Top 3 Apps Similar to Rescue Foundation

SKOUT+ - Meet, Chat, Friend
Skout Inc.
Enjoy the AD-FREE version of SKOUT, theglobalnetwork for meeting new people. NO ADS, all fun!SKOUT connects you with new people nearby or all over theworld!Download the SKOUT app to meet and chat with men and womenbased onsearch parameters that YOU set. Chat with new friends, givegifts,share photos and more! SKOUT lets you choose which people youwantto chat with, whether they’re nearby or in a city you wanttovisit. Download the largest app for finding newfriendsnearby!NO ADS, all fun! Simply download SKOUT+ and your existingSKOUTaccount, profile and chats will automatically carryover.
ActionAid 1.3
Dear user,This app has been created by ActionAid to easilyenablecitizensall over the world to map dangers in their cities,indicatethelack of essential public facilities and informlocalauthoritiesabout what needs to be fixed for the city to becomeasafer andmore inclusive space for all, and especially womenandyouth.Using this app, you are able to tag 10 symbols and markplacesasRed and Yellow onto a Google map. When you are done,click“send”and add the e-mail address to the public authority youwouldlike tosend the information to. Feel free to add a greetingtomake yourmessage more personal. The recipient will then receiveapicture ofthe map with the symbols you’ve added, and thusclearlysee whatneeds to be fixed and where.The 10 symbols include lack of access to cleanwater,publictoilets, lights, garbage and recycling,inconvenientvegetation,fair and uncorrupt police and judicialsystem,education, safepublic transport, youth clinics andcontraception,as well as safespaces where women, youth and childrencan socializesafely andmeaningfully.Use the red marker to indicate streets and spaces thatareunsafedue to social factors, for instance the presence ofcrime,violenceand sexual harassment, gangs and prostitution. Usetheyellow markerto indicate streets that are unsafe due to absenceofsidewalks,irresponsible driving and i. e; tunnels andgangwaysthat younormally avoid due to fear.Thank you for contributing in creating safe andinclusivecitiesfor all!Best regards,ActionAidActionAid is an international humanitarianorganisation,workingwith over 15 million people in 45 countries fora world freefrompoverty and
weTouch-Chat and meet people 4.0.3
Start right now to start a brand new social life withexcitementevery day! Tap the download button, and the whole worldwill bedifferent. 【weTouch features】 Just tap the heart or swiperight ifyou like someone, OR tap the “X” or swipe left if you arenotinterested in someone. Chats: This feature is significantinknowing and meeting new people. Just leave a messagetofriends/lover or a streamer you like. The best bit is thatthisfeature is absolutely free. Nearby: This feature allows youtoquickly meet and choose people you want to know near you.Don’tworry about your privacy as you’re always in complete control–your exact location and personal information will never begivenwithout your permission. YOU decide if, when, and how you wanttoconnect. More innovative features are coming out soon! “Notice"*If you have any questions or suggestions, please contact [email protected] * You need to have more than 50 Facebook friendstoregister. * Your privacy and safety are our priority. * Wemonitorand review any illegal behavior (eg: fraud, paiddating,advertising, etc.). Please report if you see any. Pleasenote thatwith all subscriptions: * Subscription automaticallyrenews unlessauto-renew is turned off at least 24-hours before theend of thecurrent period. * Account will be charged for renewalwithin24-hours prior to the end of the current period, and identifythecost of the renewal. * You can turn off the auto-renewal ofyoursubscription through the Google Play Account on your Androiddeviceor through the Google Play on your computer. Once you turnoffauto-renewal, your subscription will expire at the end ofthecurrent subscription period.