Top 15 Games Similar to قياس سرعة نبضات القلب prank

قياس ضغط الدم بالبصمة Prank 3.2
من الأفضل أن نبقى دائما على اطلاع علىصحتنافهذا ما ينصح به جل الأطباء، لكن المشكل هو ذهاب الى الطبيب، فمعهذاالتطبيق لا حاجة لذلك فتطبيق قياس ضغط الدم هو Prank و جهاز قياسضغطالدم عبر الهاتف اي يمكنك قياس ضغط الدم فقط عبر وضع بصمتك أصبكعلىشاشة الهاتف و سوف يعطيك تفاصيل كاملة عن ضغط دمك.من مميزات التطبيق :- قياس الضغط و جهاز قياس دقات القلب- قياس دقات القلب و ضغط دم- جهاز قياس نسبة السكر في الدم- This Application is just a Prank- جهاز قياس ضغط الدم بدون انترنتكيفية تشغيل التطبيق :- عند الدخول للتطبيق ستظهر لك الواجهة الرئيسية للتطبيق بها مكانخاصبالبصمة.- سيخبرك الهاتف بوضع إبهامك في المكان المخصص للمسح ضغط الدم قمبوضعبصمتك و إنتظر.- سيقوم التطبيق بفحص إبهامك و سيقوم التطبيق بإظهارالنتيجةالنهائية.ملاحظة : تطبيق قياس ضغط الدم بالبصمة هو مزحة للتسلية اي عبارةعنPrank فقط .It is better toalwaysstay on the lookout for our health that is what isrecommended bymost of the doctors, but the problem is to go to thedoctor. Withthis application does not need so The application ofblood pressuremeasurement is Prank and blood pressure measuringdevice over thephone which you can measure your blood pressure onlythrough thedevelopment of Osbk your fingerprint on the phone screenand willgive you full details on your blood pressure.Of the application features:- Pressure gauge and measure your heart rate- Measurement of heart rate and blood pressure- Measuring blood sugar device- This Application is just a Prank- Blood pressure measurement device without InternetHow to run the application:- When you enter the application you will see the main interfaceofthe application of the special place fingerprint.- The phone will tell you put your thumb in the provisionforscanning blood pressure then place put your fingerprintandwait.- The application will scan your thumb and the application willshowthe final result.Note: the application of blood pressure measurementfingerprintis no joke for entertainment only a Prank.
Finger Scanner Simulated Prank 4.0
Wuua Apps
Finger Scanner Simulator is a prank appthatsimulates the finger scanning. It is just for fun. You can useitto play game.
Blood Pressure/ Sugar Prank 1.0
It's an amazing prank "FingerprintBloodPressure and Blood sugar Prank" applicationDo you want to collect a lot of laughter, hilarity and cheermomentamong the group of your friends?Fingerprint Blood Pressure/sugar/group will provide you themosteasiest way of checking out your prank blood pressure ,heartbeatrate,blood sugar(glucose) rate ,blood group and will be the most accurate health Application.Glucose is a major source of energy for most cells of thebody,including brain cells. Carbohydrates are found in fruit,cereal,bread, pasta, and rice. They are quickly turned into glucoseinyour body. Most people with diabetes need to check theirbloodsugar (glucose) levels regularly.Get it now “fingerprint blood pressure/sugar prank” applicationandhit most memorable and amused moments with your friends. it usestoprank your friends till then android has not ability tocalculatethe blood pressure/sugar/group and body temperature of ahumanbody, but your friends don’t known about this. So fool themwithfingerprint blood pressure sugar prank. Application’s layout issonatural that nobody can determine whether it is real orprank?Application is easy to use and fit for almost allandroiddevices.You know what is different in fingerprint blood pressure or sugar?The use of digital meter to show fake blood pressure readingswhichwill definitely inspire your friends and they might think thatyouare enjoying latest android device.this app is just prank fake joke funny scanner to calculateyourblood pressure,sugar,group.Fingerprint Blood Pressure or blood sugar can Measure yourSystolicand Diastolic Blood pressures quickly.This application fairly tested on different devices in ordertoconfirm its ease and effectiveness..How to use:Step 1: Select your TestStep 2: Now place your finger gently on the finger scanning padandwait for the analysis.Result: Your Fake result will be shown automaticallyaftercalculation.Features:- Measure your Systolic, Diastolic and heartbeat rate- Measure your blood pressure , blood group ,blood sugar andbodytemperature- FREE fun for all- Realistic looking scanner-Simple to scan and easy to use-Works with Android mobiles and tablets-Simple and clear UI and beautiful designDisclaimer: Fingerprint Blood Pressure or sugar application atthemoment is for just an entertainment purposes only, and at thetimeit does not calculating correct results. it's just likeprankFingerprint Blood Pressure or sugar scanner will onlydisplayedresults on randomly basis. You can use this applicationfor foolingyour friends, prank your enemies
