Top 17 Apps Similar to Your Love History

Visual Novel Español 9.0.0
VISUAL NOVEL.Tendrás un amor secretoquequiereenamorarte. Debes averiguar quién es. Habrá pistas.Tambiénpuedeselegir el final. ¡¡Tu historia de amor !! Descárgala,VISUALNOVELNo te la puedes perder.TOTALMENTE EN ESPAÑOL Y GRATIS!!VISUALNOVEL.Tendrásasecret love that wants to fall in love. You must findout whoheis. There will be clues. You can also choose the final.Yourlovestory !! Download it, VISUAL NOVEL not to be missed.SPANISH AND TOTALLY FREE !!
My Memorial Lover(Esp) 1.0.0
◇◇¡Sistema de Tickets deHistoria!¡Puedesdisfrutar de todas las historias demaneragratuita!◇◇
◇◇ “My Memorial Lover” es una historia completamenteoriginalsobreel inicio de una nueva relación con uno detusantiguosnovios!◇◇
◇◇¡Tú eres la heroína! ¡Cumplirás el rol de laheroínayexperimentarás un romance con uno detusatractivosex-novios!◇◇■■Sinopsis■■
Luego de graduarte de la universidad, obtuviste unalicenciaparatrabajar como maestra en un jardín de infantes en laciudad enlaque estudiaste.Tus días transcurren de una manera completamente rutinaria.Sientes que no hay nada “romántico” en tu vida, ya que no sólonohasestado en una relación durante mucho tiempo, sino queapenashashablado con hombres durante ese período.“Pero incluso yo...”Tu vida ha sido muy poco interesante hasta ahora.Recuerdas bien los días que pasaste con tus “Ex-novios”.Te arrepientes de la manera en la que terminaronesasrelaciones,pero ya no hay nada que puedas hacer alrespecto.Entonces, un día,sucede algo que cambiará tu vida parasiempre.Sucede justo en elmomento en que regresabas a tu casa desdelaestación de tren.■■Personajes■■
◆【Ex-novio que se ha hecho cargo del negociodeimportacionesfamiliar】Eiji
Altura: 178cm Edad: 25
“¿Es que acaso no es obvio? Eres la única mujer queheamado.”Eiji fue tu primer novio y lo conociste antes de entraralasecundaria.Eran una pareja jóven llena de ilusiones.Sin embargo, decidió romper contigo para concentrarse ensusestudiosy hacerse cargo de la compañía de su padre.◆【Ex-novio que se ha convertido en músico】Keisuke
Altura: 170cm Edad: 20
“Haré que seas mi fan número uno.”
Keisuke es un novio que tuviste durante la secundaria y esdosañosmás joven que tú.Confesó sus sentimientos por ti en el festival de laescuelaycomenzaron a salir juntos, pero rompió contigo abruptamenteytedijo que se iría a Estados Unidos para convertirse en unmúsicoderock.◆【Ex-novio que tiene 17 años más que tú y tiene una esposayunahija】Nakamura
Altura: 180cm Edad: 38
“Tal vez para ti no sea un hombre, pero para mi túeresunamujer.”
Nakamura es un novio que conociste cuando asistías aclasesdebaile.Tiene diecisiete años más que tú. Tenían mucho en común ysellevabanmuy bien.Antes de darte cuenta, pasabas casi todo el día con él.Sinembargo,no sólo tiene una esposa, sino que también tiene unahijade tuedad...Estas circunstancias hicieron que se separaran.◆【Ex-novio con padres extranjeros yunasonrisaencantadora】Atsuya
Altura: 179cm Edad: 23
Atsuya es un novio al que conociste en una fiesta ycuyoestilo,apariencia y sonrisa te atrajeron inmediatamente.Te enseñó un tipo de romance que sólo creías que existíaenlaspelículas y que nunca antes habías experimentado.La relación era tan maravillosa que cualquier mujerhubierahechocualquier cosa por tenerla, pero tus inseguridades,basadas entusdecepciones anteriores, hicieron que tengas problemasparaconfiaren él y llevaron a la separación.¡Puedes elegir de entre todos estos personajes basándoteentuspreferencias!
