Top 16 Apps Similar to IPS II (6 SD)

MISSION IAS 2015 1.0
Mission IAS 2015 is Specially made forthosestudents who want to crack the UPSC exam.Download this app and you will find the great study materialsfrothe various competitive exams like IAS, IPS, PCS, IBPS, Bankingandmany moreThe new Recruitment Process of Civil Services Exam conducted bytheUPSC (Union Public Service Commission) is called the CSAT ortheCivil Services Aptitude Test. The CSAT has come into effectfromthe Civil Services Examination, 2011This Civil Service Examination Preparation app contains thegreatdata for1. General Knowledge2. General Awareness3. Aptitude4. Verbal Ability5. Reasoning6. Current Affairs & General awareness7. History of India8. Geography9. Political Science10. Comprehension
IPS 1.0.2
A aplicação do Instituto Politécnico deSetúbal(IPS) possibilita a consulta de informações sobre:Eventos promovidos pelo IPSPontos de Interesses nos Campus de Setúbal e Barreiro do IPSEventos: Área reservada aos eventos que o IPS, EscolasSuperiorese serviços da instituição promovem, sendo possíveladicionar oseventos ao calendário do próprio telemóvel e partilhara informaçãopor email e redes sociais.Pontos de Interesses: Área com informações acerca dalocalização,do contacto e horário de atendimento dos principaisserviços do IPS,bem como acerca dos transportes públicos da regiãoque circulam atéaos Campi de Setúbal e do Barreiro do IPS.The application ofthePolytechnic Institute of Setubal (IPS) enables queryinformationabout:Events organized by IPSInterests points in Campus de Setúbal and Barreiro IPSEvents: Area reserved for events that IPS, Schools andpromotethe institution, and you can add events to the mobile phoneownschedule and share information via email and socialnetworks.Interests points: Area with information about thelocation,contact and service hours of the main services of the IPS,andabout the public transport in the region moving up to CampideSetúbal and IPS Barreiro.
Kuis Cerdas Cermat Anak 1.0
Aplikasi Cerdas Cermat Anak dibuat untuk menunjang belajar buatanakSD.Terdapat 5 mata pelajaran, yaitu : Bahasa Indonesia, IPA,IPS,Matematika, dan Bahasa Inggris.Setiap soal berdurasi 60 detik.Selamat belajar, dan raih poin sebanyak mungkin.Children'sQuiz application is made to support learning forelementary schoolchildren.There are five subjects, namely: Indonesian, Science,SocialStudies, Mathematics, and English.Each lasted about 60 seconds.Congratulations to learn, and earn as many points aspossible.
Tes IQ & Kepribadian 12
Test your brain's abilities with various puzzle games.
Kawruh Basa Jawa 2.8
Kawruh Basa Jawa : Knowledge of Javanese language culture
Anak Cerdas 1.4.6
Kini tak perlu khawatir saat si Kecil asyik bermaindengangadgetnya. Aplikasi Anak Cerdas memungkinkan si Kecilbermainsekaligus belajar dengan mudah dan menyenangkan.Fitur-fiturnyamemastikan si Kecil aman saat bersama gadgetnya.Dapatkanrekomendasi aplikasi yang sesuai untuknya. Orang tua pundapatmemonitor aktivitas dan perkembangan belajar anak.Belajar dan bermain makin menyenangkan berkat Anak Cerdas!FITUR UTAMA:• Zona Anak: Memberikan lingkungan bermain dan belajaryangmenyenangkan dan aman bagi si Kecil. Tetap aman saat siKecilbersama gadgetnya, karena si Kecil hanya dapat mengaksesaplikasiyang telah Anda pilihkan.• Latihan Yuk!: Ajak si Kecil latihan di rumah bersama soalyangdisesuaikan dengan materi sekolah nasional usia 6-12 tahun.Kini,Latihan Yuk! juga dilengkapi dengan soal-soal ujiannasional.Temani juga dia untuk mempersiapkan diri menghadapiujian.• Mari Bermain: dapatkan ratusan rekomendasi aplikasi untukanakdengan kategori: game, pendidikan & e-book• Laporan Penggunaan: orangtua bisa memantau aktivitas siKecilbersama gadgetnya dan melihat perkembangan belajarnya diLatihanYuk!