Top 12 Apps Similar to Dentist Pretoria

Dentist Manager 1.17
Application which enables dentists to manage their list ofpatients.
Dentist App
Amazing App for all Dentist in all Majors. ByaClick you can have several features such as:~ New products in the market~ Clinical Cases~ Specialists Lectures or Surgeries (coming soon)~ Listening to relaxing music with your patients~ Searching for a job~ Finding a Doctor, Nurse or Technician for your clinic~ Asking for a Dental Lab.~ Seeing all Dental Events around the World with DatesandPlaces~ Also making an ORDER online for any item or product youneed~ patients can find now the nearest clinic with doctors namesandspecialties (coming soon)~ making appointments for patients~ Doctors and Patients can now learn more aboutsomeproceduresFor any Questions or Suggestions please fill the form and wewillreply as soon as possible.
BoneBox™ - Dental Lite 1.1
BoneBox™ - Dental Lite is a beautiful high resolution dentalanatomytool.
Learn Dentistry 6.2
*****Get 300 apps for only $9.99viaGoLearningBus Library | Limited Time Offer*****WAGmob has completed 5 years and we are running a limitedtimeoffer via which you can access all 300 quality appsviaGoLearningBus Library. GoLearningBus providers 1. Schoolbus(K-12), 2. College Bus, 3. Professional Bus and 4. Languagesbuswith more than 50 languages.GoLearningBus app provides:1. Snack sized tutorials.2. Bite sized flashcards to memorize key concepts.3. Simple and easy quizzes for self-assessment.GoLearningBus brings you a simple, crisp and to-the-point appfor"Learn Dentistry".You have limited access to the content provided. For fullaccessto the content, please login and purchase this application.Thisapp provides a quick summary of essential concepts in Dentistrybyfollowing snack sized chapters:Dental Amalgam,Dental Braces,Dental Extraction and Implants,Tooth Diseases (Cavities),Tooth Development and Wisdom Teeth,Types of Teeth,Introduction to Dentistry,Radiography,Types of Implants,Dental Disease Prevention,Tooth Diseases (Gum),Tooth Structure and Directions,Teeth Anatomy."GoLearningBus Library" covers following:A) School BusGrade 3-5Grade 6-8High School: Grade 9-12College Entrance TestsLanguagesB) College BusEngineering CollegeMedical CollegeBusiness CollegeLaw CollegeLanguagesC) Professional BusProfessional Programming,Professional Design,Professional Languages,Professional Software and Tools.D) Language BusMore than 50 languages including German, French,Korean,Mandarin, Arabic, Hindi, Italian and much more.This app will access your personal information like firstname,last name, and Email id.Why GoLearningBus apps:1) Beautifully simple, Amazingly easy, Massive selectionofapps.2) Enjoyable, Entertaining and Exciting apps.3) An incredible value for money. Lifetime of free updates!To understand our privacy policy please visit visit us at or write to [email protected] for any query and your valuable feedback.
Dentistry ProConsult 1.0
This app is designed to provide dental students with a way toreviewprocedures.
Columbia Dentist 1.0
Columbia Family Dentist, ColumbiaCosmeticDentistFamily and Cosmetic Dentist in Columbia, South CarolinaWelcome to our practice. We know how important having agreatsmile is to looking and feeling good. That's why Dr. DavidLovitand the entire team at our Columbia, South Carolina dentalpracticeis committed to providing the highest quality in familyandcosmetic dentistry. We guarantee all work as long aspatientsmaintain proper oral hygiene. Our philosophy is to providethe bestquality, most comprehensive, dental work with the leastamount ofstress as possible for the entire family.Dental Work to Help You Feel and Look Your BestLeveraging today's latest technology, Columbia dentist Dr.DavidLovit can create results that change how you look and feel,helpingyou reach your best smile. Whether you need a routinecheckup, ormore advanced procedures like a smile makeover, ourdental practiceoffers a wide variety of procedures to uniquely fityour needs. Inaddition, our friendly staff ensures your visit tothe dentist isaffordable and comfortable. If you are searching fora Columbiafamily dentist or a Columbia cosmetic dentist – look nofurther,contact us today at (803) 787-4900.