¿... De quién volverás a enamorarte?■Cómo jugar■
¡Jugar es muy fácil!
1. Abre la App del juego y presiona el botón de “Prólogo”
2. Lee el prólogo.
3. Elige tu personaje favorito.
4. Toma las decisiones durante la historia y acércatealpersonajeelegido.
5. ¡Hay dos finales para cada historia!¡Tus decisiones determinarán si tienes o no un Final Feliz!
※La historia de esta App puede ser leída en su totalidaddemaneragratuita usando los tickets que te daremos cada día.
※Si no quieres esperar, también puedes comprarlahistoriacompleta.
※ Además, podrás obtener más tickets de maneragratuitamirandovideos y cumpliendo con ciertas condiciones.
※Sin embargo, necesitarás Tickets de Final para poder verlosfinalesy no podrás hacerlo hasta que hayas cumplidoconlosrequerimientos.◇◇TicketingSystemHistory! You can enjoy all the stories for free!◇◇◇◇ "My Memorial Lover" is a completely original storyaboutthebeginning of a new relationship with one of youroldboyfriends!◇◇◇◇ You are the hero! You You will give the role ofheroinandexperience a romance with one of yourex-boyfriendsattractive!◇◇■■ ■■ SynopsisAfter graduating from college, did you get a license to workasateacher in a kindergarten in the city in which you study.Your days pass in a completely routine.You feel that there is nothing "romantic" in your life,becausenotonly has not been in a relationship for a long time,butyou'vejust spoken to men during that period."But even I ..."Your life has been very little interest so far.Remember well the days you spent with your "Ex-boyfriends."You regret the way in which those relationships ended,butthere'snothing you can do about it. Then one day, somethinghappensthatwill change your life forever. It happens right at thetimeyoureturned to your home from the train station.■■ ■■ Characters◆ 【Ex-boyfriend who has taken over the familybusinessimportsEiji】Height: 178cm Age: 25"Is it not obvious? You're the only woman I ever loved. "Eiji was your first boyfriend and I met beforeenteringhighschool.They were a young couple full of dreams.However, he decided to break up with you to concentrateonhisstudies and take over the company from his father.◆ 【Ex-boyfriend who has become】 musician KeisukeHeight: 170cm Age: 20"I'll have to be my number one fan."Keisuke is a boyfriend you had during high school and istwoyearsyounger than you.He confessed his feelings for you at the festival ofschoolandstarted hanging out together, but abruptly broke up withyouandtold you he would go to America to become a rockmusician.◆ 【Ex-boyfriend who is 17 years older than you and has awifeanda daughter】 NakamuraHeight: 180cm Age: 38"Maybe for you is not a man, but to me you're a woman."Nakamura is a boyfriend who knew you when youattendeddanceclasses.She is seventeen years older than you. They had much incommonandgot along very well.Before you know it, you spent almost all day with him.However,notonly he has a wife, but also has a daughter your age...These circumstances made separate.◆ 【Ex-boyfriend with foreign parents and acharmingsmile】AtsuyaHeight: 179cm Age: 23"Hello."Atsuya is a boyfriend she met at a party and whosestyle,appearanceand smile attracted you immediately.You taught a kind of romance that you thought only existedinmoviesand had never before experienced.The relationship was so wonderful that any woman wouldhavedoneanything to have, but your insecurities, based onyourpreviousdisappointments, did you have trouble trusting him andledto theseparation.You can choose from all these characters basedonyourpreferences! ¿... Who you'll never fall in love?■ How to Play ■Playing is easy!1. Open the App of the game and press the button "Prologue"2. Read the prologue.3. Choose your favorite character.4. Make decisions throughout history and approachthechosencharacter.5. There are two endings for each story!Your decisions will determine whether or not to haveahappyending!※ The history of this app it can be read in its entiretyforfreeusing tickets that will give you every day.※ If you do not want to wait, you can also buy the fullstory.※ In addition, you'll get more free tickets watchingvideosandmeeting certain conditions.※ However, you need Final Tickets to see the end and you cannotdountil you have met the requirements.
