Top 24 Apps Similar to 夢的解析-佛洛伊德

學佛入門 2.0
随身佛經 9.2.0
請注意:為了讓擁有舊手機的用戶可以觀看到更新錯別字後的經文,後學開發了另一個加強版來讓使用最新Android操作系統的手機可以享用新功能及用戶界面。隨身佛經提供一系列普遍世界各地佛教徒所常用的佛经。- 大悲咒- 佛說阿彌陀經- 佛說無量壽經- 大佛頂首楞嚴經- 佛說四十二章經- 佛說觀無量壽經- 文殊師利發願經- 般若波羅蜜多心經- 大勢至菩薩念佛圓通章- 藥師琉璃光如來本願功德經- 大方廣佛華嚴經·普賢行願品- 妙法蓮華經觀世音菩薩普門品由於各宗派的儀軌有所不相同, 隨身佛經的經文是不加入儀軌的。如果您在經文中發現錯別字或有提升隨身佛經的建議,歡迎您電郵通知。為了確保經文没錯別字,隨身佛經將自动連接互聯網检查更新和下载佛經。願以此功德,迴向法界一切眾生,聞法得度,離苦得樂,往生淨土。Please note:To allow the user to have the old phone can watch scripturesupdatedtypos after another after school to develop an enhancedversion tomake use of the latest Android operating system formobile phonescan enjoy new features and user interface.Buddhist Sutra offers a range of portable universalmantracommonly used around the world.- Compassion- Amitabha Sutra- Buddha Wuliangshoujing- Big Shurangama- Buddha 四十二章经- Buddha View Wuliangshoujing- Manjushri vow by- Heart Sutra- Other Bodhisattvas Buddha tact chapter- Pharmacists glass light Tathagata by virtue of the willing- Avatamsaka Sutra · Samantabhadra vows goods- Lotus Sutra Bodhisattva Universal DoorDue to various denominations have different rituals,carryBuddhist scriptures are not joined rituals.If you find typos in the text or upgrade carryBuddhistsuggestions, please e-mail notification. To ensure thatthescriptures did not typos, carry Buddhist scriptureswillautomatically connect to the Internet to check for updatesanddownload the Buddhist scriptures.Would like to take this merit, back to the Dharma of allbeings,the smell of the law was, from suffering, reborn in thePureLand.
我佛慈悲(佛經集) 1.8.2
為服務廣大的佛教信徒, 決定出版佛經手機版希望將來把佛經完整保留, 也希望能加入誦經功能如果想要任何經典, 可以 [email protected]請朋友們要到承光的臉書加加油, 按個讚, 宣傳一下喔關鍵字( polosoft )To serve themajorityofBuddhists, decided to publish Buddhist MobileversionHope that the Buddhist intact, also hope to jointhechantingfunctionIf you want any of the classic, you can [email protected] go to face book friends bearing light plus fuel,accordingtoa praise, publicity about oh 89% E9% 99% 90% E5% 85% AC% E5% 8F% B8 /399730390055119Keyword (polosoft)
佛梅電子大藏經 1.0a
Buddhist Tripitaka Mei Electronics
Pure Land Rebirth Dhāraṇī 3.1.2
The Paradiso
Pure Land Rebirth Mantra (Sanskrit:सुखावती व्यूह धरणी |Sukhāvatīvyūha dharaṇī)
学佛入门 2.0
仙佛慈訓 1.4
C Want
Thank Grace morality, and every moment about Buddhas,heart,Buddhas, Buddhas have our hearts!
