Top 12 Games Similar to 嘉義高鐵BRT公車

下一站,嘉義! 公車客運BRT/EBike/動態查詢 2.1.2
Egoist J
*縣市公車/客運BRT/動態路線/班次查詢*新增市區公車路線、E-Bike查詢服務*本App適用於嘉義縣市公車客運,如有其他問題歡迎留言私訊! *全新UI介面,更好的使用體驗*為了平衡維護支出,將開始放置廣告FB粉絲專頁
嘉義智慧公車 2.1.0
「嘉義智慧公車」提供嘉義縣市境內共三條市公車路線的即時智慧追蹤,功能包括: 即時追蹤:提供各校校車目前行駛位置與預估到站時間等資料 車站資訊:預覽目的站牌和搭乘車輛的外觀 時刻表:查詢各校校車即時/預定時刻表 到站提醒:可自行設定於校車到站前需要提早幾分鐘響鈴提醒目前可查詢之路線:市區一路市區六路市區七路使用上如有問題與意見回饋,歡迎提供評價以使本系統更臻完美。特別感謝:國立東華大學、嘉義市政府交通觀光處
Bus+ (Bus, Train, Metro, Bike) 3.6.1
Transo Ltd.
Most intuitive bus & MRT & Ubike app in Taiwan!
台灣高鐵 T Express行動購票服務
The "T-EX Mobile Ticketing" APP allows you to easilyorderhigh-speed rail tickets, and you can download QR Codeticketsthrough your mobile phone, and quickly use your mobileticket topass customs without having to go to the station orconveniencestore to pick up the ticket.
高鐵時刻查詢 3.22
高鐵時刻&票價查詢 使用交通部PTX資料
高鐵訂票 31.0
@@@如果你的手機使用一段時間出現當機 閃退,請 至 Google play 更新最新版 或重新安裝@@@UI全新改版,系統全面優化新增功能: 時刻表查詢 車站指南允許訪問精準性定位,以提供更精準的定位取得地理相關的互動體驗。允許寫入外部儲存裝置,與其他權限互相搭配,以取得更多樣性互動體驗。 功能: 高鐵訂票 高鐵時刻表查詢
台鐵高鐵時刻查詢 1.26
Taiwan Railway high-speed rail time query
Chinsoft THSR Timetable 0.9.3
Quickly and easily look up Taiwan High Speed Rail Timetables
高鐵訂票 24.0
主要功能:高鐵訂票 時刻查詢
Taipei Commuter 1.6.2
The must-have App for commutersinTaipei.Have you ever stopped to thinking how much of your life iswastedwaiting because you missed a particular bus?Well, now you no longer have to suffer the stress caused bylongwaits or trouble finding a YouBike or a parking space.The Taipei Commuter is a practical enquiry tool which providesarange of public transport information, including YouBike, busandTaiwan High Speed Rail. More than that, it also includes alltheattractions near MRT Stations.◆ Features:1. Easy to use.2. Instant location detection-displays nearest MRT stations,busstops, YouBike rental spots and parking space.3. Collates multiple public transport information.4. Clean and simple UI design.5. Useful information for travel and living in Taipei.6. Cloud account for members.7. Compatible with Android Wear.◆ Coming soon!1. Taiwan Railways2. Intercity Bus3. Little trip planner
高鐵時刻表:台灣下一班高鐵時刻表 5.3.2
Do you sometimes feel that it is always troublesome just tocheckthe nearest high-speed rail service. You have to find thelaststation in a large timetable and then confirm the time? Nowjustopen the next high-speed train, and immediately help you filteroutthe timetable of the nearest high-speed train station.
高鐵時刻表 52.0
****如果你的手機使用一段時間出現當機 閃退,請 至 Google play 更新最新版或重新安裝*****UI全新改版,系統全面優化 新增功能: 服務指南 地圖資訊允許訪問精準性定位,以提供更精準的定位取得地理相關的互動體驗。允許寫入外部儲存裝置,與其他權限互相搭配,以取得更多樣性互動體驗。主要功能 時刻表查詢