قياس ضربات القلب Prank 1.0
Moja inter
من الأفضل أن نبقى دائما على اطلاع علىصحتنافهذا ما ينصح به جل الأطباء، لكن المشكل هو الذهاب الى الطبيب،فمعهذا التطبيق لا حاجة لذلك فتطبيق قياس نبضات القلب هو Prank وجهازقياس ضربات القلب عبر الهاتف اي يمكنك قياس ضربات القلب فقط عبروضعبصمتك أصبعك على شاشة الهاتف و سوف يعطيك تفاصيل كاملة عنضرباتقلبك.التطبيق يحول هاتفك الى جهاز قياس نبضات قلبك فقط باستعمالالبصمةالخاصة بكاستمتع بالتطبيق ولا تنسى تقييمهمميزات التطبيق كثرة ومنها :- مجانا- خفيف جدا لا يتجاوز حجمه واحد ميغا- This Application is just a Prank- سريع التعرف على البصمات- سهل الاستعمال- لجميع الاعمار ....الخكل ما عليك فعله هو تحميل التطبيق والاستفادة منه مجاناملاحظة : تطبيق قياس ضربات نبضات قلبك هو مزحة للتسلية .
Finger Heartbeat scan prank 1.0
Finger Heartbeat scan prank is a new fingerprint scannerprankappthat allow you to calculate your heartbeat by using yourfingeroryour thumbprint impressionmake in your mind that this fingerprint scanner app isjustaprank app their measured is not real.Check your heart rate anywhere, anytime and result willbedisplayat real time.Finger Heartbeat scan prank – Health and fitnessbasedapplicationthat monitors heart rates for android can use this app in the gym after exercice bike orafteryourcardoi workout routine it's can help you to avoidheartattackHOW TO USE:Step 1: Select your gender (male/female) and tap on theNEXTbutton.Select your gender correctly in order to getcorrectresults.Step 2: Place your finger on the scanning pad.Step 3: The Fingerprint Heartbeat will calculate yourheartrate.FEATURES- Best animations and graphics.- specially designed to work with new HD smartphonesandtablets.- including in blood pressure and heartbeat rate list.- fingerprint scannerYou can use this application for prank and funpurposes.Don'tforget to rate.
Blood Pressure Scanner Prank 1.0
Fingerprint blood pressure andHeartbeatdetector is a free smart phone android application.Fingerprint blood pressure systolic, diastolic and Heartbeat rateisthe most accurate fingerprint blood pressure and Heartbeatratemonitor app for any Smartphone and it does not need anyexternalhardware. Use fingerprint blood pressure and heartbeatratedetector for optimizing your exercise and to track yourprogressand high and low blood pressure.Install it now and keep fit. For correct reading hold yourindexfinger on the fingerprint scanner steadily and lightly forthewhole measuring process. Don’t move your finger onfingerprintscanner until measuring is complete, breath normally!Fingerprintblood pressure and Heartbeat rate is measured bydetectingfingerprint on your fingertip that changes with everyheart beatdue to blood flow. Not using app correctly will result infalsereading.Fingerprint blood pressure and heartbeat application is tonearyour and Scan finger to running your beat and give you to howmanyis calculated and give your mood related to your heartbeat.Fingerprint blood pressure and heartbeat scanner apps allowsyouperform any time when you need to check your heart beat andbloodpressure at any place, any time. This without having tocalculatethe time, the number of beats and systolic, diastolicmakes thenecessary calculations.Features :- Realistic looking scanner- Simple to scan and easy to use- Totally free for Android users- Works with Android mobiles and tablets- Clear UI and beautiful design
قياس ضربات القلب بالبصمه Prank 1.0
ASW Apps
الان قم بعمل مزحه مع كل اصدقائك وعائلتك عنطريققياس ضربات القلب الخاصه بهم في ثواني معدودهمميزات برنامج قياس ضربات القلب :#حجم صغير للبرنامج .#سهل الاستخدام .#قياس ضربات القلب الخاصه بك في ثواني معدوده .#عن طريق وضع الابهام الخاص بك في المكان المخصص ستظهر لكالنتائج.#لا يحتاج اتصال بالانترنت .#تطبيق قياس ضربات القلب مجرد مزحه فلا يقوم بقياس ضربات القلببطريقهصحيحه .#مشاركه نتيجه قياس ضربات القلب عبر المواقع الاجتماعيه الفيسبوكوتويتر والواتس اب .التطبيق مجرد مزحه مع اصدقائك .قم بمشاركه التطبيق مع اصدقائك ولا تنسي التقييم .Make a joke now withallyour friends and family by measuring the heartbeat of their ownina matter of secondsFeatures measuring heart rate program:# Small size of the program.#easy to use .# Measure your heart rate in a matter of seconds.# By placing your thumb in the space you'll see the results.# Does not require an Internet connection.# Apply the measure heart is not just a joke that measurestheheartbeat correct manner.Post # measurement result heartbeat through the socialnetworkingsites Facebook and Twitter and Alwats August.Just a joke with your friends application.Share your application with your friends and do notforgetevaluation.
