Top 2 Apps Similar to チラシデザインや販促なら集客コンサルティング【ポストエッジ】

GoEasy Ads & Marketing 1.0
Aspirez Group
Goeasy Ads & Marketing providedthelowestflyer printing and distribution cost, with ourexperienceandtrustworthy flyers distributors. We also had online/mobileappdistribution area map (Find out how much flyers you needinthearea before you print!)We also provided service like flyer design, name carddesign,andetc.. Check it out our app to find out more!
本の要約アプリflier 本/ビジネス本の読書ならフライヤー
10 minutes per book in summary. If you like a book, you can buyitas it is and you can find it without any hassle. You can graspthecontents with a summary, which is also convenient as abookselection before purchase! Handling such as "speaking" and"moneymanagement"!