Meu Estranho Amado 1.0.1
◇◇Você pode desfrutar deste jogo até o fimdegraça!! ◇◇◇◇Este é um doce e comovente Aplicativo de Drama Romântico quetraçauma história de amor com os misteriosos companheiros de casaquemoram na mesma casa partilhada que você!!◇◇◇◇Você é a heroína! Você assume o papel de heroína e experimentaumromance com homens-fera!◇◇■■Sinopse■■Você estava procurando por um lugar para se mudar depoisdeconseguir um emprego em um novo lugar.Você foi apresentada a uma estranha casa partilhada por umaagênciacorretora de imóveis que conheceu ao acaso.Lá você conhece os quatro misteriosos moradores: Shin Kamiya,MaoNekomiya, Hyouko Suzuki, e Tasuku Ichinose.Todos eles parecem ser bons homens, mas há uma misteriosa auraemtorno deles...Quais são suas verdadeiras identidades?E o que virá no seu destino depois de escolher viver nestapeculiarcasa partilhada?■■Personagens■■◆【Lobo Narcisista】Shin Kamiya“Está tudo bem se eu apenas ter um gostinho, certo?”Uma fera que tem o sangue de um lobo e ativamenteperseguemulheres.Ele é uma celebridade que é o vocalista de uma banda popular.Ele tem mais orgulho em ser uma fera do que os outros, eestáirritado com seu tipo sendo caçado pelos Espectros.Seu sangue de lobo age nas noites de lua cheia, fazendo-oafirmaraleatoriamente sua dominância sobre as mulheres queestãopróximas...Ele parece ter uma vaga ideia de que você é humana.◆【Gato Gentil】Mao Nekomiya“Você sabe... Eu quero beijar você...”Uma jovem fera que tem o sangue de um gato.Ele ainda é uma fera inexperiente, então ele não pode escondersuaverdadeira forma na noite de lua cheia.Suas orelhas de gatos aparecem durante uma lua cheia por causadasua inexperiência.Ele é um estudante universitário com uma personalidade calmaeamável, e também é o único colega de casa que é mais novoquevocê.Ele absolutamente não tem ideia que você é humana.Ele é incrivelmente popular com garotas por causa da suabelaaparência.◆【Raposa Perfeita】Hyouko Suzuki“Você cheira bem... como uma humana.”Uma fera que tem o sangue de uma raposa, e não tem interesseemperseguir ativamente mulheres.Ele tem uma disposição incrivelmente fria e desinteressada, emuitasvezes não mostra suas emoções.Ele tem um olfato muito bom, que faz dele hábil em seguir orastrode Espectros e humanos.Ele é habilidoso suficiente para ser um executivo de empresa,emuitas vezes evitado por seus colegas.Ele tem um ódio intenso contra si mesmo por ser uma fera.Seu olfato faz com que ele logo suspeite da suanaturezahumana...◆【Unicórnio Maduro】Tasuku Ichinose“Se você chegar a me amar, eu lhe amareiincondicionalmente.”Tasuku é o calmo e sensato líder da casa partilhada, e omaisvelho colega de casa o qual tem o sangue de um unicórnio.Ele é um professor universitário e é incrivelmente popular comseusestudantes por causa da sua personalidade calma.Ele percebeu logo que você é humana, mas deixou você morar nacasapartilhada sem nunca dizer nada sobre isso.Ele é alvo dos Espectros porque os unicórnios são uma das maisrarasferas.■Como Jogar■Para jogar é muito fácil!1. Carregue o Aplicativo do jogo e aperte o botão “Prólogo”.2. Leia o prólogo.3. Escolha seu personagem favorito.4. Faça suas escolhas enquanto lê a história e fica mais pertodoseu personagem escolhido.5. Há dois finais no total para esta história! Suas escolhasirãodeterminar se você chegará ao Final Feliz!※A história para este Aplicativo pode ser lida completamentedegraça usando bilhetes de história que serão dados para vocêtododia.※Você também pode comprar todo o cenário se você gosta de lerahistória sem ter que esperar.※ Além disso, você pode obter bilhetes de história degraçaassistindo vídeos e cumprindo condições específicas.