Top 9 Apps Similar to Body Language Explained

Analyze Body Language 1.0
Communication is a two-way process.Themainelements forming the communication process includetheencoder,message, channel, receiver, and feedback.It is not an easy task to decipher what a personisactuallysaying or feeling in the present moment.Communicationprocessrefers to a combination of what you hear andsee in thecurrentsituation, based on which you draw aconclusion.It is easy to see the obvious. But, have you evertriedtodecipher the actual meaning of something that is beingsaid.Bodylanguage is the art of decoding the non -verbalcommunicationwhich is transmitted through the speaker’sgestures,foot position,smile, facial expressions, and several otherbodymovements.These microexpressions and gestures create an immediateimpactonthe receiver. The way you move, look, listen, and reacthelpstheother person understand if you are communicatinghonestlyandlistening to the other person. People’s body languageunravelsmorethan what is communicated through words.Non-verbal communication develops trust, a goodrapportandfacilitates transparency. A wrong body languagecreatessuspicion,tension, and confusion that lead to conflicts.In this entertaining app, you shall learn about the secretofbodylanguage, which will help you gain confidence and theabilitytocontrol any situation – from negotiating with a businessclienttobuilding a strong personal relationship.This app includes:Part 1: The Importance Of Body LanguageWhy Body Language Is ImportantExpress Your FeelingsOrigin Of Nonverbal SignalsHand Gestures - Cultural DifferencesPart 2: Subcategories Of Body LanguageHapticsProxemicsDistance ZonesGeographic TerritoryAngles Made By The BodyStanceTips To Make A Good Presentation With Your Body LanguageThe Power Of PauseOculesicsPart 3: Gestures And Their SignificanceThe SignificanceFacial ExpressionsHead GesturesHead PositionHead ShrugHand GesturesPalms PositionLeg GesturesFoot PositionPart 4: Learn To Decode Various Different ExpressionsArm-Crossing On ChestDouble-Arm GripNail BitingHand On Your CheekTouching Your NoseRubbing Hands BrisklySteeplingClenched HandsHead Covered With HandsHands Behind Your BackThumb SignalsMouth CoverSshhhhItchy NoseRubbing One EyeHand Supporting The Side Of The HeadPart 5: Eyes Are MirrorsThe Eyebrow FlashGlanceBlinkingDarting EyesGazingPower StarePart 6: Breaking Down Smile LanguageDistinct Features Of A SmileTypes Of SmilePart 7: Significance Of Speech NuancesThe ‘Pitch Perfect’Vocal ToneAccentsBreathingPart 8: Emotional OutburstsPart 9: Interpreting Introverts And ExtrovertsInterpreting Introverts And ExtrovertsShynessBody LanguagePart 10: Relationship CuesRelationship CuesBenefits Of A Positive Body LanguagePractice Effective Nonverbal CommunicationCommon Body Language For WomenBody Language Of MenPart 11: Body Language In BusinessPostureHandshakesEye ContactSmilePart 12: Create A Positive Impact With Your Body LanguageCreate A Positive Impact With Your Body LanguageNegative Effects Of Wrong Body LanguageBuilding A Good Rapport Through Body LanguagePart 13: Nonverbal SignalsPart 14: Understanding Baby Signs0 - 3 Months4 - 8 Months9 - 12 MonthsBenefits Of Understanding Your Baby ’S Body LanguageDifferent Stages Of A Baby ’S Behavioral PatternPart 15: Some Useful TipsPower PoseListening SkillsBarriers To Effective CommunicationHandshakeSmileMirror Body LanguageHand GesturesLeg And Foot MovementModerate Voice And SpeechRetention PowerThought ProcessPart 16: Conclusion
Read Body Language Guide 2.0
Whether someone's lying to you, hittingonyou,or bossing you around, you can read their intent andemotionalstatein their body language - if you know what to payattentionto.Body language is a huge part of how we communicatewithotherpeople. However, most of us only have an intuitiveknowledgeofnon-verbal communication at best.Fortunately, if reading body language doesn't comenaturallytoyou, or if you'd simply like to get better at it,there's ahugebody of work that details what the body is reallysaying.If you are interested in body language reading, this isgoingtobe the most helpful app for you.Here's a sneak-peak of the content you will be gettinginsidethisapp:Non-verbal correspondence is one of the most fascinatingthingsonthe planet. Decoding it is at any rate double asfascinating.Somebodily expressions are all inclusive over theborders ofculture andeven species.Hunched posture implies weakness and lower status,thoughspreadingout shows power among people and chimpanzees. Bethat asit may,there's considerably more to it.How to Read Faces…Grab it today, it’s free..!!Note: - This Is Content - Only App. It givesyouinformationregarding read body language.