Finger Blood Pressure Prank 1.5
It's an interesting prank ! FingerprintBloodPressure will tell you the easiest way blood pressure, as wellasyour heart rate. Application will calculate your bloodpressureindex.This app is just prank scanner to calculate blood pressure.How to use:1. Select your gender and then click "Next"2. Now place your finger gently on the fingerprint scanning holdandwait for the analysisResult: Your Fake blood pressure prank will be shownautomaticallyafter calculation3. You can share or save images with friendsFeatures:* it's a joke to entertain and share the fun with friends* Photos and stunning motion graphics* Measuring blood pressure and heart rate measurements forfreewithout internet connection* Always Free fun for allNOTE : Finger print blood pressure calculator is a prank andfakeapplication and it is not capable to measure the bloodpressure andheart rate of a human body, All the results are fakeand random. Itis developed for the sake of entertainment andjoy.The application is compatible with many types of phones suchasthe Galaxy S5, S6 Galaxy Edge Plus, Sony Z4, Z5 compact, HTCOne,LG G4, Nexus 6, Galaxy Note 5, Note 7, Galaxy S7...
Paranormal Ghost EVP/EMF Radio
Exelerus Apps
Ghost EVP/EMF Radio has been developedforexciting paranormal detection and exploration. We've put a lotofeffort into making the app easy to use, so that bothprofessionaland enthusiast paranormal researchers and ghost hunterscan enjoyit.If you are either easily frightened, a super skeptic"leftbrainer" or have a serious heart-related medical condition,you areprobably better off avoiding this app.Electronic Voice Phenomena (EVP) is the collective nameforthe sounds sometimes detected on electronic recordingsandreminiscent of human speech. These sounds are usually foundinrecordings with noise or poor radio reception, and is consideredbymany to be the voices of paranormal beings such as ghosts,spirits,demons and other energy based entities. EVP is a formofInstrumental Trans-Communication (ITC), a term coinedbyprofessor Ernst Senkowski in the 1970s.This app has taken the traditional ghost box to the next level,andalso incorporates an EMF (Electromagnetic Field) scanner. Aswithtraditional ghost boxes, chaotic noise seems to be bothinvitingand sensitive to paranormal manipulation. The app generatesaudiblespeech by detecting meaningful phrases and words togetherwithproperties such as gender, age and current mood ofthecommunicating entity. We continuously improve the app, basedonuser feedback, and use it during our own paranormalinvestigationsas well.*** Features **** A built-in EMF scanner: Used as entropy seed for thenoisegeneration and shown on the TV screen.* Quick text log: Tap on the main TV screen to togglebetweenmodes.* Text log screen: The persistent text log is where you cansort,share and delete.* Record your encounters with or without the microphone ofyourdevice.* Real-time audio visualization: Oscilloscope and Spectrometer(tapto toggle).* In-app audio analyzer; which enables you to performfurtherstudies by visualizing the audio and changing theplaybackrate.* Open your EVP recordings in compatible audio apps with thetouchof a button.* Optional Auto Recording only produces recordings whensomethinginteresting is encountered.* Optional vibration and audible alarms every time an entityhasbeen detected.* UI themes, including the new theme for Halloween.* Share your recordings with friends and family.*** Languages ***Full support for English (US/UK), Czech, Dutch,French,German, Italian, Latin, Polish, Portuguese, Slovak,Spanish,Swedish and Turkish*** Contact/Support **** Use the help buttons, located on every screen, to start thein-appguides.* Reach us by email, our supportsite, or use the buttons ontheSettings screen.* Twitter* Facebook* Google+* Mailing list* The Ghost Radiowebsite:*** Usage **** Patience required; Don't expect amazing results after justacouple of minutes. The analyzer needs time to calibrate, andmayinitially not detect any patterns at all or may even give youfalsepositives.* When fully calibrated the speech to text translation andspeechquality should be improved.* The EMF scanner use the magnetometer sensor of your devicesoensure it is calibrated (by waving the device in a eight patternacouple of times).We hope that you, like many others, will be fascinated bytheparanormal experience of Ghost EVP Radio. Thanksfordownloading!DisclaimerEvery effort has been made to make this app truly unique, but wecanoffer no guarantee that you will get specific results by usingit.Since the results of this app haven't been scientificallyverified,it should only be used for entertainment purposes. Pleaseuse itresponsibly.