※No entanto, você precisa dos Bilhetes de Finais para poder verosfinais e não será possível ver os finais sem cumprirosrequerimentos primeiro.◇◇ You can enjoy thisgameto the end for free !! ◇◇◇◇ This is a sweet and touching Application Drama Romantic mappingalove story with the mysterious fellow home living in the samesharedhouse you !! ◇◇◇◇ You are the hero! You assume the role of heroin and experienceanaffair with man-beast! ◇◇■■ ■■ SynopsisYou were looking for a place to change after getting a job in anewplace.You were introduced to a strange house shared by a realestatebrokerage that met at random.There you know the four mysterious residents: Shin Kamiya,MaoNekomiya, Hyouko Suzuki, and Tasuku Ichinose.They all seem to be good men, but there is a mysterious auraaroundthem ...What are their true identities?And what will come to your destination after choosing to liveinthis peculiar shared house?■■ ■■ Characters◆ 【】 Wolf Narcissistic Shin Kamiya"It's okay if I just have a taste, right?"A beast that has the blood of a wolf and activelypursueswomen.He is a celebrity who is the lead singer of a popular band.He has more pride in being a beast than the others, and isangrywith his type being hunted by the Wraith.His wolf blood acts on full moon nights, making it randomlyasserttheir dominance over women who are close ...He seems to have a vague idea that you are human.◆ 【】 Gentle Cat Mao Nekomiya"You know ... I want to kiss you ..."A young beast who has the blood of a cat.It is still an inexperienced beast, then he can not hide histrueform in the full moon night.Your cat ears appear during a full moon because ofhisinexperience.He is a college student with a calm and friendly personality, andisalso the only housemate who is younger than you.He has absolutely no idea that you are human.It is incredibly popular with girls because of itsbeautifulappearance.◆ 【】 Perfect Fox Hyouko Suzuki"You smell good ... like a human."A beast that has the blood of a fox, and has no interestinactively pursuing women.He has an incredibly cold and disinterested disposition, andoftendoes not show his emotions.He has a very good sense of smell, which makes him able tofollowthe trail of Specters and humans.He is skilled enough to be a business executive, and oftenshunnedby his colleagues.He has an intense hatred against himself for being a beast.Your smell makes him immediately suspect of his human nature...◆ 【】 Maduro Unicorn Tasuku Ichinose"If you get to love me, I will love you unconditionally."Tasuku is calm and wise leader of the shared house, and theolderhousemate who has the blood of a unicorn.He is a university professor and is incredibly popular withhisstudents because of his calm personality.He soon realized that you are human, but let you live insharedhouse without ever saying anything about it.He is the target of Wraith because unicorns are one of therarestbeasts.■ How to Play ■To play is very easy!1. Load the game application and press the button "Prologue".2. Read the prologue.3. Choose your favorite character.4. Make your choices as you read the story and is closer toyourchosen character.5. There are two final total for this story! Your choiceswilldetermine whether you will arrive at the Happy Ending!※ The story for this application can be read full story forfreeusing tickets that will be given to you every day.※ You can also buy the whole scenario if you like to read thestorywithout having to wait.※ In addition, you can get free tickets history watching videosandfulfilling specific conditions.※ However, you need the Finals tickets to see the end and youcannot see the end without fulfilling the first requirement.
