Top 19 Apps Similar to CPR Pocket Guide

Real Time CPR Guide 3.01
Chen Gantz
There is no more frustrating feeling to seeaperson needing help and you cannot help him or are afraid tohelphim.With "Real Time CPR Guide" this is not going to happen.As a CPR course instructor, lots of students told me that"intimes of stress I would never be able to remember what to do,and Iwould probably prefer not to perform CPR"."Real Time CPR Guide" comes to resolve this fear, becausetheapplication displays the CPR flow in an easy and intuitiveway.Furthermore,with "Real Time CPR Guide" you can learn howtoperform CPR the correct way and also remember its steps.In time of need, the application will guide you throughthecorrect flow steps and will explain to you how to performeachstep."Real Time CPR Guide" displays videos without networkconnectionso you can take it with you whereever you go.NOTE - If you have comments, an idea how to improvethisapplication or if you find bug, I would really appreciate ifyoucontact me so I can make this application better.
Learn CPR! 2.1.0
Learn CPR! is designed to help you learn CPR or brush up on yourCPRskills.
CPR Metronome
Cardiopulmonaryresuscitation:In(CardioPulmonary Resuscitation CPR), when you do(heartmassage),and it is recommended to perform the pressure tocontinueat a rateof more than 100 times per minute of chestcompressions.CPR metronome, BEEP sound emitted by 100 times per minute,youcancheck the timing of chest compressions.Please use and training of chest compressions.You can configure the following settings in the options.(Press the Menu button on your terminal, please selectthesettingsthat are displayed.)* Disabling the splash-screen display* Run immediately after start-* Adjust the volume-BEEP(Kind of volume can be selected.)* Flashing LED icon on the screen* ON / OFF of the vibration* Change the tempo of the chest compressions:* Tempo can be changed in the range of 100 to 120timesperminute* Display and count from 1 to 30* Select the number of chest compressions (15 or 30)* Providing a two-time doses of artificial respiration* Adjustment of the time when artificial respiration* Establish the time of airway* Initialize the value-setting screen, press the "Clear"buttonfromthe menu* Reset the CPR task when you restart:(If checked, when after a pause, press the Play button tostartfromthe first cycle (chest compressions) of CPR.When suspended, eg, at AED, you can start from the sameMelchestcompressions resumed by this time.)※ environment android viersion 2.2 and earlier, the tempoortimingwill shift.In some cases you may want to delay processing byotherapplicationsbut 2.3.
CPR Metronome 1.0
Please read this entire description!CPR Metronome was written by a paramedic for EMS personneltosolve two common problems with CPR resuscitation by EMSproviders:compressions which are too slow and ventilating thepatient toofast.To address these problems, CPR Metronome plays a sound at110beats per minute (to coincide with thecurrently-recommendedguidelines for compressions) to give anaudible cue to the correctcompression rate; it's pretty simple...when the app clicks,compress the chest. To solve the problem ofover-bagging thepatient, a gong sounds 12 times per minute toindicate when toventilate.Both sounds are combined into a single audio track thatloopsindefinitely until the app is stopped. The best practice is toopenthe app when you're enroute to a call, then as you approachthepatient, tap "Start CPR", clip the phone back on your belt, andgoto work just like normal. CPR Metronome will begin a stopwatchfromthe time you begin so you know exactly how long CPR has beeninprogress and will play the audible signal to keep time for youtoensure an optimal compression and ventilation rate. In additiontoproviding a timer for the optimal rate of compressionsandventilations, having the sound playing as you're workingthepatient provides an audible cue to remind you that the patienthasno blood flow when you stop compressions, and reminds youthatcompressions need to be resumed as quickly as possible.CPR Metronome cost me a bundle to develop, but I truly believeinhigh quality CPR, so I am giving it away for free to get it inasmany providers' hands as possible. The only thing I ask is thatyoucheck out my other apps, OmniMedix, EasyECG, and OmniFire,andconsider purchasing one or more of them; by doing so, you canhelpme offset my development costs for CPR Metronome, as well ashelpme out in sort of a "crowdfunding campaign" as I currently trytopay for the very expensive process of applying to andinterviewingfor medical school, with the goal of some day beingaparamedic-turned-EMS Medical Director.I would also ask you to check out my webpage at and visituson Facebook at educational tools and teachings. I'm a working streetmedicjust like you guys are, and all of my apps were developedfromseeing a need that hadn't been addressed yet by any other apps.Ibelieve that "we" know what we need more than someone whoisn'tactually out there on the street running calls every day.This app is not a substitute for formal CPR training, butisintended to supplement proper training, and is only intendedforuse by professional healthcare providers. After you have triedtheapp, please be sure to return to the app store and give usafeedback rating and comments.Content created by:Cody Blount, BS, NREMT-P, FP-CSend feedback to:[email protected]
PulsePoint Respond 4.16.5
Download the PulsePoint app and use your CPR skills to save a life!
