Top 18 Apps Similar to TcTrips Warsaw

PocketGuide, the world’s leading audiocityguide application, gives you tours by voice, revealing thebeststories, insider hangouts and must-see sights in close to 100majorcities and tourist destinations. The app determines yourlocationand a recording of your personal tour guide describes whereyou are– you don’t need to touch your phone or read from thescreen. Allthe tours are developed by local experts who know theircitiesinside-and-out. You can choose from different themed tours,or justwander around the city and let PocketGuide inform you whenaninteresting site is nearby. The app can also record your trip:Withone click you can create an amazing 3D video of the sights youseeon your travels.You can use the GPS-activated voice tours for free as long asyourphone is online, but that means you will have to payroamingcharges. If you pay to download the tours, you can usethemoffline, and save on the cost of roaming. We charge a small feefordownloading the offline features because we need to reimbursethetour guides and cover our development costs. Other features youcanget for free include a map that works offline and free use ofthe3D tour.Why PocketGuide?• TOURS OFFERED BY LOCAL EXPERTS - Browse more than 400 toursguidedby people who make sure you see the most excitingplaces.• AUDIO GUIDED TOURS - It will guide you with clear audio cuesandonce you approach a sight it automatically starts to tell youaboutit• SHARE YOUR EXPERIENCES - During your tour you can take photosandadd comments; from this PocketGuide automatically creates a3Dvideo which you can easily share with your friends• FIND GREAT PLACES - If you are tired, let our guides recommendyouthe best nearby restaurants and cafés• AVAILABLE OFFLINE - Once you download a city, the wholecontentworks in offline mode so you don’t have to payroamingcharges• OFFLINE MAP - Get a free offline map and navigate in thecityeasily while avoiding roaming charges.Enjoyed the tours? Keep on traveling? Download PocketGuide'sotherversions available in other cities.
Warsaw Offline City Map Lite 9.0.1
An interactive map of the city including a search engineforstreets, shops, etc
WarsawTour 6.0.1
Are you coming to Warsaw or have you just arrived? Areyouinterested in the history of the city, do you want to feastyoureyes on art work, do you plan to experience sporting emotionsor doyou just wish to take a rest and enjoy the local cuisine?TheWarsawTour app will guide you through the most interestingplacesin the city in a variety of ways. Once you decide to choose awalkyou will see your preferences on the map and a list ofattractionson the dropdown menu. You will learn more about themthanks todetailed descriptions of each place. Information aboutmuseumopening hours and restaurant phone numbers will help you todecidewhich to visit and where to book a table. Once you getconnected tothe Internet you can visit the website of each place,map out theroute to reach them and get the information about publictransportconnections. Intuitive icons will let you easily identifyeach kindof attraction on the map. The description of each walk aswell as akey to icons can be found in the menu. You can also havefun andcreate your own route combining two selected walks. The appcan beused offline and allows you to track your location via GPS.Feelfree to share your opinions with us. They will help us improvetheWarsawTour app. Enjoy WarsawTour !
