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Wood Flooring Ideas 3.0
Acacia derives its generic name from theGreekword ???? meaning thorn, it was first noted byGreekbotanist-physician Pedanius Dioscorides in his book MateriaMedica.It is also known as thorntree, whistling thorn, and wattle,andbelongs to the subfamily Mimosoideae of the family Fabaceae,agenus of shrubs and trees. There are about 1,300 knownspecies,most of which are native to Australia, while the restoriginate inthe tropics or moderate areas around the world. Redacacia thatoriginates in Africa is known to have been utilized tobuildEgyptian coffins and medicinally used as incense to treatjointpain and fever.Due to its rich appeal and fragrant nature, it's utilizedtocreate exotic furnishings, perfumes, paints, durable flooring,andluxurious items. Moreover, it's becoming extremely popular forhomewood flooring as it lends a stylish appeal to thefurnishings.Given below are the major advantages of the acaciawoodflooring.1. RICH AMBIANCEThis exotic hardwood comes in different hues?from vibrant yellowstoenriched browns and reds?and rich texture. It is characterizedbydeep-set grains which offer robust and smooth pattern ontheflooring, giving it a sophisticated look. It is available inavariety of plank sizes; a wide hand-scrapped oil finishedplankaccentuates a rustic ambiance, while a narroweraluminumoxide-touched plank eludes a formal and smoothatmosphere.Moreover, it emits a sweet fragrance rendering arefreshing aurathroughout the house. So, if you wish to create atropical oasis,then this wood is the best option than formerclassics like hickoryand European oak.2. HARDNESS & DURABILITYAccording to the Janka hardness scale, it has a rating of 2300psi,which makes it 55% harder than European white oak, 23% harderthanhickory, and 90% harder than carbonized bamboo and woodflooring.It is one of the most durable and sturdiest hardwoods inthe marketand lasts a lifetime.3. COMFORT & SUITABILITYThis hardwood flooring is extremely comfortable for humans aswellas pets and is resistant to damage. It can be installed in anyareaof the house, making it an ideal choice for outdoor picnic setsandpatios as well as indoor fixtures and cabinets.4. COST & MAINTENANCEThe wood is value for money and is easily available in the marketinlow-budget range approximately USD 3.99 / sq. ft.- USD 5.89/sq.ft,hence it does not burn a hole in the consumer's pocket. Itshard anddense wood makes it naturally resistant to scrapes,scratches,dents, wood rot, and pestiferous insects. The sheen ofthe wood canbe easily maintained through occasional washing andpolishing. Apartfrom that, it does not require periodicalterations.For an exquisite and refined flooring, acacia hardwood isthemost adept selection as it does not have anyapparentdisadvantages. This flooring offers low installation cost,cheapsustenance, and endurance, and an aesthetic investment foralifetime.