釋迦牟尼佛傳(白話) 1.0
(原安裝舊版本的大德,歡迎移除並改裝此具記憶功能之版本)閱讀說明1、本程式並無任何廣告,讓您可以靜心閱讀,祝您法喜充滿。2、更多資訊與版本,歡迎至「智慧寶庫」 網站善書區下載。(PDF繁簡、EPUB繁簡、APK等)3、【本書乃網友分享重編製作如有侵犯,敬請來信告知改善,感謝慈悲造福人群】4、「紅紫邊框」程式具記憶位置功能,「紅綠邊框」者具彩字或重點整理或影音連網功能。(本書所造功德迴向原作及十方大德,功德無量)釋迦牟尼佛傳釋迦牟尼佛傳(一)  二千五百多年前,在印度喜瑪拉雅雪山腳下一座美麗富饒的城中,有一位國王的家庭裏誕生了一位王子,王子在尊貴豪華的環境之中長大成人,結婚生子,至二十九歲時,這位曾經歷了幼失慈怙的王子,現在又看清了人世間浮華背後的虛幻,老病死苦的逼迫,他毅然放下了將要承繼的王位和賢妻幼子,捨棄了世間一切的榮華富貴,顯赫權力,離開了崇山峻岭的故鄉,步往波瀾壯麗的恒河平原,在這片曾經孕育過許多賢哲的古老廣大地上,開始了心靈的探索,和誓要超越精神上種種束縛的鍛煉歷程,經過了六年的精勤努力,他曾經虛心地受教於名師,享受過不受物質束縳的精神愉悅,也曾經極其殘虐地折磨自己的身體,驗證那難以忍受的身心苦痛。最後,憑著自己的智慧與堅毅,在身心皆處於正常平穩的境況之中,他終於體證了再無老病死苦,再無恐怖愁憂的大智慧,他的生命裏再無迷惑困擾,心裏一片澄淨寧悅,生與死,得與失,世間的一切煩惱都不能再束縛這位大覺智者。出於悲憫之情,大覺智者希望能將自己所體悟的真理,完全無私地奉獻,與願意接受的人分享。此後他就踏遍了印度這片古老的廣袤大地,不論富貴貧賤,平等教化人民,終身不渝。這個人就是佛陀,他的名字叫悉達多‧瞿曇彌,以下就是的他生平故事。
Sigmund Freud Books & Audio
A great app featuring All Free Sigmund Freud Books andAudiobooksinapp via public domain sources. Dream Psychology,DreamPsychologyAudio Book, The Interpretation of Dreams,TheInterpretation ofDreams Audiobook, A General IntroductiontoPsychoanalysis + Audio,The Psychopathology of Everyday Life,GroupPsychology and theAnalysis of the Ego and more! ★ CoolNewInterface for 2015 ★Sigmund Freud Classic Books ★ SigmundFreudClassic Audio Books ★Easy in App Reader ★ Very Small DownloadSize★ Sigmund FreudBiography As a small market app developerweappreciate your takingthe time to get to know us and ouralwaysfree apps. We welcome anyand all suggestions, feedbackorquestions so please feel free toreach out to us directly. Youcanfind us at our website and onGoogle+via Thank yousomuch!Disclaimer: All content provided or linked via our appsisDMCAcompliant and licensed under Creative Commons or inthePublicDomain. Please notify us immediately if you haveanyquestionsregarding this issue.
佛說 1.4
【佛說】願一切功德迴向佛淨士集合佛家15部經典 :1、佛說阿隬陀經2、普門品3、般若波羅蜜多心經4、地藏菩薩本願經5、無量壽經6、佛說四十二章經7、圓覺經8、佛垂般涅槃略說教誡經9、佛說八大人覺經10、維摩詰所說經11、法句經12、楞伽經13、楞嚴經14、普賢行願品15、佛說觀無量壽佛經一、經典閱讀 :1、可逐字閱讀或自動閱讀 自動閱讀速度可調整。2、附參考用的Google語音服務 當您不知道字如何唸時 可參考Google語音。3、經典閱讀結束時 可選擇下一篇經文 或 繼續所選擇的經文。4、可輸入迴向對象 迴向功德。二、迴向記錄:1、可記錄您讀完經典的 名稱 迴向對象 時間 次數等。2、方便您查閱是否完成每日功課。三、隨喜功德:1、每讀完一篇經典 或 點擊廣告佈施 即獲得善心值。2、善心值滿時可升級 讓您每天讀經 充滿動力。四、分享:1、將應用程式分享給您的有緣人。
Married couples quarrel with Master Shengyan to discuss therightand wrong, usually the master's way of dealing with it is toscoldwhoever comes, "Three rational poles, three unreasonablepoles."Faced with all kinds of marital and family problems, how cantheMaster give advice with his compassion and wisdom?
3D Dictionary 大伯公千字图/梦册 MKT 1.11
help to analysis your dream, get your 3D, turn your dream andstrikea fortune
Книга сновидений (сонник) 1.0.38
The most complete collection of dream books. Easily search anduserfriendly interface.