• Dunia Tekno: info dan pengetahuan seputar teknologi denganbahasayang mudah dicerna• Jelajah Seru: si kecil kini bisa menjelajahi tempat-tempat serudiDunia Anak Cerdas, memecahkan teka-tekinya, dan mendapatkanbadgekeren serta ide liburan seruDownload GRATIS sekarang dan nantikan updatenyasecaraberkala!Kunjungi minimum untuk menginstal Anak Cerdas:1. Minimal versi Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich (ICS) ke atas2. Tablet dan smartphone Android ukuran 4.7” ke atas3. RAM minimal 512 MB4. Kapasitas penyimpanan di Android minimal 1GB.5. Koneksi internet untuk:a. Aktivasi awal aplikasi/registrasi user dan Loginb. Membaca artikel “Dunia Tekno”c. Browsing dan menginstall “Aplikasi Terpilih”d. Pengiriman Laporan Penggunaan bulanan via emaile. Download updateNow noneedto worry when the little one busy playing withgadgetnya.Intelligent application allows the Little Children playwhilelearning simple and fun. Its features make sure the little onesafewhen with gadgetnya. Get advice on the appropriate applicationforhim. Parents can also monitor the activity of a child'slearningand development.Learning and playing more enjoyable thanks to the SmartKids!KEY FEATURES:• Kids Zone: Provide play and learning environment that is funandsafe for the little one. Stay safe when the little onewithgadgetnya, because the little one is only able to accesstheapplication that you chose.• Exercise Yuk!: Encourage your child to practice at home withthesmall matter of the material that is adapted to nationalschoolsaged 6-12 years. Now, Exercise Yuk! also comes with anational examquestions. Also accompany him to prepare for theexam.• Let's Play: get hundreds of applications recommendationsforchildren with categories: games, education and e-book• Usage Report: parents can monitor activity along theLittlegadgetnya and see the development of learning inpracticeYuk!• Techno World: information and knowledge about technology withaneasily digestible• Roaming Fun: child can now explore exciting places in theWorldSmart Kids, solve the puzzle and get a cool badge andexcitingholiday ideasDownload for FREE now and forward periodically updates!Visit minimum specifications for installing Smart Kids:1. Minimal Android version 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich (ICS) tothetop2. Tablets and Android smartphones sizes 4.7 "to the top3. Minimum of 512 MB RAM4. Capacity of at least 1GB of storage on Android.5. Connection to the internet:a. Initial activation of the application / user registrationandloginb. Reading the article "World Techno"c. Browsing and install "Selected Applications"d. Delivery of monthly usage reports via emaile. Download updates
Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam (6 SD) 1.0
Puji dan syukur kami panjatkan kepadaTuhanYangMaha Esa atas berkat dan anugerah-Nya buku pelajaranIlmuPengetahuanAlam untuk siswa kelas 6 SD ini dapatdiselesaikan.Buku ini disusunberdasarkan Standar Isi 2006yang lebih menempatkan siswa sebagai pusat kegiatan belajar.Buku ini juga dilengkapi dengan berbagai latihanuntukmengujikompetensi siswa. Penggunaan bahasa dalam bukuinidisesuaikandengan tingkat perkembangan siswa agar siswadapatmemahami materidengan mudah.Kami menyadari bahwa dalam penyusunan buku inimasihterdapatkekurangan, untuk itu kami sangat mengharapkanadanyakritik dansaran demi perbaikan dan kesempurnaan buku ini.Akhir kata, kami mengucapkan terima kasih kepadaberbagaipihakyang telah membantu proses penyusunan bukuini. Semoga buku ini dapat bermanfaat bagi kita semua,khususnyaparasiswa.Praise and God wepraytoGod Almighty for His blessings and grace ofNaturalSciencetextbook for 6th grade students can be solved. Thisbook isbasedon the Content Standards in 2006more put students at the center of learning activities.The book also comes with a variety of exercises totestthestudents' competence. The use of language in this bookistailoredto the developmental level of students so thatstudentscanunderstand the material easily.We realize that in the preparation of this book isstillashortage, we are looking forward to the criticismandsuggestionsfor improvement and perfection of this book.Finally, we thank the various parties who have helpedtheprocessof preparing a bookHere you are. Hopefully this book can be useful forusall,especially the students.