Dentistry Glossary 1.2
Dentistry is a medical branch that ismainlyinvolved in the study, diagnosis, prevention, and treatmentofdiseases, disorders and conditions of the oralcavity,maxillofacial area and the adjacent and associatedstructures andtheir impact on the human teeth.This application provides comprehensive list ofDentalTerminology which are very useful for Medical andSciencePeople.FEATURES:- No Internet connectivity required- Search through our database in alphabetical order- Add/Edit Text notes for selected terminology- Add Audio notes and save it for future reference- Add term to your favorite list- Email term to your friends and family- Change the font size for better reading experienceExcellent application which can be used as reference.
Jeugdtandarts Beuningen 1.2
Jeugdtandarts Beuningen (Gelderland)iseentandarts die is gespecialiseerd in het behandelen vankinderenmettandartsangst. Naar de tandarts gaan is immers bestspannend.Dewachtkamer, grote mensen met witte jassen, eentandartsstoelwaarje in moet liggen en een enorme lamp boven jehoofd. Voorkinderenis een tandartsbezoek een belevenis die eenonvergetelijkeindrukmaakt.Alle reden om ervoor te zorgen dat elktandartsbezoekontspannenverloopt. De Jeugdtandarts weet hoe je datmoetaanpakken. Oók bijbange kinderen, want hij is gespecialiseerdinhet behandelen vankinderen met tandartsangst. En spiegeltjesenhaakjes zijn nieteng, maar juist reuze interessant!In onze kindertandartspraktijk te Beuningen staan dekindereninhet middelpunt. Hun welbevinden staat bij onsvoorop!Allemedewerkers zijn speciaal voor dekinderbehandelingenopgeleid.Daardoor kunnen we veel soortenbehandelingen aanbiedenaan uwkind, en toepassen welke het meestgeschikt is voor uw kind.Wijzijn geheel gericht op kinderen en jongvolwassen tot 25jaar.Om u van nog meer (actuele) informatie te voorzien hebbenweookonze eigen tandarts app laten maken. Dankzij deze app kunt uopdehoogte blijven van nieuws ontwikkelingen indetandartsenpraktijkin Beuningen (Gelderland).Wandel in de app ook virtueel door onzetandartspraktijkinBeuningen (Gelderland), dankzij de StreetviewtechnologievanGoogle. Laat uw kind met angst voor de tandartsgewoon alleruimtesen vertrekken zien, om zo vooraf nog meertandartsangst wegtenemen.Download en installeer de Jeugdtandarts Beuningenappvandaagnog!Naast dat wij actief zijn op het gebied van de nieuwemedia,doenwij op tandheelkundig gebied ook veel aan bij- ennascholingeninvesteren wij constant in nieuwe materialen entechnieken.Wat kunt u allemaal verwachten van onze tandartsapp?Hieronderenkele voorbeelden:Contact:- Maak handig gebruik van de routeplanner en plan uw route.- Met één druk op de knop belt u de praktijk.- Stuur ons snel een mailtje.- Ga direct naar de website van onze praktijk.- Volg ons via Facebook, LinkedIn of Twitter.Afspraken:- Geef eenvoudig door wanneer u graag een afspraak wilt hebbenmetdetandarts.- Wijzig uw afspraak of laat de praktijk u terugbellen.- Stel gemakkelijk de twee reminders in, zodatuautomatischafspraakherinneringen krijgt als uwafspraaknadert.- U kunt zelf aangeven wat voor soort afspraak u wilt hebben.Behandelingen:Hier leest u welke tandheelkundige behandelingen wordenuitgevoerdinonze praktijk en welke specialismen worden uitgevoerddoorhetteam.Virtuele bedrijfsrondleiding:Wandel 24 uur per dag door de kindertandartspraktijkinBeuningen(Gelderland), onderzoek alle behandelruimtes, depoetshoeken deröntgenapparatuur. Neem ook eens een kijkjeindesterilisatieruimte.Instructies:Neem eenvoudig het advies van uw tandarts op door middelvaneengeluidsopname, video-opname of foto.Tandjes Poetsen: Geef uw kinderen een leuke stimulansvoorhettandenpoetsen met behulp van het "TandjesPoetsen"-lied!Gagezellig samen de tanden poetsen. Maak er eengewoonte van omtijdte nemen, voor tenminste twee poetsmomenten perdag.Als u kinderen heeft met angst voor de tandarts,danverwelkomenwij u en uw kinderen graag. U zult versteld staan omtezien dat uwkind na een bezoek aan onze tandartspraktijkinBeuningenontspannen en lachend naar buiten loopt!Wat zeggen mensen over onze praktijk? (,score:8,2)- Super tevreden! - Nette en persoonlijkebenadering!Vriendelijkpersoneel. Juiste uitleg.