Read Body Language 1.0
Read body language signs is one ofthemostfascinating subjects in the world. To be able to readbodylanguageof men or women, what a person wants, thinks and/ orplansto dowithout exchanging a word is exciting.Contrary to common belief, reading body language iseasyenough.We already know the language. We do it all the time.Howmany timesyou have met a person and felt that you need toraiseyour guardagainst the person? How many times have youinstantlyliked someoneand got together like a house on fire. Thesewould bethe result ofthe innate ability we all have to readbodylanguage.So, why should we read any further if we know it already?Itisimportant to identify the signs and know how theseconclusionsaredrawn so you can protect yourself from harm andheartbreak. Itisalso important that you know what you highlight andwhattodownplay in your own demeanor to ensure that you do notattractthewrong kind of attention and/ or response.Though it is easy to recognize the various bodylanguagesignsthat indicate love, hostility,subservience,challenge,disagreement, agreement, etc. it is not easytoaccuratelyinterpret these signs without experience.Inexperiencedpersonsoften make the mistake of judging the thoughtsand/ or plansof aperson judging by one or two major indicators.However, this would ensure wrong interpretationbecausebodylanguage – as the name indicates – needs to be takeninfullcontext. Unless you read the signs transmitted by thewholebodyplus the tone and decibel level of the voice, youcannotreallyread correctly.The good news is that it is possible to gather informationinonequick scan and this app will help you do just that.Thisappattempts to bring to you the key factors that go intothereadingof body language. Be patient. Do not attempt doing toomuchtoosoon or you will end up frustrated. As long as you arewillingtotake one step at a time, rest assured that you willbecomeanexpert at reading body language in no time.Use this as a tool to improve your relationships at home,atworkand in general with your friends. This is also a verypotentdeviceto build your career. You could upgrade your knowledgeandexpertisewith practice and very soon you will be able to readyourboss, yourinterviewer, your date and so on. This is a tool,whichindeed willgive you the ability to read a person.On the other hand, you will know what needs to be donetohideyour fear, insecurity, doubts when you are faced with anytypeofproblem. You will also learn how to project confidenceusingbodylanguage, how to be happy and how to use body languagetoyouradvantage.This app includes:Chapter 1: What Is Body Language?Chapter 2: The Telltale Signs of Body LanguageChapter 3: Body Language Facts You Can UseChapter 4: The Different Body Languages
Body language tutorial
Understand others thinking by reading their body language.
How To Read Body Language Fast 9.0
Want to know the SECRETS on body language?Want to learn how to read body language easy and fast ? Youhavecome to the right place ! We covered all body language of menandbody language for women for you. You do not have to guesspeoplebody language any more. You can do it instantly now !17 TIPS just for you. Some said it is hard to guess femalebodylanguage or even men, but we share the tips that solvedthatproblem easily.AWESOME NEW FEATURES:1) Digital signature feature2) Scoreboard3) Search feature4) Goal Tracker5) Voice recording and sharing6) Picture Magic Effect7) Barcode Scanner8) QR Code Scanner feature9) Note feature10) Throw game11) Memory gameand many more to come!INFO:1) You DO NOT NEED Internet connection to view info inthisappWe hope that all of these tips will help you.Any suggestion is highly appreciated.
Analyze People Personality 3.0
Reading people is one of life’sunheraldedpleasures, and a way to gain insight into the way otherpeoplelive. When you have learned to read the people you meet, youwillbe able to associate more readily with them, since youwillunderstand the direction from which they come.Once you can read people readily, you can then take the next stepofunderstanding why people do the things they do. Goodpeoplesometimes do bad things, and it helps to comprehend why theydothis. In addition, you will be able to read the variousbehaviorpatterns in people you meet, so that you know what toexpect frompeople shortly after having met them. You may learn moreaboutyourself, too.It includes:What You Need To KnowAsk Yourself: Who are YOU as a person?What does the person you are “reading” say?Once you know what people usually look and act likeYou can make general assumptions based on people’s natureTake notice of cultural differences.Don’t be afraid to ask people why they feel the way they do.You can analyze to some degree by people’s appearance.Listen to what people say, without prompting or interfering.Watch what all types of people do.Direct and indirect people will be different to read.Allow your mind to merge with their mind.Zone in on lack of compassion or empathy.Improving your sign-spotting techniqueDishonest people often blame others for things.People who want to cover themselves may use deception.Some people blame “the system” for their mistakes.If you want to get faster and more accurate at reading peopleBeing overconfident about your skillsDeception may leak through a person’s language.Watch for people who are too talkative.The Secrets of ObservationKeep your eyes open for “red flags” when people talk.People may be verbally aggressive.You can read deception through personal traits.People who lie may anger more easily.People who are being deceptive may try to lower theirheartrate.Focus on qualities beyond the most superficial ones.A wavering voice in a person’s statement may indicate deceit.Some deceitful individuals who seem like “regular people” arenotwhat