orpond and would like an easy way to determine the watervalues andhave them at your fingertips at all times? No problem!With theTetra Digital Water Test you can always keep a careful eyeon yourwater parameters.If you’re considering purchasing an aquarium, but unsurewhetherit will fit into a particular space or with certain décorthenyou’re in luck!View a selection of 3D Tetra aquariums in the comfort of yourhomein as many different places as you wish by simply usingyoursmartphone or tablet. Choosing the perfect aquarium for yourhomecould be easier!DIGITAL WATER TEST• Simple and accurate readings of your water parameters, withnoadditional colour chart. All you need is to use your Tetraliquidor strip test.• Analysis of the most important water parameters for youraquariumor pond• Test history in your personal user account• Intuitive operation and innovative technology• Detailed diagnosis and recommended actions in the appThe Tetra Aquatics App is your all-round tool fortakingprofessional care of your aquarium. It offers many handyfunctionsand information so you can enjoy fishkeeping in a wholenewway!FIND AN AQUARIUM1. Download and print the marker2. Position the marker where you would like your aquariumtobe3. Select your Tetra Aquarium and stand4. Watch your Aquarium appear in your home using your smartphoneortablet5. Click to find your nearest Tetra Retailer or shopdirectlyonlineRETAILER SEARCHUse our retailer search to find a Tetra retailer near youCONTACTWe are happy to offer you advice and assistance, includingwithtricky questions about fishkeeping, terrariums and ponds. Useouronline contact form or simply call our AquaPhone expertsdirectly –they will gladly offer you advice and assistance.FAQOur FAQ section provides the answers to our customers’mostfrequently asked questions.PLEASE NOTE• Conduct scans in bright daylight or artificial light. Avoiddirectlight.• When scanning, comply as closely as possible withthespecifications shown in the app. Also try to adhere to thescantimes. Scanning without following the guidelines can leadtodistorted results.* The Tetra Aquatics App is compatible with Tetra stripandliquid tests!View this on Basecamp
Aquarium Design 1.4
An aquarium for fish needs to belandscaped.Thefish are happier in their natural habitat. You canprovidethisenvironment by designing the aquarium so as to preparethe likesofthe natural ecosystem. Most of us didn’t strive thentoachievenatural looking fish tanks, but, yeah, black gravelwithanoff-centered, bubbling sunken pirate ship was artsy.Those days are gone. A few sunken ships still linger,buttheworld of aquarium aquascaping has expanded to depths mostofuscouldn’t have envisioned thirty years ago. Today liveplantsareused prolifically by even casual fishkeepers,utilizingCO2injectors and special formulas of sand in place of theoldbrightlycolored gravels. Saltwater tanks feature live coralandanemones inabundance, and anyone keeping any kind of fish inafishbowl thesedays is harshly criticized -and rightly so. Herearesome types ofaquarium design.- Dutch Style Aquascapes. In general the Dutch styleofaquascapingutilizes various plant heights, colors and textures inadenselyplanted fish tank to create a lush garden look in thefishtank. Ifyour final product –given time to grow in- does nothavethatappearance, it is not a true Dutch style, although youmayhaveutilized some of the Dutch style techniques in yourdesign.Thatis, of course, perfectly okay. Even if you don’t seekthe lookoflush growth, the techniques of Dutch style aquascapingcan stillbeuseful in your own aquarium design.- Creating Biotopes. Biotopes are less of a style and moreofaquest. Biotope aquascaping is all about attempting torecreateasmuch as possible the exact environment the inhabitants ofyourtankwould have lived in naturally. Biotope aquascapers strivetofindthe exact plant types or species if possible, theexactsubstrate,rocks, driftwood etc.- Natural Aquascapes and Takashi Amano. Takashi Amanoaquascapescanprovide great inspiration. For the beginner orcasualaquarist,however, that particular amount of detail andmaintenanceisn'talways practical. Even if the beginner aspires tocreate hisownAmano style showpiece, as many of us do, we're betteroffstartingwith the basics. Nonetheless, Amano has a good dealtoteach usabout the basics. One might say that Amanoaquascapedesigns are sobasic, that to replicate one is indeed veryfeasible.But thatwould be overstating their simplicity- Tonina Tanks. Tonina tanks are not really intended to beanewstyle of aquascaping, but are actually collector tanks. WhatImeanby this is that a true Tonina tank would onlyincludeToninaspecies of plants and others closely related.Toninaplantsoriginate in South America, and are fine leafed, wispytypesofplants which have gained a large following. SinceToninaplantsrequire soft, acidic water in order to survive,peoplecollectingthese species of aquatic plants would generallykeep themin theirown tanks.While planning your aquascape design, don’t forget totakeintoconsideration the needs of your fish. Live plants–likefish-sometimes require special water needs, and something willendupdead if your fish and plants don’t enjoy similarwaterparameters.Fish like goldfish are known for eating manyplants,however thereare many thicker leaved plants they will notlike,such as Javaferns and Anubias. Many fish enjoy having a gooddealof openswimming space, or cleared gravel to forage aroundin.Others likea cave to hide in. Your fish will be less stressedandlonger livedif you can accommodate their particular needs intoyouraquascapedesign. Research your fish, and know what theywant.Typicallytheir needs can be worked into any design. For afishneeding acave you can set a small terra cotta pot on itsside–behind somegreenery where it is less visible if you like.AttachJava moss tothe upper side of it with thread to make it blendinbetter, but besure to keep the growth trimmed to maintaintheopening.
Aquascape 1.0
Aplikasi aquascape ini akan membantuAndadalambelajar membuat aquascape dengan mudah karenaterdapatbanyakartikel menarik tentang aquascape. Berikut inisedikitbocoran dariaplikasi ini:* Pengertian Aquascape* Langkah-langkah Membuat Aquascape* Tanaman untuk Aquascape* Pemilihan Tanaman Aquascape* Macam-macam Desain Aquascape* Jenis Ikan untuk Aquascape* Penyakit Pada Tanaman Aquascape* Jenis-jenis Algae dan Cara Menghilangkannya 1* Jenis-jenis Algae dan Cara Menghilangkannya 2* Kesalahan yang Sering Dilakukan Pemilik Aquascape* Fauna Pemakan Alga Alami Untuk Aquascape* Media Filter yang Baik* Tanaman Aquascape itu Apa?* Cara Membuat DIY CO2 Aquascape (Sitrun)* Metode Pemupukan Di Aquascaping* Cara Merawat Aquascape: Membersihkan Filter* Cara Merawat Aquascape: Memangkas Tanaman (Trimming)* Jenis Kayu Untuk Aquascape* Jenis Batu-batuan Untuk AquascapeAplikasi aquascape ini akan selalu diupdate sehinggaartikelyangdiberikan akan selalu baru.AquascapeThisapplicationwill help you in learning to make aquascapeeasilybecause there aremany interesting articles about Aquascape.Here'sa little glimpseof this application:* Definition Aquascape* Steps to Make Aquascape* Plants for Aquascape* Selection of plants Aquascape* Various Aquascape Designs* Type Fish for Aquascape* Disease In Aquascape Plants* Types of Algae and to eliminate 1* Types of Algae and to eliminate 2* Errors Often Do Owner Aquascape* Fauna Natural Algae Eater For Aquascape* Media Filter Good* Plant Aquascape's What?* How to Make a DIY CO2 Aquascape (Citron)* Methods of Fertilization In Aquascaping* How to take care Aquascape: Cleaning Filter* How to take care Aquascape: Trimming Plants (Trimming)* Type of Wood To Aquascape* Type Rocks To AquascapeAquascape app will always be updated so that a givenarticlewillalways be new.