Measure body temperature Prank 2.6
A wonderful application will give youthetemperature of your body with high accuracyWhich will let you dispense with all the machines to calculatethetemperatureIt is the application of a trick deceived enables you to workforyour family or your friends by measuring their temperature byonlymaking their mark.- A simple application- Prank- GorgeousDo you dream that you get in one day to measure the bodytemperaturefingerprint device?Have you ever wished that you measure your temperature inoneday?Do you want to get a fingerprint Thermometersmeasuringdevice?Here's today's wonderful temperature measuring device thatyoucan work from a very great templates for your friends bymeasuringtheir temperature through the footprint only.
Blood Pressure Scanner Prank 1.0
Fingerprint Blood Pressure calculator Prankistotally a prank and fake application that does not calculateanyvalue of blood pressure. It is made for funandentertainment.Through this application you can only make prank and fools toyourfriends.It does not even detect fingerprints of human bodyWarning:Fingerprint blood pressure calculator prank is a prank andfakeapplication to calculate fun. It generates random value ofbloodpressure. It is just only use for fun,prank and to fakebloodpressure.
Blood Pressure Scanner Prank 2.0
Fingerprint blood pressure andHeartbeatdetector is a free smart phone android application.blood pressure fingerprint scannerFingerprint blood pressure systolic,blood pressurefingerscanner,hypertension, diastolic and Heartbeat rate is themostaccurate fingerprint blood pressure and Heartbeat rate monitorappfor any Smartphone and it does not need any external hardware.Usefingerprint blood pressure and heartbeat rate detectorforoptimizing your exercise and to track your progress and highandlow blood pressure."blood pressure diary" has been developed for those who needsteadyblood pressure control and provides a blood pressurerecordingservice.You can check your blood pressure history in daily, weekly,monthly,and yearly graphs as well as the complete datarange.
قياس درجة حرارة الجسم Prank 1.3
هل تحلم بأن تحصل في يوم من الأيام على جهازقياسدرجة حرارة الجسم بالبصمة ؟هل تمنيت أن تقوم بقياس درجة حرارتك في يوم من الأيام ؟هل أردت أن تحصل على جهاز قياس الحراراة بالبصمة ؟اليك اليوم جهاز قياس الحرارة الرائع الذي يمكنك من عمل قوالبجدرائعة لأصدقائك عن طريق قياس درجة حرارتهم عن طريق البصمة فقط.تعريف البرنامج :هو تطبيق عبارة عن خدعة تمكنك من عمل خدع لعائلتك أو أصدقائكمنخلال قياس درجة حرارتهم عن طريق بصمتهم فقط.مزايا التطبيق :✔ عمل خدع ناجحة لأصدقائك.✔ يمكنك تشغيل التطبيق بدون أنترنيت و في أي وقت و يمكنك مشاركتهمعأصدقائك.✔ يمكنك مشاركة التطبيق مع أصدقائك في أي وقت✔ لا يأتر على بطارية الهاتف عكس التطبيقات الأخرى.✔ التطبيق عبارة عن مقلب فقط.✔ يمكنك مشاركة درجة حرارتك مع أصدقائك عن طريق زر المشتركة.✔ البرنامج لا يعطي نتائج حقيقية فهو عبارة عن مقلب فقط.كيفية تشغيل البرنامج :✔ بعد الدخول للتطبيق سيظهر لك زر كل ما عليك فعله هو وضعإبهامكعليه و الإنتظار لحين ينتهي من الفحص.✔ بعد فحص إبهامك ستظهر لك النتيجة و هي عبارة عن درة حرارتك.كيف تقوم بعمل خدعة ناجحة لأصدقائك :كيفية تشغيل البرنامج :✔ قم بتثبيث التطبيق على هاتفك تم أطلب من أحد أصدقائك أنيضعإبهامه في مكان المسح تم أطلب من أن ينتظر حتى تظهر له نتيجته.شكرا لك لتحميلك لتطبيقنا و لا تترد في تقييمه و ترك تعليقك.Do you dream that yougetin one day to measure the body temperature fingerprint device?Have you ever wished that you measure your temperature inoneday?Do you want to get a fingerprint Thermometersmeasuringdevice?Here's today's wonderful temperature measuring devicewhichenables you to work very wonderful templates for your friendsbymeasuring their temperature by only footprint.The definition of the program:Is the application of a trick lets you work cheated toyourfamily or friends by measuring their temperature by onlymakingtheir mark.Advantages of the application:✔ deceived successful work for your friends.