Top 9 Apps Similar to JEE-Prep-Hyperbola

Pre-Calculus Guide 2.2
Calculus may not seem very important to youbutthe lessons and skills you learn will be with for yourwholelifetime!Calculus is the mathematical study of continuous change. Ithelpsyou practice and develop your logic/reasoning skills. Itthrowschallenging problems your way which make you think. Althoughyou maynever use calculus ever again after school or college, youwilldefinitely hold on to the lessons that calculus teachesyou.Things like time management, how to be organized, howtoaccomplish things on time, how to perform under pressure, how toberesponsible are just some of the things Calculus helps youbecomeproficient in. Traits that will help you succeed.Calculus plays a big role in most universities today asstudentsin the fields of economics, science, business,engineering,computer science, and so on are all required to takeCalculus asprerequisites.Our Pre-Calculus guide is a preliminary version ofCalculuscontaining over 300 rules, definitions, and examples thatprovidesyou with a broad and general introduction of this subject.Avaluable pocket reference to have on your phone.Topics include:1. Matrix Definition2. Matrix Addition, Subtraction and Scalar Multiplication3. Matrix Multiplication4. Matrix Multiplication Example5. Augmented Matrix for a System of Equations6. Solving Augmented Matrices7. Solving by Gauss-Jordan Elimination8. Gauss-Jordan Elimination (continued)9. Special Types of Matrices10. 2 x 2 Matrix Determinant11. 3 x 3 Matrix Determinant: Expansion by Minors12. Determinant of a 3 x 3 Diagonal Multiplication13. Cramer’s Rule for Solving 2 Linear Equations14. Cramer’s Rule - Example of solving 2 Equations15. Cramer’s Rule for 3 Equations in 3 Unknowns16. Cramer’s Rule - Example of solving three Equations17. Inverse of a 2 x 2 Matrix18. System of Equations by Inverse Matrices19. Area of a Triangle Using Matrices20. Test for Collinear Points Using Matrices21. Finding Equation of a Line Given Two Points22. Conic Sections23. Ellipses24. Ellipse Whose Center is at the Origin25. Ellipse with Center at the Origin Example26. Ellipse Translation27. Ellipse Translation Example28. Equation of an Ellipse in Standard Form29. Hyperbola30. Hyperbola Standard Form31. Hyperbola Standard Form (continued)32. Hyperbola Centered at the Origin Example33. Hyperbola Translation34. Hyperbola Centered at the Origin Example35. Parabolas36. Parabola Equation with Vertex at the Origin37. Diagrams of Previous Page Parabolas38. Parabola Equation with Vertex (h, k)39. Polar Coordinate Plane40. Polar Coordinate System - Plotting Points41. Multiple Representation of points42. Coordinate Conversion43. Examples of Conversion44. Equation Conversion45. Polar Equations Graphing46. Special Graphs – Limaçons47. Special Graphs - Rose Curves48. Special Graphs - Circles & Lemniscates49. About Pre-Calculus50. Support PageEven if you dont use Calculus, this app sure is a cool waytoshow-off some high IQ!Like all our 'phoneflips', this fast and lightweightapplicationnavigates quick, has NO Adverts, NO In-App purchasing,never needsan internet connection and will not take up much spaceon yourphone!Portrait & Landscape mode supported.Thank you!
