Top 4 Apps Similar to GPEC

Active Shooter Action Plan 1.400
Active Shooter Action Plan -Recognize,Respond,RecoverThe Active Shooter Action Plan - Recognize,Respond,Recovermobile app is designed to help individualsandorganizationsprevent, respond to and recover from anActiveShooter/WorkplaceViolence incident. It is a must have foreveryemployee andsupervisor, student, and school administrator.Thisapplicationprovides critical emergency response procedures andlifesavinginformation in the event of an Active Shooter situation.Theappcontains educational and functional toolsforpreventing,responding to and recovering from a potentialdeadlyActive Shootersituation in the workplace or campus.This app was developed by a team of nationallyrecognizedviolenceprevention experts with years of extensiveexperience indevelopingand delivering training to governmentalandnon-agencies,multinational corporations, schools anduniversities,as well aselite law enforcement and counter terrorismunits.The app has many features including:* Schedule of events and seminars for users to add totheirphonecalendars* GPS and QR Coupons for attending the seminars* Videos/Podcasts* Audio* Social Network and News Feeds* Call 911 Feature* Social Share* Share Pictureand more.
Homeland Security Conference 5.78.2
Thomas Welch
The National Homeland Security Association is partneringwithClarkCounty, Nevada to host the 14th annual NationalHomelandSecurityConference, August 30 - September 2, 2021, in theheart ofLasVegas, at the MGM Grand, located at 3799 S Las VegasBlvd,LasVegas, NV 89109. This year's selected topics will focus onarangeof emerging and critical topics important to alllevelsofresponders in the homeland security, public health,LE,Fire/EMSand emergency management fields. In additiontomultiplepre-conference opportunities, guests will havetheopportunity toenjoy this year's Host Social Event at theBreakouttracks includethe following: Combating DomesticViolentExtremismCounterterrorism Cybersecurity EnhancingInformationandIntelligence Sharing Grants, Policy, Personnel,andProgramManagement Lessons Learned from Recent EventsNationalExerciseProgram Planning Public Health Training andExercise Manymorerelevant Exhibitor Informational and DemonstrationSessionswilloccur! For moreinformationvisithttps:///
Deftact was setup in 2014toprovideself-defense tactics coaching and security protectiontosuit ourclients’ needs. The Founder of Deftact was formerlyanex-policeofficer with 18 years of Police knowledge inSelf-DefenseTraining,Personal Protection and Counter TerrorismSecurity. In2000 to2012, he was with Security Command (SecCom) as abodyguardwhereofficers in the unit are required to undergoextensivetraining toenable them to operate effectively in ahostilesituation. Inaddition, he was also a team member with theCounterAssault Team(CAT) and Air Marshal Unit (AMU) where he wasappointedas the HeadTrainer for the unit.Personal On-site TrainingKids & Family Tactical TrainingSecurity ConsultationBodyguard TrainingPersonal Protection Services (Covert/Overt)
Security Cleared Jobs 1.0.2 is a UK basedjobboarddesigned and marketed to attract candidates who areSecurityClearedor who meet the Security Clearance criteria and arelookingforPermanent and Contract opportunities across a wide rangeofindustrysectors.We specialise in vacancies with the followingNationalSecurityVetting levels:Developed Vetting or DV JobsSecurity Check or SC JobsCounter Terrorism Check or CTC JobsNATO or NATO JobsWe have an in-depth knowledge of the recruitment processgainedbyyears of experience within the recruitment industry.Weunderstanda candidate's requirement in searching for theirnextjobopportunity within this niche sector.We can assist employers and recruiters and reduce the timeandcostinvolved in attracting the best individuals within amarketplacesuffering from skills shortages. Security Clearance isnotonlyrequired for military or government posts.Increasinglycompaniesfrom all industry sectors includingNuclear,Aerospace,Construction, Oil and Gas, Engineering,Finance,Intelligence, ITand Security are competing to hirequalityemployees andconsultants with Security Clearance.By advertising job requirements with us an employer cangainaccessto and attract candidates who are actively looking fortheirnextPermanent or Contract assignment and who meettheirrecruitmentcriteria.By registering with us a candidate is able to market theirCV,makingtheir details available to all of the majoremployersrecruitingwithin the Security Cleared sector