Top 18 Games Similar to Flash strobe to music

Squishy toys: stress ball 3.93
Squishy toys: stress ball - squish bright anti stressballifexhausted, release anger & relieve tension, easestress&relax with this relaxing game. There are a lot ofstressed&angry people in modern cruel world – calm down,destress,lightlysquish bright new toys and relax! Feel stressed?Tapsquishyantistress ball toys with your finger – cheeringsquishyslimy toy& make it squeezed will calm you down &make yousatisfiedand peaceful. Squish slimey anti stress brighttoys – calmnerves,destress, release anger & relieve tension& anxiety.Bright& sticky antistress relieveing balls – iffeelinglassitude& stressed, tap squishy balls with your fingerandrelax.Squeezed squishys balls will make you calm, satisfiedandpeaceful– just squish and enjoy anti stress games. Pick thebestpurpleball or another antistress balls – feel relieved andgivecomfort.Satisfying! If exhausted, tap squishy & crazycheeringtoy withyour finger to destress, relieve anxiety and calmdown. Toycan behelpful to relieve anxiety, forget about rage andstressfulcruelworld, just tap squishys with your finger for fun andenjoy.Wehope we'll help you in relieving with our squeezingsquishys!Thisclicker is for fun – both for adult and kid. Don't beangryandnervous – have a rest! App features: ~ Feel relieved,satisfiedandpeaceful: anxiety relief games ~ Free relaxing gametorelievetension ~ Stress release & calming apps withsquishysballs ~Best antistress ball toy – reducing anxiety ~Destress:relax gamesfor fun to feel relieved ~ Squeezingantistress: newrelaxationtoys & games ~ Cheering crazy toy –lightly tapsquishys ifexhausted ~ Stressed? Try free relaxing gameto releaseanger
Portal finger quest - science 2.96
Portal finger quest - real magic tricks & science: solvequestsfrom portals
Kitten: what cat are you? joke 3.6.1
Kittens: what cat are you? British longhair? Imagine catsfacts& kitten maker
Send virtual kiss 1.2
Like a guy or a girl? You do not know howtoshow feelings and sympathy? Send virtual kiss to chosen one!Loveis near!- Start simulator- Choose the shape and color of the lips- Pretend that you kiss the phone screen- Blow into your phone, sending a kiss to the side of whoyoucute!Hundreds of boys and girls are looking for a soul mate andtruelove! Find and you!Do not be shy to show their feelings! Perhaps you wouldreciprocate,and you are a potential pair of eternal true love! Inthe simulatorkisses no matter the ability to kiss - it is onlyimportant toexpress sympathy! Modern technologies have come up andvirtualkisses))Love goes only bold - to take the initiative and send a virtualkissto their future mate!Good luck in finding!
Shark Face Scanner Prank 1.2
Hungry predatory shark - one of themaindangers of the ocean. Shark eats fish and sometimes even human,sodo not swim where they are found. There are a lot ofdifferentspecies of sharks because of evolution. Do you want toknow what ashark are you? Shark Face Scanner Prank- joke app for you and your friends.Run the application Shark Face Scanner Prank, scan your face orafriend's face and get the result. Who among you is the biggestandstrongest shark? Who has the most powerful jaws? Share yourresultswith your friends and find out.Shark Face Scanner Prank was developed only forentertainmentpurposes. Your facial features or your nature does notaffect theresult. Scan the face several times and see all thesharks!
Drink Milk Prank 4.2
Drink Milk Prank: imagine drinking from overflowing glass withcornflakes
Fire Broken Screen trick 1.1
Fire Broken Screen - imitation of thecrackeddisplay. Do you want to break the screen by flame? Touchfinger orblow on the glass and imagine that gadget burns and melts!Image ofcracks and destruction looks realistic.Do you want to burn, break and smash?)Raffle classmates - say that you control a fire and candestroyscreen by shout or touching, and then touch the screen withyourfinger or blow on it! See how to change the faces of friendsandsay that the glass melts and burns from a hot flame! Simulationofdamage and cracks of broken glass look realistic, so stopfriendsif they gather to call the fire fighters.WARNING: app Fire Broken Screen - trick for drawing. The displayofthe gadget does not destroy the flame, if you touch a fingerorblow on it. If you notice any cracks or other damage on theglass,give your phone in for repair.