Arguido przewodnik turystyczny 1.36
AGM Reality
Arguido to nowoczesna usługa, skierowanadoposiadaczy urządzeń mobilnych (smartphone, tablet)realizującafunkcję przewodnika miejskiego. To co wyróżnia naszeoprogramowaniez grona innych mobilnych przewodników turystycznych,tozastosowanie nowoczesnej i rewolucyjnej technologiiAugmentedReality (rozszerzona rzeczywistość). Dzięki niejużytkownik możeobserwować nie tylko elementy świata rzeczywistego,ale takżegenerowane przez urządzenie mobilne obiekty wirtualne.Arguido totakże doskonałe narzędzie promocyjne umożliwiająceprzedsiębiorcomtworzenie własnych wirtualnych punktów promującychich produkty /usługi, zmianę opisów w czasie rzeczywistym,przeprowadzaniekampanii kuponowych. Dzięki tej aplikacji jejużytkownicy łatwoodnajdą znajdujące się wokół nich punktyturystyczne, restauracje,puby, bankomaty, punkty usługowe, etc..oraz zaznajomią się z ichopisami / ofertą.Arguido pozwala turyście:• Odbyć spacer dowolną tematyczną trasą przyzastosowaniuwizualizacji wspieranej przez rozszerzonąrzeczywistość• Odnaleźć w pobliżu obiekty z przewodników turystycznych,punktyusługowe, bankomaty, bary, restauracje, kluby, etc..• Wygenerować dowolną trasę turystyczną w oparciu o dowolnekryteriaużytkownika (długość trasy, kategorie punktów na trasie,odległośćpomiędzy poszczególnymi punktami, czas przejścia trasy,etc..)• Tworzyć własne trasy z miejsc, w których się było, zwłasnymikomentarzami, fotografiami, opisami• Dzielić się trasami z innymi użytkownikami, udostępnianietrasprzez Facebook, Informowanie przez Facebook o aktualnieodwiedzanymmiejscu• Wyszukać informacje na temat obiektu z kilkudziesięciu kategoriiwbazie danych dostępnej w systemieArguido pozwala przedsiębiorcy• Promować swoją działalność / produkt / usługę poprzeznaniesieniew systemie wirtualnego punktu, który będzie widzianyprzezzwiedzających miasto turystów z wykorzystaniemtechnologiirozszerzonej rzeczywistości• Aktualizować w czasie rzeczywistym treści promocyjne, costanowiprzewagę dla mediów takich jak radio, telewizja, prasa• Realizować kampanie promocyjne z zastosowaniemkuponówrabatowych• Tworzyć w systemie własne podstrony mobilne pozwalającenawprowadzenie szczegółowej informacji dot. produktu / usługi/działalnościNa aplikację Arguido składją się: przewodnik turystycznypoWarszawie, przewodnik turystyczny po Krakowie,przewodnikturystyczny po Kielcach, przewodnik turystyczny poKazimierzuDolnym, przewodnik po Zamościu, przewodnik turystyczny poLublinie,przewodnik turystyczny po Łodzi, przewodnik turystycznypoZakopenem, przewodnik turystyczny po Katowicach,przewodnikturystyczny po Częstochowie, przewodnik turystyczny poWrocławiu,przewodnik turystyczny po Poznaniu, przewodnikturystyczny poToruniu, przewodnik turystyczny po Bydgoszczy,przewodnikturystyczny po Szczecinie, przewodnik turystyczny poGdańsku,przewodnik turystyczny po Gdyni, przewodnik turystycznypoSandomierzu, przewodnik turystyczny po Sopocie,przewodnikturystyczny po Białymstoku, przewodnik turystyczny poRadomiu orazprzewodnik turystyczny po Starachowicach.Arguido is amodernservice aimed at users of mobile devices (smartphone,tablet)implementing a guide city. What distinguishes our softwarefrom agroup of other mobile tourist guides, the use of modernandrevolutionary Augmented Reality technology (augmentedreality).With the user you can observe not only the elements of therealworld, but also generated by a mobile device virtualobjects.Arguido is also a great promotional tool allowingentrepreneurs tocreate their own virtual points to promote theirproducts /services, change descriptions in real time, conductingcouponcampaign. With this application, the users can easily findthemlocated around the points of interest, restaurants, pubs,ATMs,services, etc .. and become familiar with their descriptions/offer.Arguido allows tourists:• Have received any thematic walk route usingvisualization,supported by an expanded reality• Locate nearby objects with tourist guides, service points,ATMs,bars, restaurants, clubs, etc ..• Generate any tourist route based on any user criteria (lengthofthe route, the categories of points on the route, thedistancebetween each point, the time of transition routes, etc..)• Create your own tour of the places in which they were, withtheirown comments, photographs, descriptions• Share routes with other users, share routes by Facebook,FacebookInforming about the currently visited site• Search for information about the object from dozens ofcategoriesin the database available in the systemArguido allows entrepreneurs• Promote your business / product / service by applying avirtualpoint system, which will be seen by visitors of-townvisitors byusing augmented reality technology• Update the real-time promotional content, which is anadvantagefor media such as radio, television, press• Pursue promotional campaigns using coupons• Create your own sub-system mobile allowing you to enterdetailedinformation regarding. Product / service / activityOn the application Arguido składją up: Warsaw touristguide,travel guide Krakow, Kielce tourist guide, tourist guideinKazimierz Dolny, a guide to Zamosc travel guide Lublin,Lodztourist guide, travel guide Zakopenem, Katowice travel guide,tourist guide Czestochowa, Wroclaw tourist guide, travelguidePoznan, Torun tourist guide, travel guide Bydgoszcz,Szczecintourist guide, travel guide Gdansk, Gdynia tourist guide,travelguide Sandomierz travel guide Sopot , Bialystok touristguide,travel guide Radom and Starachowice tourist guide.