First Aid Offline 1.0
Accidents happens First Aid Offline Appputsexpert advice for everyday emergencies in your hand. Get theappand be prepared for what life brings. With simplestep-by-stepadvice it’s never been easier to know first aid.Features:- First aid tips for heart attacks and shocks- First aid tips for bones, joints and muscles- First aid tips for wounds and bleeding- First aid tips for heat injuries and seizures- First aid tips for life saving procedures- First aid tips for effects of heat and cold- First aid tips for for breathing problems- First aid tips for poisoning scenarios- First aid tips for emergency situations- Take photo for the accident scenes- Record audio for accident events- Game to distract injured victims
Baby and child first aid 2.10.1
Learn baby and child first aid with the British Red Cross app.Beprepared.
ACLS Rhythm Tutor 2.2.0
Learn to interpret ECG rhythms as the waveform sweeps acrossthescreen.
S.O.S. by American Red Cross 2.0
Be safe, prepared and informed when a medical emergency strikeswiththe American Red Cross’s S.O.S. App for Android.The American Red Cross has teamed up with Dr. Oz and Sharecaretocreate the ultimate emergency care application. S.O.S.providesstep-by-step instructions on dealing with a variety ofemergencies,including choking, broken bones, strokes, allergicreactions andmore. Not sure what the problem is? We’ll help youfigure that out,too.This free app includes:- An expansive Emergency Guide for easy access to emergencycareinformation.- A questionnaire to help you determine an emergency’s severityandproper treatment.- Dozens of videos, narrated by Dr. Oz, to coach youthroughemergency protocols. Particularly complex techniques, suchasunconscious choking and CPR also include an audio andvisualcounter for real-time CPR compressions.- Quick Care factoids to help you stay ahead of the curve beforeanemergency strikes. These range from knowing which foods canhelpmotion sickness to the medical use for kitty litter.- Easy access to 9-1-1. If you’re not in the US, we’ve gotyoucovered – the app will determine what country you’re in anddialthe appropriate emergency number.- Alerts from the Red Cross to make it easy to help out in thecaseof a major disaster.Emergency care protocols were developed and reviewedbyprestigious medical and educational panels from both theAmericanRed Cross and the American College of EmergencyPhysicians(ACEP).
Urgencias Extrahospitalarias 4.0.0
Esta aplicación ofrece acceso de forma rápidaysencilla a numerosos algoritmos de tratamiento de lasprincipalespatologías de cierta importancia en la práctica de lamedicina deurgencia en el medio extrahospitalario.En algunos casos se aporta un recordatorio clínico odiagnóstico.También se revisan de forma esquemática los principalesfármacos deuso en la RCP y en el área de la urgenciacardiovascular.En todas estas aproximaciones se ha priorizado la esquematizaciónyel acceso directo y rápido a la información más relevante,sinpretender aportar una visión en profundidad de ninguno de lostemasincluidos en esta aplicación.Toda la información aportada en esta revisión se ha elaboradoapartir de la bibliografía incluida en la propia aplicación.Una herramienta de gran utilidad práctica para todosaquellossanitarios que deben enfrentarse a la urgencia fuera delentornohospitalario.This applicationprovidesaccess quickly and easily to processing algorithms of themainpathologies of some importance in the practice ofemergencymedicine in the hospital setting.In some cases there is provided a clinical or diagnosticreminder.Also reviewed schematically the main drugs of use in CPRand in thearea of ​​cardiovascular emergency.In all these approaches have been mainly flowcharting and directandquick access to the most relevant information, withoutattempting toprovide an in depth view of any of the topicsincluded in thisapplication.All information provided in this review was drawn fromtheliterature included in the application itself.A useful tool for all those health practice who must confronttheurgency out of the hospital environment.