they appear to be.Excessive fidgeting or blinking are possible signs of lying,butthey can also signal anxiety.Watch for people closing their eyes completelyWatch the face for cues of discomfort or distress.Choice of words provides valuable insight into what peoplearethinking.People caught in deception may move their head rapidly.Honor your gut feelings.Read people's body languageTake special note of people’s posture.Pay attention to people’s appearance.High levels of activityIf a person is rubbing palmsPeople may lean away from you when speaking, if they feelstressedout.When you have a chance to ask questions, you will want tobepointed, not vague.Feel the goosebumps when someone talks to youSummarize what people say and how they say itPeople may come across as self-absorbed.Notice the feel of handshakes, hugs and touches.If someone asks you a meaninglessSensing the speaker’s presence will help you to read themmoreaccurately.Pay attention to flashes of insightWatch your speaker with intuitive empathy.Understand Why People do Certain Things + Tips on How toRecognizeDifferent Personality Patterns
Body Language Guide 0.0.3
If you've ever wondered about thevalidityofbody language analysis, here is something new andexcitingtoponder. Download Body Language Guide app and be preparedtobeastonished!Though we may be aware of body language, and be abletofakedifferent positions to fool onlookers, this is notpossiblewhen weare asleep.At night, our body naturally and involuntarily adoptsthepositionthat feels the most natural.This has resulted in a study, showing that the way yousleepwithyour partner at night, might be a true reflection oftheactualemotions being felt and the true dynamics oftherelationship.Loving Spoon:This signifies happily "married, loving and stillwantingphysicalcontact and closeness. This self evident position,iswhere onepartner basically lies on their side, with theother,closely behindthem, folding into their back. Usually the armofthe partner at theback is draped over the stomach area ofthefirst . This way, you canpull each other closer together,feelingvery intimate.A really good sign of a close emotionalrelationshipandfriendship not burdened by any sexual frustration,isshown bythebody language in this case.Honeymoon:This is the time when you just can't get enough of eachother.Youare acting like new lovers, with the "I can't believe youwantme"mind set.Here you want to just about crawl into each other and haveasmuchopen physical contact as possible. In this position, youwouldliehugging each other face to face. Generally this might bewithonepartner more on their back and not just a side bysideposition.This, the most romantic position sends the signalsthatthere istotal commitment and reassurance, whilst touching asmuchaspossible.Bottom to bottom:This is a good compromise from the sometimes overbearingfirsttwopositions. Each partner lies basically on their side ofthebed,facing to their side, but their buttocks still touching.Thisis themost comfortable sleeping position that stillinvolvesphysicalcontact. There is reassurance that the physicalaspect oftherelationship is still alive, but does not take toppriority intheoverall picture.Because it is actually more comfortable to sleep on yourown,thestartling part here is that you're still trying tomaintainsomeform of contact even in a semi or unconsciousstate.Distant and apart.Here the sleeping partners, lie on their own side of thebed,asfar apart as possible, turned away from each other.Trouble brews here. This relationship has died, or attheveryleast has gone through a very trying time. Becausebodylanguagedoesn'tlie, the partners sleeping behavior signifies,thatin factthey would rather be on their own. If you findyourselfsleepinglike this permanently, this usually signifiesemotionaldistanceduring waking hours as well.Looking at the four scenarios above, you can quickly tellatwhatstage your relationship is.Of course, we are talking about a normalhealthyphysicalpre-condition. Either partner being unwell,wouldnotcount.The predominance, or total avoidance of one orotherposition,will however give great clues to the overall stateoftherelationship. If you detect a certain pattern here,youcaneffectively use this to determine the state ofyourrelationshipand take appropriate action.In this way body language analysis is indeed effective.Download Body Language Guide to Learn more!
Read Body Language Guide 2.0
When we interact with someone,wearecommunicating with more than just words - our bodytalkstoo.Sometimes, in fact, our body language, facialexpressions,andgestures will say a lot more than our mouth does!When a great philosopher said that "the eyes are thewindowstoyour soul," he was certainly onto something. The abilitytoreadbody language is an important aspect of emotionalintelligenceandinterpersonal communication in general.There are times when we send mixed messages - we say onethingyetour body language reveals something different.Thisnon-verballanguage will affect how we act and react to others,andhow theyreact to us.This app will explain many of the ways in whichwecommunicatenon-verbally, so that you can understand thebodylanguage inbetter way and can communicate effectively.Here's a sneak-peak of the content you are going togetinsidethis app:Fortunately, if reading body language doesn't fallintoplacewithout a hitch for you, or in the event that you'd justliketoimprove at it, there's a huge body of work that detailswhatthebody is really saying.Coincidentally, with somewhat little extra attentiveness,youcanfigure out how to read body language, and with enoughpracticeitcan get to be second nature.How to read body language…Grab quickly, it’s free..!!Note: - This Is Content - Only App. It providesyouinformationregarding tips to read body language.