Warsaw Map and Walks 55
A handy app with several self-guided walks to help youexploreWarsaw.
Warsaw Travel Guide 4.6.0
The Warsaw travel guide is a complete and up to date city guide.Itworks offline, you don't need an internet connection.Bookmarkinteresting places in the sightseeing section with allthemonuments. Pick your ideal restaurant in the eating outsectioncontaining the best restaurants. Discover the nightlife ofWarsaw!Bars, pubs & discos in Warsaw. Use the detailed offlinemap ofWarsaw to simply find out where you are and see what'saround. Thecomplete background information can be an interestingread at homeor on the road to your next adventure. Useful when youare there: -Currency converter. - Phrasebook for Polish. - Weatherforecast(updated when online). - Directions on how to get to aplace bypublic transport. - Book hotels and tours in Warsawdirectly fromthe app (when online). About Triposo Founded by andfor travelers,Triposo delivers up-to-date information, detailedmaps andintelligent recommendations for more than 40,000destinations in200 countries around the world. To make our guideswe use thecontent that is freely available. Open content siteslikeWikivoyage, Wikipedia, World66 and OpenStreetMap are among thebestresources for any traveler. Whether you are a planner or prefertogo with the flow, Triposo helps you discover the unexpectedandexperience travel in a new way. If you see any problem withtheapp, please write us an email at [email protected] so wecanfigure out what's wrong and fix it. Thanks!
Путеводители Ever.Travel 1.2.4
Ever.Travel – это простой, красивый и удобныйпланировщикпутешествий. С ним вы подготовитесь к поездке буквальнов три шага!Всё просто:1. Скачайте приложение.2. Выберите город, куда вы собираетесь поехать.3. Добавьте в избранное места, которые захотите посмотреть.Почему путеводитель Ever.Travel лучше многих другихпланировщиковпутешествий?- Вы можете организовать поездку,«распределив»достопримечательности по нескольким дням путешествия ивыстраиваямаршруты даже между несколькими городами истранами!- Карта города доступна для загрузки и использования вofflineрежиме.- Описания всех достопримечательностей идут на русском языке.- В каждом городе вы найдете до 150 интересных мест, музеев,кафе,торговых центров, парков отдыха и развлечений.- Каждый объект сопровождается фото, кратким описанием, меткойнакарте и сведениями о часах работы и стоимости билетов.- По многим городам у нас есть готовые маршруты для прогулок, апоРиму, Парижу, Венеции, Стамбулу, Мадриду, Таллину,Иерусалиму,Праге, Милану и Барселоне даже аудиогиды!На данный момент мы рады представить вам путеводители последующимгородам:- Анапа- Ангкор- Амстердам- Афины- Баку- Бали- Бангкок- Барселона- Берлин- Бостон- Братислава- Брюссель- Будапешт- Буэнос-Айрес- Варшава- Вашингтон- Великий Новгород- Вена- Венеция- Верона- Вильнюс- Владимир- Волгоград- Геленджик- ГОА- Гонконг- Дели- Дрезден- Дубай- Дублин- Екатеринбург- Женева- Зальцбург- Иваново- Иерусалим- Инсбрук- Казань- Калининград- Кёльн- Киев- Кипр- Копенгаген- Кострома- Краков- Куала-Лумпур- Лас-Вегас- Лиссабон- Лондон- Лос-Анджелес- Львов- Мадрид- Милан- Минск- Монреаль- Москва- Мумбай- Мюнхен- Неаполь- Нижний