Reanimación Cardiorespiratoria 6.0
La parada cardiorrespiratoria (PCR) se define como el cese delarespiración y circulación espontáneas, de formapotencialmentereversible. La reanimación cardiopulmonar (RCP) es elconjunto demaniobras que intentan mantener el aporte de oxígeno alcerebro ycorazón hasta que se restaure la circulación espontánea.Lascompresiones torácicas (masaje cardíaco externo) permitencircularsangre oxigenada por el cuerpo. El proceso consistebásicamente enapretar en el centro del tórax con el fin decomprimir el pecho.Aplicación de ayuda en la detección de la paradacardiorespiratoriay en la apliación del algoritmo de reanimacióncardiorespiratoria.
First Aid White Cross 15.0.4
Realer GmbH
First aid basics for adults, children and infantsincludingvideocliops for free
AHA eBook Reader 7.4.0
Access your American Heart Association (AHA) eBooks online,offlineor anytime.
MyATLS v2.4-release
The perfect resource and reference guide for trauma care -MyATLSapp
Davis's NCLEX-RN Success 6.0.1
Thoroughly updated and revised to reflectthenewest Test Plan. This latest update is based on the 3rdeditionwith additional features, enhanced functionality andongoingupdates.Davis's NCLEX-RN® Success, includes 1,000 brand-newquestions,comprising overall 3,500 questions.// Key Features• Presents comprehensive, but concise, well illustrated,contentreviews• Offers test-taking tips for all questions as well asrationalesfor correct and incorrect answers• Physiological Integrity includes herbal meds and a section ondrugcalculations/conversions• Codes all answers by clinical areao cognitive areao nursing process stepo category of human function ando client need• New systems-based approach for Pediatrics and Med/Surg• New organization for OB—intrapartal , postpartal andnewborn• Psych organized by DSM categories• More alternate-item-format questions• New second color for easier reference• New appendices offer a guide to content focused on thereductionof risk potential, and expanded information oncomplementary andalternative therapies• Updated CPR guidelines• Thousands of practice questions, including the integratedpretest,two integrated post-tests, content reviews• Updated management of care section, includingo delegationo establishing prioritieso HIPPA ruleso emergency response plan, including fire safetyandpreparedness• Includes 5 interactive flowcharts which assist in makingclinicaldecisions• Brand-new appendices added...o Index to all diagnostic procedures and testso Index of questions related to the six NCLEX descriptors orclientsub-needso Index of detailed content covered in the official NCLEX-RN®TestPlan• Updated information on Older Adult, InfectionControl,Bioterrorism and associated syndromes• Comprehensive, illustrated review of nursing content withmanyillustrations, charts, and visual cues in med-surg, elderly,OB,pediatric, psych, nutrition, pharmacology, diagnosticprocedures,nursing treatments, ethical/legal issues, management ofcare,prioritization, and safety and infection control• The only review reference with critical pathways in OB,peds,psych, and med-surg• A straightforward, step-by-step review process: pretest,contentreviews of most frequently tested areas, practice test, andfinaltest• A special unit addressing the needs of international nursesandrepeat test-takers is included• Extensive appendices, including indexes of all questions inthereference by client need categories, subcategories, nursingprocessstep, and areas of human function; plus Appendix C coversall thetheory directly based on categories and subcategoriescovered inthe official NCLEX-RN® test plan// Unique Features• Full color images: This product includes images that helpbringthe content to life.• Update Policy: Edition-based. New editions are released whenthecontent changes significantly; there is no standard schedulefornew editions.// Designed for OmnioThis app will install your new resource into the Omnioenvironment,which requires a separate download. Learn more bysearching for“Omnio” in Google Play.