Sigmund Freud - Complete Works 1.0
Sigmund Freud; 6 May 1856 – 23 September1939)was an Austrian neurologist, now known as the fatherofpsychoanalysis.IncludesCivilization and Its DiscontentsThe Ego and the IdThe Future of an IllusionThe History of the Psychoanalytic MovementThe Interpretation of Dreams including On DreamsIntroduction to PsychoanalysisMoses and MonotheismThe Psychopathology of Everyday LifeThe Question of Lay AnalysisStudies on HysteriaJokes and Their Relation to the UnconsciousTotem and Tabooand many other essays and papers !!Freud qualified as a doctor of medicine at the UniversityofVienna in 1881, and then carried out research into cerebralpalsy,aphasia and microscopic neuroanatomy at the ViennaGeneralHospital. Upon completing his habilitation in 1895, hewasappointed a docent in neuropathology in the same year and becameanaffiliated professor (professor extraordinarius) in 1902.In creating psychoanalysis, a clinical method fortreatingpsychopathology through dialogue between a patient andapsychoanalyst, Freud developed therapeutic techniques such astheuse of free association and discovered transference,establishingits central role in the analytic process. Freud'sredefinition ofsexuality to include its infantile forms led him toformulate theOedipus complex as the central tenet ofpsychoanalytical theory.His analysis of dreams as wish-fulfillmentsprovided him withmodels for the clinical analysis of symptomformation and themechanisms of repression as well as forelaboration of his theoryof the unconscious as an agency disruptiveof conscious states ofmind. Freud postulated the existence oflibido, an energy withwhich mental processes and structures areinvested and whichgenerates erotic attachments, and a death drive,the source ofrepetition, hate, aggression and neurotic guilt. Inhis later workFreud developed a wide-ranging interpretation andcritique ofreligion and culture.Psychoanalysis remains influential within psychotherapy,withinsome areas of psychiatry, and across the humanities. As such,itcontinues to generate extensive and highly contested debatewithregard to its therapeutic efficacy, its scientific status,andwhether it advances or is detrimental to the feministcause.Nonetheless, Freud's work has suffused contemporary Westernthoughtand popular culture. In the words of W. H. Auden's poetictribute,by the time of Freud's death in 1939, he had become "awholeclimate of opinion / under whom we conduct ourdifferentlives".
佛子行三十七颂 1.0.1
《佛子行三十七颂》1. 全文注释:每个偈颂的注释页面都有尊贵的噶千仁波切的殊胜中文开示。2. 藏语唱诵:由尊贵的噶千仁波切慈悲录制的偈颂全文的藏语唱诵。3. 藏语念诵:由尊贵的努巴仁波切慈悲录制单独偈颂的藏语念诵发音,方便跟读学习经典。汉语念诵正在录制中。4. 藏中对照:每个偈颂藏中双语对照。《佛子行三十七颂》为无著贤菩萨所著,藏传修心法门中非常殊胜的窍诀、大乘法门的修行精要。是一个念诵一遍等同于念诵一遍大藏经的藏传佛教经典。这本简要的偈颂问涵盖了佛教的精髓,及佛子们所应行之一切闻思修,乃藏传四大教派公认之修行要法。如不断持诵,能自然生出菩提心。如将修诵落实于生活,能尽除所有障碍。噶千仁波切开示说:“佛子行三十七颂是我毕生的修行,我希望大家每天至少要念诵一遍,因为经常念诵之故,能将此文牢记于心。因牢记于心之故,当我们遇到痛苦逆境时,就能马上想起并思维颂文的意思。”
Введение в психоанализ З.Фрейд 3.0
New Apps Land
"Введение в психоанализ" представляет собой точноеизложениелекций,прочитанных Зигмундом Фрейдом в 1915–1917 и 1930годах. Этаработазанимает в ряду его произведений особое место. Внейсодержитсяядро, основа созданной Фрейдом концепции:даетсяописаниетеоретических принципов и методовпсихоанализа,способовистолкования данных, получаемых врезультатепсихоаналитическогоисследования, излагаются общиепринципыпсихоаналитической теорииневрозов и личности.Разработчикприложений New Apps Land ставитперед собой цельпопуляризациипроизведений классической русской изарубежнойлитературы срединового поколения читателей. Чтобысоздать упользователейвпечатление чтения реальной книги вприложении созданэффектперелистывания страниц. Приложения от NewApps Landявляютсябесплатными. Приложения не запрашивают упользователейотправку SMSс мобильных телефонов на платные номераа также неотслеживаютличную информацию пользователя. Какнебольшая компенсацияза трудсоздателя приложений в приложениевстроен рекламный модульAdmobЕсли данное приложение Вампонравилось - оставьте,пожалуйста,отзыв.