✔ You can run the application and without access to the Internetatany time and you can share it with your friends.✔ You can share the application with your friends at any time✔ not Aotr the phone battery Unlike other applications.Application ✔ a mold only.✔ You can share your temperature with your friends throughjointbutton.✔ The program does not give real results is a mold only.How to run the program:✔ After entering the application you will see the button allyouhave to do is to put your thumb it and wait until the end oftheexamination.✔ After examining your thumb and you will see the result is aDorayour temperature.How do you make a successful ploy to your friends:How to run the program:✔ Ptthbyt your application on the phone was ask one ofyourfriends to put his thumb in the place of the survey were asktowait until the show has its outcome.Thank you for uploading to our application and does nothesitatein his assessment and leave your comment.
كرتون اطفال 2.1
قناة كرتون أطفال هي تطبيق مجاني يضممجموعةكبيرة ومنتوعة ومشهورة من برامج ومسلسات الأطفال الممتعةللمشاهدة ،حيث أن التطبيق يضم تصنيفات متنوعة من الحلقات الكاملة علىشكل قائمةيسهل تصفحها باللغة العربية ، ومن أشهرها:  توم و جيري، ميكيماوس ، شون ذا شيب ، باباي ، السنافر ، سبونج بوب وغيرها منبرامجالأطفال .حيث يتم تصفح الفيديو عن طريق تطبيق يوتيوب وكما يمكن اضافةالحلقاتإلى قائمة مفضلة لديك وخاصه داخل حساب المستخدم ، وايضاتستطيع مشاركهالحلقات ونشرها على شبكات التواصل الاجتماعي : فيسبوك وتويتر ، ويضمالتطبيق أيضا خدمة المشاركة والتعليق على الحلقات التيتعجبك.Cartoon children is afreeapplication includes a large Mentoah and famous of programsandMslsat children fun to watch, as the application includesrankingsvariety of full episodes in the form of a list of easilybrowsed inArabic, is the best known: Tom and Jerry, Mickey Mouse,Shaun Thegraying, Babai , Alsnavr, Sponge Bob and other children'sprograms.Where they are surfing video via YouTube application and canalsoadd loops to the favorite list you have, especially withintheuser's account, and also can ăÔÇŃßĺ loops and posted onsocialnetworks: Facebook and Twitter, featuring application alsoserve toparticipate and comment on the episodes that you like.
Blood Pressure Scanner Prank 1.1.1
Blood Pressure Scanner is a free smartphoneandroid application for calculating blood pressure and heartbeatrate.Fingerprint Blood Pressure Scanner calculator is a prankapplicationand it uses to prank your friends till then android hasnot abilityto calculate the blood pressure of a human body, butyour friendsdon’t known about this. So fool them with fingerprintblood pressurecalculator.Features:- Realistic looking scanner- Simple to scan and easy to use- Totally free for Android users- Works with Android mobiles and tablets- Clear UI and beautiful designHOW TO USE:Step 1: Just open this application.Step 2: Put your finger on the finger position and waitingasecondResult: Your Fake blood pressure will be shown automaticallyaftercalculation.Till then android has not ability to calculate the bloodpressureof a human body, but your friends don’t known aboutthis.Application is easy to use and fit for almost all androiddevices.The use of digital meter to show fake blood pressurereadings whichwill definitely inspire your friends and they mightthink that youare enjoying latest android device.Disclaimer: Blood Pressure Scanner Prank is forentertainmentpurposes only. It does not calculates you bloodpressure.Calculating Blood Pressure is not possible with yourandroiddevice's screen and camera. The displayed results arerandomnumbers. It is the best application for fooling yourfriends.