Top 5 Apps Similar to My Stoppoint

GOnet + 0.2.9
Gonet adalah petunjuk informasikebutuhanbarang dan jasa berikut lokasi dan informasi penjualnyayangterbuka untuk dimanfaatkan secara umum.Dalam aplikasi ini untuk sementara mencakup kategori1. Pencarian agen bus dan travel,2. Pencarian material bahan bangunan dan toko bahan bangunan,3. Pencarian bengkel mobil dan motor terdekat,4. Pencarian layanan perbaikan alat rumah tangga,5. Pencarian layanan pemeliharaan AC6. Pencarian layanan laundry, dan lain lainMaksud dibangunnya aplikasi ini diantaranya:1. Memudahkan pengguna mencari produk tertentu di wilayahsekitarbeserta penjualnya2. memudahkan pengguna mencari dan mendapatkan informasitepatketika memerlukan barang dengan segera karena onlineshopmembutuhkan waktu kirim dari pihak kurir / expedisi.3. Menegaskan untuk belanja pada offline store, sehinggakepuasanmembeli terpenuhi dengan melihat dan mempertimbangkanpembelianberdasar penilaian fisik dan berhubungan dengan penjualyang mudahdiminta pertanggung jawaban karna semua penjual dalamaplikasi inidisyaratkan memiliki tempat usaha yang jelas.4. Mencari dan memilih penjual terdekat atau di wilayahterpilihyang sedang mengadakan promo pada produk tertentu5. Mencari penjual produk tertentu di lokasi yang tidak andakenaldengan mudah dan dapat dibantu dengan menggunakanfiturnavigasi6. Membantu menghubungkan client dan vendor atau customerdenganpenjualnya yang memiliki lokasi berdekatan, sehingga pembeliatauklien memilih untuk berbisnis dengan penjual atauvendorterdekat7. Membantu anda membandingkan barang satu dengan yang lainpadasatu jendela aplikasi dengan membaca deskripsi singkatyangdiseragamkan pihak pengembang.Dan masih banyak lainnya yang sedang dikembangkan dalamaplikasiini.Sebagai Pebisnis :- Mendaftarkan profil usaha dalam aplikasi ini artinyaandamenyatakan eksistensi dan dengan mudah ditemukan dandijangkaupelanggan yang membutuhkan terutama pelangganterdekat- Menyampaikan promo produk dalam status profil dan dapat dilihatdipublik tanpa harus menyampaikan secara personal maupun spandukdanbrosur, sehingga promo anda lebih tepat sasaran- Menyelamatkan bisnis offline dari maraknya toko onlineGonet is userinformationneeds of the following goods and services and thelocation of theinformation the seller is open to be used ingeneral.In this application for temporary cover category1. Search bus and travel agents,2. Search building materials and building materials stores,3. Search nearby car and motorcycle repair shop,4. Search the household appliance repair services,5. Search service air conditioning maintenance6. Search laundry service, etc.Purpose built this application include:1. Make it easy for users looking for specific products inthesurrounding area along with the seller2. allows users to search and get the right information whenitrequires the goods immediately because online shop takes sendfromthe courier / expedition.3. Affirm for shopping at offline stores, so the satisfactionofbuying fulfilled by seeing and considering the purchase basedonphysical assessment and dealing with a seller who isheldresponsible because all sellers in these applications arerequiredto have a clear business.4. Finding and selecting the closest retailer or in theselectedregion is being held on a particular product promo5. Search for sellers of a particular product in a location thatyoudo not know is easy and can be helped by using thenavigationfeatures6. Helping connect the client and vendor or customer with asellerwho has a nearby location, so that buyers or clients chooseto dobusiness with the seller or the nearest vendor7. Helps you compare one with the other items in theapplicationwindow by reading the short description that uniformedpartydevelopers.And many more are being developed in this application.As a businessman:- Registering a business profile in this application meansyoudeclare the existence and easily find and reach customerswhorequire particularly close customer- Deliver promo products in the state of the profile and can beseenin public without having to submit personal and bannersandbrochures, so you better targeted promo- Saving the offline business from the rise of online store
Nova Distributors 3.5.1
Shop Online with the free Nova Distributors Android app.
Kiosherbalku 1.0.0
Triple A Indo adalah SebuahTokoherbalonline dan supplier herbal yang menjual berbagai macamobatherbaldan Thibbun Nabawi TERMURAH dan TERLENGKAP seperti:Habatusauda, Minyak zaitun, Herbal Pasutri,HerbalAnak-Anak,Alat-Alat Kesehatan dan berbagai juga membuka kesempatan peluang usahauntukandamenjadi grosir herbal seperti kami dengan discountyangsangatmenarik sd 60% jangan sampai ketinggalan, Maribergabungdengankami, Masih terbuka luas untuk menjadi agendiseluruhIndonesia.Selamat Berbelanja di Web Kami WWW.KIOSHERBALKU.COMTerima kasihKiosherbalku.comisaherbal shop online and herbal suppliers that sell a widevarietyofherbal remedies and Tibb Nabawi and Complete CHEAPESTlike:Habatusauda, ​​olive oil, Couples Herbs, Herbal Kids,HealthToolsand various other herbal also open up opportunities foryourbusinessopportunity into wholesale herbs like us with averyattractivediscount up to 60% not to be missed, Come join us,stillwide opento become agents throughout Indonesia.Happy Shopping on the Web We WWW.KIOSHERBALKU.COMthank you
ZiPAY 1.12
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Direct Line Medical Supply 0.72.13430.38818
Direct Line Medical Supply thousands ofmedicalsupply products listed online. Descriptions and photos.Best lowwholesale prices. Delivered to the home or clinic. Medicalsuppliesat low cost flat shipment cost. Deliver the best qualityproducts.Diabetic supplies, needles and sryinges, medical glovesand medicalequipment. Over 5,000 products online and 45,000products differentproducts in stock. Just contact us if you seeanything you need thatwe don't have listed online.Shipping is always $5.75*You can compare thousands of products. Great resource forviewingmedical products.As a veteran owned business, We've learned first-hand thatbehindevery medical situation is a patient and a person. So ourmission isto offer brand-name medical supplies and equipment atdiscountprices—backed by the best customer service of anyonlineretailer.The Direct Line Medical not only wants you to be satisfiedwithyour products, we want you to be pleased with every aspect ofyourpurchase - from store to door. We invested in astate-of-the-artautomated order processing system that runs 24/7 toget your orderto our national manufacturer and distributor networkimmediatelyupon placement so you get the products you need faster.That's whyif you can't find the product you need, we will - at noextracharge find the product you need. That's why thousands ofnewcustomers have become regular repeat customers throughinnovativeservices customer service. That's why we do everything wecan tomake buying from us the best shopping experiencepossible.Sign up to receive newsletters and discount offers. And knowthatwe welcome and encourage your comments or questions by emailat anypoint while you shop with us for your diabetes,incontinence,ostomy, or other medical needs. From simple questionsto expertproduct advice, we'll do everything we can to addressyour feedbackdirectly and personally as quickly as possible.We look forward to hearing from you and thank you againforchoosing Directlinemedical.comMajority of our orders are shipped by UPS.Our credit card processing is 100 percent secure and isprocessedthrough If your credit card isn'tprocessing righttry to process your credit card through Paypal atcheckout.