Top 5 Apps Similar to UAB EXPO 2015

Tic Laude es una plataforma de formaciónenemprendeduría adscrita a la Universidad Autónoma deBarcelona(UAB).Si eres, o has sido alumno de la UAB, tienes una idea denegocio,Tic Laude te ofrece el asesoramiento y formación quenecesitas deforma gratuita y compatible con tus estudios.Tic Laude isanentrepreneurship training platform attached to theAutonomousUniversity of Barcelona (UAB).If you are, or have been UAB student, you have a business idea,TicLaude offers advice and training you need for free andcompatiblewith your studies.
UAB Tour
YouVisit LLC
Discover the University of AlabamaatBirmingham!Thinking of attending the University of Alabama atBirminghamProspective students and families can explore the campusand learnabout our unique programs, culture and sports teamsthrough aself-guided tour. Whether at home or on campus ourinteractivestudent guide will accompany you as you explore ourofferingsthrough the use of the GPS-enabled campus map, studentvideos andphotos.Key Features* Self Guided Tour: A location-based Campus Map willhighlightimportant landmarks on campus and will allow you to easilyfindyour way around. As you approach buildings our tour guidewillprovide you with important information regarding ourprograms.* Landmarks and Buildings: Learn more about our programsandexplore campus landmarks via descriptions andrich-multimedia* Custom Walking Tour: Enhance your visit by taking a customtourand get an up-close look at many of the unique majors andprogramsoffered.* Multimedia: Explore our community by watching videosfromcampus and browsing through hundreds of photos* Interactive Panoramas: Browse through a list of interactive360panoramas of covering various locations and buildings!Thinking of attending the University of NorthCarolinaWilmington? Prospective students and families can explorethecampus and learn about our unique programs, culture andsportsteams through a self-guided tour. Whether at home or oncampus ourinteractive student guide will accompany you as youexplore ourofferings through the use of the GPS-enabled campus map,studentvideos and photos.Key Features* Self Guided Tour: A location-based Campus Map willhighlightimportant landmarks on campus and will allow you to easilyfindyour way around. As you approach buildings our tour guidewillprovide you with important information regarding ourprograms.* Landmarks and Buildings: Learn more about our programsandexplore campus landmarks via descriptions andrich-multimedia* Custom Walking Tour: Enhance your visit by taking a customtourand get an up-close look at many of the unique majors andprogramsoffered.* Multimedia: Explore our community by watching videosfromcampus and browsing through hundreds of photos* Interactive Panoramas: Browse through a list of interactive360panoramas of covering various locations and buildings
UAB Falsos Amics 1.0
Falsos Amics Servei de Llengües (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona)
Catàleg de biblioteques UAB 2.0
Descarrega l’APP de consulta al mòbildelCatàleg de les Biblioteques UAB - Nova versió!Les novetats que incorpora la nova versió del'aplicaciósón:-Accedir a "El meu compte" i consultar les reserves opréstecs-Reservar llibres-Renovar préstecs-Veure els llibres PUC prestats-Millora de la cerca de la versió 1 en la cerca amb diacrítics iambinformació de localització de les revistes en paperA més, permet:-Fer una cerca al catàleg per paraula clau-Veure els 50 primers resultats ordenats per rellevància. Perveuremés resultats, cal que limiteu la cerca-Accedir als recursos digitals lliures. Per a la consultadelsrecursos digitals d'accés restringit, cal utilitzar la xarxawifide la UAB-Desar la referència bibliogràfica (títol, localitzacióitopogràfic) i veure la disponibilitat dels exemplars-Llegir el codi QR dels registres del catàlegAplicació gratuïta, en catàlà i disponible per alsistemaoperatiu Android.Ha estat desenvolupada per l’Area de Planificació deServeisd’Informació de la UAB, amb la col•laboració del ServeideBiblioteques.Per a qualsevol consulta o suggeriment relacionada ambl’aplicaciópodeu adreçar-vos al servei Pregunt@ ( the mobileappquery the Library Catalog UAB - New version !The new features of the new version of theapplicationare:-Go to "My account" and reserves or loans availableHold-booksRenew-See CAN-books offered-Improved search version 1 with diacritics in search andlocationinformation of paper journalsIt allows:-To search the catalog by keywordSee the top 50 results, sorted by relevance. To see moreresults,please limit your search-Access to free digital resources. For consultation ofdigitalresources restricted, use wifi network UABSave-citation (title, location and topographic) and checktheavailability of items-Read QR code for catalog recordsFree application, available in Catalan and theAndroidoperating system.Has been developed by the Planning Information Services at UAB,withthe collaboration of the Library Service.For any questions or suggestions regarding the application,pleasecontact the Pregunt @ (
Univ.of Alabama at Birmingham 1.0.0
Galaxy Kannan
Our story is one of remarkable growth insize,quality, reputation and impact. In a little more than fourdecades,UAB has transformed from its modest beginnings as anextensioncenter into a doctoral research university and academicmedicalcenter. And we have the same audacious vision that led ourfoundersto dream big dreams: To educate, advance discovery, carefor thesick, respond to the needs of our community and establishAlabamaas a progressive economic center that can change theworld.