Coordinate Geometry Calculator 1.0
Ram Sagar
Solve your coordinate geometry problemsofline,parabola, circle, hyperbola and ellipse with thehelpofcoordinategeometrycalculator. It helps you to mostofproblemsrelated to the general topics, and you can completeyourtask fastand save your time.Main Features:Line• Find the x intercept and y intercept of line• Find the slope of a line• Find the intersecting point of two lines• Find the distance between two points.• Find the equation of the line if two points are given• Find the equation of line if one point and a slope aregiven• Find the equation of line if one point andequationofperpendicular line are given• Find the equation of line if one point and equationofparallelline are givenCircle• Find the center and radius if circle equation is given• Find the equation of the circle if center andradiusaregiven• Convert the general form of circle into the standardformorstandard form of circle into general form of the circleEllipse• Find the general attributes of the ellipseCenterVertexFocusLength of major axisLength of minor axisEquation of major axisEquation of minor axisDirectrixEccentricityLatus rectum lengthParabola• Find the general attributes of the parabolaVertexAxis of symmetryGraph opensFocusDirectrixLatus rectum equationLatus rectum length• Find the parabola equation if vertex and focus are given• Find the parabola equation if focus and Directrix are given• Find the solution of the quadratic equationHyperbola• Find the general attributes of the ellipseCenterVertexFocusLength of major axisLength of minor axisEquation of major axisEquation of minor axisDirectrixEccentricityLatus rectum lengthWORKS OFFLINE!We will add more function in the upcoming versions. If youhaveanyquery or have not able to understand anythingabouttheapplication, you can contact [email protected] will get back to you within 24 hours, to solve your problem
11th Grade Hyperbolas 1.0
Jinga Inc
11th Grade Hyperbolas for collegestudentsisamazing fun, FREE and learning at same time fortheseriousstudents in 11th class or college. Its an excellentAppforstudents to practice after school. It covers variousaspectsofHyperbolas in different ways and different style. And alsoisastarting point for parents and students alike who arekeenonsucceeding in the higher classes. This 11th GradeHyperbolasmathApp for the 11th class will supplement furthercollegeeducationwith what's already learnt at school and will be afun andeasyadd-on tool to the kitty of the kids. They willenjoypracticingthe various 11th standard levels freely, share thescorewith their11th class peers and compete, share the score withtheirteachersand parents to keep them abreast of their maths and11thGradeHyperbolas. Good for Intermediate first year (10+1)students.This app covers various levels like:--> Find the center of a hyperbola--> Find the vertices of a hyperbola--> Properties of hyperbolas from equations--> Length of transverse axes of hyperbolaEach level has at-least 20 questions. Overall there arearound80questions in the App. It also supports CBSE, NCERT,ICSE,Statesyllabus and USA Common Core and variousotherinternationalstandards, hence is an international App !Download for free today and become a geniusmathematician!Remember, this is a Jinga production !
Mate Facil (FREE) 1.9
NOTA: La versión free tendrálasmismascaracterísticas mientras se encuentren en fase dedesarrolloypruebas las aplicaciones, cuando sea liberada la versiónfinalseremoverán ciertas capacidades de la versión FREE.Esta Aplicación es una Calculadora de matemáticasdenivelPreparatoria-Licenciatura que te ayudara a resolverunagrancantidad de problemas deuna manera sencilla, rápida y precisa. IdealparaVerificarResultados, Obtener Resultados de manera rápidaoAhorrarte todoslos procedimientos y cálculos de un problema.Algunos de los temas incluidos son:Geometría 2D:-Distancia entre 2 puntos-Conversión de coordenadas Polar Cartesiana-Distancia de Punto a Recta-Obtener la Ecuación de una Recta-Intersección de Rectaspróximamente en Geo 2D:-Obtener ecuación de Parábola,Elipse,Circunferencia,Hipérbola-Intersección de Recta, Parábola,Elipse,Circunferencia,Hipérbola-Etc...Geometría 3D:-Suma y Resta de Vectores-Modulo de un Vector-Producto Escalar-Producto Vectorial-Angulo entre Vectores-Área y Volumen de Esfera, Cubo, TetraedroRegular,Paralelepípedo,Cilindro-Área de Paralelogramo y Triangulo por medio de 2 Vectores-Volumen de Tetraedro y Paralelepípedo por medio de 3VectoresPróximamente en Geo 3D:-Triple Producto o Producto Mixto-Componente Escalar-Componente Vectorial-Intersección de Rectas-Intersección de plano y recta-Obtener ecuación de Recta y Plano-Etc...Matrices:-Solución de sistemas de ecuaciones de 2x2Próximamente en Matrices:-Solución de sistemas de ecuaciones de 3x3, 4x4, 5x5, 6x6,7x7-Multiplicación de matrices Cuadradas y NO Cuadradas desde2x2hasta6x6-Matriz inversa-Matriz Traspuesta-Matriz Adjunta-Matriz de Cofactores-Etc...Algebra:Próximamente:-Solución de Ecuaciones Cuadráticas-Solución de Ecuaciones de Tercer Grado-Factorización de Ecuaciones-Multiplicación de Números Complejos-División de Números Complejos-Etc..La aplicación Contra también con una seccióndeMecánicaClásicapara problemas de física.