- Zeer goed - Erg vriendelijk komen hier al jaren- Fijne ervaringen - Ik ervaar deze tandartspraktijk alseenfijnetandarts. Ze zijn vriendelijk en beantwoorden jevragen.- Fijne tandarts - Deze praktijk kan goed met angst om gaanenwerktzeer zorgvuldigOns adres:Jeugdtandarts BeuningenKlokkengieter 126641 GG Beuningen‎Tel. 024 - 677 37 82YouthDentistBeuningen(Gelderland) is a dentist who specializes intreatingchildren withdental fear. Going to the dentist is after allquiteexciting. Thewaiting room, great people in white coats, adentistchair you mustlie in and a huge light bulb over your head.Forchildren, a visitto the dentist an experience that makes alastingimpression.All the more reason to ensure that every dentist isrelaxed.YouthDentist know how to approach it. Even whenfrightenedchildren,because he specializes in treating childrenwith dentalfear. Andmirrors and brackets are not scary, butveryinteresting!In our children's dental practice in Beuningen, thechildrenatthe center. Their well-being is our priority! Allemployeesarespecially trained for the children's treatments. As aresult,wecan offer many kinds of treatments to your child, andapply whatismost appropriate for your child. We are completelyfocusedonchildren and young adults up to 25 years.In order to provide you with even more (current)informationwehave to make. Our own dentist app With this app youcanstayinformed of new developments in the dental practiceinBeuningen(Gelderland).Walk in the app also virtually through our dentalpracticeinBeuningen (Gelderland), thanks to Google StreetViewtechnology.Let your child fear of the dentist just leave allareasand see, soadvance to take even more. Dentist fear awayDownload and install the Youth Dentist Beuningen app today!Besides that, we are active in the field of new media,wearedoing a lot in the dental field to further trainingandwecontinuously invest in new materials and techniques.What can you expect from our dentist app? Belowaresomeexamples:Contact:- Make good use of the route planner and plan your route.- With the push of a button, calling the practice.- Send us a quick email.- Go directly to the website of our practice.- Follow us on Facebook, LinkedIn or Twitter.Appointments:- Provide easy whenever you would like to have anappointmentwiththe dentist.- Change your appointment or leave the practice tocallyouback.- Easily set two reminders, so that youautomaticallyreceiveappointment reminders when approachingyourappointment.- You can specify what kind of event you want.Treatments:Here's what dental treatments are performed in ourpracticeandspecialties are carried out by the team.Virtual tour company:Walking 24 hours a day by the children's dental practiceinBeuningen(Gelderland), research all treatment rooms, thecleaningangle andX-ray equipment. Also take a look at thesterilizationroom.Instructions:Simply take the advice of your dentist through an audio,videoorphoto.Teething Shine: Give your kids a fun incentive forbrushingteethusing the "Teething Shine" song! Go brush yourteeth.SocializingMake it a habit to take at least two times adaybrushing time.If you have children with fear of the dentist, pleasecontactus.Welcome you and your children You will be amazed to seethatyourchild relax after a visit to our dental practice inBeuningenandwalks out laughing!What people say about our practice?(,Rating: 8.2)- Super happy! - Neat and personal approach! Friendlystaff.Properexplanation.- Very good - Very nice coming here for years- Fine experience - I experience this dental practice asafinedentist. They are friendly and answer your questions.- Fine dentist - This practice may well go with fear andworksverycarefullyOur address:Youth Dentist BeuningenClocks Watering 126641 GG BeuningenTel. 024-677 37 82