IPS SD Benua 1.6
Aqila Course
IPS SD BenuaAqila Digital Course adalah Bimbel dimana Siswa dapatbelajardengan Aplikasi Android, dapat berupa smartphone (HP), epadataugadget lain ber-os android.Setiap Bab mempunyai aplikasi yang berbeda dan soal-soaldalamaplikasi sama dengan yang ada di ModulDengan adanya Aplikasi ini, Kalian dapat belajar dimanapundanKapanpun, tentu saja aplikasi ini membutuhkan internetsebagaipembawa data dari server ke HP Kalian.Kalian tidak perlu takut kehabisan kuota data internetkarenaAplikasi ini Hemat data, untuk membuka setiap menu Aplikasi,cumamembutuhkan sekitar 2kb, artinya Apabila Kalian mempunyai kuota1mb saja, Kalian dapat bermain atau mengerjakan soal sebanyak500soal, Hemat Bukan.Aplikasi ini terhubung dengan user atau siswa lainseluruhIndonesia, dan Ketika kalian menyentuh tombol Lomba, kaliandapatmengambil Koin teman kalian dengan cara mengerjakan soalyangdipasang, seperti layaknya gameonline.Leader board ( Daftar Nilai ) merupakan data real timeyangmenunjukkan perolehan nilai dari setiap siswa, untukmengetahuisiapakah yang terbaik diantara kalian, maka tunjukkanbahwa kalianadalah yang terbaik.Aplikasi ini memang tidak membutuhkan kuota internet besar,akantetapi membutuhkan kecepatan setara koneksi 3G, akankanlebihbaik,jika memainkan Aplikasi ini saat terkoneksi dengan Wifi ataukoneksiinternet lebih dari 3G, misal HSDPA atau HSUPA. Pada saatkaliantidak mendapatkan Koneksi yang memadai maka Aplikasi iniakan forceclose, dan Aplikasi harus dibuka ulang.Semua Kegiatan dalam Aplikasi ini, bertujuan membuat KalianlebihPintar dan lebih cepat memahami Materi Pelajaran diSekolah.Have Fun and Enjoy It!Bimbel SD SMP dan SMA, Aqila CourseIPS SD ContinentAqila Digital Course is Bimbel where students can learnwithAndroid applications, can be a smartphone (HP), epad orothergadget Air-os android.Each chapter has a different application and problems intheapplication the same as the one on ModulesWith the existence of this app, You can learn anywhere and anytime,of course, this app requires internet as a carrier of datafrom theserver to the HP guys.You do not need to worry about running out of internet dataquotafor this application save data, to open any application menu,onlyrequires about 2KB, meaning If You have a quota of 1 mb course,Youcan play or do the problems of 500 questions, not save.This application is connected to the user or otherstudentsthroughout Indonesia, and when you touch the buttoncompetition,you can take on your friends in a way Coins do theproblemsmounted, like gameson line.Leader board (Register Value) is the real time data showingtheacquisition value of each student, to find out who is the bestofyou, then show that you are the best.This application does not require large internet quota, butrequiresa similar speed 3G connection, would be better,if played this app when connected to Wi-Fi or Internetconnectionover 3G, HSDPA or HSUPA example. By the time you do notget anadequate connection, the app will force close, and theapplicationmust be reopened.All activities in this app, aims to make guys more clever andmorequickly understand Lessons in School.Have Fun and Enjoy It!Bimbel elementary and junior high school, Aqila Course
Matematika (6 SD) 1.0
Puji syukur kami ucapkan ke hadirat TuhanYangMaha Esa, karena atas rahmat, hidayah, dan ridho-Nya, akhirnyabukupelajaran Matematika untuk siswa kelas VI SD ini telah dapatkamiselesaikan. Buku Matematika ini kami susun berdasarkan StandarIsi2006.Dalam buku ini kami mencoba menyajikan materi yang sesuaidenganurutan pada materi pelajaran Matematika dalam Standar Isi2006.Buku ini kami lengkapi pula dengan berbagai latihan untukmengujikompetensi siswa dengan harapan dapat lebih membantu siswauntukbelajar secara mandiri di bawah asuhan guru.Kami menyadari walaupun telah bekerja keras untuk menyusunbukuini, namun tidak mungkin menjadi lebih baik tanpa masukanpihaklain. Untuk itu kami mengharapkan kepada semua pihakagarmemberikan masukan berupa kritik atau saran demi perbaikandankesempurnaan