Новгород- Нью-Йорк- Одесса- Осло- Париж- Пекин- Переслаль-Залесский- Пермь- Прага- Псков- Пхукет- Рига- Рим- Рио-де-Жанейро- Ростов Великий- Самуи- Санкт-Петербург- Сан-Паулу- Сан-Франциско- Севилья- Сеул- Сергиев Посад- Сингапур- София- Сочи- Стамбул- Стокгольм- Суздаль- Таллин- Тбилиси- Тверь- Тель-Авив- Токио- Торонто- Флоренция- Франкфурт-на-Майне- Хайнань- Ханой- Хельсинки- Хошимин- Цюрих- Чикаго- Шанхай- Эдинбург- ЯрославльКаждую неделю мы добавляем в органайзер путешествийEver.Travelновые города, экскурсии и достопримечательности! Европа,Россия,Азия, Ближний Восток – перед вами подробный гид по десяткамстранмира! Не откладывайте на потом, скачайте бесплатнопрямосейчас!ВНИМАНИЕ: Продолжительное использование смартфона с включеннымGPSзначительно быстрее разряжает батарею. Не забудьте зарядитьтелефонперед выходом на прогулку!Ever.Travel – Путешествуйте. Всегда!http://ever.travelEver.Travel - a simple, beautiful and convenient travelplanner.With it, you prepare for the trip just in three steps!It's simple:1. Download the app.2. Select the city where you are going to go.3. Add to favorites places that you want to see.Why Guide Ever.Travel better than many other travel planner?- You can organize the trip, "distributing" attraction forseveraldays of travel routes and building even between severalcities andcountries!- Map of the city is available for download and use inofflinemode.- Descriptions of all the sights are in Russian.- In each city you will find up to 150 points of interest,museums,cafes, shopping centers, parks, recreation andentertainment.- Each object is accompanied by a photo, a brief description,thelabel on the map and information on opening hours andticketprices.- In many cities we have a ready-made routes for walking, andinRome, Paris, Venice, Istanbul, Madrid, Tallinn, Jerusalem,Prague,Milan and Barcelona even audio guides!At the moment, we are glad to present you the guides ofthefollowing cities:- Anapa- Angkor- Amsterdam- Athens- Baku- Bali- Bangkok- Barcelona- Berlin- Boston- Bratislava- Brussels- Budapest- Buenos Aires- Warsaw- Washington- Great Novgorod- Vienna- Venice- Verona- Vilnius- Vladimir- Volgograd- Gelendzhik- GOA- Hong Kong- Delhi- Dresden- Dubai- Dublin- Yekaterinburg- Geneva- Salzburg- Ivanovo- Jerusalem- Innsbruck- Kazan- Kaliningrad- Cologne- Kiev- Cyprus- Copenhagen- Kostroma- Krakow- Kuala Lumpur- Las Vegas- Lisbon- London- Los Angeles- Lviv- Madrid- Milan- Minsk- Montreal- Moscow- Mumbai- Munich- Naples- Nizhny Novgorod- New York- Odessa- Oslo- Paris- Beijing- Pereslal-Zaleski- Perm- Prague- Pskov- Phuket- Riga- Rome- Rio de Janeiro- Rostov- Samui- St. Petersburg- Sao Paulo- San Francisco- Sevilla- Seoul- Sergiyev Posad- Singapore- Sofia- Sochi- Istanbul- Stockholm- Suzdal- Tallinn- Tbilisi- Tver- Tel Aviv- Tokyo- Toronto- Florence- Frankfurt- Hainan- Hanoi- Helsinki- Ho Chi Minh City- Zurich- Chicago- Shanghai- Edinburgh- YaroslavlEvery week we add in the travel organizer Ever.Travel new citytoursand attractions! Europe, Russia, Asia, the Middle East - infront ofyou a detailed guide to dozens of countries around theworld! Do notprocrastinate, download now for free!NOTE: Continued use of GPS-enabled smartphone significantlydrainthe battery faster. Do not forget to charge the phone beforegoingfor a walk!Ever.Travel - traveling. Always!