A person collapses. People around yellforHelp!Are you prepared? ANYONE CAN BE A HERO®Only 5% of patients in Sudden Cardiac Arrest survive.Why?Mostlybecause CPR is not started immediately.TEAM LIFE CPR is an easy to follow CPR Script to use intheeventof a Sudden Cardiac Arrest.
CPR Rhythm Tool 1.3
The CPR Rhythm tool shows the rhythmofthechest compression and breathing in CPR(CardioPulmonaryResuscitation) with a sound and animation.It is useful as a supplementary tool in the CPR educational area.< Function of CPR simulation >It shows the compression rate with playing asound100(or110,120)/min and animation.You can start and Stop the chest compression rhythm bytheshakegesture.Please select a favorite animation from 4 patterns.You can do the simulation by following settings;*Simulation of CPR with C-A-B.- You can select a compression-to-ventilation ratio,30:2or15:2.- It shows a interruption time with a picture that promptstostartbreathing when you need a breathing. Then it sounds every1secondand automatically restarts a chest compressionafter10seconds.*Simulation of Hands-only CPR*Compression - ventilation time recording- You can record to compression and ventilation time. And savetoSDcard.< Function of Timer >Count-down Timer : if you want to lesson CPR at a given time.Count-up Timer : if you want to check a elapsed time by CPR.Opt. Alarm at a set time - you may use it formedicationsupportat the situation of ACLS.
CPR Clock 1.33
Resuscitation is a very important moment and shouldbeorganized.During a Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR), theremustbe someonecommanding the whole team, including the time andrelayof cardiacmassage. To help manage this type of situation,ourapplicationshows different values of time required for abettermonitoring ofCPR. HOW TO USE? Let a program shortcut in alocationeasilyaccessible on your phone. When a Carido-respiratoryarrestoccurs,open the program and it will automatically starttheoperation ofits functions. Every two minutes, an alarm willbeplayed alongwith a vibrating alert, indicating that it is timetoswitch therescuer. In addition, the application shows youthecurrent time,the start time, the elapsed time and the currentcyclenumber. Werecommend that you, after using the program, alwayscloseit bytapping the Exit button. BEFORE YOU PURCHASE: 1.Thisapplicationis designed for phones and is not tested on tablets.Itmay work ontablets, however, images will appear coarse sincetheyare shrunkfor memory-aware phones. 2. Please appreciate thattheauthorcannot purchase all hardware and provider contracts forthelargenumber of Android devices currently on the market. Pleasebesokind as to send a report preferably with screen snapshouldyouencounter any layout issues. 3. This applicationoperatesinPortrait mode only. 4. Please contact us if you haveanypre-salesquestions. 5. We are not responsible for any kindofdamage causedby using this application. If you disagree withthis,don't installthis application on your device. Keywords:CPR,Cardiac Arrest,Managing, Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation, Clock,TimeRimel website:
ACLS MegaCodes Review 2015 1.15
ACLS MegaCodes Review reflects the updated 2015AmericanHeartAdvanced Cardiovascular Life Support Guidelines andprovidesacomplete review of advanced cardiovascular lifesupport,includingthe new 2015 ICOR update. ACLS MegaCodes Reviewsimulatorlet youtest your skills in real-life situations. You canpracticemakinglife-or-death decisions and learn acute ACLSinterventions.Choosedefibrillation levels and pharmacologictreatments foreverypossible resuscitation situation. Take actualpractice testsusedfor ACLS certification. ACLS MegaCodes Reviewcoverseverythingfrom airway management and rhythms to electricaltherapy,acutecoronary syndromes, and acute stroke. ACLS MegaCodesReviewhelpsEMTs, nurses, students, and physicians successfullycompletetheAmerican Heart Association Advanced Cardiac LifeSupport(ACLS)course and certification exam. Experienced providerscanchoosemore challenging Place in Correct Order questions.