buku ini.Kepada semua pihak yang telah membantu tak lupa kamiucapkanbanyak terima kasih. Semoga buku ini bermanfaat dan semogaTuhanYang Maha Esa meridhoi tujuan kita dalam pembentukan generasiyangberakhlak karimah, cinta pada bangsa dan negaraRepublikIndonesia.Thank God we give toGodthe Almighty, because upon grace, guidance, and hisblessing,finally math textbooks for sixth grade students have beenable wefinish. This book is structured Mathematics ContentStandards in2006.In this book we try to present the material in accordancewiththe order of the subject matter in the MathematicsContentStandards 2006. The book we are equipped also with a varietyofexercises to test the students' competence in the hope offurtherhelp students to study independently under the guidance ofateacher.We realize though have been working hard to prepare thisbook,but not perhaps be better without the input of others. Forthat weexpect all parties to provide input in the form of criticismorsuggestions for improvement and perfection of this book.To all those who have helped us not forget to say thankyou.Hopefully this book useful and may God Almighty bless ourpurposein the formation of a certain character generation karimah,lovethe nation and the state of the Republic of Indonesia.
Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial (6 SD) 1.0
Puji dan syukur kami panjatkan kepadaTuhanYang Maha Esa yang telah melimpahkan petunjuk danpertolongan-Nyasehingga penulis dapat menyelesaikan buku ini.Penulis jugamenyampaikan terima kasih dan penghargaan kepada semuapihak,khususnya penerbit yang telah menerbitkan buku ini.Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial mengkaji seperangkat peristiwa,fakta,konsep, dan generasi yang berkaitan dengan isu sosial.Melalui matapelajaran Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial, peserta didikdiarahkan untukdapat menjadi warga negara Indonesia yangdemokratis, danbertanggung jawab, serta warga dunia yang cintadamai.Mata pelajaran Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial dirancanguntukmengembangkan pengetahuan, pemahaman, dan kemampuananalisisterhadap kondisi sosial masyarakat dalam menghadapitantangan beratdi masa yang akan datang. Karena kehidupanmasyarakat global selalumengalami perubahan setiap saat.Buku Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial ini memberikan pengetahuankepadapara siswa agar (1) memahami perkembangan wilayahIndonesia,kenampakan alam dan keadaan sosial negara-negara di AsiaTenggara,serta benua-benua (2) memahami gejala alam yang terjadidiIndonesia dan sekitarnya; dan (3) memahami peranan Indonesia dieraglobal.Penulis menyadari adanya kekurangan dan kelemahan buku ini.Untukitu, kritik dan saran yang membangun sangat penulis harapkandemiperbaikan edisi berikutnya.Praise and God we praytoGod Almighty who has bestowed His guidance and help so that Icanfinish this book. The author also expressed thanks andappreciationto all parties, particularly the publisher who haspublished thisbook.Social Sciences examine a set of events, facts, concepts,andgeneration-related social issues. Through the subjects ofSocialSciences, learners can be directed to Indonesian citizens ofademocratic, and accountable, as well as citizens of the worldwholove peace.Subjects Social Sciences is designed to develop theknowledge,understanding, and analytical skills of the socialconditions ofthe people in the face of severe challenges in thefuture. Due tothe global community life is always changing everymoment.Books Social Sciences is to provide knowledge to the studentsinorder to (1) understand the development of Indonesia,naturalfeatures and social conditions in the countries of SoutheastAsia,as well as the continents (2) understand natural phenomenathatoccur in Indonesia and surrounding areas; and (3) understandtherole of Indonesia in the global era.The author is aware of the shortcomings and weaknesses ofthisbook. To that end, criticism and constructive suggestionsforimprovement so the authors expect the next edition.