Historias de Amor 3.0
Historias de amor enviadas por los lectores. Historiasrománticas,relatos, cuentos de amor y breves narraciones centradasen el amory el romance. Escribe tu historia de amor comparte connosotroscuentanos tu historia de amor mas romantica, emocionanteyasombrosa Queremos contar historias de amor en una especiedehomenaje al amor, porque seguimos creyendo en el amor, a pesardelas decepciones, a pesar de los desamores. Hermosas imagenesdeamor para comartir que te traemos cada dia, son bastanteromanticaspara que te enamores y puedas compartirlas con esapersona que tumás quieres. Esta aplicacion requiere conexion ainternet
Emma's Love Story 1.2.4
This is Emma's love story: there isthiscuteguy at the coffee shop, but she is too shy to approachhim.Sheneeds your help, to to conquer her crush's heart!Every day on her way to work, she daydreams of thestranger’sgreeneyes. And every day she is too shy to talk to him...Now it’syourturn! This unique game experience allows you to adviceEmma.Youcan choose: answer immediately or at a later date. Emmawillaskyou questions and your answers will decide how sheneedstoproceed.This interactive story is a true game of love fullofunexpectedtwists and unanswered love."Love Story" is is a member of social sweetheartsGmbH'sstory-tellerproject.
Radio City - Love Guru 1.8
Love Guru calls, stories, videos, songs, live chat and askaquestion
Love Guru 2.0.1
Are the two of you compatible? The Love Guru knows. Want tofindout?
Histoires d'amour 1.0
AyMoa Studio
Téléchargez l'application quicontient+200Meilleur Histoires D'amour ..Plus de +200 des histoires d'amour romantiques.Cette application contient des histoires d'amour différentes:• Histoires d'amour romantique• Histoire d'amour courte• Histoires d'amour vrai• Les plus belles histoires d'amour de la littérature• Histoires d'amour et de rencontres• Et beaucoup de choses plus de ça ..Vous pouvez lire les histoires d'amour sans d'être besoinàseconnecter à Internet.Vous pouvez créer une liste de vos histoires favorisdanscetteapplication, en donnant une note sous-formed'uneétoile.L'application Histoires d'amour vous présente chaquejourl'histoiredu jour.Vous êtes romantique? Vous aimez le romantisme? AlorsInstallezcetteapplication :D !N'oubliez pas de laisser votre signature en bas ! ( Revuesde5étoiles ^_^)Download theappthatcontains 200 Best Love Stories ..More than 200 romantic love stories.This application contains different love stories:• Romantic Love Stories• Short Love Story• Love Stories true• The most beautiful love stories of literature• Stories of love and dating• And much more than that ..You can read the love stories without being required toconnecttothe Internet.You can create a list of your favorite stories inthisapplication,giving a note under the form of a star.The application presents love stories each day the storyoftheday.Are you romantic? Like the romance? Then install this app: D!Do not forget to leave your signature at the bottom! (Reviewsof5stars ^ _ ^)
लव गुरु - Love Guru 1.1
Velexo Apps
लव गुरु - Love Guruhow to impress a Girl or Boy.Love is necessity of life, every person needs to represent their emotions formakingstrongrelationship.This app has many different categories such as:- How to date.- How to impress- How to propose whom you love most.- how to act in-front of your love to make thingspositiveetc.- How to avoid making the biggest mistakes in love.- The six essential qualities to look for in a mate.- How to spot fatal flaws in a partner.
Love Guru 0.0.2
Please let me know your valuessuggestionssothat we will make our app good.LoveGuru Explore the love.This simple applicationtocalculatelove on your partner. You can share your lovepercentageand lovequotes to your partner.User can able to post Love Quotes.User can to find Current location and able find nearestcafe&restaurant, Bank &Atm, Entertainment...etc.
Yezema Gize: Protestant Mezmu 2.0
Ardi Soft
Listen to Your Favorite Ethiopian Protestant Mezmur and Sibket.