Cute Pet on Hand Prank 1.2
Cute Pet on Hand Prank is a simulator oflovelycute live pet on your hand. Did you always want a pet, butparentsdid not allow you? Get a pet in the phone! He will demandyourattention, and you will take care of him and pat him.Funnyanimation and cute animal sounds will give more realism.Nohorrible spiders or snakes - we only have cute animals!Launch the Cute Pet on Hand Prank app and choose a pet. Inourcollection there are a cat, a puppy, a hamster, a panda andamonster. Take care of the pet and pat it - it will reward youwithamusing cute sounds. Tell your friends that you have anewpet.Cute Pet on Hand Prank is a simulator. The image and animationofcute animals will only be on the screen. The phone can not createahologram or projection through the camera flash.
Hypnosis VR Prank 1.1
Feel like a real hypnotist with virtualrealitysimulator Hypnosis VR Prank! Tell your friends that yourphone canbe used as a 3D virtual reality goggles, so you easilycan inspireand hypnotize them, enter into a trance, or even makethem sleepwith this optical illusion.Run the Hypnosis VR Prank application, select the illusion andgivethe phone to a friend. Let him take it to his eyes as glassesor avirtual reality helmet. Try to make him enter a trance, andthentrain your hypnosis skills by asking him any questions, andtryingto find out the truth. Try also to make him sleep or toinspire thewill. If you're convincing enough, he’ll believe!Hypnosis VR Prank is joke app! Hypnotherapy is used onlybyspecialists, and you need a long time to learn to become arealhypnotist. Do not hold the phone close to eyes for a long time:itcan be harmful to eyesight. Also, do not look long on therotatingcircles, if you’re not sure about your vestibularapparatus
Tease sound of mosquito 1.3
Mosquito emits annoying sounds.Teaseirritating neighbor by noise from phone!Choose insect: unbearable mosquito, intrusive bee. Hidesmartphonein pocket and discreetly push the button - let people getangry andare looking for source of loud sound!Tired of teasing neighbor? Play parents - turn on the app, hidethephone in the room and tell me around the houseflyingmosquitoes!Friends boast that downloaded the app with ultrasound antimosquitoinsect repellent? Hide your phone in your pocket anddiscreetlypress the button. Tell that somewhere near flying gnatsand bees,and let friends looking for the source of theirritatingnoise!ATTENTION: Tease sounds of mosquito - the app forentertainmentpurposes only. If the neighbor started to get nervous,tell him thetruth. If the parents had searched the whole apartmentand sitbehind the sofa with a swatter - confess that you play withthem.Take care of the nerves of relatives.
Bomb Go simulator 1.1
Bomb Go - defuse dynamite to avoidexplosionand strike on simulator. Time is on! Feel like a sapper:tap thescreen, as though to cut the wire, and do not give the bombtoexplode! Boom! Bang! Do not be afraid of the phone - thescreendoes not crack and will not be broken by simulating theimpact of astrike wave.From childhood dream to become a sapper? Go! Time is short!Imaginethat defuses the bomb to prevent the dynamite to explode.Watch thetimer, choose which wire to cut, and you need to touch thescreen.Boom! Bang! Did not guess?Do you like war games? To counter the enemy, the army need asapper.Defuse bombs and dynamites - an essential skill in battle!Soldierneed to monitor the time and cut the right wire, otherwisetheexplosion. Boom! Bang!WARNING: Bomb Go - a simulator for entertainment. The phone doesnotexplode from the operation of this application. If you noticeaproblem with the smart phone, give it in for repair.
Police badge joke 1.2
Dreams of becoming a cop and catchthecriminals? Chasing offenders in a police car with flashinglightson city streets? You need a police badge and a gun! Theweapon isnot a toy, but a police badge can be in your pocket!Come to class as a cool cop - show the teacher and classmatesshinymetal badge of a police officer on the phone screen!Handsup!Cool cop always on the alert - thieves, murderers andcriminalsshould go to jail in handcuffs! Enforce the law, protectthe weak,and in the future you will be able toThe police is:- Cool weapons - a pistol or machine- Fast car with flashing lights- Reliable partner- Dangerous chase and shootout- Police Officer BadgePolice badge - a joke to play in the war and the police withyourfriends! Follow the law and obey mom 😄
X-ray of alien trick 1.1
X-ray of alien - simulator scanner. Wanttofind the incomer invader among the survivors? Point the camera atahuman's face and then press the button. Imitation scan willshowyou the monster's skull and determine from what planet he is.Didyou hear the news talking about the invasion of UFOs?Imagine that an Xray scanner - the last weapon that left youtofight the incomer invaders.Point the camera at a human's body and you will see thealien'sskeleton is entirely.Rays Xrays shine through soft tissue and saw bones!Have you seen a UFO in the sky? Somebody say that on the earthcamethe invaders and aliens already among us! Find them! Maybeyou'rethe last surviving human on earth!NOTE: The application X-ray of alien - a simulator of thexrayscanner and its rays. The phone can not scan the human body andseehis bones. Monsters, aliens and other space invaders - a jokefordrawing.