El Punto Sobre la Historia 1.0
¡La revista interactiva oficialdelproyectomulticanal "El Punto sobre la Historia"!Una nueva forma de conocer la Historia de Madrid.¡Nuncaantesnadie te la ha contado así! La Historia no soncifras,fechas,nombres o aburridas listas. Son aventuras que tevanasorprender.Una revista que lleva al extremo todas las posibilidadesdelainteractividad.Conoce los rincones más desconocidos, las vidasmásinteresantes,las batallas, los amores y las luchas de reyesyplebeyos.Conviértete en un experto para vacilar a tusamigoscontándoles loque NO saben de los rincones de Madrid.¡Déjate arrastrar por “El Punto de la Historia”! AhoratambiénenTelemadrid.The officialmagazineofthe multi-channel interactive project "Point of History"!A new way to learn the history of Madrid. Never beforehasanyonetold you so! History is not numbers, dates, names orboringlists.They are adventures that will surprise you.A magazine that leads to end allpossibilitiesofinteractivity.Meet the most unknown corners, the mostinterestinglives,battles, loves and struggles of kings andcommoners. Becomeanexpert to hesitate telling your friends do notknow what cornerofMadrid.Let yourself be carried away by "The Point of History"!Nowalsoin Telemadrid.
Busradar: Bus Trip App 4.0
Busradar, the search engine for bus trips in Britain and Europe
Kalkulator Podróżnika 1.2
Wybierasz się w podróż i chceszszybkoprzeliczyć ceny w walucie na złotówki? Jesteś za granicą ichceszporównać cenę, przeliczając ją na swoja rodzimą walutę?Aplikacja „Kalkulator Podróżnika” umożliwia szybkieprzeliczeniecen w walutach na ceny w PLN według kursówdostarczanych Przelicznik działa zarównow wersji onlinejak i offline. Do wyboru jest 69 krajów, do którychpodróżujemynajczęściej, wraz z przypisaną do nich walutą. W sumiemożeszprzeliczyć na złotówki ceny w 20 walutach takich jak: euro,dolaramerykański, funt brytyjski, frank szwajcarski, koronaczeska,norweska, szwedzka i duńska, lew bułgarski, rubel rosyjski,lejrumuński, kuna chorwacka, lira turecka, dolar kanadyjski,pesomeksykańskie, dolar singapurski, dolar hongkoński,dolaraustralijski, dolar nowozelandzki i randpołudniowoafrykański.Aplikacja posiada system lokalizacji użytkownika, dzięki czemupojej uruchomieniu automatyczne wyświetlany jest kraj, wktórymprzebywasz w podróży. W każdej chwili możesz także sprawdzićkursywalut w innych krajach, wybierając je z alfabetycznej listylubodnajdując za pomocą wyszukiwarki. To idealne rozwiązaniedlaturystów, osób pracujących za granicą czy będących wsłużbowejdelegacji, którzy chcą w szybki sposób przeliczyć nazłotówki cenyw walucie kraju, w którym są.Kursy walut są aktualizowane na bieżąco przy korzystaniu zwersjionline. Usługa dostępna jest także w wersji offline - wprzypadkubraku dostępu do internetu podstawą do wyliczeń cen jestśredni kursdanej waluty z ostatnich 3 miesięcy on a trip andwantto quickly convert the prices in the currency for a buck? Youareabroad and you want to compare the price, converting it toitsnative currency?The "calculator Travelers' allows for quick conversion priceonthe prices of currencies in PLN at the rates Converter operates in both onlineandoffline. You can choose from 69 countries to which wetravelfrequently, along with the currency assigned to them. Intotal, youcan convert to buck prices in 20 currencies such as Euro,USDollar, British Pound, Swiss Franc, Czech Koruna,Norwegian,Swedish and Danish, Bulgarian lev, the Russian ruble,Romanian leu,Croatian kuna, Turkish lira, the Canadian dollar ,Mexican peso,Singapore dollar, Hong Kong dollar, Australian dollar,New Zealanddollar and South African rand.The application has a user location system, so