Dental Anatomy 3.1
Educate yourself with Delcam’s DentalAnatomyApp. This intuitive application offers you a freeeducational toolfor learning about simple dental anatomy.This app includes:Jaws: Upper and Lower JawTeeth: Notation, Definition and OrientationDental Restoration Types – Including Copings, Veneers,Inlays,Crowns, Bridges, Abutments, Dental Bars and much moreBe sure to check out the “Learning Zone 2012” link. Thiswillteach you more about Dental CADCAM, including implantology,dentalscanners, designing with DentCAD (CAD), milling with DentMILL(CAM)and workflow management with OrderManager.The Learning Zone takes you through the entire process,frommodel scanning and design to the finishedmanufacturedcomponent.Is your laboratory providing you with high precision,highquality dental restorations? Have you asked your laboratory iftheyare using Delcam’s Dental CADCAM solutions?
Dental anesthetic 1.9
Health professionals have a duty to know the medicalhistoryandpersonal habits of his patients . Dentists shouldnotbehavedifferently . The anamnesis is essential for thecorrecttreatmentto be successfully accomplished step . So with alist ofquestionsrelated to health and well - being of the patient ,thedentist isbetter informed and prepared for the planning ofeachcase . The "Anesthetic Dental " application acts as a helper atthetime ofapplication of the anesthetic . From a data obtainedintheanamnesis ( the patient's weight ) , and studiesconcerningthehealth of the patient ( if he is not diabeticorhypertensivedecompensated, if you are allergic to any medicationorsubstanceincluded in anesthetic, if the case is a woman andshe’spregnant... ) after reviewing each case and choosing therightanestheticfor each patient , the application helps in thecorrectdosagemaximum anesthetic that can be applied , depending ontheweight ofthe case and the anesthetic selected.
Mijn Tandarts 4.0.1
Dentist App to serve you even better.
Dentist Johannesburg 1.399
Brian Spiller
Introducing the mobile application for DrIvanMarx Dental Surgeons - stay in touch with your local dentistfromyour smartphone.Our latest mobile application brings you closer than everbeforeto your local dentist, Dr Ivan Marx Dental Surgeons - get intouchwith us in a tap and book appointments on the go... it’s neverbeeneasier to connect with our three locations in JohannesburgSandton,Pretoria Morleta Park and Medforum Pretoria.Until now, getting in contact with your local dental surgerywasdifficult and stressful. Now, with our latest mobileapplication,you can connect with us in an easier way - tap to callor email us,apply from your smartphone, leave a review and so muchmore.Based in South Africa, Dr Ivan Marx Dental Surgeonsofferworld-class services at an affordable rate. With our latestmobileapplication, we are redefining your experience with us -lettingyou get in touch with us simply, from your smartphone.Our latest mobile application keeps you connected toeverythingwe have to offer.View directions to all three of our locations, call us,shareinformation about us with your friends and so much more. Youcanalso watch our latest YouTube videos, see our facilities, viewourgallery of photos and even read our newsletter and testimonials,ina tap.The mobile application for Dr Ivan Marx Dental Surgeons -connectwith your local dentist on the go.- View our three locations from wherever you are.- Call us or email us directly from the application.- Connect with us on our social media pages.- Watch our latest videos on YouTube.- Read our newsletter and fan wall to stay up to date withourservices.