-Cinemática-Dinámica-Cinemática Rotacional-Dinámica Rotacional-Etc...La aplicación también contara con un amplio Formulariodetodoslos temastratados aquí y de cientos de temas extras enMatemáticasyFísica.Además de una Opción para obtener atenciónPersonalizadapararesolver y aclarar dudas sobre temas matemáticosyfísicosrelacionados con los presentados en la aplicación.Nota:La versión actual de la aplicación soporta números negativos,peronosoporta la introducción de números con símbolos, esdecir:MAL3/2Bien1.5Esta Aplicación es desarrollada por un grupo de estudiantesdelaUniversidad Autónoma Metropolitana de Iztapalapa y delaFacultad deIngeniería de la Universidad Nacional AutónomadeMéxico. Encargadosdedar una actualización a la aplicación para añadir temascada30días.Comentarios y Sugerencias a [email protected]: The freeversionwillhave the same characteristics as applications, whenreleasedthefinal version of certain capabilities FREE version willberemovedare under development and testing.This application is a calculator math-BachelorPreparatoryhelpyou solve level a lot of problemssimply, quickly and accurately. Ideal for Check Results,Getquickresults or save all procedures and calculationsproblem.Some of the topics included are:2D geometry:• distance between 2 pointsConversion of Cartesian coordinates Polar-Distance Point to Straight-Get The Equation of a Straight-Intersección The Lines2D soon Geo:-Get Equation Parabola, Ellipse, Circumference, Hyperbola-Intersección Straight, Parabola,Ellipse,Circumference,Hyperbola-etc ...3D Geometry:-Sum And Subtracting Vectors-Module Of a Vector-Product ScaleVector -Product-Angle Between VectorsVolume -Area and Sphere, Cube, TetrahedronRegular,parallelepiped,cylinder-Area Parallelogram and triangle using 2 Vectors-Volume Of Tetrahedron and parallelepiped through 3 VectorsComing in 3D Geo:-Triple Product or Product Joint-Component ScaleVector -Component-Intersección The Lines-Intersección Flat and straight-Get Equation Straight and Plano-etc ...Matrices:Settlement of systems of equations 2x2Coming in Matrices:Settlement of systems of equations 3x3, 4x4, 5x5, 6x6, 7x7-Multiplicación Square matrices and NO Square from 2x2 to 6x6-Matriz Reverse-Matriz TransposeDeputy -MatrizParent of cofactors-etc ...Algebra:Coming Soon:Settlement of Quadratic EquationsSettlement of Third Degree Equations-Factorización Equations-Multiplicación Of Complex NumbersA division of Complex Numbers-etc ..The application also against a sectionofClassicalMechanicsfor physics problems.-Cinemática-DynamicRotational -CinemáticaRotational -Dynamic-etc ...The application also will feature a broad form all topicstreated here and hundreds of extras topics inmathematicsandphysics.Besides an Option for Personalized attention to solveandanswerquestions about mathematical and physical issues relatedtothosepresented in the application.Note:The current version of the application supports negativenumbers,butdoes not support the introduction of numbers withsymbols,ie:MAL3/2All Right1.5This application is developed by a group of studentsfromtheUniversidad Autonoma Metropolitana Iztapalapa and theFacultyofEngineering of the National Autonomous UniversityofMexico.Managersgive an update to the application to add items every 30 days.Comments and Suggestions [email protected]
All Math Formulas 16
ALL Maths Formulas covers each and every math formulas likeAlgebraformulas,Geometry formulas, Analytical Geometryformulas,Derivation formulas, Integration formulas, Trigonometryformulas,Laplace transform formulas, Probability formulas, thatwill helpall students & specially those who are preparingforcompetitive exams. . Algebra Maths formulas - Factoring formulas-Product formulas - Roots formula - Powers formula -Logarithmicformula - Useful equations - Complex number - BinomialtheoremGeometry Maths formulas - Cone - Cylinder - IsoscelesTriangle -Square - Sphere - Rectangle - Rhombus - Parallelogram -TrapezoidAnalytical Geometry Maths formulas - 2-D coordinate system- Circle- Hyperbola - Ellipse - Parabola Derivation Maths formulas- Limitsformula - Properties of derivative - General derivativeformula -Trigonometric functions - Inverse Trigonometric functions-Hyperbolic functions - Inverse Hyperbolic functionsIntegrationMaths formulas - Properties of Integration - Integrationofrational functions - Integration of Trigonometric functions-Integration of Hyperbolic functions - Integration ofExponentialand log functions Trigonometry Maths formulas - BasicsofTrigonometry - General Trigonometry formula - Sine, Cosine rule-Table of Angle - Angle transformation - Half/Double/Multipleangleformula - Sum of functions - Product of functions - Powersoffunctions - Euler's formula - Allied angles table - Negativeangleidentities Laplace transform Maths formulas - Properties ofLaplacetransform - Functions of Laplace transform Fourier Mathsformulas -Fourier series - Fourier transform operations - Table ofFouriertransform Series Maths formulas - Arithmetic series -Geometricseries - Finite series - Binomial series - Power seriesexpansionsNumerical methods Maths formulas - Lagrange, newton'sInterpolation- Newton's forward/backward difference - Numericalintegration -Roots of equation Vector calculus Maths formulas -vectoridentities Probability Maths formulas - Basics of probability-Expectation - Variance - Distributions - Permutations-Combinations Beta Gamma Maths formulas - Beta functions -Gammafunctions - Beta-gamma relation Z - Transform - Properties ofz-transform - Some common pairs
Algebra Trigonometry Formulas 1.01
This is suitable for all students, teachersandpractising engineers.This app can be used with mobiles phones and tablets ofallsizes.This app has gentle introduction with large number of diagramsandgraphs for deeper appreciation of trigonometric concepts.Most useful formulas are included with relevant diagrams.Theformulas help in solving and proving trigonometricequations.Radians are introduced early. Trigonometric function valuesforcommonly encountered angles provided with diagrams.Angle reflections with respect to X Axis and Y axis are dealtwithin detail. Graphs are used for clarifying the rotationandreflection formulas.Circumscribed and inscribed circles formulas explainedwithdiagrams.Different formulas for computing area of triangleareprovided.Series expansion for trigonometric functions provided.Inverse Trigonometric functions are dealt with ingreatdetail.Contains most useful algebra formulas. Includes formula formonthlypayment towards fixed rate mortgages.Detailed description of quadratic equation and itssolutionprovided.Conic sections - circle, ellipse, parabola and hyperbolaexplainedwith graphs.Mensuration, surface areas and volumes of solids included.Sums of arithmetic and geometric sequences along with formulasforsums of first n numbers, squares and cubes included.Indices, logarithms and complex numbers dealt with.Very useful for all who study algebra and trigonometry.
Biblio Manuels 3.9.1
For the success of your children, go to digital textbooks
Parabola Calculator 1.1
Parabola Calculator is an app essentialforAmericans students. During the course of the studies, it happenstocome face to face with the classic Parabola.Most of the exercises on it, asks to find the coordinates oftheVertex and the intersections on Axis X and Axis Y.With Parables Calculator, simply enter the data obtainedfromEquation of Parables, play them, and the calculator will findyou:Vertex X, Vertex Y, Intersections on X1 and X2, IntersectionsonY.Created by Students for Students.
DynaMath (Free) 1.1.2
JDS Plugins
This application displays unlimitednumberofcompletely worked out examples in the following topics:01. Greatest Common Divisor02. Least Common Multiple03. Addition/Subtraction,Division/Multiplication of Fractions04. Properties of Exponents 105. Properties of Exponents 206. Properties of Exponents 307. Properties of Exponents 408. Properties of Exponents 509. Applications of Properties of Exponents10 F.O.I.L. Method11. Expand (A + B) ^212. Expand (A - B)^213. Expand (A + B)(A - B)14. Expand (A + B)^315. Expand (A - B )^316. Expand (A + B)(A^2 - AB + B^2)17. Expand (A - B)(A^2 + AB + B^2)18. Factor A^2 + 2AB + B^219. Factor A^2 - 2AB + B^220. Factor A^2 - B^221. Factor A^3 + 3A^2B + 3AB^2 + B^322. Factor A^3 - 3A^2B + 3AB^2 - B^323. Factor A^3 + B^324. Factor A^3 - B^325. Simple Factoring26. Group Factoring27. Trinomial Factoring28. Add/Subtract/Simplify Polynomials29. Multiply Polynomials30. Long Division31. Synthetic Division32. Slope Intercept Line Equation33. Point Slope Line Equation34. Point Point Line Equation35. Point of Intersection36. Mid Point I37. Mid Point II38. Distance between 2 points39. If 3 points co-linear40. If 3 points form a right angle triangle41. Equation of circle given center and radius42. Find center and radius of circle43. Equation of circle given its diameter44. Ellipse45. Hyperbola46. Solve Linear Equation47. Solve Quadratic Equation (Factoring)48. Solve Quadratic Equation (Completing the square)49. Solve Quadratic equation (Quadratic Formula)50. Solve Quadratic Equation (Imaginary Solutions)51. Add/Subtract/Simplify Rational Expressions52. Multiply/Divide Rational Expressions53. Polynomial with real zeroes54. Complex Numbers55. Complex Zeroes56. Logs57. Differentiation (20+ routines)58. Integration (30+ routines)59. Normal Distribution