that whenitstarts up automatically displays the country in which youaretraveling. At any time, you can also check the exchange ratesinother countries, by selecting them from the alphabetical listorfinding using the search. This is ideal for tourists,peopleworking abroad or being in business delegations who want aquickway to convert to buck prices in the currency of the countrywherethey are.Exchange rates are updated on a regular basis when usingtheonline version. The service is also available in offline version-in the absence of internet access pricing basis for calculationisthe average rate of the currency in the last three monthsprovidedby
Footsteps 2.2.4
Footsteps - Travel Guide
Geo Tracker - GPS tracker
You can find answers to most commonquestionsin the FAQ section of mywebsite: you're looking for an excellent gps tracker, if you're a fanofaction sports and long distance travel - this app is foryou!Record tracks of your trips and share them with your friends!Geo Tracker can help:• making the reverse journey in an unfamiliar area withoutgettinglost
• tell your friends how to repeat your route
• use someone else's route that is stored in GPX or KML• mark important or interesting points of your trip.The application is able to record, even when switched off. Verylongtracks could be recorded without problems - you are limitedbystorage memory only. Recorded tracks are saved in GPX orKMLformat, so they can be used in certain applications such asOziExplorer or Google Earth.When showing track on the map, the application keepsdevicebacklight, which simplifies track navigation usage.Geo Tracker is based on public API of Yandex.Maps, so in tripsoverRussia and CIS countries you'll have the most detailed map ofthearea.Application can calculate track statistics - boldly show offyourachievements to your friends :)Geo Tracker calculates:• Max & average speed on the track;• Time and average speed moving;• Max & min altitude, altitude difference;• Vertical distance, ascent & speed;• Min, max & average slope;There are also some fine charts of speed & elevation;If you have a proposal how to enchance the application or facedsomeproblem - please feel free to contactme:[email protected]. Thanks!Useful tips & tricks to solve common GPS issues withyoursmartphone:• If you start the tracking please wait with recording youractivityuntil the GPS signal is found.• Restart your smartphone and make sure that you have "clearview"of the sky before you start (no disturbing objects likehighbuildings, forest, etc.).• The reception conditions are permanently changing because theygotinfluenced by the following factors: weather, season,positioning ofsatellites, areas with bad GPS coverage, highbuildings, forest,etc.).• Go to phone settings, choose "Location" and activate it.• Go to phone settings, choose "Date & time" and activatethefollowing options: "Automatic date & time" and "Automatictimezone". It may occur that it takes longer until the GPS signalisfound if your smartphone is set to the wrong time zone.• Deactivate the airplane mode in your phone settings.If none of these tips & tricks helped to solve yourissues,deinstall the app and reinstall it again.Be aware that Google uses in their Google Maps app not only theGPSdata but also additional data of the current locationfromsurrounding WLAN networks and/or mobile networks.
Pinball: Classic Arcade Games 4.0
Classic pinball machine for you! Play now pinball game -classicarcade game! 4.9.1 - Official City App
Warsaw Chopin Airport WAW Info 15.0
Live Arrivals / Departures for WAW airport
Learn Vietnamese Bubble Bath 2.18
Going to Hanoi, Saigon, or Ho Chi Minh City? Time to learnsomeVietnamese!