[玄幻魔法]洛丹伦 3.0.16
  一片交织着魔法与斗气的大陆;  一群背负着理想与信念的少年;  一个记载着辉煌与骄傲的帝国;  一支崛起着死亡与灾难的种族。  一个传说,一位人物;  一位人物,一段历程;  一段历程,一串故事;  一串故事,一个传说……An intertwined withmagicand vindictive continent;A group of teenagers burdened with ideals and beliefs;A record of imperial glory and pride;A rise of death and disaster race.A legend, a figure;A character, a journey;A journey, a bunch of stories;A bunch of stories, a legend ......
《佛學十四講表》講解 1.7
Chinese German Dictionary 德中字典 9.0.0
Easily learn Chinese & German withChineseGerman Dictionary & Translator!Ideal Chinese German Dictionary app is now on Google Play. Itcoversover 200,000 words and phrases of the contemporary GermanandChinese language (Both Traditional Chinese and SimplifiedChinese),along with example sentences, audio pronunciations,fastest searchspeed, flexible search methods, and more …FEATURES- Over 200K Chinese & German words- Example sentences- Mandarin audio pronunciation- Spelling suggestions- Search history record- Fastest search speed- Flexible search (by German, Chinese Handwriting (Strokes)&Mandarin Chinese’s Pinyin)- Share learning progress via social networks- Flashcard display for every Chinese word- Optimized for Android phone and tabletNote that user can pay an one-off fee to remove advertisementsinthis app.Acknowledgments: This app includes the data of HanDeDictinaccordance with the license providedat The TextToSpeech is from Google. We are not affiliated withtheseservices.
Ebook Psychology Reader 1.4
Mars n Moon
Awesome new app in Google Play Store –EbookPsychology Reader! One of the latest Can’t Miss EbookPsychologyReader App is available now! By downloading thispsychology bookapp you will be able to read great classicpsychology bookabsolutely free. With this best eBook Reader let youread yourfavorite psychology books on the go. Anywhere and anytimeyou like.All this Cool psychology Reader Books are the World top 10mustread classic psychology book. Download Ebook PsychologyReadertoday and start your classic book reading journey now!EbookPsychology Reader is free, and optimized for allAndroiddevices.The app will satisfy your quench to read some of the bestkobopsychology books. You can download this Ebook Psychology Readerappto grab the best psychology book available in thepsychologycategory thereby giving yourself a hold of 10 bestpsychology book.To help you read them easily, this eBook Reader apphas the bestuser experience, you can think of. Customize yourreadingpsychology book experience. Enjoy crisp, clear text in thesize andstyle and lock the screen in portrait or landscape mode toread howyou like.Below is the top list of Must-Read Psychology Book (read atleastonce in your life time)Dream Psychology by Sigmund Freud,Nerves and Common Sense by Annie Payson Call,Unconscious Memory by Samuel Butler,The Mind and The Brain by Alfred Binet,Psychology and Achievement by Warren Hilton,Applied Psychology for Nurses by Mary F. Porter,Our Nervous Friends—Illustrating the Mastery of NervousnessbyRobert S. Carroll,Psychology and Industrial Efficiency by Hugo Münsterberg,The Brain, A Decoded Enigma by Dorin Teodor Moisa,The Science of Human Nature by William Henry Pyle,The Psychology of Revolution by Gustave Le BonNow you can download and read all this great psychology bookinyour Android, kindle device with no cost because it’s a freeebookreader!Download Ebook Classic Reader app now and enjoy thesimplefeaturesSimple Instructions:- Download this user friendly eBook Reader App- Select a world famous Classic Books.- Enjoy the cool classic book with our book Reader- Share this Ebook Psychology Reader app with friends viaEmail,whatsaap, Twitter, wechat, facebook, mms and othersocialmediaEbook Psychology Reader app Features:- Free Download- World top 10 classic books in one apps- Easy launch widget- After download the classic book can read while offline(withoutinternet)- Share app via range of social networks facebook, wechat, line,oremail/SMS to a friend- Free bonus : mini game- Can download anywhere, anytime.- Can Read the great kobo psychology books without online- Free and always will beDOWNLOAD Ebook Psychology Reader NOW – ABSOLUTELY FREE!!With Ebook Psychology Reader, reading psychology book onyourSmartphone or Tablet couldn't be easier.Your latest and newest collection of free ebook reader app togo!!Please rate the ebook reader app if you like it – thanks youandGood Day !
禪修入門 2.0
大伯公万字图 4D Magnum Damacai Toto 1.07
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