Draw by laser simulator 1.2
Learn to draw art sketch with help oflasersimulator! Stroll painting lessons? Turn on app and drawwithfinger on screen, as if red laser dot! Create a sketchbookusing alaser pointer simulator.Choose your canvas:Wood. Want to burn out by fire your name or message to yourlovedone? Paint a art sketch on the screen, decent a show ontheexhibition of painters!Metal. Want to see as the red dot of laser are burning and leavesamark on the image of a metal fusion? Create scetch for galleryinart-house style!Tired of paint on the non-existent canvas? Specially for you -turnon the camera, point telephone on the wall, slide your fingerandimagine that the beam of a laser pointer on the wallpaperpaintedthe same picture! Drawing lessons in the past - lie on thecouchand learn to paint on the ceiling.NOTE: The app Draw by laser - simulator. The beam of a laserpointeris not appear from the phone, and a red dot will not burnfiresketches on your wallpaper. If you want to become an artistandcreate art sketchbook, not skip drawing class!
Prediction Palm Scan Prank 1.2
Predict the future toyour friendsusingPrediction Palm Scan Prank app! Read a palm and know thefuture.Tell your friends that the mystical world ofdivination,predictions,cards is open to you, that you are a trueprophet. Thelines on the hand can tell you a lot!Point the camera on your hand or your friend’s hand and runthePrediction Palm Scan Prank scanner. Find out what the life lineandfate line will tell about your present and future. Predictionscanbe quite vague - think how to interpret them!Warning: do not take the predictions of Prediction Palm ScanPranktoo seriously! It's just a joke. Your future depends on you,youare the creator of your life.
Laser sword builder trick 1.2
Laser sword builder - simulator of lightsaber.Imagine that you create weapon for star battle: choose theswordhandle, color of laser blade and prepare for galactic war!Image oflight saber on the screen looks realistic. Awaken theforce! Imaginethat you are in a spaceship and destroy the enemytroopers. Becomethe hero of the empire!Surprise friends: tell that you the famous builder andconstructor,who can create a custom futuristic weapon and activatetheapplication. Choose the color of the handle and a color oflightsaber and then shake the phone as a real laser sword! Announcethatwin the victory in the star battle! Images of glowing blade inadark room looks realistic.Feel yourself like a spaceship commander and imagine how youfightin the galactic war. Awaken the force!WARNING: application Laser sword builder - trick. You will notbethe consructor and can not create a real light saber on thephone.Image glowing blade is designed for gaming and drawingoffriends.
Siren and brake sound 1.1
Fire sirens or train brakessounds.Choose:- Click on the screen, like breaking glass, and then push thebuttonto sound of the fire alarm.- Click on the lever and pull it down to hear the creaking soundofthe train brakes.Raffle friends: say that now you call up a fire truck and clickonthe screen. A loud siren sound like a emergency rescue!Alarm!Convince them that the firefighters is near, do not lettofear.Always wanted to disrupt the emergency brake on the train? Clickonthe image on the screen of the lever and pull it down. Aloudcreaking sound of iron wheels on the rails! If you do this inreallife, the train will not arrive at the station, and the driverwillcomplain.NOTE: application Siren and brake sound designe to draw friends.Donot turn on the noise a fire alarm at school and in thebuildingswith people! This may cause panic. Do not turn on thesound of thetrain brake on the tracks! This may cause anaccident.
Draw Portal Trick 1.1
Teleportation. Do you want to see it? Drawaportal in the phone with your finger and watch what objectsandcreatures appear on the screen! Touch the portal with yourfingerand something unusual will appear on the screen)In theory, objects passing through teleportation are splitintoatoms. Imagine that the screen as a transparent portalcarriesobjects into another space. Draw the teleport with yourfinger andclick on the screen. More courageously, there will benoblood!A friend trains his fingers on a treadmill? Say that thegadgetsplits into atoms everything that touches it! Tell him thatyou canviolate the laws of physics and gravity! Guess what willappear onthe screen this time)Attention: the app Draw Portal Trick is a joke for the draw.Thephone screen can not teleport fingers or any otherobjects.