Zoo Wrocław Map 3.0.1
Sii Polska
Zoo Wrocław Map is a powerful mobile navigation tool fortheWroclawzoological garden. You have a choice of 4predefinedsightseeingroutes that can be freely modified based onavailableattractionsand events. Notifications will inform you aboutanupcoming animalfeeding time taking into considerationyourdistance from theattraction. Zoo Wroclaw Map will also help youinfinding theclosest restaurant, exit or toilet. Thanks toZooWroclaw Map: - youwill reach all the animals without anyproblems- you won't miss anattraction - you won't overlook thefeedingtime of your favouriteanimals - you will quickly find theclosestrestaurant, exit ortoilet
Maps, Navigation & Directions 4.0
Travel around the globe or look aroundtheworldwith a swipe of your finger and get live Maps, GPSNavigationandDirections! Find your current location or search foran addressandnavigate using googlemaps or OpenStreetMap (OSM) toyourdestination.Doesn’t matter what transportation you use as ourappincludesCity, Satellite, Traffic, Public Transit, Cycling andevena mapfor Hiking. With our app you will always find yourlocationandwill navigate with ease.Browse layers on the map like Wikipedia, watchvideosfromYouTube, photos from Panoramio or the currentweather&forecast.App includes map types for all your needs!MAP TYPES•City map with more details than googlemaps – you willnavigatethecity with ease!•Traffic map : See current traffic conditions toavoidtrafficjams•Public transport map with train, bus and subway routes -findthestation nearest to you and quickly get around townlikealocal•Cycling map with bike routes and contour lines - planyournextcycling tour•Walking map – enjoy detailed and walk-friendly maps -explorethecity in the best way possible: on foot and navigate withahikingmap•Satellite view from googlemaps – enjoy the view from the spaceFEATURESCombine maps with these layers including fascinating data:? Photos on map: Photos from worldwide photosharingdatabasePanoramio (100 million photos)? Videos on map : Localized videos on YouTube? Wiki on map: Wikipedia guide - read Wikipediainformationaboutselected cities, sights, attractions andinterestingplaces? Street view on map: See the world on street levelwithstreetview? Live Webcams on map: See thousands of live webcams worldwideSEARCHAutocomplete function for addresses and search termsmakessearchesso easy. It uses your location to propose results inthearea.Autocomplete function can work with:•Addresses (street name & house number, city)•ZIP code•POI Nearby points of interest like hotels,restaurants,shopping,museums, stations and moreRecognition of your location via GPS (latitude,longitude)orIP-address if available.App is optimized for smartphones and tablets.Maps, Navigation & Directions usesgooglemapsandOpenStreetMap (OSM).Explore your city on dozens of maps -worldwide,street,satellite, traffic, public transit, cycling,walking andhikingeven weather maps. You can even watch thousands oflivewebcams tosee what is the weather or the traffic in the city!Ifyou live inthe United States (US) e.g. New York or LosAngeles,Houston orDallas, Chicago or Atlanta, San FranciscoorWashington.OpenStreetMap (OSM) is a collaborative project to createafreeeditable map of the world. Two major driving forcesbehindtheestablishment and growth of OSM have been restrictions onuseoravailability of map information across much of the worldandtheadvent of inexpensive portable satellite navigationdevices.Formore information see www.openstreetmap.orgAll cities and countries of the world: london,paris,bangkok,singapore, istanbul, hong kong, madrid, dubai,frankfurt,kualalumpur, seoul, rome, New york, shanghai,barcelona,milan,amsterdam, vienna, beijing, taipei, Rio de janeiro,tokyo,quito,Abu dhabi, tunis, dubai, taipei, istanbul, beijing,bogota,lima,riyadh, nairobi, singapore, seoul, cairo,shanghai,toronto,washington, D.C., caracas, moscow, St. petersburg,Sanfrancisco,johannesburg, florence, Los angeles, honolulu,bahrain,shanghai,toronto, berlin, budapest, dublin, mecca, prague,cancun,macau,venice, warsaw, mexico, guangzhou, benidorm,orlando,miami,munich, shenzen, sydney, lisbon, Las vegas,hangzhou,marrakesh,tokyo, mumbai, Sao paulo, pakistan,turkey,jakarta,nepal, USA,indonesia, Philippines, oman, india, israel,italy.