Te quiero 6.0.0
TE QUIERO es una apasionante historiadeamor.Lisa se enamorará de la persona menos esperada. Descargaahoraestatierna historia.TE QUIERO. El amor está dónde menos sebusca.Si tegusta el romance o los amores prohibidos, Descubreestanovelavisual apasionanteDESCARGALA AHORA!!I LOVE is apassionatelovestory. Lisa falls for the least expected person.Download nowthistender historia.TE WANT. Love is where you leastlooking. Ifyou likeromance or forbidden love, Discover thisexciting visualnovelDownload it now !!
Te amo 12.0.0
Te amo es una historia deamorimperdible.Comparte esta apasionante historia de amor en tusredessociales.Una historia que te puede ocurrir a ti. Mara deberátomarunadecisión muy difícil. Descarga ahora esta historia.Distinta y divertida, si tegiustyan los romances,onovelasvisuales, un amor prohibido.I love you is astoryofmissed love. Share this passionate love story onyoursocialnetworks. A story that can happen to you. Mara must makeaverydifficult decision. Download now this story.Different and fun, if tegiustyan romances, or visualnovels,aforbidden love.
Love Story 1.5
True Love story is forever, No need forfear,ifyour love is true then no body can prevent you. youbecomepartoftrue love. love story give guide for youngergeneration.beautifullove story always famous for lovegurupeoples.There are following love stories available.1) Short Love Story.2) I am One of Those Fool.3) My First Kiss.4) What a waste of time.5) School life love.6) Funny Love Story.7) Romantic girl Love Story.8) My Real Love Story.9) Feel your love.Download free love story and read it.
Classic fairy tales 3343
We offer your kids with the best selectionofclassic short stories and fairy tales to let your children haveafun time. An interactive book with story reading andeducationaland learning games like coloring and jigsaw puzzles forkids andchildren to entertain for hours.It´s an app of classic collection of short stories,undoubtedlythe best interactive book with audios of story reading,educationalgames of coloring pages and jigsaw puzzles, perfect fortablet useby children in preschool education or kids who go toprimaryschool.• Choose from the various languages: English, Spanish,Chinese,French, German, Portuguese, Russian or Valencian.• Choose the story: Three Little Pigs, The Little Mermaid,Alicein Wonderland, Cinderella...• Read the story: Your children can listen to the storybypressing the audio button to play the sound. The audio isnowavailable in English, Spanish, Chinese, French, PortugueseandValencian, accompanied by beautiful background music andsoundeffects.• Game 1 - Coloring book. Your kids can jump to thecoloringpages while reading different scenes of the story, paintingandcoloring scenes with magic pens and brushes of different colorstopaint the image automatically. You can undo or save the imagesharethe picture with your family or friends.• Game 2 - Jigsaw puzzles of different scenes from the storywiththree levels of difficulty. Your children can play withinterestingjigsaw puzzles while reading different parts of thestory anddiscover the pictures.
histoire amusante pour enfants 1.0
histoires pour enfants sont leshistoiresaidenta L'intelligence et la conscience et laconnaissance de laréalitéextérieure Et aussi je trouve la leçon etla sagesse del'histoire ,les histoires sont assez Encyclopédie Etcomplet vouspermet denaviguer dans un monde imaginaire , Vic etdéplacerémotions etsensations , L'application peut utiliser lapointe dejeunes etadultes , Les histoires sont pour tous les âgeset lesraces , Peutraconter des histoires avant le coucher pourlesenfants , Pourdivertir et les aider à dormir ,Histoiresrenouvelables long de lasemainechildren's storiesarethestories help to intelligence and consciousness andknowledgeofexternal reality And I think the lesson and the wisdomofhistory,the stories are quite comprehensive and Encyclopediaallowsyou tonavigate in a fantasy world Vic and move emotionsandsensations,The application can use the tip of youth andadults,Stories arefor all ages and races, can tell stories beforebedtimeforchildren to entertain and help them sleep,renewablestoriesthroughout the week
Les Histoires de Toto 2.2
Simon Marquis
Find all the stories Toto on your Android smartphone!