IPS SD Lingkungan Sekitar Kita 1.7
Aqila Course
IPS SD Lingkungan Sekitar KitaAqila Digital Course adalah Bimbel dimana Siswadapatbelajardengan Aplikasi Android, dapat berupa smartphone (HP),epadataugadget lain ber-os android.Setiap Bab mempunyai aplikasi yang berbeda dansoal-soaldalamaplikasi sama dengan yang ada di ModulDengan adanya Aplikasi ini, Kalian dapat belajardimanapundanKapanpun, tentu saja aplikasi ini membutuhkaninternetsebagaipembawa data dari server ke HP Kalian.Kalian tidak perlu takut kehabisan kuota datainternetkarenaAplikasi ini Hemat data, untuk membuka setiap menuAplikasi,cumamembutuhkan sekitar 2kb, artinya Apabila Kalianmempunyai kuota1mb saja, Kalian dapat bermain atau mengerjakan soalsebanyak500soal, Hemat Bukan.Aplikasi ini terhubung dengan user atau siswa lainseluruhIndonesia,dan Ketika kalian menyentuh tombol Lomba, kaliandapatmengambil Kointeman kalian dengan cara mengerjakan soalyangdipasang, sepertilayaknya gameonline.Leader board ( Daftar Nilai ) merupakan data realtimeyangmenunjukkan perolehan nilai dari setiap siswa,untukmengetahuisiapakah yang terbaik diantara kalian, makatunjukkanbahwa kalianadalah yang terbaik.Aplikasi ini memang tidak membutuhkan kuota internetbesar,akantetapi membutuhkan kecepatan setara koneksi 3G,akankanlebihbaik,jika memainkan Aplikasi ini saat terkoneksi dengan Wifiataukoneksiinternet lebih dari 3G, misal HSDPA atau HSUPA. Padasaatkaliantidak mendapatkan Koneksi yang memadai maka Aplikasiiniakan forceclose, dan Aplikasi harus dibuka ulang.Semua Kegiatan dalam Aplikasi ini, bertujuan membuatKalianlebihPintar dan lebih cepat memahami Materi PelajarandiSekolah.Have Fun and Enjoy It!Bimbel SD SMP dan SMA, Aqila CourseSD IPSEnvironmentAroundUsAqila Digital Course is Bimbel where students canlearnwithAndroid applications, can be a smartphone (HP), epadorothergadget air-os android.Each chapter has a different application and problemsintheapplication the same as the one on ModuleGiven this app, You can learn anywhere and any time, ofcourse,thisapp requires internet as a carrier of data from theserver tothe HPguys.You need not fear running out of internet data quotaforthisapplication save data, to open any application menu,onlyneedabout 2KB, meaning If you have a quota of 1 mb only, youcanplayor do about 500 questions, not save.This application is connected with the user orotherstudentsthroughout Indonesia, and when you touch a key race,youcan takeon your friends in a way Coins do the problemsmounted,likegameon line.Leader board (List of Values) is a real time data thatshowstheacquisition value of each student, to find out who is thebestofyou, then show that you are the best.This app does not require internet quota great, but needasimilarspeed 3G connection, would be better,if play this app when connected to WiFi or Internetconnectionover3G, such as HSDPA or HSUPA. By the time you do notget anadequateconnection then this application will force close,andtheapplication should be reopened.All activities in this app, aims to make guys more cleverandmorequickly understand Lessons in Schools.Have Fun and Enjoy It!Bimbel elementary and junior high school, Aqila Course
CSAT UPSC Prep 1.6
Minglebox brings the CSAT UPSC aspirantsaneasy to use app for the Prelims and Main Examination - TheUPSCCSAT IAS/IPS/IFS Exam Prep App• Only CSAT App that contains comprehensive lessons onIndianPolity, Economics, Geography, History and CurrentAffairs• 5 Practice Tests for each section• News and UpdatesWith this App, access preparation material from anywhereandevaluate your progress with the section-wise practicetests.Get the base content free and the full access for just Rs200.Download Now!We value your feedback. Have any question or comments orproblemswith the payment gateway, then please write to us [email protected] us on 9632122282.About Minglebox is India's leading education portal with a userbaseof 4mn+ students and young professionals. With thegrowingpopularity of mobile apps, we believe that test prep appscanbenefit students significantly by helping them prepare on thego.Minglebox has launched 7 test prep android applications, whichhavebeen downloaded by 1 lakh+ users. Minglebox's Exam Prep Appsareamong the top 25 free android apps in the education sector.
Test Çöz
All classes Solve tests for classes and exams.
Pend. Kewarganegaraan (6 SD) 1.0
Segala puji dan syukur kami panjatkankepadaTuhan Yang Maha Esa atas rahmat dan karunia-Nya, akhirnyakamidapat menerbitkan buku Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan untuk SDkelas VIyang kami susun berdasarkan Standar Isi 2006.Dalam buku ini, kami berusaha menyajikan pembahasan materidenganbahasa yang sederhana dan menarik dengan tujuan untukmemudahkansiswa dalam menyerap materi pembelajaran. Di buku inisiswa akanbelajar tentang Proses Perumusan Pancasila sebagai DasarNegara,Pemilu dan Pilkada, Sistem Pemerintahan Republik Indonesia,PeranIndonesia di Kawasan Asia Tenggara, dan Politik LuarNegeriIndonesia Era Globalisas. Kami juga melengkapinya denganlatihandan tugas disetiap bab untuk menguji pemahaman danmengukurkemampuan siswa.Kami menyadari buku ini masih jauh dari sempurna, walaupunkamitelah bekerja keras untuk menyusun buku ini. Oleh karenaitu,kritik dan saran masih tetap kami perlukan demi penyempurnaanbukuini.Tidak lupa kami ucapkan terima kasih kepada semua pihakyangtelah membantu dalam pengerjaan buku ini. Harapan kami, semogabukuini dapat membimbing siswa dalam kemajuan dan keberhasilan.Praise and God we praytoGod Almighty for His mercy and grace, we can finally publishbooksfor the elementary school Civics class VI which isstructuredContent Standards in 2006.In this book, we try to present the discussion of the languageissimple and attractive with the aim to facilitate students toabsorbthe learning material. In this book students will learnabout theprocess of formulation of Pancasila as the State,Elections andElections, Governance System of the Republic ofIndonesia,Indonesia's role in Southeast Asia, Indonesian andforeign policythe globalization era. We also complete theexercises andassignments in each chapter to test the students'understanding andmeasuring capabilities.We realize this book is far from perfect, even though wehaveworked hard to prepare this book. Therefore, criticismandsuggestions are still our need for the improvement ofthisbook.Do not forget we thank all those who have assisted intheexecution of this book. Our hope is that this book canguidestudents in the progress and success.
Mission IAS 1.0
Mission IAS is Particularly made for those learners who wanttocrackthe UPSC exam. Download this app and you will findtheunlimitedstudy materials for the several competitive examslikeIAS, IPS, PCS,IBPS, Banking and many more The newRecruitmentProcess of CivilServices Exam conducted by the UPSC(Union PublicService Commission)is called the CSAT or the CivilServicesAptitude Test. The CSAT hascome into effect from theCivilServices Examination 2011. This appis Useful for preparationofUPSC,IAS,CSAT,PCS,MPSC,RPSC,SBI,ITOFFICER,Railway,PostOffice,Rural Bank, We are providing Daily NewQuestions andLevels.ThisCurrent Affairs and GK Also useful forNDA,CDS,IES,STATEPSC,CWEEXAMS PREPARATION. This Civil ServiceExamination Planningappcontains the great data for 1. GeneralKnowledge 2.GeneralAwareness 3. Aptitude 4. Verbal Ability 5.Reasoning 6.CurrentAffairs & General awareness 7. History ofIndia 8.Geography 9.Political Science 10. Comprehension
ClearIAS Test Prep App for IAS 2.0
IAS Online Coaching, UPSC Prelims Test Series, UPSC MainsTestSeries etc.